Lu Yao's Life
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2023-07-21 15:01:12

Russell once said: "The desire for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and the unbearable sympathy for human suffering, these three simple and strong feelings dominated my life." Coincidentally, Lu Yao also conveyed this idea in his book Life. When I first read Life, I was attracted by a line of striking words: although the road of life is long, there are often only a few critical steps.

This makes me curious about the origin of this sentence. It turns out that this is a sentence from the writer Liu Qing. Ma Yun and Jia Zhangke gave this book a high evaluation. Driven by curiosity, I began to read Life. The so-called name is like the book, and the book is like life, which is probably like this.

The story is built under the framework of urban and rural life in the northern Shaanxi plateau during the reform period, describing the life changes of high school graduate Gao Jialin when he returned to the land, left the land, and returned to the land. Throughout the process, Gao Jialin's emotional entanglements with Liu Qiaozhen, a rural girl, and Huang Yaping, a city girl, were interspersed. The difficult choices created the tragedy of current events. There is no need to mention vivid language or realistic situations. In terms of the description of the characters' personality, the protagonists in Lu Yao's novels are particularly vivid. Each character is plump and flexible. Reading it is more like watching a movie, and it will linger for a long time.

Gao Jialin, the hero of the story, is a talented young man with both wisdom and courage. After graduating from high school, he failed to enter the city and became a private teacher in the countryside. Returning to the land where he was born, he was still satisfied with this kind of life. However, the good times did not last long. When his teacher identity was replaced by Sanxing, the child of Gao Minglou, the secretary of the brigade, he entered the low point of his life. He had been irritable, upset, complaining and struggling, and finally he adjusted his mind. Under the seemingly dutiful appearance of a farmer, he has a pursuit of knowledge, and more importantly, as a working people, he is aware of the hardships, arrogant, and uneasy about the status quo. At last, his kung fu has paid off. When the opportunity comes, Gao Jialin is favored.

Gao Jialin came to the city without hesitation and became a respected communication officer. He is confident, resolute, hardworking and serious; He loves life and also knows how to enjoy life. But at the same time, young frivolity is also exposed to Gao Jialin. The scenery is infinitely good, but the sunset is gradually falling. There was a rumor that Gao Jialin was jealous of talented people, and there was also a lesson from the past. The reason behind Gao Jialin's ability to enter the city was revealed. In this way, where he came from, he would return to the land. Life seems to have played a big joke with Gao Jialin, but from beginning to end, it is actually his own positioning of life.

The story does not end here. When returning to the land again, it can be said that Gao Jialin's lofty ambitions have become the past. This blow is too serious. Maybe just like Pushkin's poem "If Life Deceived You", Gao Jialin wisely thinks about the changes of life under the sedative of time. He fell on the loess ground and sobbed gently

Later, it will be the voice over of this book, leaving readers with unlimited reverie of life. Most of us admire Gao Jialin's outstanding talent and sympathize with the tragedy of his work changes. However, we can't agree on Gao Jialin's love concept. First love is beautiful, pure and passionate. Liu Qiaozhen, the No. 1 heroine in the novel, is kind and beautiful. Although she has no culture, she has a fiery heart. It seems that her love for Gao Jialin is more than that of The Hawthorn Tree. Gao Jialin dared not accept it at first, but later decided that she was the most beautiful girl in the rivers of Malaysia, and later went to the city to ignore Qiaozhen. Times have changed, and people are fickle. This change, with frustration and bitterness, is difficult to fill the gap of desire. People walk high, water flows low. We can't judge Gao Jialin's choice, but anyone will sympathize with Qiaozhen's experience.

When all kinds of unfairness were left to Qiaozhen, she accepted it with tears in her eyes. Yes, she is weak but not cowardly; She is ordinary but strong. In this regard, Gao Jialin is out of reach. The image of Qiaozhen often haunts my mind. She is dedicated to pursuing true love. She has a simple personality but rich emotions. Although her EQ is high, she is fond of life and has the courage to pursue it; Love life and be loyal to reality. In the end, Qiaozhen's dream of love didn't come true. The sea is wide. What is broader than the sea is a man's mind, but Qiaozhen's mind is even broader; Deep in the heart is a clear spring. Qiaozhen's soul is extraordinarily beautiful and clear. Qiaozhen is such a kind, respectable, lamentable but never pitiful artistic model with all kinds of feelings. There are always shining points in her that make everyone worth learning.

When it comes to Qiaozhen, of course, the second heroine Huang Yaping must be mentioned. Huang Yaping's appearance makes Gao Jialin and Liu Qiaozhen seem to be a perfect match. In fact, it's not Yaping's fault. When Gao Jialin went to the city, he buried the fuse between him and Qiaozhen. The road is made by people. With more roads to go, people will naturally taste all kinds of life. Yaping Quan acted as a catalyst for the change of Jialin and Qiaozhen's breakup. Yaping is also an excellent girl, but she will be eclipsed by Qiaozhen. Qiaozhen is like a lotus out of clear water, which belongs to the original beauty. Yaping's beauty is more or less mixed with flashy elements, which makes it necessary to discount on the whole.

Life is always faced with many choices. In other words, there are many crossroads in life. Perhaps at a certain corner, it is a turning point that will change your life. At a glance, a certain beauty of life will be displayed brilliantly; Looking back and smiling, the past of life is like smoke. This is life. Everyone has his own attitude and style. That's why there are so many extraordinary people in the ordinary world.