Let me tell you 600 words of composition in secret (3 recommended)
Mature offspring
2024-04-21 06:58:50

Let me tell you 600 words of composition quietly (1)

In the bottom of my heart, there are many dark pavilions. In the dark pavilions, there are always some secrets that are unknown and have been hidden for a long time. Here, I will open all these dark pavilions, release all the inner voices, and let me tell you these secret words quietly here, which is also a relief for me.

The phrase "die to face, live to suffer" is just right for me. Under his strong appearance, anyone has a weak heart, a heart that needs people's care. However, this fragile side cannot be easily revealed, especially among students, among whom I am recognized as the "leader", while at home I am a vulnerable "lamb"!

In the daytime, in order to maintain my "position" and face in the front line, I always look "cool" outside. I don't have many people, and my eyes are always not so docile and full of malice. In fact, I don't want to. Because of this, few people are willing to communicate with me except a few very good friends, This also made my channel for making friends narrow. Several students I didn't often communicate with came to me, and I always looked back in contempt or walked away helplessly. My friends also warned me not to do this, but to be more enthusiastic, otherwise there would be fewer friends and no fun. I would like to, but if I "expose" my nature, it will shake my "position" in the class? I just want to save face. Let me tell you quietly that my personality is not so isolated.

Don't believe it? My parents and I are not like this at home. We are always quarrelling about small things. If we are 13 years old at school, we may be only three years old at home. Only in front of the elders can you expose your nature! The competition among the students in the school is too fierce, so they always have to face up.

Let me tell you in secret that my heart is as innocent and fragile as ordinary students.

Let me tell you 600 words of composition quietly (2)

Everyone has a secret in his heart that is hard to explain. It is buried in his heart like pure gold. He is unwilling to shine and hurt himself and others' eyes. I also have a secret. I just want to swallow the bitter fruit myself, but now I want to tell you. Please listen quietly.

When I was a child, I hated studying and was always naughty and fond of playing. One summer vacation, I still had more than half of my homework to do. My father glared at me angrily, which made me feel uncomfortable. However, it's easy to change my nature. I always leave my homework aside and rush out to play like a bird flying in the sky of my childhood.

A painful picture emerged before my eyes. Dad spread out his homework in front of me and watched me do it. These questions are like fiery tweezers pinching my eyes. I feel extremely painful but helpless. My father taught me impatiently, but I didn't understand. I just stared at the question and choked up. Finally, the volcano erupted, the stool was kicked over, the homework was thrown aside, and the red angry eyes tore my heart. I stood there alone, listening to the roar and complaints, and my heart broke into tens of thousands of pieces.

I don't know when I began to plunge into my study, eating books and homework hungrily until I was exhausted. At last, I heard praise and praise, and no angry eyes and painful groans anymore. However, I was trapped by rigid knowledge. When I saw a circle, I thought of Pi, Zu Chongzhi, and when I saw a triangle, I thought of Pythagorean theorem. In a word, I will never return to that cute and happy child running in the field.

In fact, I am very tired of "cramming" learning. This kind of pure exam oriented education has frozen my mind and trapped the neck of a swan! In this way, more disabled "talents" will be created under the incomplete education system. They will fly on the hills instead of overlooking Lingyun. But this is the cruel reality. If you lose your score, you lose your future. If you don't have a diploma, you don't have a job. So I have to swim in the mud and wonder if the water will become clear one day, which will nourish our hearts. In the exam, some lost their future, some lost their reputation, and some lost their lives. Fragile life, just grow up in sweetness and fall down in frustration, so vulnerable.

I don't want to hear the groans of pain, see the fall of young and beautiful life, and smell the burning smell of corroded thinking under exam oriented education.

Let me tell you 600 words of composition quietly (3)

If you live in a difficult and confused life and are not going your way, you should think about adjusting your attitude towards life appropriately. Maybe you will find the most beautiful scenery in life because of this.

As the saying goes, "attitude determines height." A good attitude is very important for a person.

In life, people always set a goal for themselves, and the right attitude will make this goal more firm. A person with a positive attitude tends to focus on this goal and work hard for it, thus achieving extraordinary achievements. However, a person with a negative attitude is often not enthusiastic, half hearted, and energetic about the goal he pursues, so he can accomplish nothing.

Different attitudes towards life are also a reflection of self quality. He who has an optimistic attitude towards life must be a strong person; A generous person must have an open-minded attitude towards life; He who has a plain attitude towards life must be a modest person. A good attitude will make a good talent.

We should learn from the earthworm's spirit of perseverance. Because earthworms have a good attitude, persevere and never give up.

Correct learning attitude can make a student bright in his studies; Adjusting your work attitude can make you more comfortable in the workplace. Let me tell you quietly——

Only when you look at yourself soberly and face life rationally, and do not drift with the tide, be seduced by fame and wealth, or be overwhelmed by difficulties, can you live calmly and calmly.

If quality is a green vine that slants out from the individual life, then the correct attitude towards life is the colorful flowers blooming on these vines. These flowers, after blooming brilliantly, will bear the most beautiful fruit in life for you.

Get your attitude right now! In this way, your life will become more colorful and meaningful.