19 Apricot Blossoms
the brevity of life
2023-07-24 22:52:33
Anthropomorphic sentence

1. When the spring breeze blew, the apricot blossoms showed a smiling face.

2. The wind came, and the apricot flower bent over with a smile in the wind.

3. When the spring breeze blew, the apricot blossoms opened their eyes and bloomed.

4. When spring came, apricot blossoms opened their smiling faces shyly.

5. When the spring breeze blew, the apricot blossoms made beautiful smiling faces.

6. The breeze blew gently, and the apricot blossoms spread their bright smiling faces.

7. The spring breeze blew gently, and the apricot blossoms laughed their snow-white faces.

8. The apricot tree in the sun, the first apricot flower showed a smiling face.

9. When spring comes, the apricot blossom opens like a child's face.

10. When the spring wind blows, apricot flowers are unwilling to be outdone and compete with flowers for beauty.

11. The breeze gently called, and the apricot blossoms opened their hazy eyes.

12. In spring, Apricot Blossoms peeped out shyly to see the beautiful spring scenery.

13. Spring breeze sister whistles, apricot blossoms a sweet smile.

14. The soft wind caresses the apricot flowers, and the apricot flowers are laughing and competing in full bloom.

15. Peach blossom and apricot blossom to greet butterflies and bees.

16. In the spring breeze, apricot flowers wore pink skirts to participate in the annual beauty contest.

17. Spring girl gently blew, apricot blossom showed a moving smile to greet her arrival.

18. The spring breeze gently caresses the delicate face of apricot blossom, and the apricot blossom opens into sweet flowers.

19. The soft spring breeze caresses the beautiful apricot blossom, which slowly opens its bright face.