After Reading Proper Self esteem: Self esteem or Self contempt
Understanding Heart
2023-07-05 08:08:41

After Reading Proper Self esteem: Self esteem or Self contempt

After reading a classic masterpiece, you must have a lot of experience to share. Write a review of the book to record your gains and contributions. So how should we write the feeling after reading? The following is the review of "Proper Self esteem" compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone: self-esteem or self contempt. Welcome to read it. I hope everyone likes it.

In life, we always unconsciously envy others for their good work, happy family and happy life. In contrast, it seems that everything is unsatisfactory and nothing is good... So, what are we really like? Do we see ourselves correctly?

I have just finished reading the relevant content in Proper Self esteem: self-esteem or self contempt. The article elaborates on various situations of people with high and low self-esteem. For some people with low self-esteem, they will act too cautiously. They do not know enough about themselves. They believe that the correct answer to the problem is not for them, but for others. So they spend more time observing others, and then copy on themselves, rather than thinking about their own ability. They are more afraid of the judgment of public opinion than others. They will be more cautious when they have to comment on themselves, and will use more neutral words. In order to be more careful to avoid making mistakes or giving wrong impression to others. This perfectionism makes them overemphasize euphemism and suspicion.

The higher the self-esteem level, the more efficient the action will be, and the decision will persist. Compared with the low self-esteem level, it is difficult to make a decision. Most of the choices we encounter in life have both advantages and disadvantages. The result of each choice is not predetermined, which often makes us invest in it after choosing, which in turn makes the choice right or wrong. Choosing anything is not predetermined. Our future depends on ourselves. When people with low self-esteem make decisions, they tend to let people around them influence their choices. When they make a choice with difficulty, they will give up when they encounter difficulties or hear objections in the implementation process. At this time, people with high self-esteem will show more persistence, but they will not be so persistent about things they are not too committed to. They can view failure relatively and will not lose their overall sense of self-worth because of a setback. It is pointed out that it may be beneficial for a person to gain higher self-esteem at a slightly later age of maturity and avoid making risky choices too early.

When being praised by others, people with low self-esteem will feel embarrassed because they don't know how to respond to others' praise, and sometimes even get angry with each other. However, people with high self-esteem can accept others' praise calmly. They think it is an affirmation of others. Success and praise are consistent with their own self-concept, as long as the parties respond according to the social and cultural norms they are in. People with low self-esteem will have such a reaction not because they don't like to be praised and affirmed by others. They like success emotionally, but they are afraid of success psychologically, because success contradicts their self-concept, resulting in a situation where they must meet the expectations of others. In general, people with high self-esteem want to succeed, while people with low self-esteem fear failure.

We should try our best to avoid being low self-esteem people, and not to judge ourselves too extreme. In daily life, we often see some young boys or girls who, because they have been single for a long time, always feel that they cannot find a suitable partner because they are not good enough. When one day, a person with good conditions in all aspects tells them that they like them, they always have doubts or feel that the other party is joking with them, Or they feel that the other party is greedy for their own money, and they feel that they can never get the real love of the other party. Because of their low self-esteem, they can not really see the excellent aspects of their own existence. In fact, there is no need. Everyone exists in the world as a unique individual, with their own shortcomings, but also their own shining side. We should accept the shortcomings and affirm their shining side. We should always remind ourselves that the reason why I do this is because my past experience has raised my self-esteem.