Selected 36 short sentences describing the evening
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2023-01-29 12:49:27
Retentive sentence

1. Look up, there are no stars in the night sky tonight, only a few lonely stars, trying to shine, scattered, like discarded marbles, like me, lonely. The whole night sky is like an ink plate, and there is a layer of faint clouds in the sky, which makes the originally dark night sky more confused—— Xu Ruopui

2. The scene before us is quite like a Chinese painting: the melting moonlight, the leisurely river water, the boat selling porridge, the ancient banyan trees with "long whiskers" blowing gently, the glittering ancient cannons, the people playing with fists and sticks... Ah, the night of the Goose Pond is really beautiful, which is rich in the beauty of the Chinese nation's tradition.

3. The evening sky is not dark, but has a bright blue, and the mountains are tinged with a thin red halo under the sunset.

4. In the evening, the sun converges its dazzling light into a golden disc. The cloudless sky, blue, like a clear lake. Slowly, the color became thicker and thicker, like the lake water was deepening. The towering mountains in the distance are painted with a layer of golden yellow under the setting sun, which looks particularly magnificent. After a while, the sun blushed and kissed the head of the mountains

5. The evening wind blows the leaves, and the moonlight lengthens the figure of a pair of lovers. The night of Luofu, naturally, can not be separated from their elaborate embellishment. This should be a quiet and lively, lonely and romantic night—— Chen Xiaoxiao

6. At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the grassland was covered with golden silence. The mountains in the distance were covered with sunset colored clothes. The white clouds like milk on that day also became bright red like fire. Grass waves subsided, and herds of cattle and sheep came from far away grasslands; Only those camels who do not return at night are wandering on the lake near the willow forest

7. It was at sunset that the mountains in the distance were clothed in sunset colors. On that day, the white clouds like milk became as bright red as fire.

8. In the evening, the sunset glow reddened the sky. People come and go on the beach. Some people are swimming, some are picking up shells, some are playing, laughing and laughing like waves. The cool sea water washes away people's fatigue and heat, making people feel relaxed and relaxed.

9. At dusk, all kinds of lights decorate the city with a beautiful night, which is a little like the glass world in myth, bright and transparent.

10. Moonlight shines on the microwave sparkling sea, reflecting the reflection of stones on the sea. The stars are blinking their happy eyes.

11. The earth has fallen asleep. The deserted street is silent except for the gentle breeze and the occasional barking of a dog.

12. The dark twilight gradually lowered, the heaven and the earth were sewn up, and the endless wheat fields changed from green to blue and dark gray.

13. The setting sun slowly fell down the mountain, and the sky was full of red clouds, just like the Heavenly Maiden scattering a red dress.

14. Go around several bends and come to a small garden. Poplars and plane trees are crowded around. Are they afraid of the cold? The calm water is dotted with several lights leaking from the classroom. She also likes dressing up; Lonely and proud pavilion stands. The moonlight is falling, and the silhouette on the ground is slightly mottled. The whole garden is gloomy—— Pan Yiyi

15. Listen, the bamboo grove is clattering rhythmically. It's Miss Feng! These sounds interweave into a natural and beautiful music, making people relaxed and happy, as if entering a mysterious colorful world, making you linger—— Peripheral bridge

16. It was the autumn evening when the yellow sunset in the corner of the house shone on the piles of fallen leaves in the grass garden, and the crickets below were chirping intermittently.

17. At ordinary times, the moonlight can easily seep through the uneven gaps in the trees and freely pour on the sparkling water—— Dai Zhoujie

18. The street is like a smooth and quiet river, winding in the dense shadow of trees. Only the leaves rustling with wind and rain seem to recall the bustle and busyness of the day.

19. Wang Erjian, a man of the Qing Dynasty, once said in a poem, "When you go down to Yuzhou House, you will be surrounded by the Stone City. Who will shoot down thousands of torches into the river? The waves are hard to cover, and the clouds are flowing and the shadows are clear. The sky and water are crystal clear."

20. The light wind is like a naughty elf, playing in the long hair of female students and playing a rustling song in the bamboo forest—— Yang Yujuan

21. In the night sky, the moon is faint and the stars are sparse. The whole earth seems to have fallen asleep.

22. The night is too quiet, and the moonlight, like the mist woven from the hazy silver yarn, flashes a solemn and holy light on the leaves, pillars, armrests of cane chairs, and people's faces. The sea seemed to be asleep, and I heard the soft waves patted on the beach----------------- Reading of articles on setting up friends commune

23. The dark night, as if boundless thick ink heavily smeared on the sky, even the twilight of the stars.

24. Overlooking the dusk of the town, it is like a golden moon falling from the Milky Way, kissing the countryside of the hometown. From the village where the smoke curls up, there are several barks of dogs and crows of chickens from time to time, as if it were a distant place

25. When does Su Shi, the head of Shuidiao, have a bright moon. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I want to go back by the wind, but I'm afraid of Qionglouyuyu. It's too cold at high places. I dance to clear the shadows. It's not like I'm in the world. The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge. Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..

26. The falling moon still lingered hopelessly on the edge of the dark forest. The river water was silvery from time to time without a breath of wind. However, the treetops swayed slightly. The trees beside the avenue and the ghostly statues cast long and uncertain shadows, and the water gushed from the fountain. The rustling sound passed through the vast and silent night wonderfully.

27. Shanghai is a bustling metropolis. It is not only magnificent in the morning, but also unique at night.

28. At night, with a cool breeze, it blows the dewy sorghum leaves, the noisy poplar trees, the shining river, and the hot Lin Daojing's beautiful cheeks. What a beautiful summer night! The crystal stars are shining in the boundless gray sky. The grasshopper crickets and the sleepless frog cicadas are singing lyric songs in the grass, on the edge of the pond, between the trees. In the quiet sleep of the vast fields, the green crops, the gurgling rivers, the winding earth roads stretching in the dark, the fragrant wild flowers and leaves, the rich, fresh and intoxicating air, and the legendary revolutionary struggle life, all look particularly charming and give a feeling of beauty in this unusual night.

29. At dusk, a crescent moon rises quietly. Around it, there are several stars that give out faint light.

30. The sky is dark blue, which seems to be a momentary negligence. The ink spreads on the rice paper and spreads to the distance without fear, but the color in the distance is pale. The moon was half hidden in the clouds. It seemed that she smiled and covered her lips—— You Jiajun

31. The sun has already hidden, but the moon has not come out. The night, like a huge curtain, quietly opened and covered the mountains and plains. For a while, the mountains in the distance and the houses and trees in the vicinity became blurred from clarity. High in the sky, stars jumped out one by one, so many, so bright, and so far away.

32. The dusk is beautiful. The sunset glow falls on the ground covered with yellow dust like a red leaf. The hills under the setting sun become dark purple, like rocks in a sea of clouds.

33. At dusk, the light of the setting sun on the river is like many gold needles and silver threads, shaking with the water waves.

34. The orange round bright glass roof under the tree can be seen, and the misty mist rises from the gorge. Quiet lilacs, whose flowers have not yet opened, are immersed in the moonlight. All the flowers, wet with dew, can be divided neatly. The light and shadow mixed together on the Australian Trail, as if they were not made up of trees and roads, but transparent houses swaying around.

35. As dusk fell, crickets began to sing in the bamboo groves beside the village road, and frogs began to sing like drums endlessly in the paddy fields.

36. On a summer night, the sky is full of shining stars, like the Milky Way paved with fine quicksand lying on the blue sky. The earth has fallen asleep. In addition to the gentle gusts of wind blowing, in addition to the occasional barking of a dog or two, the deserted street is silent.