Copy describing hometown (appreciating the beautiful copy of hometown)
Know yourself
2023-02-23 15:04:29
Complete sentences

1. In July, when the sun is burning like a stove, the time of bustling and busy hometown will come.

2. Speak well in foreign languages and internationalize friends. Speak Mandarin well and make friends common. Speak local language well and localize friends. Speak good hometown dialect and make friends come from hometown. Say hello, friends call.

3. A wrong way: a wrong way. It refers to a place far away from home. It refers to two people who are close to each other and live in different places.

4. Love: It is the desire of the soul, the resonance of feelings, the collision of the soul, the shining of lightning, the sweet nectar, the intoxicating wine, and the happy hometown! Happy White Valentine's Day!

5. The setting sun shines golden beams on the earth and on the plants and trees of my hometown. A breeze blew, many trees, many grass gently dancing, like a beautiful girl's face shining bright light.

6. Growing up, tired of listening to my father's teachings; When I left my hometown, I was tired of listening to my father's blessing; When I am sad, I am tired of listening to my father's worried words; Little did I know, my father has been worried about. Dad's Day is coming, don't forget to wish Dad a happy holiday!

7. When Liu Yong heard this, he was beaming with joy and cheerfully compared the famous turnips in his hometown.

8. In late autumn, I look at the flying geese in the south and think of the old village of my hometown. The big locust tree gathers next to each other and greets them warmly. The wild geese spread my friendship to the farmers in their hometown. People are old and weak, and can't stand cold. Add clothes and hats to keep healthy. Wish you good health!

9. Feel the cold and warm weather for half a year, and experience the bitter, hot, sour and sweet weather for half a year; Maybe with a little regret, I am far away from my hometown and feel sentimental; Although there is no wealth, life is only a few decades short; The family is harmonious, the body is healthy, and the beautiful life is elegant in the heart.

10. There are two paths in the forest, one path is sparsely traveled. I choose this road alone, but the circumstances are different. Back to Home

11. Autumn is also the season when chrysanthemums bloom. When I smell the white chrysanthemums in my grandfather's yard, they smell intoxicating and nostalgic, because they have the fragrance of home soil. Ah, autumn is white!

12. Shen Bao, a young man with hot blood, is far away from his hometown and comes to the capital to try his luck, which can be seen on the streets almost every day.

13. In October, the clouds are high and the sky is clear. The conscription horn has sounded. All Chinese people yearn for it. It is a green military training ground. Don't lag behind in actively enrolling. It's glorious to enlist in the army. Here I wish my children and soldiers full of spirit and good health, and full of ambition to protect their hometown.

14. What haunts me is the bamboo in my hometown. Recently, bamboos in my hometown are always dreaming. The graceful and graceful posture of bamboo is deeply branded in my mind and can't be waved away. I think, maybe, I love the bamboo in my hometown. Love its tall and straight, its evergreen, but also love its indomitable.

15. With the same youth and different years, you are far away from your hometown, say goodbye to your parents, and leave your beloved one. You will soon become the most lovely person and feel proud of you. I sincerely hope you can become the pillar of the country and make more contributions.

16. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope that this year's Mid Autumn Festival will be more round and bright, and I hope my relatives will be healthier, my hometown will be more beautiful and rich; From the bottom of my heart, I hope that the motherland will become more prosperous and prosperous. Perhaps, this is the essence of my Mid Autumn Festival complex.

17. When summer comes, with the rain, the river becomes wide from time to time; Sometimes narrow; Sometimes slow; Sometimes it's urgent. The river has become a free swimming pool for hometown people. The river is a paradise for children.

18. The things between fences] refer to the ordinary things produced in my hometown.

19. Red beans were born in South China. They were collected to show their love for each other without money or cars. The beautiful women didn't know each other. You come from your hometown and tell it. Today's life is good, and young men and women like it. Now it's still floating out, so it's better to go home.