Talking about the Big Book of Dominant Society
Twilight song
2023-02-17 22:07:11
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If you haven't died yet, roll the earth and set your weight!

2. Those who are not afraid of death deserve to live.

3. The new strategy has made great progress, and the same boat will be brilliant again.

4. Where your dream is, your future is.

5. I didn't intend to go back alive when I came to this world.

6. Life is too short for self pity and jealousy.

7. Life should be meaningful, we are not in vain.

8. No matter who they are, they have their own limits. Especially trust.

9. If you are tired, look at the sky and look at the original place of your dream.

10. Growth is something we need to learn to adhere to, and we dare not neglect it.

11. To be happy, cheerful, tenacious, warm and sincere to people.

12. When the reality encounters a bottleneck, the dream will be seen clearly. Remember, love wins.

13. While young, there is no reason not to rush. Even if I lose, I will lose beautifully!

14. Don't go around shouting that the world has abandoned you. The world doesn't belong to you.

15. Please don't let go of your dream quietly. Sooner or later, it will shine in your hands.

16. I'm afraid of old age and long road. To live, we must have love, happiness and dreams.

17. Please don't let go of your dream quietly, it will shine in your hands sooner or later.

18. The less one knows and sees, the easier it is to self inflate.

19. Don't rely too much on people other than yourself, because only you will not abandon yourself.

20. When your talent cannot support your ambition, you should calm down and learn.

21. Men should not feel honored to have many spare tires, because only broken cars need a spare tire.

22. Don't cry. Crying will not change anything. The world has never been gentle to anyone.

23. There are two ways in life. One is to walk with heart, called dream, and the other is to walk with feet, called reality.

24. To give yourself a cliff without retreat is to give yourself a chance to rush to the highland of life.

25. Wave the seagulls, look at the clouds and dreams in my chest, how about Dijie? Chu Yue and other leisurely ears, liver and gall have trouble.

26. You need to be a quiet adult. Don't be emotional, don't miss it secretly, and don't look back.

27. The two rocks will not spark without impact, and the sea water will not splash beautiful spray without hitting the reef.

28. People who have loved me sometimes love is a kind of hurt. Remember that hurt comes from each other, not from one side.

29. Don't give up flying when you can fly. When you can dream, don't give up. Don't give up love when you can love.

30. Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is no way out, there will be no way out. One hundred and two Qin passes will belong to Chu; If you have a heart, the sky will not fall, and you will endure hardships and hardships. Three thousand people can swallow Wu.

31. People who care about others have made more friends in two months than those who expect others to care about themselves.

32. A person with career pursuit can dream higher. Although it was a dream at the beginning, as long as you keep doing it and don't give up easily, your dream can come true.