Art Dance (8 elaborations)
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2024-04-07 02:07:55

Art Dance (1)

On large and small stages, we can see many arts, such as dance art, singing art, and unique art. These arts are all developed by those who perform hard day by day, year by year.

Everyone can't be born with something, but why can some people show their talents in some art? That's because he worked hard. He worked hard. He fought and pursued for his dream. In our courtyard, there is a sister named Xiaoshan. She is very beautiful, and she studies very well and has many hobbies. But she likes dancing best. She has been practicing ballet since she was 5 years old. She has never given up. She has this spirit of perseverance in dancing. I still remember that Sister Xiaoshan signed up for the last dance contest. She practices dancing every day. Her feet are still injured for this reason, but she still perseveres, Until the last day of the competition, she was still practicing on the court.

Although Xiaoshan sister's dancing is not as beautiful as when she was not injured before, her confidence, her efforts, her persistence, and her smile have become the most dazzling points on the court. After the game, Sister Xiaoshan got the third place. We all felt sorry for her, but Sister Xiaoshan smiled and said slightly: "Nothing, there will always be winners and losers in the game. As long as you work hard and strive for your goals, you will be the first." After hearing this, I didn't know where a will came from.

In fact, each of us has a specialty, that is, whether we will work hard or not. There is no lack of art around us. As long as we work hard, what is impossible? As the last lesson of the textbook said: My stage has refined my courage and perseverance.

Art Dance (2)

Dance is an art that can show the flexibility of the body, exercise the body, cultivate self-confidence, and form a beautiful posture. Seeing Cinderella dancing at the dance, I followed her, but no matter how she danced, she was not as graceful and moving as Cinderella. So my mother took me to a dance training organization to register for a class.

When I first entered the dance class, I was like a clumsy ugly duckling. My hands and feet seemed to be out of my control. Later, I began to learn basic skills, such as pressing my legs, splitting my legs, lowering my waist, crossing the front and rear bridges... Slowly, I could follow the teacher's dance steps, and my hands and feet began to obey my instructions. I could dance like Cinderella in an animation.

Last year, I was also selected to participate in the performance of "Spring Comes" at the New Year's Party, and I would rehearse the dance every day in my spare time. When the formal performance was held, we put on beautiful clothes and danced in the music. I saw my mother and other parents were surprised. This evening's performance changed me from a little girl who could only dance in the dance room to a little girl who could perform on the stage. I was more confident than before and learned to always smile no matter what!

Dancing is really an art. It makes me better and better. I will always dance!

Art Dance (3)

[Example 1]

You once said that my heart was like a glass, pure as water, even if... "A little sad music came from the window of a hobby class. Several girls in the dance classroom danced softly in the music. I was the last of these girls.

First, we train the leg pressing on the stick. I put my foot gently on the handle and finished the leg pressing action easily. Miss Xiaomeng, the female teacher, was very surprised. Let me show you. Other girls also praised my dancing skills. The following splits, legs hugging and other movements are even easier for me to learn to dance. When Xiao Meng always turned into a soft bow, her eyes narrowed with excitement, and she came to help me correct my movements. He also praised that Jin was a good candidate, and let me lead in every class.

When dancing, I am just like a beautiful butterfly, shuttling freely in the ocean of dancing, and flying up and down rhythmically without changing time; I am like a fish plunging into the sea, enjoying the cool feeling of the water belt, letting the water flow through my gills and belly. Only when I have dancing class can I have a short joy.

Dancing brings me happiness. Only in dancing class can I play mischievously and laugh fearlessly. I always joke with the children in the dance class: "I share the same class with you!..." Every time I finish speaking, I will give out a clear laugh. My laughter infected other girls, who also laughed happily.

Actually, I am not beautiful, as long as my soul is beautiful. In the past, I loved to look at myself in the mirror all day long. Later, I realized that "it doesn't matter if I'm not good-looking, but the beauty of my heart is the most important." This truth was told to me by Mr. Xiao Meng.

I enjoyed dancing and began to laugh at life! This is just the charm of dancing, which can change people's temperament and character.

[Example 2]

One of my favorite arts is dancing, which is my strength. Dancing has created an artistic stage for me! Dancing is based on basic skills, supplemented by dancing. Basic skills are the most difficult. Forward, backward, forward face strengthening, backward face strengthening, pulling, pulling, pressing, pulling, whatever you want. At first, I was just a student with hard bones. Sometimes it hurts so much that I can't cry out. I hold back my tears and concentrate on learning. On the second day of dancing practice, my feet and waist were extremely painful, and I was about to stop. If they complain with their parents, they will say: "The most important thing in practicing dancing is tolerance."

Since then, no matter how hard and painful I was, I never said a word of pain - since I have made up my mind to practice, I should not be afraid of hardship. Every time the teacher tried his best to help the presser foot, I had to grit my teeth and close my eyes to survive. When summer turns cold, a few years later, I can get down to the ground, hold my ankles with both hands, and strengthen my face before and after. Other basic skills are even more important.

Through training time after time, I am improving step by step. Sometimes, the dancing teacher will take us to perform in various places, and sometimes I will show my basic skills in school, which has made me spend a lot of happy time and make me unforgettable all my life.

Dancing has created a stage for my art; The stage of my art is created by dancing, and this principle will not change. Dancing makes me stronger and more persistent!

Art Dance (4)

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (I)

My first art festival composition 300 words

My first art festival composition is 300 words - the school will hold an art festival in late March. The students began to rehearse nervously. How about me! Not to mention, we are going to perform a group dance with our classmates - small herdsmen.

Every day after school, we rehearse together for two hours. At the beginning, we all didn't know how to dance and couldn't keep up with the rhythm. After the patient guidance of the dance teacher, we finally could dance.

On March 28, the annual art festival finally came. After lunch, we made up and went to the performance hall to make preparations. Our program was ranked the second. When the host called our class, my heart suddenly seemed to have several rabbits in it, "Bang Bang", but my face was still with a confident smile. With the sound of music, we cooperated with each other to complete the dance. The warm applause of the teachers and students came from the stage, and my nervous mood relaxed at once.

I'm so happy today. This is my first art festival since I entered the university. I'm looking forward to the coming of next year's art festival!

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (2)

Dance competition

What a fine day it is on Saturday! The sky is clear, and the warm sun shines on the earth. The annual "Youth China" literature and art competition has begun, and the Indian dance of our "Future Star" dance training class is going to participate in the competition. As a member of this dance group, I am very happy that the results of our hard rehearsal for more than a month will be tested.

After lunch, my mother and I went to the "Future Star" dance training base to make up in a sister's car. My mother coiled my hair, washed my face, changed my clothes, and finally queued up to make up. After making up, we came to Fucheng Cinema. Entering the theater, I saw the stage was full of colorful lights. On the back wall of the stage is a huge color picture, on which is printed the "Youth China" art selection Chenzhou competition area fear pattern. The audience was packed with more than ten judges in the front row. After a while, the competition began. After a few programs, it was our turn to play. Everyone in our group did a good job in every movement and successfully completed the performance, which was appreciated by the judges. Our program was selected and will participate in the trials in Hunan in January. When we heard the news, we were all happy.

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (3)

Learn dance

Today, my mother took me to see Latin dance. When I went there, I saw a lot of parents and classmates. The teacher took me to the dance room, only to see that they easily extended their left hand up and down, and some extended their right hand to do the same action, very beautiful.

I looked at them as if they were jumping with me, so I told my mother that I also wanted to learn Latin dance, and my mother agreed. I accidentally saw Yang Wenjing, the classmate in the front row, and we smiled at each other. Then we followed the bright rhythm, sometimes walking slowly, sometimes dancing like falling leaves in the whirlwind.

Soon an hour and a half passed, and the training was over. I reluctantly left the dance room, looking forward to the training next week.

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (4)

I learn art - dance There is art everywhere in life, and I especially like learning art - dance. I like dancing since I was young, so my mother decided to take me to the Children's Palace to learn dance. On a hot Sunday, my mother really took me to the Children's Palace to register. When I saw the students dancing in the dance hall, I also danced with my hands. When the teacher saw me, he pulled me into the dance hall with a smile and introduced me to my classmates. In front of everyone, I was a little shy and kept my head down. I feel very honored that my new friend was warmly welcomed by my classmates. Next, we begin our class. The teacher first let us press our legs, put our legs on the tie bar, and then press our legs with our chest against our legs, alas! This really hurts me. My knee hurts terribly. Just after pressing the leg, I didn't have a rest, and another shoulder pressed. It was hard for my waist, and I was exhausted. Just as I wanted to sit on the ground, the teacher "ordered" us to split and kick... "Ouch! My mother! It hurts me!" Although I complained, I had to obey the order finally. What's more, the teacher asked us to stoop. The teacher helped the students to waist down one by one. The students who had stooped down all cried pain when they got up. When I saw this, I was even more worried. Soon, it was my turn. The teacher helped me lower my back. It hurt me so much that I couldn't help it. So I let go of my hand and just heard the sound of "Bang!" My body fell heavily on the ground and my feet were in the sky! I cried in pain, and later I got used to these basic skills. Art makes me happy and makes me feel pain. This time I not only learned to dance, but also learned to persevere.

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (5)

Composition on the Art Festival

I remember that it was an art festival held by the school. Each class had to send several students to participate in several programs such as dancing and musical instruments. Few students in our class knew music, let alone musical instruments. At that moment, one of my classmates called out, "Zhang Yujuan, didn't you learn piano for several years?" The teacher was delighted and wrote my name on the paper. At that time, I was reading under the table. When I heard someone calling my name, I just lowered my head and went to read again with a "ah".

After class, I overheard someone talking about it. I ran to the teacher and refused to participate. The teacher was not happy when he heard this: "Why don't you go? It's a good thing to win honor for the class! Besides, no one in the class can go there except you." "But I learned piano three or four years ago, and now I have forgotten all about it. How can I remember? I don't care, I don't want to go anyway." "Alas, it's a big weekend anyway. Go home and practice. I'll make up my mind." Then he left.

I thought it was over like this. Unexpectedly, on the morning of the art festival, the teacher suddenly came to me and said, "Our class has chosen you, and you have to go if you don't go." I was angry when I heard that, "Why are you like this? Why do you want me to go? I said I won't go!" "Whatever you can't go, you have to go anyway." Then I left in a hurry.

After listening to this, I felt a kind of inexplicable grievance. Tears fell down and I thought: How can a teacher do this? You can't keep your word. Why! I am so bullied. "Hum, you are unkind. Don't blame me for my injustice," I said. Then I angrily walked to the top floor of the dormitory and hid there. Nobody could find me. As a result, we can imagine that our class was forced to abstain from playing musical instruments because no one arrived, and the head teacher lost face.

In retrospect, I was so brave that I dared to refuse the class teacher's request in such an extreme way. I think the main reason is that the teacher's arbitrary approach makes me too angry. If she is a little tactful or another way, I think I will try my best.

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (6)

The art I like dance is an art of expressing language through body and expression. I was lucky to see it in a music class. At first, as the music played softly, a girl danced under the bright white light. The golden close fitting clothes reflected the light, shining brightly, and her body flipped lightly on the stage, making a slight sound of bumping. All of a sudden, girls in golden clothes gathered behind them and shouted in unison: "Come on!" Then a spring jumped into the air, as if it was an extremely happy spirit receiving the victory message. However, the music gradually became low and sad. Sadness spread to those happy elves, and their heads immediately hung down. A girl took out a ball from somewhere and walked to the center of the stage. Her eyes were curious to see her every move. The girl threw the football into the air, crossed a perfect arc and fell down. The music reached its climax. In the first few months, people poured into the sea to catch the ball. The girls were boiling up. They lined up in a straight line, took out a rectangular red cloth from behind and wrote: "China Team, Victory!" At the end, the music had a strong accent, and finally stopped. But I haven't recovered from the performance just now.  

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (7)

Primary School Composition: I Love Dance

Today, I came to the dance classroom happily and saw many children playing there. Look! An excellent teacher stood in front of me. "Do you want to be here?" I said, "Yes." The teacher arranged a seat for me after class. We practiced pressing leg, kicking leg, small jump, etc. We also practiced the lower back, front bridge and other dances. Class is over, we put on our shoes and went home soon!

After a few days, I felt that dancing was almost boring, so I didn't want to go on it. But at this time, the teacher saw my mind and said: "Practice dancing slowly, and I was disappointed by my parents' expectations of you!" I felt very sad after hearing this, so I decided to study hard.

After a few days, I gradually consolidated the teacher said: "We have practiced very well these days, and hope to continue to work hard."

This matter tells me not to give up halfway, but to be confident!

Composition on Art 300 Word Dance (8)

[Written before this open class]

There are two reasons for calling this open class "a dance on the tip of a knife":

First, these days are the eventful times when the open class has been "criticized". It seems that Chinese newspapers of all sizes are jointly attacking the "open class". Young teachers' "becoming famous in one lesson" has naturally been criticized as worthless, and even the "model lessons" and "research lessons" of the teaching masters are being questioned. However, the reality of China has always been like this. No matter how unscrupulous the theory is, people still have to live a normal life. Just like the campus in China, although countless vigorous "reformers" are clamouring that there is no "open class" in western developed countries, Chinese principals will not listen to these avant-garde and noisy fashionable theories. I dare say that open classes, competition classes, demonstration classes, and research classes will never fade out of Chinese campuses. This is a realistic demand for Chinese education that cannot be dominated by theory and must be determined by the national conditions.

This is not the question I want to restate today. I just want to say that the task of accepting open classes under such a background is a bit like a snail carrying a heavy shell. I am not a smart person who can completely ignore secular judgments. I must find a "golden mean" between "open class" and "regular class". Let the teacher feel that this is just a home-made lesson that everyone can "karaoke" after watching it, and let people feel that there is something "interesting" that is not wasted. I have always been dismissive of some people's view that open classes are completely home-made. These people always pretended to be sophisticated and easily denied the text interpretation or teaching skills that the participants had studied only after going to the poor places, and even attributed all these explorations and attempts to "show off" or "fancy". In fact, the Chinese classroom is not too "fancy", but too silent. If you go to the teaching scene of ordinary middle schools and have a look, if the "gaudy" criticized by experts can be more than one percent or one thousandth, or students can vote for our Chinese class more than one percent or one thousandth. The open textbook is an advanced means of classroom research. Its purpose is to introduce new ideas, surpass innovation, polish new people, and extract achievements. Whether it is text interpretation or teaching skills, the pursuit of open classes should be above the regular classes. Only in this way can the regular classes be activated and lead the regular classes.

The second reason is that when I accepted the task of this open class, my class was already in the last 20 days of the high school entrance exam. This is a hard time. Almost all students and teachers can't get rid of the pressure of examinations. I dare say that this must be the time when the students in the whole junior middle school have the narrowest Chinese vision, the most numb Chinese sense, and the most utilitarian Chinese pursuit. It seems that the real state of the open class presented at this stage should be shouting "Let the storm come more violent", and dancing the exam oriented dance more skillfully and devotedly under the cloudy sky.

But this is not my pursuit. I hope that my exam oriented composition class can finally enter such a realm: although the starting point of this class is how to move the teacher who judges the paper, the end must fall in the nature of composition. Starting from "examination" and finally jumping out of "examination", we should actively induce students to think about the inevitable relationship between moving people's hearts and reflecting the essence of composition.

I dare not say that the cultivation of ability, the edification of mind and the training for examination are completely contrary, but insiders also know that this huge gap is enough to block the charm of Chinese.

But I have no choice.

I have to take such a class: both open class and home class; It is not only an exam oriented training class, but also an emotional stimulation class. So, there was this dance on the knife point.

[Classroom Record]

Class, I blackboard writing: composition, with what to move "my" heart.

There is no introduction. I just want to tell you that in this class, we will continue to comment on the third monthly exam papers. Yesterday I talked about reading and foundation, today I talk about composition. In more than 20 days, we will write the real "final work" of the three years of junior high school. This class will add fuel to everyone.

All the compositions of this month's exam grade were corrected by me. I want you to guess my mood when I changed my composition. Some people say it is "depressed", others say it is "painful", others say it is "sad" and so on. I said that the teacher really felt depressed because

There are only a few of the more than 600 grade composition papers that can move my heart. As I said this, I put emphasis on the words "move my heart" on the blackboard. The composition can't move the teacher's heart, what is the direct consequence? The teacher and the whole class laughed, and several children were naughty: "Of course, you can't get good scores!" Yes! I said seriously but jokingly, so today we are going to talk about how composition can move people's hearts.

Now let's do the first thing. I said, let's evaluate the composition topic of this monthly exam and see if it is a topic that can write a "moving" composition.

I wrote the title of my composition on the blackboard: life, need——

I asked the first group of students to talk about their views next to the order and remind them not to raise their hands. Several students agreed that this is a good topic to write, and the selection of materials is very broad, so they can freely play their own strengths. Then I conclude by saying that everyone's evaluation is very objective. This is a golden topic (everyone laughs again), a topic full of humanitarian spirit, and a topic to be sent to students. However, it is such a topic that makes me, the marking teacher, feel painful and sleepy. Do you think there are serious problems in our composition? Everyone nodded thoughtfully. Well, now let's take a look at the excellent compositions of this exam. The ones posted on the wall at the back of the classroom are all compositions with 50 points. Let's exchange your experience after learning. Notice that your speech should focus on the question of how these compositions moved the teacher's heart.

Yang Yayun stood up and said that what she was more interested in was Life, Need Philosophy. She said that

Art Dance (5)

Artistic dance composition around

In daily life or work and study, everyone has tried to write compositions. According to the different styles, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical, and argumentative. How to write a good composition? The following is the artistic dance composition by Xiao Bian, who helps everyone. You are welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

In life, art is everywhere. It can be a song, a picture, or an insignificant small handicraft. But I like dancing best.

When I was six years old, my mother took me to the dance school to watch the big sister's performance. I was amazed by their gentle dancing. In this way, I started my way of learning art.

When I learned to dance, I was tired of doing too many movements such as leg pressing, cross fork and waist swinging. However, such movements as front axle and tiger jumping often made me sweat and pant. Sometimes I also want to give up, but then I think again: I must live up to my parents' expectations, and I must persevere! So I renewed my hope and continued my training.

Later, through my mother's encouragement, teacher's advice and father's praise, my level became higher and higher. It is no problem to carry the leg sideways for one minute, not to mention other basic skills.

Finally, I can perform on the stage. At the beginning, I was full of fear for the stage. As soon as I got on the stage, I felt thousands of eyes staring at me. My head was buzzing and my legs were weak. When the music sounded, I could not help jumping with the melody, forgetting the time and everything. After dancing, I felt relaxed all over. It turns out that the performance is not so terrible! Whenever I hear the audience's loud applause, I am very proud and happy. Since I realized the joy of success, I like dancing even more.

Art is a kind of beauty. Dancing takes me into the art garden, feeling the charm of art and intoxicated with beauty. At the same time, it also made me understand that no matter what you do, it is not easy. As long as you persevere, you can reap the flowers of success.

Art Dance (6)

The Dai dance is an ancient folk dance of the Dai nationality, and it is also the favorite dance of the Dai people. It is popular in the whole Dai area, but the peacock dance in Mengding, Ruili County and Gengma County, and many professional artists who live by dancing peacock dance imitate peacocks: running down the mountain, walking through the forest, drinking spring and playing water, chasing and playing, dragging wings, shaking wings, spreading wings, climbing branches, resting branches, opening the screen, flying, etc. Dance with colorful dance movements and sculptural dance postures. Their dance has strict procedures and requirements, fixed footwork and status, and even each movement has a fixed drum accompaniment.

Dai people mainly live in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County, Menglian Dai Lahu and Wa Autonomous County, and scattered in more than 30 counties, including Lincang, Lancang, Xinping, Yuanjiang, Jinping, Huaping, Dayao, Luquan, etc.

With beautiful mountains and rivers, rich resources and dense forests, the Dai nationality area is known as the "plant kingdom" and "animal kingdom". The valley area has fertile land, convenient irrigation, hot climate, abundant rainfall, and is suitable for crop planting and cash crop cultivation. For a long time, Xishuangbanna has enjoyed the reputation of "barn in southern Yunnan"; Dehong area is famous all over the province for its "awny millet, covering and releasing rice"; Most Dai areas are the grain production bases and cash crop production areas of our province.

The Dai nationality is a nation with a long history. As far back as the first century BC, there were records about the Dai nationality in Chinese historical books. Since the Tang Dynasty, historical records have called the Dai people "black teeth", "gold teeth", "silver teeth" or "embroidered feet", and also called the Dai people "mangman" or "white clothes"; Song Yan called the Dai people "golden teeth" and "white clothes". From the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, "gold teeth" continued to be used, while "white clothes" were written as "hundred barbarians" or "hundred barbarians". Since the Qing Dynasty, it has been called "Piaoyi". But all the above are his claims. The Dai people call themselves "Dai" all the time. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the wishes of the Dai people in China, it was officially named "Dai".

The Dai people call themselves Dai Na, Dai Ya, etc. In Chinese, they call themselves Shui Dai, Han Dai, Hua Yao Dai. There are some differences in clothing. The Dai language belongs to the Zhuang Dai language branch of the Zhuang Dong language group of the Sino Tibetan language family. The Dai people have their own characters. In the past, there were five characters of different shapes, namely Nawen, Dai Tiao, Jinping and Xinping. Now the popular characters are Dai Le and Dai Na, both of which evolved from Sanskrit letters.

Due to the unbalanced social development, the religious beliefs of the Dai people in different regions are also different. In Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other places where Dai people live together, they believe in both Theravada Buddhism and primitive religion. The Dai people living in scattered areas mostly believe in primitive religion, some believe in Guandi, Guanyin, and some believe in Christianity.

Although the Dai nationality festivals are different from place to place, they are closely related to religious beliefs. In Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other Dai inhabited areas, the main festivals are the Dai New Year, the Close Door Festival, the Open Door Festival and the Tiaodang. The Dai New Year is commonly known as the "Water Splashing Festival". In the Dai language, it is called "Sangkan Bimai" and "Suohe Sangkan". It is in June of the Dai calendar (April of the Gregorian calendar) and lasts for three to five days. Activities include flower picking, sand piling, Buddha bathing, water sprinkling, dragon boat rowing, and raising. Singing and dancing activities are important activities in the Dai New Year. The closing door festival and the opening door festival, which are called "Haovasa" and "Ovasa" in Dai language, are derived from the Buddhist term "Sasana", meaning "fast". From September to December in the Dai calendar (from July to September in the Gregorian calendar), these three months are rainy season. People should concentrate on worshiping Buddha and listening to sutras in Buddhist temples, and stop other activities; Young men and women can't fall in love and get married, which is called Closed Door Festival. At the end of the rainy season, when the harvest is coming, the Open Door Festival will be held. At that time, young men and women will put on new clothes, group together, play drums and gongs, go from village to village, and finally go to Buddhist temples to hold Danfo. In the past, on the eighth day of the second month of the lunar calendar, dancing was held: the men in the village prepared rich food to offer Buddha in the Buddhist temple, and then in the Buddhist temple courtyard, four people danced with small cymbals, big gongs, and elephant foot drums, and after the dance, they drank and scattered. This kind of jumping swing activity is now rare. In the past, there was also a grand Danfo activity, also known as "making a big swing", when dancing, there were chanting in the daytime and singing and dancing performances in the evening, but now it is not carried out.

In multi-ethnic areas, the Dai people mostly believe in primitive religion, and some share Spring Festival, flower street and other activities with other ethnic groups; There are dragon tree worship and ancestor worship activities in some places, and only a few places have sacrificial dance.

Dai nationality is a nationality with ancient culture, and also a nationality who is good at singing and dancing. The Dai dance has a wide range of types, forms, popularity and characteristics. Representative programs can be divided into three categories: self entertainment, performance and sacrifice.

1. Self entertainment programs include "Gaguang", "Elephant Foot Dance", "Yelahui" and "Shouting Half Light", among which "Gaguang" and "Elephant Foot Dance" are the most representative.

"Gaguang" is a Dai language. "Ga" means dancing or dancing. "Guang" generally refers to drums, and also means gathering and piling up. "Gaguang" can be translated as "dancing around drums" or "dancing drums". Xishuangbanna is called "Fan Guang", and in many places, it is also called "Jumping Pendulum", "Ning Pendulum", etc. This dance is the most ancient dance of the Dai nationality, popular in more than 20 counties and cities. It is a self entertaining dance that can be performed at festivals, regardless of men, women, old and young, and venues. Gaguang accompanies national percussion music such as elephant foot drum and cymbal; But in some places, people who play drums and cymbals also take part in the dance and lead people to dance in circles. When dancing in the past, all dancers can play their own roles as they want, just for warmth and joy. Many unified actions and routines have been developed. The names of actions and routines vary from place to place, and some dance programs have been derived. For example, there are more than 30 sets of "New Gaguang" dances performed by young people, as well as "Gamangyang" dances performed by two middle-aged and old women with big mang and "Gawen" (soft dance) dances performed by old men.

Elephant foot dance is a male dance of self entertainment and performance.

The elephant foot drum is named according to the shape of the drum. The Dai people generally call it "Gaguang", but there are different names for the long, medium and small elephant foot drums. This dance is mainly about striking elephant foot drums, accompanied by mang and cymbals, and can also be performed by drums and cymbals.

The body of the elephant foot drum is one meter eight to two meters long. It is called "Gaguang Rao" in Dai language and is found everywhere, but Ruili County is the most representative. The elephant foot drum is mostly used for accompaniment, which can play a rich and varied drumbeat, and has some drum words, such as "Yobilio, Yobilio, Yobili" (meaning "lift well, lift well, lift wings well"); You can also dance alone while hitting. While showing the drumming skills, you can use the long tail of the drum to swing to form a beautiful dance.

The drum of the Chinese elephant foot drum dance is more than one meter long. This dance is popular in the whole Dai area, especially in Luxi, Yingjiang, Lianghe and other counties in Dehong, and Baoshan, Lincang and other places. The Chinese elephant foot drum dance is called "Gaguang" in Ronghong Dai language, and is also called "Gaguang Wujie" or "Gaguang Hela". When dancing, they usually dance along the circle with the drum on their back. They can dance with two people or with cymbals. In Mangshi, Dehong, there were drum racing activities in the past, with the length of the drum beat, the quality of the timbre, the size of the swing of the tail of the drum, and whether the dance is beautiful as the criteria for evaluation. The winner hung a silver medal on the drum.

The drum of Little Elephant Foot Dance is about 60 cm long and popular in Jinghong, Menghai, Mengla and other counties. The Dai language in Xishuangbanna is "Fan Guang Tuo". Because the drum is small and light, it can be danced flexibly. Therefore, this dance is mainly competitive. Generally, two people dance in pairs, and four people or groups can also dance together. During the dance, there are drum beating and chasing, yielding and evading, kicking and kicking, etc., so as to take off the "Baotou" on the other party's head.

Shouting Banguang is an ancient form of singing and dancing of the Dai people, which is popular in Mangshi, Yingjiang, Ruili and other counties in Dehong. "Shouting half light" is the Dai language in Dehong, "Shouting" means "singing" or "singing", "half" means "following me" or "surrounding", and "light" means "drum"; It is literally translated as "a song sung with drums". There is no limit to the number of people when jumping.

Yelahui is a self entertaining song and dance popular in Xishuangbanna. In the past, it was only performed by men during the Water Splashing Festival. Now, it has become a collective song and dance form that can be participated by both men and women, old and young. This kind of singing and dancing is simple and can be freely performed; But the tune is fixed. As long as someone improvises and takes the lead in singing, everyone can sing together. At the end of the sentence, they all shouted "Yelahui, water one, water one." So this kind of singing and dancing is called "Yelahui".

2. Performing dances include "Peacock Dance", "Elephant Dance", "Fish Dance", "Butterfly Dance", "Bamboo Hat Dance", etc. The most representative is the peacock dance.

Peacock dance is the most characteristic performing dance in Dai dance, and it is popular in Dehong, Xishuangbanna, Jinggu, Menglian, Gengma and other counties. Peacock dance is "Galoyong" in Dehong Dai language and "Fannuoyong" in Xishuangbanna Dai language. "Ga" and "Fan" mean dancing or dancing; "Luoyong" and "Nuoyong" both mean "peacock". During the performance, the dancers carried pagoda shaped golden crowns and masks on their heads, peacock mounted props on their backs, and accompanied by elephant foot drums, cymbals and other musical instruments. There are performances of solo dance, double dance, triple dance and musical drama.

The dancing methods of peacock dance vary from place to place, and various styles are formed by the performers' different skills and specialties. The most representative solo dancers are the artists from Ruili County, who form rich dance steps by simulating the movements of peacocks such as walking, running, drinking, shaking wings, flying, and opening the screen; There are many semi professional artists in Ruili County, such as Ruiban, Greeting Fee, Mao Xiang, Yue Xiang, Wangla, etc. They have their own innovations in performance and are famous in the province for their own genres and styles. The duet peacock dance is also called "Fannannuo". The most representative duet peacock dance is popular in Jinghong County. "Nan" means "noble woman", and "Nuo" means "bird" or "bird"; "Fannannuo" can be translated into "Princess Que Dance", which mainly shows the flying and dancing of two peacocks, male and female. The Peacock Dance in Mangshi, Luxi County, was originally a triple dance of "Peacock and the Devil". Later, it evolved into a solo dance. It was made of peacock props, which were large, exquisite, gorgeous, and easy to open and close, attracting a large audience. The peacock dance in Jinggu County is a song and dance drama performance, singing while dancing. The dance steps are relatively simple, mainly walking and breaking steps. The performance is the Buddhist story of "calling to congratulate and beating peacocks".

3. Sacrificial dances of the Dai people are only popular in ethnic areas.

The "Sacrificial Drum Dance" popular in the Dai villages of Yuanyang County is accompanied by drums during ancestor worship activities. Teachers' wives sing and dance on the altar while the masses dance freely off the stage. The action is simple.

The Dai people's residence in Shiping County has a "dragon dance", which is held in the activity of offering sacrifices to dragon trees. During the dance, the wizard holds a hoop iron and the witch holds a sheepskin drum. They lead the dance, and the villagers participate in the dance according to the rhythm. Sometimes all people form a circle, and sometimes two people dance together. There is no fixed form and formation. The dancers change their positions at will, just for high mood, solemn and warm. The dance moves are simple, the stride is small, and the knees shake slightly with the step. The hands circle a semicircle, and drums and swing rings are played at the left and right waist sides.

Xinping County also has a "lion dance" at the time of funeral, accompanied by suona and gongs and drums; There are some routines, such as dancing around the coffin and opening the way in front of the coffin. The performance style and music of the dance are similar to those of the Han and Yi nationalities.

Art Dance (7)

Whether in school or in society, the most familiar thing is composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is the artistic dance composition arranged by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read and collect it.

The curtain slowly opened.

Suddenly, the music played, immediately rendering the whole stage atmosphere. The dancers led by Tai Lihua came out. What a flash of Buddha's light! They stood in a vertical row, raised their heads and chest, showing their beautiful faces and eyes and eyebrows that could speak thousands of languages. They stood short. The melodious flute sound and the loud drum sound shine out a kind of sacred light. Golden, sweet and beautiful, they began to dance. The leading dancer uses her long eyebrows, wonderful eyes, fingers, waist limbs, headdress on her head, bell on her waist, and her exquisite and charming dance steps to move slowly like a light cloud and turn quickly like a whirlwind, to dance out the joys and sorrows in her heart.

Look! It's like clouds in the sky, a sign of the change of weather. For a while, the sky was shrouded; After a while, the sky will be beautifully decorated. They suddenly put their hands on their chest; Suddenly, he stroked his arm gently with a little forehead; Suddenly they form a row; Suddenly it is divided into three columns. It's like a hide and seek game for our friends, which makes us unable to avoid. In the dance carnival, they forgot the audience and themselves. Just enjoy the performance, changing different movements, to tell the moving poetry story of Thousand Hand Kwan yin.

In an instant, a group of Buddha like actors rushed out of a golden Buddhist door, as if they were birds released from a birdcage. Maybe they want to let everyone know that they also have superb skills, which are not inferior to "Guanyin". When I saw here, I couldn't help smiling with a bright hungry smile. I was extremely excited. I thought: I will make great efforts to move forward towards my goal and look beautiful.

The waves of flexible wriggle from the fingertip of the right hand to the fingertip of the left hand. One person, three people, five people After a while, they all overlap and become one. Is that weird? I really don't know how to describe it. There are no humorists who are good at making jokes here, no melodramatic script lines here, and no coveted high kickbacks. It is not like a virtual performance, everything is so real. Let you forget where this is? Let you forget who you are? There are 22 deaf mutes who make you forget about the stage. The purity of human nature, the tenacity of human nature, and the great love of human nature are incredible!

The word "art" sounds very far from us at first. I always think that it belongs to artists and is the research object of elegant people. It is difficult to get close to us ordinary people. However, if you really pay attention to life, those arts actually exist everywhere around us.

If you are a beauty loving lady, you should always look in the mirror before going out every day: the makeup of your face, the changes of your hair style, and the matching of clothes styles and colors are all arts. There is a saying that everyone has the heart to love beauty. This beauty is the art in our eyes.

If you are a person who likes to make coffee shops or eat restaurants, you will definitely have a special preference for the storefront and interior decoration of one or several stores and become a regular customer there. With the improvement of people's living standards, we are not only satisfied with filling our stomachs in restaurants, but also pay more attention to the spiritual enjoyment when eating: novel and unique interior design, a beautiful song or a unique picture may all receive unexpected effects. At this time, you are also a consumer and an art appreciator.

If you are a person who pays attention to details, you will put a delicate case on your mobile phone and hang a tinkling mobile phone chain; Add a cute bear protective cover to the computer surface; The room is arranged to be particularly warm; Stick a Kawaii sticker on the schoolbag

Often, some small details are ignored by us. In fact, these are all art. However, it is not the art in the hands of famous artists, the art sung by famous singers, or the art in the minds of designers. This kind of art belongs to life and is the art of ordinary people. It is this kind of art that makes our life colorful, happy and plain.

Art Dance (8)

You once said that my heart is like a glass, pure as water, even if... "A little sad music came from the window of an interest class, and several girls in the dance room danced beautifully in the music. I was the last of these girls.

Let's practice leg pressing on the stick first. I put my foot gently on the handle and finished the leg pressing action easily. Miss Xiaomeng, the female teacher, was very surprised. Let me show you. Other girls also praised my dancing skills. The following splits, legs hugging and other movements are even easier for me to learn dance. When Xiao Meng always turned into a soft bow, her eyes narrowed with joy and she came to help me correct my movements. He also praised that Jin was a good candidate, and let me lead in every class.

When dancing, I am just like a beautiful butterfly, shuttling freely in the sea of dancing, and flying up and down rhythmically without changing time; I am like a fish plunging into the sea, enjoying the cool feeling of the water belt, letting the water flow through my gills and belly. Only when I have a dance class can I have a brief joy.

Dance has brought me happiness. Only in dance classes can I play mischievously and laugh recklessly. I always joke with children in the dance class: "I'm in the same class as you!..." Every time I finish speaking, I will give out a clear laugh. My laughter infected other girls, who also laughed happily.

In fact, I am not beautiful, as long as the soul is beautiful. In the past, I loved beauty and looked at myself in the mirror all day long. Later, I realized that "it doesn't matter if I'm not good-looking, but the beauty of my heart is the most important." This truth was told to me by Mr. Xiao Meng.

I enjoyed dancing and began to laugh at life! This is the charm of dance, which can change people's temperament and character.

[Example 2]

One of my favorite arts is dance. It goes without saying that my strength is also dance. Dance has created an artistic stage for me! Dance is based on basic skills, supplemented by dance. Basic skills are the most difficult. Forward, backward, forward face, backward face, pull, pull, press, pull, do whatever you want. At first, I was just a student with hard bones. Sometimes it hurts so much that I can't cry out. I hold back my tears and just want to learn something. On the second day of dancing practice, my feet and waist were extremely painful, and I was about to break. If you complain to your parents, they will say: "The most important thing to practice dancing is tolerance."

From then on, no matter how hard and painful I was, I never said a word of pain - since I have made up my mind to practice, I should not be afraid of hardship. Every time the teacher tried his best to help the presser foot, I had to grit my teeth and close my eyes to survive. When summer turns cold, a few years later, I can get down to the ground, hold my ankles with both hands, and strengthen my face in front and behind. Other basic skills are even more important.

After practice after practice, I am making progress step by step. Sometimes, the dance teacher will take us to perform in various places, and sometimes I will show my basic skills in school, which has made me spend a lot of happy time and make me unforgettable all my life.

Dance has created my artistic stage; The stage of my art is created by dancing, and this principle will not change. Dancing makes me stronger and more persistent!