Composition of Grassland Description (16 compilations)
Tianya Traveler
2024-05-14 02:58:08

Composition of Grassland Description (1)

Once upon a time, I always heard people say that the grassland is beautiful! But I always listen, but I have no chance to go. Today, I finally witnessed its brilliance.

As soon as I stepped into the grassland, a fresh air came to my nose. I took a deep breath, ah! It's so fresh. My body, which has been tossing around for dozens of hours, suddenly becomes active and full of energy.

I have climbed majestic mountains and enjoyed the level West Lake, but I have never seen the grassland. The grassland is really green. It is colorful. There are deep, shallow, bright, dark...... Green beyond description. I'm afraid only painters can paint so many green colors; The prairie is so big. Everywhere you can see, it is green; The grassland is so quiet that you can hear the sound of the wind blowing on the grass, and there are also some small insects chirping!

Not only that, when walking on the prairie, you will see some small ponds from time to time. The small pond is crystal clear, and even the sand and stone at the bottom can be seen. There are some small fish in the small pond! They swam happily inside, not afraid of strangers at all. Sometimes I can jump out of the water, draw an arc and jump into the water again. It's very cute! The water in the small pond is very cold. As soon as I put my hand into it, I felt a chill. It's so cool!

I love the grassland, but I love the founder of the grassland more - nature! It gives us everything and makes our life more colorful! It is a magical painter! Nature, I sincerely thank you!

Composition of Grassland Description (2)

During the National Day holiday, our family drove from Baiyin to Qinghai Prairie. Going north, the altitude is higher and higher, and the weather is cooler and cooler. Five hours later, we drove into the grassland of Qinghai.

As we sped along a straight road, our eyes suddenly opened up, as if we had entered another world. The road is wide and straight, and it seems to go straight to the horizon. There are almost no cars running on the road, but cattle, sheep and horses occasionally appear on the roadside.

The scenery on both sides of the road is very beautiful. The rolling prairie is vast and limitless, just like painting it with oil, it is yellow and yellow. There is also the yellow and green rape flower, which sets off each other and is a beautiful scene. The various crops planted by the herdsmen on the hillside have matured. Under the sunshine and the breeze, they are changing different colors, like a mysterious landscape painting painted by nature, permanently fixed on the boundless grassland.

In the endless yellow waves, the sheep are leisurely and immersed in grazing, like white clouds floating in the boundless yellow waves; Brown cattle, black cattle, white and blue cattle, black and white cows, calmly enjoying the warm sunshine, and from time to time mooing softly, as if aftertaste the delicious yellow grass. Looking far away, flocks of cattle and sheep are like wild flowers scattered on the golden carpet, so leisurely and happy, as if they are enjoying the world that belongs to them.

The sky is no inferior. The blue sky is so high and the white clouds are as soft as silk. Nature is like a simple and gorgeous stage, with a beautiful song and dance film on.

I couldn't help singing when I saw the beautiful scenery. My parents couldn't help laughing when they saw my excitement.

Composition of Grassland Description (3)

In autumn October, I finally set foot on Bashang Grassland, which I have been longing for for a long time.

In the morning, with the red face of the sunrise, we started our journey to the grassland.

Bathed in the bright sunshine and accompanied by the cool autumn wind, the car walked along the winding path. The weather was still early, and few other vehicles drove along the way. The originally narrow road also seemed much wider.

The morning fog has not dissipated yet, and the grassland is hidden in the mist like gauze and smoke, which seems like a fairyland on earth. Sitting in the car, the breeze gently flows past me like water, as if I have been completely in the embrace of nature.

The sky cast a huge rain curtain in the mist, which contrasted with the morning mist like gauze. The rain drops fell on the window, like naughty children, laughing and rolling down. The arrival of rain adds a little misty poetry to everything around.

The rain gradually stopped, the fog also slowly dissipated, the towering mountains receded, disappeared from the view, and the boundless grassland suddenly came into view. Let me feel the artistic conception of "mountains end with plains".

The fresh smell of grass, accompanied by the freshness after the rain, came together, refreshing. The shepherd waved his whip and shouted loudly, and the white sheep responded with "baa baa". A black and white cow "moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo.". After the rain, white clouds float leisurely in the tile blue sky. The breeze gently blows the tender green grass. The crystal clear water drops on the grass leaves are whirling with the wind, as if dancing with the rhythm of the wind.

Looking at the Bashang Grassland from afar, you can see that it is green and verdant. The grass is connected to the horizon, which is a whole, relaxing and unforgettable thing. Everything on the grassland shows the picture of "the sky is grey, the wild is boundless, and the cattle and sheep can be seen when the grass is blown low by the wind".

In the yurt, you can sing and laugh, drink and sing to your heart's content. Although there is no rich feast, you can feel the plain, warm and broad-minded grassland customs.

At sunset, the sun shyly covered half of the red face and reddened the whole sky. The grass swayed in the gentle breeze to send us off.

The vast grassland is full of unrestrained and open-minded customs, which brings me endless nostalgia and memories.

I love Bashang Grassland, the golden autumn of grassland, and even more my beautiful hometown - Zhangjiakou!

Composition of Grassland Description (4)

My hometown is in Inner Mongolia prairie, where the scenery is beautiful all the year round.

In spring, the ice and snow melt. Grass on the grassland crept out of the soil and dressed the grassland in green.

The grassland in summer makes people feel as if they are in the green ocean, and the colorful flowers make the grassland very bright and beautiful. When the breeze blows and you see flocks of cattle, sheep and horses, you can't help thinking of the poem "cattle and sheep can be seen when the grass blows low".

In autumn, the sky on the grassland is so blue. White clouds are floating in the sky. Some are like mighty lions, some are like cute rabbits, and some are like white sheep. When the autumn wind blows, the grassland under the blue sky becomes a golden ocean. At this time, the cattle, horses and sheep became fat and strong.

The north wind whistled and the snow was falling. In the cold winter, we took a big step to the grassland. The grassland is covered with thick quilts and becomes a silvery white world.

This is my hometown, the beautiful Inner Mongolia prairie, which is picturesque all the year round and fascinating.

Composition of Grassland Description (5)

Whenever I read Mr. Lao She's article "Grassland", I would like to go to the grassland to enjoy the beautiful scenery. This time, I finally saw the real grassland, and the heaven like scenery came into my eyes.

There are several white clouds in the light blue sky, which seems to embroider big white flowers on the boundless sky. The air was particularly fresh, as if it had just rained. The blue sky and white clouds set off the green carpet more brightly. I looked into the distance from the car, and the boundless grassland looked like a green ocean.

As soon as we got off the train, Mongolian people stood on both sides of the door in their national costumes to greet us. They held white hada and milk horse wine in their hands, and sang toasting songs to express their hospitality. We walked slowly towards the deep grassland. I vaguely heard the sound of horses' hooves. A few steps later, horses came running towards us. The sound of "Da Da Da Da Da Da" became louder and louder. The shadow of the horse became bigger and bigger. It was brown, black, white... I quickly jumped on a strong black horse. The horse took us to the herdsmen's home, drinking milk tea, tasting cheese, and bypassing Aobao Mountain, Stepping over the high grassland, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the grassland. Horse racing, wrestling, and equestrian performances are even more impressive.

With the sun setting from the west, the wonderful bonfire party is about to start. We sing and dance around the bonfire, and enjoy the beautiful stars in the boundless grassland. We also went to the Kubuqi Desert, where we had endless fun riding camels, riding motorcycles in the sand, playing high-altitude skiing and sand skiing in the vast desert.

Beautiful grassland, vast desert, I love you!

Composition of Grassland Description (6)

In the summer vacation, my parents and I came to the Inner Mongolia prairie, which we have long yearned for.

When entering the grassland, the sky is so blue, and the fresh air comes with the smell of grass. All kinds of flowers on the grassland are smiling. They are as white as snow, as pink as rosy clouds, and as red as fire. The whole grassland is like a colorful garden. Bees and butterflies are flying around in the flowers.

Looking around, flocks of cattle and sheep are leisurely grazing on the grassland. Every now and then, strong horses run and play happily on the grassland, and sometimes stand still, as if enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Looking at the green grassland and flocks of cattle and sheep, I can't help thinking of the poem in the "Chile Song": the sky is vast, the wild is vast, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows the grass.

The most striking thing on the grassland is the white mushroom like yurts, which make the green grassland more distinctive. Into the yurt, there is a portrait of Genghis Khan, the national hero whom the Mongolian people are proud of, hanging on the wall, and Mongolian specialties cheese and buttered tea are placed on the table. I could not help but squeeze a piece of cheese into my mouth. It tasted soft, and there was a strong milk smell.

I played happily and heartily on the Mongolian prairie. Two days later, we reluctantly left her arms.

How I miss the beautiful scenery on the Mongolian prairie!

Composition of Grassland Description (7)

Blue sky, white clouds, green grassland, galloping steeds, enthusiastic Mongolians, fragrant roasted whole sheep... composition describing Inner Mongolia grassland

One day in the middle of August, my mother and I came to the Xilamuren Prairie in Inner Mongolia. As soon as we got out of the car, a group of enthusiastic Mongolians came to greet us with songs. The last person who got out of the car would drink three bowls of horse milk wine. Of course, a big uncle had this good thing!

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw rows of yurts, with bricks and tent like cloth; There are white ones and blue ones, which are very beautiful. A few children and I ran on the green grassland. Occasionally, we saw a few colorful wild flowers, colorful cows, and two or three pairs of horses leaning against each other, eating grass leisurely. We looked up from time to time, flicked our tails, and cried. From afar, our bodies were shiny. I really wanted to ride on them.

Finally, I want to ride a horse. Before riding, like other children, I was a little panicked, nervous and excited. I thought, "Will I fall off my horse? What will the feeling of riding a horse be like?" When I got on the horse, I firmly grasped the handrail and rope, as if there was a big stone swinging in the air. My heart was more nervous. But when I really started to run, the big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. It turned out that there was nothing to panic about riding a horse. I just sat on the back of the horse and ran with the horses. When I speed up, I feel my stomach will shake out and my buttocks will hurt, but I feel good in my heart. Since I was at the front, when I looked back, the horses were drawn long, uncles were laughing, aunts were shouting, and children were singing excitedly. What a beautiful and vivid horse race we were running on the vast grassland under the sun! After an hour's ride, we arrived at the end. After dismounting, my legs were very sore and my heart was very happy. I ended riding on the grassland with reluctance.

Composition of Grassland Description (8)

1. At this time, the grassland was covered with golden silence, and the distant mountains were covered with sunset colors. The white clouds like milk on that day also became bright red like flames. The grass waves subsided, and herds of cattle and sheep came from the distant grassland; Only those camels who do not return at night are still wandering on the lake near the willow forest, and the whole prairie looks peaceful.

2. This grassland complex, like the blue lotus flower on the top of the snow mountain, is holy, elegant, noble and quiet. It seems to have a trace of unspeakable sadness and desolation. Along the winding pastoral road, along the gentle and melodious sound of horse head zither, through the river of years, through the dust of history, people are fascinated and haunted.

3. If you haven't been to the grassland, you can't understand the vastness and profoundness of "the sky is vast, the wild is vast, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows the grass"; If you haven't been to the grassland, you don't know how heroic and free and easy 'the sky is falling and the clouds want to wipe your shoulders' is; Before you go to the grassland, you will never realize how your soul shakes and shakes in front of the grandeur and greatness of nature!

4. At dusk, the lace of the quilt in the sky was stained with a little crimson, and the sunset was coming home. The sheep returned to the sheepfold, and the dogs guarded the sheep vigilantly. Occasionally, they would whine and bark a few times, and drive away several flies. The herdsmen gathered together, and were preparing for the evening bonfire party, setting up a barbecue rack, building a bonfire match, and playing with rich food, Busy, happy, nothing to steal joy. Old people, children, young women, all have fun!

5. At that moment, I finally saw the grassland. Although I have read Bai Juyi's "Li Li Yuan Shang Cao" and appreciated Lao She's "Grassland", I am still fascinated by her. The layers of green, surging like waves, opened the boundless picture page, making people's eyes and heart suddenly open. Let Kitagawa worry, and those who are good at business forget to return. Do you think, in such a situation, how comfortable and unrestrained it is to gallop a horse?

6. The grassland in the morning is like a boundless green carpet. Facing the light in the east, I stepped on the soft grass and walked forward, ignoring the dew that wet my shoes and pants, because the fresh air on the grassland was really insufficiently absorbed. Full of natural breath, even the cool Sprite is not as pleasant as this.

7. In the morning, I opened my eyes with the sound of birds singing. It was already light. I hurried to finish breakfast and took my daughter to the road ahead of time. The prairie is more charming after the rain. The white and elegant fog makes the prairie more complicated and confusing. It is not as hot as the sun. The air is fresh and energetic, and many happy miniatures have been taken all the way.

8. Stepping on the green grassland, you can't see the end. It seems that a green blanket has been spread to the horizon to welcome the arrival of the distinguished guests. The clouds in the horizon are like the tailor cut into various lace, holding the green. The sky has also become a warm quilt with a light green variety of lace. Groups of cattle and sheep sometimes enjoy the gift of nature, sometimes empty, It seems that they are also consciously aftertaste the green. The herdsman set up a tent nearby, occasionally looked up at the sky, and the children were playing around. The sun was red, and did not speak, but just smiled happily. The air at the moment is very comfortable, with warm wind and faint green fragrance.

9. Look up at the sky, ah! The sky here is really blue, and white clouds are hanging on it, and they also change their attitude from time to time, just like what is sung in the song: blue sky, white clouds floating, horses running under the white clouds... I am really intoxicated with the beauty. I play and sing with the Mongols, and enjoy the happiness brought to us by the grassland.

10. It was getting dark. We came to a Mongolian family. Mongolian people lived in yurts. The warm and hospitable Mongolians treated us with cheese, milk, mutton and many other rich meals. The scenery and people here are beautiful.

11. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the feet are as green as grass. A kind of lofty and heroic emotion arises spontaneously. What kind of green is this? It's yellow, shallow, and so thick that it's fascinating. I really want to open my arms to embrace you, kiss you gently, or melt with you and become a part of the green. The mountains on both sides extend for tens of miles, and the middle is a slowly wide valley, which looks like a huge cradle. I want to lie in this cradle, be the son of the grassland, and enjoy the broad love of the grassland.

12. The breeze rolls green waves, the grassland is dark and fragrant with flowers, red orange, green blue and purple, and the leek is white. There are also wild leek cauliflower under the dam. It just blooms sporadically, but the wild leek flowers on the grassland are in full bloom, so you don't need to bend down to pick them. With a touch of your hand, the rich taste of wild leek flowers can instantly pierce your nostrils, which is incomparable to the artificial cultivation of leek flowers. One kind of wild flower is called Ganzhimei, which is full of wild flowers. The clusters are in their own shape. Most of them are purple, followed by pink, and white. This dried flower will not shed its petals even if it is dried, which is an excellent material for flower arrangement. Laughter spreads far across the grassland, and friends sprinkle it on the grassland. The sun is dry and hot, the breeze is pleasant, and the unique flavor of the grassland smells so refreshing.

13. I can't bear to step on the tender grass at my feet and drive my sheep to the grassland. How beautiful the vast grassland is! There are eye-catching green everywhere; How beautiful the sky is on the grassland here. The blue sky is covered with several leisurely white clouds. The blue sky with white is really beautiful!

14. At night, stars fill the sky. By the campfire, tourists from all over the country gathered together to enjoy the beauty of the grassland at night. The beautiful songs of "Meet Aobao" and "Grassland My Lover" floated in the night sky. I also jumped into the dance floor with everyone to share this beautiful and unforgettable 'moment... The next day we went to the racetrack to watch the horse riding and wrestling competitions; Go to the pastoral area to listen to herdsmen playing horse head fiddle; Appreciate the songs of herdsmen; Taste fragrant milk tea.

15. Night is coming, the sky is closed with black curtains, and a mass of red dominates the green grassland. The bonfire party starts, and the herdsmen stand up, sing and dance around the bonfire, drink delicious food and drink wine. The night scenery is very beautiful. The stars in the sky are crowded with the moon to sing a song to compare with the herdsmen. The atmosphere is getting stronger. The old people are tired, sit on the ground, pull their grandchildren, and talk about the story of their era. The children are listening while eating meat bones. The young men and women are still enjoying the atmosphere of the party, and the dogs are also getting fat meat, In the howling, cattle and sheep are not willing to be outdone, but they can only baa, moo, moo and eat grass. This should be considered as a night snack. The fire of the campfire is rising, and the smell of wine and meat in the air is mixed with a faint green fragrance and hearty happiness.

16. Sheep greedily chew the fat and tender grass with relish; As for me, I chose a soft grassland, put on an old straw hat, bit a root of grass, put my head on my hands, and lay on the grassland, quietly enjoying the beauty of the grassland. A few butterflies flying from afar danced and landed on a small flower, sucking sweet pollen; One after another hairy dandelions flew up and scattered their seeds far away; The crickets are hiding in the grass, singing loudly, praising the beauty of the grassland, praising the vastness of the grassland, and spreading far and far... In the blue sky, the birds that were going to fly in a hurry are flying slowly, presumably to enjoy the beautiful grassland scenery along the way!

17. The bird and the wind gently awakened me from my dream. Through the dawn, the sun rose from the horizon and painted the gray blue sky pink, orange red and golden yellow. Open the window, and the breeze of the grassland blows in the face. Ah, the morning of the grassland is as romantic as poetry and as beautiful as painting.

18. Like grassland, yearn for grassland. The beauty of grass, fat and water is fascinating; Hometown pastures; Fragrance everywhere; Out of the grassland, far away, into my dreams. This grassland journey is also my life journey; Dream trip; An unforgettable journey; Happy journey; I will always remember in the years.

19. I stood up and slowly raised my head. Birds like egrets flew over my head, singing in my mouth, as if singing about the beauty of the grassland. My eyes moved with the birds and saw the windmill in the distance. It turns out that Inner Mongolia relies on windmills to generate electricity. A cool wind blew, and the windmill in the distance moved a little bit. Those white birds just disappeared in the clouds above the windmill.

20. As soon as we step into the prairie, our happy mood is hard to express, which makes us feel happy. You see, the grass on the grassland grows much better than ours. It's green and can't be seen at a glance. Moreover, the grass grows very luxuriantly, and flocks of cattle and sheep eat grass and walk leisurely on the grassland. Some people are riding horses while herding sheep, singing songs. All these constitute a beautiful picture.

Composition of Grassland Description (9)

See the beauty of grassland again

——Experience from the second teaching of Grassland

Once again, I had the lesson "Prairie". I still taught it two years ago. After learning the first paragraph, I asked the children to describe the natural beauty of the grassland in their own words.

But the children's answer is nothing more than "sky, air, hills, cattle, sheep, horses" and other things or simple modifiers. I told them that this answer is somewhat fragmented and lacks overall beauty. Can you describe it in complete sentences. A child said, "The grassland has natural scenery and animals", and I told them that the answer was too general and not specific. A few minutes later, however, some children began to recite according to the textbook. They did not have their own language. I suggested that they use their own language to describe.

With my gradual inspiration, the children's answers gradually improved.

Wang Tong said: The grassland has clear sky, fresh air, flocks of cattle and sheep, and continuous hills.

Mao Wenqian: Under the blue sky, there is a green hill, on which cattle and sheep eat grass happily.

Yang Tianwen: There are clear sky, fresh air, galloping horses, grazing sheep, and hospitable hosts on the grassland.

Li Xinqi: I saw the blue sky, breathed fresh air, looked at the distance, the lines of those hills were so beautiful, and looked at the near, the cattle and sheep were running happily. "

Children can use a whole sentence to describe the grassland, and can also use appropriate modifier words. Some children also describe the dynamic beauty of the grassland. I also inspired them that it would be better if they could use rhetoric.

Then, Wang Tianhao said: the sky on the grassland is so high and blue, the hills on the grassland are so green and continuous, and the small animals on the grassland are like lively elves running happily on the grassland.

At this point, the children were able to describe the beauty of the grassland in their own words. To tell the truth, after a semester of teaching this class of children, I can see more clearly that the overall quality of this class of children is far less than that of the previous class of students, and their thinking ability and language accumulation are too weak. The reason is that most of these children come from rural areas, with short knowledge, limited thinking, lack of family education, and many children listen blindly and passively. But they did not realize these shortcomings, and they still foolishly thought they were right all day long. How to make them aware of their own shortcomings and how to stimulate their desire to learn are the questions I often think about these days. Today's lesson I intend to arrange this link to let them see how high their thinking, imagination and language expression ability are. After they answered these questions, I showed the article "Grassland in Our Eyes" I wrote two years ago, and led them to learn from the wonderful performance of the elder brothers and sisters when they learned this text through the narrative between the lines. At the same time, I understood the gap between myself and others, and the whole class shared their learning experience. Later, I told the children: "Compared with these big brothers and sisters, what we lack is the ability of language organization and expression in impromptu speeches, but we do not lack imagination. I know that you are not inferior to them, and your written language expression ability is excellent." I know that for this class of children, constant criticism and attack can only make them lose confidence in learning, They should not only protect their self-confidence but also stimulate their desire to learn. Only when I encourage and affirm them can they be willing to work, and I can see hope. As a result, I lowered my standards for them to write about the beauty of the grassland in my own words.

Ten minutes later, the children showed:

Yang Jingyi: There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. The fresh air is refreshing. At a glance, there are green hills on the grassland that can't be seen. It's like a green three-dimensional picture. Herds of cattle, sheep and horses are inlaid in every corner of the prairie, which makes the prairie more lively. It would be a rare family happiness to appreciate it under such circumstances!

Meng Fanxuan: It's very beautiful in my eyes. There are green carpets on the earth. The sheep walk up and down on them like flowers carved on jasper. The horses are running on the grass, full of infinite vitality. It seems that their strength will never be used up. The old cow stands on the grass, as if thinking about problems. The birds fly in the sky, falling and flying, Everything on the grassland is full of vitality!

Wang Tianhao: The sky on the grassland is so high and blue that it can even be compared with the sea. The white clouds are like the faces of little dolls. The rolling hills and galloping horses form a colorful picture of nature. How I want to share this green grassland with cattle and sheep.

Zhang Runye: The sky on the grassland is as blue as jade, and the white clouds are like sheep, printed on the perfect jade. The fresh air gently patted the corners of the mouth, refreshing. On the boundless grassland, the sheep are eating the green grass sprouts. From time to time, a few naughty lambs break away from the group and run and play in the grassland with green grass. The big sheep don't care much about it and let them play around. How beautiful the grassland is! I can't bear to disturb this beautiful picture.

Wang Tong: On the grassland, I can see the sky that is different from other places, absorb the air that is fresher than other places, and the endless flat land, as well as the continuous hills, and the cattle, sheep, horses, they are all running fast and excited on the grassland! It seems that the old unhappiness has been removed, and the anger and sadness have been driven away. It seems that there is only joy on the face!

Yu Haifeng: There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the sun is warm on the ground. If it rains, there must be several rainbow bridges in the sky. The grassland on the ground is vast, like a large jade. The hills on the grassland are carved patterns on the jade. Cattle, sheep and horses are embellishments on the jade. Nomadic people ride horses on the grassland to stroll leisurely, Whipping the whip and still "whining", it gives people a carefree feeling. Mongolian yurts are set up on the grassland, girls dance, and the house smells of milk tea. Everyone wants to come here. This is the grassland in my eyes.

Ge Jiake: Do you know Inner Mongolia grassland? It's very beautiful. A few cotton candy like white clouds floated in the blue sky, fresh and pleasant air, and on the clear sky, the sun father scattered his dry heat to the earth. Seen from a distance, the vast green prairie looks like a green carpet. The lambs eat grass here and there, like restless white flowers on the soft green carpet. The steed galloped on the grassland, as if announcing the vitality of the grassland. Daniel ate the green grass quietly, just like a thinking person eating lunch with half hearted. Sometimes when Daniel is thirsty, he rushes to the clear but sparkling river to drink. The rolling hills are like a drill that has just popped out of its head. It wants to break through the sky and travel around the world. The grassland is a gift from nature to us humans and animals. We humans can't eat it or pollute it without authorization.

I read the beautiful grassland scenery that the children described from their hearts and brains. Although their language accumulation and expression are still very young, I am very happy because I saw a group of potential children, a group of children who let me enjoy the beautiful grassland scenery again!

Composition of Grassland Description (10)

[Chapter 1]

I like to stand on the vast grassland and watch the cattle and sheep eat grass leisurely. I like to ride on horseback and listen to the happy songs of herdsmen.

I like to sit in a white yurt and taste the fragrant milk tea. I like standing on a hill and counting the twinkling stars.

The warm spring is coming, the ice and snow are melting, and everything is reviving. The sun is high in the sky, and ten thousand golden rays gently touch the mountains and grasslands. Spring breeze grazes white clouds in the blue sky. Listen, the beautiful songs of the herdsmen echo on the grassland. Look, horses gallop, cattle and sheep flock together. Look, the winter jasmine wakes up from sleep. The whole grassland is picturesque.

In summer, grass is curled up and cattle and sheep are weak. Everything on the prairie is expecting rain. After a while, a dark cloud floated in the distance, and after a while, the clouds were thick. Xiaocao stood up happily. The cattle and sheep cried happily. Soon it began to rain heavily.

In autumn, the grassland turns golden, just like a piece of land made of gold. All grass and flowers must bear fruit. Every grass is in a hurry, growing against the clock, meeting snowflakes without complaint, and undertaking a long winter.

When the first snow fell on the grassland, nature told us that winter was coming. Since then, the goose feather like snow has been a frequent visitor on the grassland. The legless snow brought inconvenience to adults, but it brought a lot of fun to children. We played snowball fights, snowballing, skiing, skating, and reduced the cold.

The grassland is very cold in the morning and very hot at noon. It often rains. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. There is no pollution at all. The air is very fresh. From time to time, there was a gust of wind, and the grass on the grassland rolled up the waves like the sea.

I like the prairie, like everything in the prairie.

[Chapter 2]

[The beauty of grassland]

Carrying on our luggage and throwing away our troubles, our family embarked on a journey to the Wumeng prairie in Guizhou during the summer vacation.

After a 3-hour flight, we arrived at the long-awaited Yunnan Guizhou Plateau. There is still 4 hours' drive from the airport to the destination, but we are not tired of travelling long distances, because there are beautiful scenery along the way. We talked and laughed and unknowingly entered the grassland. On both sides of the road, it seems that there are endless green blankets, and you can only see how soft they are... Gradually, there are more cattle, horses and sheep, brown, white and black, and they seem to be wearing clothes of different colors and styles. From a distance, they look like decorative patterns embroidered on the green carpet. There are also various birds flying on the grassland from time to time. They dance in the air, skim over the lake, and rest in the trees. How happy they are

Entering the hinterland of the grassland, there are fewer people and more sceneries. The yurts come into sight, and our camp is here! The color of this yurt is appropriate, and it has a special flavor. From the outside, it looks like the original ecology, but once entering the room, modern facilities are available, which is a perfect combination of nature and modernity.

After dinner with local characteristics, our family put on down jackets and set foot on a 4-km long walk. We talked and laughed as we walked, and suddenly a flash of golden light shone directly from the sky onto the grassland. We squinted and looked into the sky. Several clouds floated in front of the sun, but still could not block the light of the sun. The light came out from the cracks, one after another, like a golden avenue, and colored clouds one after another, as if a heavenly daughter had gone down to earth. This magical scenery may only be seen on the plateau. We went on, and a horse came at a gallop. Its mane is white and elegant, its fur is soft and bright, and its limbs are strong and strong. When it stopped and ate grass leisurely, I stroked it gently, and it looked at me with kind eyes. At that moment, my heart melted, and everything was so natural and beautiful.

In the evening, there is a bonfire party reflecting local customs. Along with the cheerful prairie songs, our tourists' interest was also ignited by the enthusiasm of the local people. We joined hands with them, raised our front feet, put our back feet, and danced happily

Late at night, the stars in the sky are as bright as washed. Cattle, horses and sheep sleep on the grass outside our yurts. In the rustle of insects and the snoring of animals, I also slowly fell asleep. In a trance, my parents and I chased on the grassland on horseback. At that moment, I couldn't tell whether it was reality or dreamland

Composition of Grassland Description (11)

Spring is like a key, which opens the door of spring without your noticing. The vast prairie is full of vitality.

The blue sky is like a sapphire, the soft white clouds are like cotton candy, the rolling mountains are like a wriggling dragon, the green grassland is like a green carpet on the earth, and the crystal clear river is like a carefully polished bronze mirror. Cattle and sheep on the grassland are leisurely eating grass, the red sun is hanging in the sky like a fire, colorful yurts are like gems on the painting dotted on the prairie, handsome horses run like arrows off the string, and the dense trees in the distance are like tall and straight soldiers clustered around the hills.

Listen carefully, and you will hear the "whirring" wind, the "rustling" water, the "treading" horse hooves, the "baa baa" and "moo moo" cattle and sheep, the "toot" musical instrument, the "rustling" grass, the "crunching, crunching" grass eating, and the "hahaha" laughter

This is a paradise on earth, close to the mountain and beside the water, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. I believe that if anyone comes here, he will be full of praise. Looking at the boundless grassland, I suddenly remembered a poem recited at school: "Leave the original grass, wither and prosper every year. Wildfire can not be burned out, and spring wind will blow again." We should be as firm as the grass on the grassland in our belief to study hard and unswervingly, and strive to realize our dreams.

I would like to become a beautiful butterfly and dance the most beautiful dance in the grassland. I would like to become a kite and fly to the sky with the children's wishes. I would like to become an industrious bee and brew the sweetest honey for my lovely friends. I would like to become a flower and come to the children's bed to accompany them to their sweet dreams

The grassland in spring is so beautiful that people are fascinated by it. It is the most beautiful picture scroll in the world, which attracts countless painters and poets. I love the most mysterious grassland in my heart.

Composition of Grassland Description (12)

The warmth of the world spans countless years and the haze of destiny, baking the memory fluffy and fragrant—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

That winter, my parents took my sister and I to meet their friends for a trip across the autonomous region. Because it is crossing the plateau, we even have oxygen tanks ready, but things are hard to predict, we still encounter danger.

At the end of the journey, we had to cross a prairie, but halfway through it, we were trapped by an glacier. There is ice on the river, but we cannot judge whether there is danger when vehicles pass through the ice, nor do we know how deep the water is. Everything is full of unknown. For the sake of safety, adults decided to look for other ways separately. But this method did not work. There were either mountains or glaciers around.

The sky gradually darkened, the world was silent, and our hearts gradually fell to the bottom. Now it is impossible to go back the same way. If you don't pay attention to the mountains and snow, you will fall into the cliff; But it is also impossible to stay on the grassland for the night, not to mention the low gasoline consumption caused by overnight heating. We cannot stay here alone with the wolves that may appear at any time.

The slowly approaching night seemed to engulf us. It seems that I have died. My brain has stopped thinking and my heart is full of fear.

Suddenly, an uncle's cry broke the strange atmosphere. It turned out that he met a nomad who was willing to take us in after simple communication with the only girl who could speak Chinese. In an instant, warmth enveloped our hearts, filled with infinite gratitude and joy for the rest of life.

During the conversation, we learned that this sister was only one year older than me. She studied in a middle school at the foot of the mountain. She came to the mountain to graze on holidays to reduce the labor burden at home. Their family, with warm smiles on their faces, also prepared hot food for us. Although the verbal communication was not so smooth, we could feel their enthusiasm.

This small wooden house is crowded with more than ten people, but now we can no longer feel the cold. The warmth of the night has become the most beautiful memory of this trip.

Composition of Grassland Description (13)

"The sky is vast and the wild is boundless, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows grass." In the summer vacation, I came to the beautiful grassland. Between Zhangbei Yehu Ridge and Sungli Huapi Ridge, there is a grassland sky road, which is 132 kilometers long, showing us a wonderful picture of Baili Batou.

There must be grass on the grassland. The grass here is tall, dense and piercing; The grass here is green; The grass here is endless.

Tianlu, why is it called Tianlu? It is because the altitude here is more than 1000 meters, and because of the geological conditions, it forms a winding, straight up and down road. It seems that she has been covered with clouds and rushed down from the sky at 90 degrees. No wonder she is called "Tianlu". "There is no way out after the mountains and rivers are over, and there is another village". Sitting on the car is like a roller coaster, which is thrilling, exciting and fun. If I have a chance, I really want to have another "roller coaster"!

In the distance, there are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. The peaks under the white clouds look like colorful clothes under the background of the sea of flowers and the sun. At the foot of the mountain, there are terraces, and each layer has a color, red, yellow, gold, green, full of the joy of harvest!

There are many windmills standing on both sides of the road. Standing under the windmill and looking up, they are like a small ant, while the windmill is like a giant holding a spear. The wind is blowing, how much electricity it has brought to this area! On the Grassland Sky Road, there is also a Yanpian Mountain, which is made up of columnar stones. It was formed by the condensation of volcanic lava about 2 million years ago.

The dense grasslands, high mountains and steep roads, colorful rural terraces and peculiar Yanpian Mountains are breathtaking! Nature is so magical. She created wonderful pictures for us with her uncanny brush!

Composition of Grassland Description (14)

I fell in love with this beautiful and charming place in the morning when I entered Nalati Grassland. Cattle and horses are strong and fat, and sheep are carefree wandering on the grassland eating grass. In the distance, yurts are scattered on the grassland like stars in the sky.

In the afternoon, my mother and I stood on the mountain. Looking around, the beautiful Nalati prairie formed a strong contrast with the undulating mountains and boundless desert sea. It is like the green scarves on the vast desert of Xinjiang. With the snow capped mountains in the sky, cattle, sheep, horses and yurts like stars complement each other. The green grass is covered with a thin layer of snow, and the green velvet grass extends to the distant snow mountains and your feet. In the distance, the horses were grazing on the hill, and a few lambs were lying lazily on the grass. Occasionally, they heard several ponies whining. The endless grassland is decorated with these animals. There are no tall buildings, no factories, no shops, no noise... only a few ivory yurts dotted in the green ocean. The wind is passing by, like a word, you haven't heard it clearly, it has gone away; Looking up at the sky, the clouds in the sky of the grassland change very much. Look! After a while, they became little sheep, and layers of wool were clearly visible; After a while, they became a big bird and dropped their light feathers. It seemed that the big bird was looking back for the fallen feathers.

When you walk into the grassland, you will find that the grassland is not just green. There are various small wild flowers blooming in the grass, including red, purple, blue, yellow... Colorful. Look at this beautiful flower, and that one is also beautiful. We can't help picking it up. After a while, everyone holds a large handful, and I also picked a few dandelions, put them on my mouth, and gently blow them, They are like small parachutes, flying away and far away... The blue sky, white clouds, grass, wild flowers, cattle, sheep and horses are drawn into a beautiful picture.

The next morning, we reluctantly left the beautiful Nalati Prairie, which is like a green silk scarf tied to the vast desert of Xinjiang. It is hard to look forward to

Composition of Grassland Description (15)

Blue sky and fresh air. My favorite is Bayinbuluke Grassland, which is the second largest grassland in China. There are cattle and sheep all over the mountains and endless grasslands. There are many colorful small wild flowers blooming on the grasslands, just like there are many fish of different colors on the green sea. Beautiful!

In summer, many tourists will drive to the prairie, and our family will also drive there to play. On the way, there are many black and white dots on the distant mountain peak. Since we are a little far away from that mountain peak, we can't tell whether it is a group of sheep or huge stones. On the top of another mountain, there are a group of horses walking in a row, which looks like a row of ants walking from a distance. At noon, we found a clean and tidy lawn, and our family of four ate instant noodles. After lunch, we got on the bus and went to find a yurt to live in. We walked and walked. I calculated that we walked 32 turns. I'm too tired to sleep. We finally arrived at our destination and fell asleep in the yurt without having supper.

The next morning. I saw that many flower buds on the grass yesterday afternoon bloomed overnight. Now there are all kinds of small wild flowers on the grass. If you lie on the grass and look carefully, you will find many small, cute mushrooms in the wild flowers and weeds. There is also a very beautiful flower on the grass. Its branches, petals, stamens and leaves are all purple. I like this flower best.

At noon, I played beside the yurts. I smelled the smell of rice while playing. I walked along the smell and saw my uncle roasting mutton. When I was eating, I saw a plate of delicious mutton kebabs on the table. I took one and bit it: "Wow! It's delicious." I had eaten such delicious mutton kebabs for the first time. My father told me: "What kind of grass we feed our sheep? It's fresh and tender grass, so it tastes delicious." After lunch, my mother and I took a walk on the grass, My father and brother are still eating. We had mutton kebabs again in the evening, but I still thought it was delicious.

This is the beautiful Bayinbuluke prairie. I like to visit here very much. Everyone from all over the country is welcome to visit Xinjiang!

Composition of Grassland Description (16)

"The beautiful grassland is my home. The wind blows green grass and flowers everywhere. The colorful butterflies fly and birds sing. The horses are like colorful clouds. The cattle and sheep are like pearls. Ah, the shepherds sing loudly, and the happy songs are all over the world. The beautiful grassland is my home. The water is green and the grass is fat. I love her. The grassland is like a green sea, the yurt is like a white lotus, and the clear water reflects the sunset......"

I come from Baotou, Inner Mongolia. In Inner Mongolia, there are vast grasslands. Although I live in Inner Mongolia, I have never been to the grassland. I have always had an infinite yearning and obsession with grassland. So I had a dream when I was young - to go to the prairie.

Dream, I returned to the grassland. The sky is particularly blue, and white clouds float in the air, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing. The clouds soon turned into wild horses; After a while, he became a cute and obedient puppy, calling softly; After a while, he became a cute white sheep, bleating Grassland is the most beautiful place. It is green and green. People always feel the existence of hope. The grass emits a delicate fragrance, which makes people refreshing. I lay on the grass, calm down, listen to the rustle of the breeze caressing the grass, look at the old cow like an old man, walking at a heavy pace, eating fresh grass, so comfortable. The breeze blew my face, and I took a deep breath. The air I breathed into my throat was sweet. Abandoned all worries and sorrows, let green cleanse your soul, and enjoy the beauty that has never been seen before. I feel comfortable when the warm sun shines on me. Before I knew it, I fell asleep

Suddenly, I felt someone calling me. When I opened my eyes, it was a Mongolian girl about my age. I sat up and smiled apologetically at her. She also smiled and said, "Hello! Welcome to the grassland. Let's go. I'll take you to a good place!" She took my hand, smiled mysteriously and ran forward. I don't know how long I ran, but I heard the sound of horses' hooves. She stopped and said, "Let's go! Let's ride a horse!" I asked anxiously, "I've never ridden a horse!" She smiled and said, "Our horses here are lovely! You don't have to be afraid!" We came to a horse, and she said quietly, "Honey, this is my guest, would you let her ride?" Unexpectedly, the horse lowered its body obediently, I rode on it, and the horse galloped on the grassland, very free and easy. The fear in my heart disappeared, and I seemed to be a hero when I rode on horseback. Riding on horseback is more comfortable than sitting on a car. She also came up riding a horse and asked, "How do you feel? Is it fun?" I smiled and said, "Great!" She said, "Let's go to my home for lunch!" Then she led me off the horse and ran to a yurt. We entered the yurt, and there sat a man with a surprised face. She said, "Dad! This is the guest I received. Let her eat at home!" The man smiled and nodded. After a while, we will have sheep and milk tea, which is my favorite Mongolian food. After a full meal, I thanked them and walked out of the yurt, waved to them and said goodbye. Not far away, I heard someone calling me. Looking back, it was the little Mongolian girl who played with me. She held a white Hada in her hand and hung it on my neck, saying, "Welcome to the grassland again!" My eyes could not help being wet, and my heart was deeply moved. How kind and hospitable the children of Caoyuan are!

"My father once described the fragrance of the grassland, so that he can never forget it at the ends of the earth; my mother always likes to describe the mighty river, running in my remote hometown on the Mongolian plateau. Now I finally see this vast land, standing on the fragrant grassland, I shed tears like rain. The river is singing the blessings of our ancestors, bless the wandering children, and find the way home..." Let's go! Go to the grassland! Realize your dream!