Describing Rain in Summer (19 Selected Articles)
Listen to the wind and watch the moon
2024-05-05 08:48:52

Describing Rain in Summer (1)

Thunderstorms in summer are earth shaking.

This morning, the heavy air was suffocating. The cicadas' chirp passed through the thick leaves and reached my ears, which made me feel a bit bored. At noon, the weather changed. The dark clouds swallowed up the blue sky and slowly spread around.

Suddenly, a dazzling lightning cut across the sky and shot at the earth with a trace of cold light. Then, the thunder of heaven breaking down broke the silence of the earth and reverberated in the sky. "Wow -" It began to rain. Accompanied by the rainstorm, another lightning broke through the sky.

Thousands of threads of rain fall down, endlessly weaving a misty rain curtain. Clouds billow like waves, enveloping endless rain drops. Another flash of lightning, the heavy rain drops break free and hit the earth.

The rain is still falling, but it is not as magnificent as before, so we can only wash the road constantly.

Thunderstorms in summer are soul stirring.

Describing Rain in Summer (2)

Rainy diary describing summer 1

At noon in midsummer, the golden light of the sun shines on the earth like a sword, and the earth is like a huge steamer, which makes people breathless.

The cicada cried out from the tree, as if to say, "Father Sun, don't let the sun shine so much." The dog hung his head, ran to a corner, and said weakly, "Father Sun, don't follow your light, it's too hot." The flowers and grass were dried by the sun, as if to say, "Please forgive me, Father Sun, let the rain mother-in-law come and have a rain.

At this time, Grandma Rain seemed to hear the earth begging, and she came to the sky with the wind. At first, the leaves shook slightly, and people knew that the wind was coming. Later, the wind became stronger and stronger, and a cloud came. It was like a bean pouring down. It hit the glass and made a sound of "ding dong", which seemed to be playing beautiful music. The ant stood on the leaves and thought, when the rain converged into a stream, I would "boat" away.

When the rain stopped, people came to the park to play. The cicadas cried more happily. The dogs ran in the park, and the flowers and plants lay quietly on the ground to breathe fresh air.

I like the rain in summer. It drives away the heat and brings cool.

Rainy diary describing summer 2

Hot summer is the hottest season. I really hope it will rain cats and dogs.

Summer is changeable. Just before the scorching sun, dark clouds have covered the sun like a fireball. Look: these cute ants are moving in a hurry! "Boom" sounded a series of frightening thunder, "wow, wow, wow", thunder, rain, wind mixed together, it was really terrible, as if the sky was about to fall down, some thunderstorms, some storms, so that the whole dry land boiling up, but also brought infinite cool to the hot weather!

What's the smell of summer rain? The rain in summer is sweet and refreshing. After the rain stopped, everyone came to my aunt's vegetable garden. We were surprised to find that cucumbers and loofahs were as big as my arms, and cucumbers were thicker and longer. We can't wait to pick a cucumber and eat it cold. It's delicious! Water, sweet, refreshing, full of the taste of summer rain!

I love summer, I love the rain in summer more, because it is full of infinite vitality. I want to be like rain, not afraid of any difficulties, and sweep away all obstacles that block me!

Rainy diary describing summer 3

I like the rain in summer very much.

I like the rain in summer because as long as it is rainy, people will hold all kinds of umbrellas and look like a sea of flowers, colorful and bright! Maybe you are in this sea of flowers.

I like the rain in summer, especially when the air is as fresh as walking among green mountains and green waters. The street trees on both sides of the road are like girls just dressing up. They are as pure as a virgin. The rain and dew hang on the leaves, refreshing every bit! If you pass by a tree without an umbrella, the rain drops on your face from the leaves. Only you can realize the cool and moist face!

Like the rain in summer, you can hear the clear sound of rain, which is like a slowly flowing stream singing in the mountains, making the restless and nervous mind in the city suddenly become quiet and peaceful; Enjoying the sound of rain in sleep is like a mother's affectionate lullaby, making everyone's dreams sweet and hearty!

When a person walks in the summer rain with an umbrella, you can feel the incomparable loneliness and emptiness, without the noise of sunny days. Use our eyes to pay attention to these plants and trees. They are already the most spiritual carriers. The mind is unconsciously purified and sublimated into a state of emptiness.

Needless to say, the rain in summer is beautiful! Just like you and me in the rain, so beautiful!

Rainy Diary Describing Summer 4

The weather in summer is like a baby's face.

It was a sunny afternoon. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, as if the ink bottle had been knocked over. Then, a strong wind blew, and the branches were swayed and moaned. At this time, a flash of lightning cut through the sky and shed a silver light on the earth. Then, Lei Gong "boomed" and sang a song.

Look at the road. The car turns on the warning light and slowly moves forward. From time to time, there comes the sound of "Didi" horn. The cyclists are driving hard. The pedestrians are complaining in the rain shelter, looking up at the sky from time to time, hoping that the rain will stop soon

The rain gradually decreased, and finally only a few rain babies were unwilling to end the symphony. They "ticked" and "tinkled", and formed a wonderful waltz. At this time, I found that the grass was greener, the trees were more energetic, and the sky was bluer. I opened the window, and a smell of soil came to my face. I sucked the fresh air greedily, unwilling to leave for a long time

Rainy Diary Describing Summer 5

The weather in summer is like a baby's face.

It was a sunny afternoon. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the sky, as if the ink bottle had been knocked over. Then, a strong wind blew, and the branches were swayed and moaned. At this time, a flash of lightning cut through the sky and shed a silver light on the earth. Then, Lei Gong "boomed" and sang a song.

The fish doll could not resist the call of Father Lei, broke away from Mother Yun's embrace, and jumped down eagerly. Some of the rain babies landed on the roof, "ding dong", some jumped into the river, "ding dong ding dong", and some fell on the ground, "pa pa, pa pa" many kinds of sounds combined into a magnificent symphony. The rain is getting heavier and denser. The water on the ground has become a "stream", "streams" have merged into a "river", and some depressions have become a "vast ocean".

The rain gradually reduced, and finally only a few drops of rain dolls were unwilling to end the symphony. They "ticked", "ding dong dong", and formed a beautiful waltz. At this time, I found that the grass was greener, the trees were more energetic, and the sky was bluer. I opened the window, and a smell of soil came to my face. I sucked greedily, unwilling to leave for a long time

Rainy Diary Describing Summer 6

Two days ago, the weather forecast issued a red warning, telling people to go out as little as possible to avoid typhoon, lightning and rain.

The weather is extremely sultry, without a trace of wind, the tree tops are still, and people can hardly breathe. Suddenly, the sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, and a typhoon swept over the whole city of Nanjing. It was accompanied by a downpour. Soon the road at the door had become a river, and you had to raise your pants when you went out. The rain kept falling down from the sky, and the thunder crackled and rumbled ceaselessly. One flash of lightning followed by a burst of thunder. I dare not go out at all.

Then I heard the sound of 120 ambulances, saw the tree in front of the door was blown down by the typhoon, and heard someone was knocked down by the fallen tree. It's raining, people are comfortable, but the rain is too fierce, people have no time to dodge. It has caused many human injuries. I silently begged Grandpa Tianwang: "Let the storm come gently!" People love the rain in summer, because everything becomes pure and clean after the rain. The earth often needs rain to wash.

Describing Rain in Summer (3)

The rain of summer comes to the world quietly, this time, the rain will come again.

The sky was overcast. The dark clouds didn't come up completely, but the sky was yellow and red, very hot, although there was a cool wind. The cicadas kept shouting, and the women quickly put away their clothes. At this time, the sky turned yellow, and the cicada cried loudly. After a while, black clouds came up and drove away the clouds and the sun. I remembered two lines of poetry: "Black clouds roll over the mountains, white jade jump into the boat."

At this time, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and we were startled. In the rain, the soybeans fell down and hit the ground like beans fried in a pot. The people on the electric bike are careful. They look forward and ride. The car also drove slowly for fear of accidents. The streets are full of water. The big tree could not resist the attack of the heavy rain, and fell down reluctantly. The flowers had no time to take back their petals, so they were beaten down several pieces. I tried to stretch my head out to see if I could get my father back, but unfortunately, the rain beat me back because it hurt too much.

The rain stopped, the sewers were blocked, the water quickly reached my thighs, and the streets were almost the Yangtze River. People looked at the distance in fear at home, afraid of rain and thunder. The plump buds of the flowers have been beaten to a minimum by the rain, and even the tall trees have been knocked down. The earth emits the fragrance of earth, the sky takes on a new look, like brushing with a brush, and the big tree straightens up to meet the next challenge.

Rain is a natural phenomenon, and spring rain is soft and nutritious; Xia Yu is violent; Autumn rain gives people a fresh taste; The winter rain is very cold. They have their own characteristics and magic, but I prefer the rain in summer

Describing Rain in Summer (4)

When summer comes, rain will follow.

This afternoon, it suddenly became sultry. I was like an ant on a hot pot, constantly fanning the electric fan. Lie on the windowsill and look at the sky. Dark clouds block the blue sky and the sun one after another. It is transmitting a message: it is going to rain.

Before long, it rained cats and dogs in the sky. Suddenly, people on the ground fell into a riot and hurriedly sought shelter. The rain fell like a line, making a "rustling" sound. The ground soon became wet, and the depression was filled with water. When the rain hit the ground and hit the puddle, sometimes a bubble would turn up, like a fish spitting bubbles. The bubble would become a funnel after explosion, and finally disappeared without a trace. In the evening, a strong wind blew, and the rain suddenly became disorderly. The rain rushed like pedestrians on the road, and fell on the ground like pearls with broken lines, splashing layer upon layer. It rained heavily, but I was very happy. The thunder and lightning made the rain even more terrible. The lightning flashed, and the night turned into day. The thunder "boom" sounded, like the anger of the heaven, like the heaven blaming the world, and the rain was its tears.

Late at night, the rain gradually stopped, and the air after the rain was particularly fresh. There were raindrops on the trees and grass, and the leaves were shining under the light. The plants after the "bath" became extremely energetic.

Ah! It's nice to rain.

Describing Rain in Summer (5)

Summer is like a baby's face. Just when the sun was burning high, suddenly the wind roared, and the sand and rocks flew on the earth, which made people unable to open their eyes. The sky was full of thick black clouds, "roaring", thunder, silver snake like lightning across the sky.

"Crash..." Pea like raindrops fell from the sky, and the trees and houses outside the window could not be seen clearly. The raindrops fell on the street, and soon became a stream; When the raindrops fall into the pond, the small fish and shrimp hide under the lotus leaves; Raindrops fall on the lotus leaves, like sparkling diamonds; The raindrops fell into the fields, and the crops that had been thirsty for several days drank enough water; The rain falls on the flowers and plants, giving them a happy bath; When the rain fell on the campus, the students held up small umbrellas, like beautiful umbrellas

In summer, the rain comes and goes in a hurry. After a while, the rain stopped, and fresh air came in, the trees took on a new look, the rainbow in the sky was like a colorful bridge, and the earthworms also came out of the soil to breathe the fresh air.

Summer rain is vigorous, I love summer rain.

Describing Rain in Summer (6)

Today, I was standing on the balcony with the wind blowing. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and black clouds rolled and hit. Several flashes of lightning flashed in the boundless sky, and then there were several dull thunder. Before I recovered, the torrential rain had already fallen madly. I hurried into the house to enjoy the summer rain through the glass.

The rain in summer is really different. It's like Miss Xia's hot temper. The rain outside the glass window is like a waterfall, and the trees are swayed by the wind. Looking at the ground, the rain pounded on the ground, and countless bubbles appeared, as if Miss Xia was venting her unhappiness. If you look at the sky again, it's even more amazing. The dark clouds in the sky are like runaway horses rolling in like the tide, devouring the whole blue sky without leaving a gap. From time to time, a dazzling flash of lightning pierced the sky, followed by a burst of explosive thunder. It can be seen that Miss Xia's anger has reached the extreme.

Look at it. It's raining harder and harder. A layer of rain curtain covers the glass tightly, and things outside are almost invisible.

Come as soon as you say, and leave as soon as you say. Before long, the rain stopped slowly, and the dark clouds dispersed. When I opened the door on the balcony, a burst of fresh came, and a rainbow hung in the sky. It seems that Miss Xia is in a better mood.

The rain in summer is strange, funny and lovely.

Describing Rain in Summer (7)

Freeze frame: At this time, the sky was clear, the haze was swept away, the sun was smiling from the clouds, and we went home happily.

Replay 1: Five minutes ago, the rain "Dida Dida" seemed to be much smaller. I walked in the rain. It was so soft and warm. We smiled and said excitedly, "The rain will stop soon, and we can go home."

Replay 2: 10 minutes ago, we found a local station for shelter from the rain, picked up our mobile phone and made a phone call to my father. Maybe my father was sleeping soundly, so I hung up when no one answered.

Replay 3: Fifteen minutes ago, the rain became more and more dense, covering our sight. We looked everywhere for shelter, ran in the heavy rain, and tried to find it, but we couldn't find it. Finally, the effort paid off. A shelter from the rain appeared in our sight, and we all jumped up happily.

Replay 4: 30 minutes ago, we were walking in the park. Suddenly, thunder sounded, and the sky was overcast. A flash of lightning flashed. It was raining cats and dogs, and the street was suddenly covered with a layer of mist like smoke and rain.

Replay 5: 40 minutes ago, we came to the park and saw a five yuan electric car for one minute, so I asked my mother: "Mom, can I play?" To my surprise, my mother readily agreed, played for a while, and was ready to complete our next goal for a walk.

Replay 6: 50 minutes ago, I came to the park with my mother, sister and brother. At this time, you must have a question mark. What about my father? Dad didn't come because he was sleeping, so we abandoned him and set out by car.

Describing Rain in Summer (8)

The soft chords of the wooden guitar are still ringing in my ears, and my mind is also flying with it in the summer air, looking for the long lost childhood innocence in the air unconsciously with the help of the reverberating melody.


When I was young, I inexplicably liked the rain and listened to it. I liked its sound of "jingling", "rustling" and "rustling" on the glass, on the ground and on different objects. At that time, I didn't know what the "sounds of nature" was, but I just thought it sounded good. Now when I think about it, the sound of rain should be the sound of nature in my childhood. it's raining.

Playing in the rain when we were children is our boys' patent. As long as the rain is not too heavy, our group of "Boy Scouts" must have a good time. Even when I came home, I was covered with mud and sewage, and I didn't regret being "spit bathed" by my father and mother. I only wanted to be happy and uninhibited for a while.

At that time, we didn't know how to grow up, but only played. At that time, our main task was to play. Now I feel childish at that time, but living in the jungle of cement and steel, we want to feel happy and happy, just like when we were a child, we found some invisible ropes bound you, so we miss the childish. People are like this, just like Stephen Chow's classic dialogue in "A Journey to the West", "You don't know how to cherish until you lose it".


The wind in summer is not as strong as that in winter. Sometimes it is lazy, sometimes it is full of vitality. He is free from any restrictions, and even a little presumptuous. He is really envious.

Grow up, like to blow.

I especially remember that in the summer when I was seven years old, I was sitting on a couch under my grandmother's banyan tree, with my grandfather's presbyopic glasses hanging around my neck, my legs dangling dishonestly, and my grandfather's tea was still on the small table beside me. Leaving the lid of the teapot slightly aside, the tea fragrance overflows in the summer wind. I always sleep quietly when I smell the tea in the wind

In the summer wind, there is always a cry of "cicada" and grasshopper. At that time, catching "cicada" should be the most comfortable thing. When we were at Grandma's house, I and my "best friends" would go to the tree to catch "cicada" after every meal. Sometimes we were lucky enough to meet "cicada monkey" in the evening. We can catch more than one cloth belt in one day. Of course, catching so many cicadas is not just for playing. They will become our delicious food after catching them, pinching off their wings and frying them. I can't change this hobby until now. Every summer vacation, Grandma would catch some for me.

Grandma's backyard was a large open space surrounded by tall poplars. More than half of the garden was occupied by fruit trees, and a small vegetable plot was near the window in the south. When there is much rain in summer, it becomes a paradise for frogs. In summer, no matter how sleepy people are, the frog will never stop his singing in the dead of night. The tireless spirit is really admirable. I admire it, but I don't like it. I'm tired of the noisy people. Even fans were rare in the countryside at that time. No matter how hot it was, I relied on the poor cool wind of cattail fans to drive away the summer heat. At the end of July and the beginning of August, the temperature of more than 30 degrees makes people feel like living in a steamer. Most people can't sleep in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, a cool wind comes up, and people want to sleep, but frogs are making a lot of noise. Especially after the rain, the chorus of southern and northern tunes has no sense of musical beauty, which is terrible! I also read in the book that others wrote so beautifully about Frog Singing. At that time, I never understood such an ugly thing. How could it change when they wrote it?


Looking at the white sunshine outside, the world seems to evaporate. Pedestrians on the road have disappeared, and occasionally a car carrying passengers roared past on the road. The flowers in the flower bed downstairs have been bent by the gilding. The white clouds in the sky are still lazily hanging there. I feel that the summer here is still the same as before, and the time seems to have solidified.

The clouds in summer can't be more precise than "thunder can't move".

Occasionally, a few dark clouds come - it's going to rain. Fortunately, this cloud somehow came out to exercise. He went to bed early after a long time. That dark cloud was just a substitute invited - really lazy.

So year after year, after countless encounters with rain, wind and clouds, I became what I am now. Childhood is always a childhood. Childhood is like a dessert in a stressful life. When we recall it, it gives us more or less comfort and joy. Put this innocence in my heart and go to the team tomorrow.

Suddenly, I found that I had been daydreaming for several hours, and the sun had set. In a big city with many tall buildings, there is still a beautiful scene of "a setting sun paving the water". Hometown, childhood summer, some fragmentary memories, how can not drive away

Describing Rain in Summer (9)

The soft chords of the wooden guitar are still ringing in my ears, and my mind is also flying with it in the summer air, looking for the long lost childhood innocence in the air unconsciously with the help of the reverberating melody.


When I was young, I inexplicably liked the rain and listened to it. I liked its sound of "jingling", "rustling" and "rustling" on the glass, on the ground and on different objects. At that time, I didn't know what the "sounds of nature" was, but I just thought it sounded good. Now when I think about it, the sound of rain should be the sound of nature in my childhood. it's raining.

Playing in the rain when we were children is our boys' patent. As long as the rain is not too heavy, our group of "Boy Scouts" must have a good time. Even when I came home, I was covered with mud and sewage, and I didn't regret being "spit bathed" by my father and mother. I only wanted to be happy and uninhibited for a while.

At that time, we didn't know how to grow up, but only played. At that time, our main task was to play. Now we feel childish at that time, but living in the jungle of cement and steel, we want to be happy like when we were a child, but we find some invisible ropes bound you, so we miss the childish childhood again. People are like this, just like Stephen Chow's classic dialogue in "A Journey to the West", "You don't know how to cherish until you lose it".


The wind in summer is not as strong as that in winter. Sometimes it is lazy, sometimes it is full of vitality. He is free from any restrictions, and even a little presumptuous. He is really envious.

Grow up, like to blow.

I especially remember that in the summer when I was seven years old, I was sitting on a couch under my grandmother's banyan tree, with my grandfather's presbyopic glasses hanging around my neck, my legs dangling dishonestly, and my grandfather's tea was still on the small table beside me. Leaving the lid of the teapot slightly aside, the tea fragrance overflows in the summer wind. When I smell the tea in the wind, I will always go to sleep quietly

In the summer wind, there is always a cry of "cicada" and grasshopper. At that time, catching "cicada" should be the most comfortable thing. When we were at Grandma's house, I and my "best friends" would go to the tree to catch "cicada" after every meal. Sometimes we were lucky enough to meet "cicada monkey" in the evening. We can catch more than one cloth belt in one day. Of course, catching so many cicadas is not just for playing. They will become our delicious food after catching them, pinching off their wings and frying them. I can't change this hobby until now. Every summer vacation, Grandma would catch some for me. China University Ranking

Grandma's backyard was a large open space surrounded by tall poplars. More than half of the garden was occupied by fruit trees, and a small vegetable plot was near the window in the south. When there is much rain in summer, it becomes a paradise for frogs. In summer, no matter how sleepy people are, the frog will never stop his singing in the dead of night. The tireless spirit is really admirable. I admire it, but I don't like it. I'm tired of the noisy people. Even fans were rare in the countryside at that time. No matter how hot it was, I relied on the poor cool wind of cattail fans to drive away the summer heat. At the end of July and the beginning of August, the temperature of more than 30 degrees makes people feel like living in a steamer. Most people can't sleep in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, a cool wind comes up, and people want to sleep, but frogs are making a lot of noise. Especially after the rain, the chorus of southern and northern tunes has no sense of musical beauty, which is terrible! I also read in the book that others wrote so beautifully about Frog Singing. At that time, I never understood such an ugly thing. How could it change when they wrote it?


Looking at the white sunshine outside, the world seems to evaporate. Pedestrians on the road have disappeared, and occasionally a car carrying passengers roared past on the road. The flowers in the flower bed downstairs have been bent by the gilding. The white clouds in the sky are still lazily hanging there. I feel that the summer here is still the same as before, and the time seems to have solidified.

The clouds in summer can't be more precise than "thunder can't move".

Occasionally, a few dark clouds come - it's going to rain. Fortunately, this cloud somehow came out to exercise. He went to bed early after a long time. That dark cloud was just a substitute invited - really lazy.

So year after year, after countless encounters with rain, wind and clouds, I became what I am now. Childhood is always a childhood. Childhood is like a dessert in a stressful life. When we recall it, it gives us more or less comfort and joy. Put this innocence in my heart and go to the team tomorrow.

Suddenly, I found that I had been daydreaming for several hours, and the sun had set. In a big city with many tall buildings, there is still a beautiful scene of "a setting sun paving the water". Hometown, childhood summer, some fragmentary memories, how can not drive away

Describing Rain in Summer (10)

The rain all the year round is strange: the rain in spring is continuous; The autumn rain is rustling; The rain in winter is cold. Although the rain is different in spring, autumn and winter. But what I like most is the rain in summer. It comes and goes quickly. As the saying goes, the face of a child in midsummer changes when it is said.

Standing by the window, I heard several cicadas shouting "cicadas! Cicadas!" They seemed to say, "It's so hot! It's so hot!" When I looked down, I saw the guard dog sticking out his tongue, as if to say, "It's so hot, let me stay outside, I will die of heat sooner or later!" When I saw Xiaohua standing there dejected, Xiaocao bent down. The spider's web was scattered by the wind. Not long after I opened the window, a stream of hot air hit my face, making my breathing difficult, and my blood seethed in my chest.

At this time, the sky seemed to be covered by a huge black cloth. Suddenly, a purple lightning flashed across the sky and cut the black cloth. Duke Lei played a loud drum. The rain fell on the roof and made a sound of "pingpingpang", "dingdingdong" and "clattering". It seems that a group of happy raindrops are holding a concert on my roof. I bring an umbrella to listen to their happy singing. It suddenly occurred to me that the music teacher taught a song called "Concert in Spring Rain". I couldn't help humming a few words: "The spring rain drums are booming; the spring water is applauding

Singing and listening, the rain stopped. The grass straightened its waist; The little flower bloomed a smiling face; The spider weaves its web among the branches again; The cicada cried happily. I opened the window gently and took a breath of fresh air, feeling that people are more energetic. There was a bright sunshine hanging in the sky. In front of the sunshine, there was a colorful rainbow. I was surprised to find that there was a rainbow so long, so thin, and so dazzling.

Summer rain comes and goes quickly. After this summer, I think the rain in summer has its own unique beauty. Ah! What a beautiful summer! What a beautiful rain! I love summer, love it has its own unique wind color.

Describing Rain in Summer (11)

It's really hot today. The sun is burning the earth. The cicada cried from the tree, as if to say, "It's hot! It's too hot! If only there was a storm."

In the afternoon, God really changed his face. The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if a black cloth had been paved in the sky and was about to be pressed down. After a while, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, which was like a sharp sword splitting the sky in two. It was creepy. Then, the thunder rumbled. The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking. The wind came whirring. The towering tree became timid and bowed to the Wind God. Dragonflies fly very low. The bird hid in the tree and watched the scene carefully.

After a while, the rain "clattered" down to the ground, fell on the roof, formed a beautiful rain curtain, fell into the pool, rippled, like a blossoming beautiful flowers. It fell on the window and made a noise of "crackling"... The passers-by on the road walked with difficulty and murmured: "Why is it raining so heavily? It's really disgusting!" The umbrellas people held were swayed by the wind, just like a weak girl swayed by the wind and said loudly: "I can't hold on to it. Who can help me?" The road was full of water and turned into a river. The car driving from above was like a boat, practicing "Lightness Skill Floating on Water". After a while, the rain gradually stopped. The sun ran out laughing. The air is fresher after being washed by rain. A rainbow appeared in the sky. Red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple are more beautiful under the sunshine. The flowers and grass are covered with water, which is extremely beautiful. What a lively scene.

The summer rain comes and goes in a hurry, and the time is like this, isn't it?

Describing Rain in Summer (12)

Summer Rain (I)

I love summer, but I prefer the rain in summer. Yesterday evening, it rained heavily. I sat by the window and observed it carefully.

The sun in the sky is still smiling towards the earth, with dark clouds in the eyes and heavy rain. At the beginning, the raindrops were still so small, so thin, like the spring rain. The crystal clear raindrops fell one after another. After a while, the rain began to fall heavily. The dense raindrops fell on the glass and the shed like a wonderful music, and it was the performer in summer who directed all kinds of life to flourish.

The rain is getting heavier and denser, like a curtain of water separating the left from the right. In front of the door, there were pools of water, not big or small. Even the kittens quickly hid under the eaves to take shelter from the rain. Those who have umbrellas hold up umbrellas and walk leisurely on the road. Those without umbrellas cover their heads with clothes and run home like a gust of wind. The rain gradually subsided, and the "curtain of water" gradually loosened, revealing several "big holes". However, before long, the storm, accompanied by heavy rain and lightning, came again.

Suddenly, a bright yellow light appeared in the air, followed by a deafening loud "boom". At this time, if you suddenly open the door, hey hey, the wind will rush in with raindrops. If you don't fall over and knock off a front tooth, you will at least experience the pain of "drowned chicken".

The rain gradually stopped, but the beauty of the summer rain stayed in my heart for a long time

Summer Rain (II)

Today is May 5th. Let me check the calendar. Alas, it's summer.

I looked up outside the window and saw the rain splashing. It really felt like summer.

I simply stood in front of the window, opened the window gently and watched the rain. The rain is dancing in the air that belongs to them! Look, they bring joy to Miss Xia. They send water, the source of life, to all regions. They wash trees and flowers. They clean the world! The air is more fresh, the green leaves are refreshing, and everything in nature is breathtaking! The transparent raindrops are like elves, telling people that summer has come; The transparent raindrops are like children, and the water on the ground overflows. The rain in summer is really beautiful.

Listen, Miss Xia is playing music. The raindrops beat on the canopy, the earth, and the small umbrella. The sound is so beautiful, better than all the music in the world. Sister Feng, accompanied by rhythmic sound, beat the big tree and composed a chapter of accompaniment for the drumbeat of raindrops. One or two sporadic chirps of cicadas are the whispers of Miss Spring before she leaves, and the cheerful singing of birds is Miss Xia's earnest promise. The rain in summer is really nice.

The fury of summer rain is as gentle as spring rain. The rain in summer is intense, more than the patter in spring. Summer rain, why are you so full of vitality; Summer rain, why are you so beautiful?

I love rain, spring, autumn, especially summer rain

Summer Rain (III)

Today, I was standing on the balcony with the wind blowing. Suddenly, a few drops of rain and stars fell on my head. Before I get over it, it's raining cats and dogs. I was unprepared. My clothes were almost wet by the rain and I ran into the house. It's strange. Instead of being angry, I am interested in the rain and want to enjoy it.

The rain in summer is really different. It's like the big tears of Miss Xia. Following her obstinate and fiery temper, it's easy to say and explosive, which makes people unprepared. Looking at the ground, the rain hit the ground hard, and countless bubbles appeared, as if Miss Xia was venting her unhappiness.

If you look at the sky again, it's even more amazing. The dark clouds in the sky are like runaway horses rolling in like the tide, devouring the whole blue sky without leaving a gap. From time to time, a dazzling flash of lightning pierced the sky, followed by a burst of explosive thunder. It can be seen that Miss Xia's anger has reached its limit.

Look at it. It's raining harder and harder. A layer of rain curtain covers the window tightly, and things outside are almost invisible.

Come as soon as you say, and leave as soon as you say. Before long, the rain stopped slowly, the dark clouds also dispersed, and the thunder became less and less. I opened the door on the balcony again and went out. A gust of cool wind blew in my face, much stronger than the wind before the rain. The rain on the roof flows down, interweaving into a beautiful symphony. It seems that Miss Xia is in a better mood.

The rain in summer is really strange, funny and lovely.

Summer Rain (IV)

Spring hurried away, and summer hurried back. This is a summer day

The hot sun is baking the earth. The earth is not alive at all, and there is no wind. Several willows by the river hung their heads; The cicada cried desperately, "Hot! Hot..." A yellow dog was helpless on the ground, sticking out its red tongue and gasping for breath.

I don't know when the little plait of the willow tree moved for a while. God helped me, and it finally blew. After a while, the wind became stronger. The paper scraps on the ground flew up and danced. It seemed that someone had knocked over the ink in the sky. Thick dark clouds covered half of the sky. There was a thundering sound, followed by a "patter patter". The big raindrops wetted the ground and splashed water one after another. At first, the rain just like Grandma feeding the chicken with corn. "It's raining! It's raining!" I ran downstairs excitedly and spread my hands to pick up the cool raindrops. Raindrops keep falling on my head. I feel cool and happy! After a while, the rain poured down like opening a barn and releasing a grain. The white rain poured down without thinking. Suddenly, it made me like a drowned rat, and I ran home.

It rained for more than an hour. The rain was light, smaller, and completely clear. When I opened the window, a cool wind with the fragrance of flowers rushed towards me, refreshing my heart.

Describing Rain in Summer (13)

In the evening, before it was dark, it began to rain.

On the road, people were holding umbrellas of all kinds, which looked like a colorful ocean. Crowds came and went, and I was walking back. I was not fast with my schoolbag on my back. When you come to the intersection, wait for the red light on the dim road. Suddenly, when I bent down to pick up a piece of paper, my schoolbag fell off the chain and spit out the textbook on the road. I panicked and felt helpless in this scene. The books were scattered on the ground and couldn't be picked up at the moment, coupled with the heavy rain. The book crumpled up, just looking at my embarrassed appearance, I felt that I was baked by a pair of hot eyes, feeling ashamed.

About two minutes later, a man in a suit came up to me and said, "Little brother, what's wrong with you?"?

I said reluctantly: 'My book fell on the road, too late to pick it up. I pointed wrongly. '

He said: Don't worry, uncle will pick it up for you. He put down his umbrella and picked up books for me in the heavy rain. I think the good people in the world are really single-minded! He picked up the book with him. The passers-by nearby put up their love umbrellas for us. I watched my uncle pick up books carefully on the roadside in spite of the heavy rain, wiping water stains like collectibles, and helping me put them into my schoolbag. It seems that he was too focused. His white suit had been soaked by water, and his hair was stuck together because of rain. His handsome face could not tell whether it was water or sweat coming down from his cheeks. Several passers-by also took part in picking up the books I had scattered all the way. The rain slowly turned into a drizzle, and the whole city was like wearing a layer of gauze. Become indistinct. But in my eyes, I only saw a man who bent down to pick up books for me, and a handful of umbrellas that opened for me. Finally, after some statistics, we put all the books in our schoolbags. Looking at the backs of passers-by, my heart is as cool and happy as this summer rain.

After returning the umbrella to my uncle, he also told me: "Next time you should check your schoolbag, go back to change your clothes, and be careful of catching a cold." He also handed me a towel, asked me to wipe the drops on my head, and then disappeared at the intersection with the umbrella. "

The rain in early summer is so cool, and the world in the rain is so fresh.

Describing Rain in Summer (14)

Describing Summer Rain Composition 1

This morning, it rained again. I can't remember how many rains it was since the beginning of summer. I just felt a refreshing and cool feeling in the air, which made me feel relaxed and happy.

Yesterday's weather forecast said that there would be showers today, but I didn't expect that the rain would not stop until school ended at noon. I didn't bring rain gear, but I was not afraid because I could run home alone in the rain. I am a sensible, obedient and strong girl. My father has always praised me like this. I also feel comfortable in the rain in this air. When I walked out of the school door talking and laughing with my classmates, I saw a familiar figure, Mom! God helps me. I ran into my mother's umbrella and felt beautiful.

My mother took me to see the children of an aunt who was one of her colleagues. When I went there, I found out that the aunt's child was angry with his mother for some reason and jumped from the third floor and broke a bone. I don't know why, I felt bored when I stayed there. I kept arguing to go home because I didn't like that wayward sister, and I didn't want to stay at her home. On the way back, I didn't say a word. I was thinking about my own affairs. Thinking about it, I fell asleep in the car I went back to. In my dream, I dreamed of my father. I asked him when he would come home? My father said that I would be back soon. He asked me to listen to my mother at home and not make her angry. Suddenly, a loud thunder startled me from my dream. I opened my eyes and saw that I was asleep in my mother's arms. I said to my mother, "Mom, I'm afraid. I miss my father. Can you sleep with me tonight?" My mother smiled and said, "Well, you are really my good child."

In the evening, it is still raining... I like the rainy evening in early summer, and I prefer to lie in my mother's arms and sleep peacefully in such a night.

Describing Summer Rain Composition 2

In the morning, as soon as I got up, I felt very stuffy. The dark clouds in the sky made up a gloomy makeup, and there were smoke gray scenes everywhere. The dark cloud is more like a magician. Its magic has not only changed the color of the sky, but also changed everyone's mood. The ants who were upset moved hurriedly, and the noisy swallows flew low to search for those insects with water droplets on their wings... All these phenomena indicate rain!

The dark clouds in the sky are becoming more and more domineering. It's not enough to cover some of them. They actually left "footprints" from the west to the east, as if it was getting dark. The dark clouds slowly changed. It was heavy, like a lot of water could be squeezed out of it. Sure enough, the frightening lightning with "white light" accompanied by "rumbling" thunder tore a hole in the sky. The wind also came to join in the excitement, "whining" like thousands of wild animals howling at the same time.

The heavy rain finally came out "grandly", and the big raindrops poured onto the earth, getting bigger and bigger. Like small bottle caps, the ground soon became completely wet, and then gradually turned into silk, long and thin, like transparent threads, spinning something in the air, but disappeared on the ground. In order to show off its power, the heavy rain began to gather and pour down. I threw a small paper ball, which became pulp in a few seconds. When I looked at the distance, it was clear that there were small puddles everywhere.

More than ten minutes later, the heavy rain began to weaken slowly, and the filaments began to grow and subdivide into short and thick rain particles, and then turned into fine and soft drizzle, and the sky also brightened.

The rain has gone, and the dark clouds are tired, so I go back to rest with my soft body. The sun showed his head, and the warm sunshine embraced the earth. In the fresh air, a beautiful rainbow bridge appeared. Her two ends seemed to be connected to the end of the sky, and the bridge head could not be seen. The sun is getting stronger and stronger, which makes my eyes uncomfortable. The beautiful rainbow is also illuminated in a daze. It is indistinct, so I have to lower my head and let my eyes rest for a minute to see it again. But the sun just took advantage of this space to drive away the rainbow. Before I can see enough, it is really a naughty sun grandfather.

Describing Summer Rain Composition 3

Summer rain These days, the temperature is as high as 38 ℃! The world is like a furnace, and my home is like a steamer, which makes me breathless. How eager for a timely rain!

In the evening, although my grandparents and I were blowing fans and eating iced watermelons, it was still sultry. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out of the window, whirring straight into our arms. It was so cool and comfortable! The refreshing breeze made Grandpa dance like a child; Grandma was impatient with the cold and quickly ran back to the room to add clothes; The electric fan turned off and turned happily because of the sudden strong wind; I stood in front of the window, closed my eyes, listened to the sound of the wind quietly, and enjoyed the coolness of the wind

Suddenly, Shen Dai's night opened a very long and narrow hole, and the white light came through the sky at dusk - it was lightning, like a signal flare on the battlefield, but it was many times brighter. After a while, there was a roar of drums behind the scenes - it was thunder. It was like a follower of lightning, shouting and cheering, making people feel the beautiful melody of nature.

Finally, the rain can no longer bear! The "clattering" downpour came as scheduled and poured down recklessly... The raindrops were very big, and by the wind, they were "clattering" on the glass of our house. Then, the raindrops suddenly became very dense, from raindrops to rain pillars, and the rain curtain, riding the wind, carrying thunder and lightning, dominated the whole world. After a while, the rain gradually came, and through the white fish belly in the distance, the rays of the sky were unpredictable: suddenly lily color, suddenly golden yellow, sometimes half purple and half yellow, sometimes half gray and half red... Suddenly, the air was fresh and pleasant, making people relaxed and happy.

I cried out, "Oh, rainbow!" Everyone looked out of the window. There were two rainbows hanging in the sky in the distance. One was deeper and the other was lighter, but it was not very clear. Soon, the sky magically merged them into one, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, colorful, beautiful! I can't stop staring at the magic.

The rainbow gradually faded and a torrential rain came! The low-carbon world is still beautiful

Describing Summer Rain Composition 4

Sometimes it rains slowly, sometimes it rains quickly; Sometimes it goes down big, sometimes it goes down small; Sometimes it's cheerful, sometimes it's gloomy; Sometimes it brings people cool, sometimes it brings people cold. The rain in summer is unique.

Summer is coming. The beautiful rain scenery is an indispensable bright scenery in summer. composition

At noon in summer, the sky is blue and the earth is scorched by the hot sun. The grass on the roadside lowers its head thirsty. However, after several heavy rains, the park was lush, and the small trees grew up unconsciously. The leaves covered the blue sky, and the golden sun could only reveal scattered light spots. Looking at the beautiful scenery, the original impetuous mood also calmed down. The rain in summer brings us a good mood and presents us with beautiful scenery.

On the road in summer, the sun shines brightly, without a trace of wind. It's steamy and stuffy. But just then, the summer rain arrived in time, and it began to rain with a trace of coolness. A little while down, a little while down; In a short while, it was very cheerful; He would be noisy and awkward, sometimes he would suddenly stop, but in a little while it was working again. Like a good song, sometimes it sings very fast, sometimes it sings very slowly and lyrically, sometimes it stops suddenly at the climax and then continues to sing. In this way, while working, people "listen to music" while enjoying the "air conditioning of nature". composition

The rain in summer is "timely rain". It arrives in time when people are hottest. It rains cool and antipyretic; It arrived in time when the flowers, plants and trees were dying, and got the "water of life" that could save the flowers and grass!

How beautiful the rain is in summer!

Describing Summer Rain Composition 5

A gust of unbridled wind, followed by dark clouds, followed by a burst of thunder, rain, gongs and drums to come.

The sky was overcast, and dark clouds rolled from the horizon. Lightning is like a sharp sword flashing cold light, flying in the sky, shining the sky like daylight, deafening thunder crackling, lightning is like countless changing lights, rain, come swaggering -- crash, crash

The strong wind is sweeping the rain like peas, and the thunder is booming. It is like a rock band, playing a symphony of heaven and earth, gradually becoming clear and loud

In the rainstorm, the roadside trees were bent and straightened by the strong wind, repeatedly competing with the strong wind. The leaves rustled and shook wildly. On the road, large and small puddles converged into a long river. Occasionally, a car drove by, splashing water one after another. On the window glass, the rain is like a flying waterfall, and countless raindrops are like countless swordsmen, skimming over the mountains, fields, rivers, and the whole world.

The rain is still falling endlessly, and the strong wind is shaking and pulling the branches and leaves, which is like the shouting of thousands of troops on the battlefield, or the billowing waves of the sea. Heavy raindrops made the originally calm river look like a hornet's nest. The sky is like a big sieve, with raindrops as big as soybeans pouring down on the earth. The thunder and lightning also shouted slogans, and lightning flashed across the sky, and thunders swept across the ground, as if to shatter the whole universe. The wind chases the rain, the rain chases the wind, thunder and lightning go together, wind, rain and thunder, as if to devour the world!

Suddenly, the rain stopped, the wind held its breath, and the thunder and lightning were hidden. The city suddenly became very quiet, and the small tree straightened its back, as if to describe the joy after the shower, everything became particularly fresh. On the leaves, raindrops are still dripping, dropping into the puddles, making a clear sound——

Ding Dong Ding Dong——

It seems to be the aftertaste of a summer rain.

Describing Rain in Summer (15)

Summer rain 500 words composition 1

Sometimes it rains slowly, sometimes it rains quickly; Sometimes it goes down big, sometimes it goes down small; Sometimes it's cheerful, sometimes it's gloomy; Sometimes it brings people cool, sometimes it brings people cold. The rain in summer is unique.

Summer is coming. The beautiful rain scenery is an indispensable bright scenery in summer.

At noon in summer, the sky is blue and the earth is scorched by the hot sun. The grass on the roadside lowers its head thirsty. However, after several heavy rains, the park was lush, and the small trees grew up unconsciously. The leaves covered the blue sky, and the golden sun could only reveal scattered light spots. Looking at the beautiful scenery, the original impetuous mood also calmed down. The rain in summer brings us a good mood and presents us with beautiful scenery.

On the road in summer, the sun shines brightly, without a trace of wind. It's steamy and stuffy. But just then, the summer rain arrived in time, and it began to rain with a trace of coolness. A little while down, a little while down; In a short while, it was very cheerful; He would be noisy and awkward, sometimes he would suddenly stop, but in a little while it was working again. Like a good song, sometimes it sings very fast, sometimes it sings very slowly and lyrically, sometimes it stops suddenly at the climax and then continues to sing. In this way, while working, people "listen to music" while enjoying the "air conditioning of nature". composition

The rain in summer is "timely rain". It arrives in time when people are hottest. It rains cool and antipyretic; It arrived in time when the flowers, plants and trees were dying, and got the "water of life" that could save the flowers and grass!

How beautiful the rain is in summer!

Summer Rain 500 Words Composition 2

Today, I was standing on the balcony with the wind blowing. Suddenly, a few drops of rain and stars fell on my head. Before I get over it, it's raining cats and dogs. I was unprepared. My clothes were almost wet by the rain and I ran into the house. It's strange. Instead of being angry, I am interested in the rain and want to enjoy it.

The rain in summer is really different. It's like the big tears of Miss Xia. Following her obstinate and fiery temper, it's easy to say and explosive, which makes people unprepared. Looking at the ground, the rain hit the ground hard, and countless bubbles appeared, as if Miss Xia was venting her unhappiness.

If you look at the sky again, it's even more amazing. The dark clouds in the sky are like runaway horses rolling in like the tide, devouring the whole blue sky without leaving a gap. From time to time, a dazzling flash of lightning pierced the sky, followed by a burst of explosive thunder. It can be seen that Miss Xia's anger has reached its limit.

Look at it. It's raining harder and harder. A layer of rain curtain covers the window tightly, and things outside are almost invisible.

Come as soon as you say, and leave as soon as you say. Before long, the rain stopped slowly, the dark clouds also dispersed, and the thunder became less and less. I opened the door on the balcony again and went out. A gust of cool wind blew in my face, much stronger than the wind before the rain. The rain on the roof flows down, interweaving into a beautiful symphony. It seems that Miss Xia is in a better mood.

The rain in summer is really strange, funny and lovely.

Summer Rain 500 Words Composition 3

I don't know when I began to miss the rain of last summer. Whenever it came, I would feel a sense of intimacy, a feeling I had never felt before. I spent 13 years in the summer rain.

Summer rain is the kind of sweet and bitter, sweet and bitter, but always repeated, clear and sweet.

When the thunder shower started, I heard a roar, and it began to rain like soybeans. In the sun, I saw the golden bean rain hit my shoulder, head, and body, and it flew, making people unable to dodge. The rain was rapid and steady, like snatching, but orderly, as if hungry children saw cookies, but they were all recuperated, Cheerful and dignified. So I like to call it "Jumping Beans Rain".

When it rains continuously, it will go through many steps. The sky changes from sunny to overcast, and then it starts to thunder. The thunder is mixed with lightning, and then it slowly falls down, naughty and gentle like a little girl. I like standing alone in the rain when it drizzles. Let go of all the troubles and enjoy it. The rain seems to be giving you a bath. There is a feeling of soft, light and delicate unknown objects knocking on your body, which makes you laugh uncontrollably. It also has one principle: it is my own, not my demands. So I call it "Girl Rain".

Summer rain, I like you. You are charming, gentle and gentle. You give everything to the earth and people.

I yearn for summer rain, like fish yearning for water, like birds yearning for the blue sky, I can't leave you, I know you will help me wash away all the unhappiness and bring me a sunny sky.

Summer Rain 500 Words Composition 4

Get up in the morning and walk outdoors. There is water everywhere on the ground. In some places, it can even stop the car from moving forward. It can be seen that last night was a torrential rain!

When I looked at the busy pedestrians on the street, I felt the beauty of "one day's plan in the morning". Looking up at the sky and taking a deep breath, I thought it would be very comfortable, but I didn't feel that cool. Instead, I felt a burst of stuffy heat. The clouds in the sky seem to move rather than move, and the air is mixed with that damp heat, giving a very uncomfortable feeling, which can also be said to be a strong sense of depression, that is, the feeling of suffocation.

By noon, there was still no sign of turning sunny or raining. The sky is still the same, but it feels lower and smaller, as if to wrap people up. This is more than the muggy morning. The clouds in the sky are distributed in a mess, with all shapes, giving a sense of mob. Besides, the color of clouds is black and gray, and it seems to be mixed with a faint red in the middle. I think even an excellent painter may not be able to draw such a complex picture.

Ah! What a long day! It is probably appropriate to live like a year here. It's finally night! When I went to the balcony to get something, I felt a slight breeze coming, and suddenly there was an inexpressible freshness, as if this moment had been long awaited, and it seemed that I would definitely come. In this way, the weather changes, and then the wind blows continuously, sweeping away the depression of the day. Suddenly there was a lightning in the air. It felt like a starting gun. Then there was the thunder, which seemed to be breaking the world. Then the rain like beans fell. It seemed that the storm had been suppressed for so long, and it would have to be the next three days and nights!

Summer Rain 500 Words Composition 5

In the morning, as soon as I got up, I felt very stuffy. The dark clouds in the sky made up a gloomy makeup, and there were smoke gray scenes everywhere. The dark cloud is more like a magician. Its magic has not only changed the color of the sky, but also changed everyone's mood. The ants who were upset moved hurriedly, and the noisy swallows flew low to search for those insects with water droplets on their wings... All these phenomena indicate rain!

The dark clouds in the sky are becoming more and more domineering. It's not enough to cover some of them. They actually left "footprints" from the west to the east, as if it was getting dark. The dark clouds slowly changed. It was heavy, like a lot of water could be squeezed out of it. Sure enough, the frightening lightning with "white light" accompanied by "rumbling" thunder tore a hole in the sky. The wind also came to join in the excitement, "whining" like thousands of wild animals howling at the same time.

The heavy rain finally came out "grandly", and the big raindrops poured onto the earth, getting bigger and bigger. Like small bottle caps, the ground soon became completely wet, and then gradually turned into silk, long and thin, like transparent threads, spinning something in the air, but disappeared on the ground. In order to show off its power, the heavy rain began to gather and pour down. I threw a small paper ball, which became pulp in a few seconds. When I looked at the distance, it was clear that there were small puddles everywhere.

More than ten minutes later, the heavy rain began to weaken slowly, and the filaments began to grow and subdivide into short and thick rain particles, and then turned into fine and soft drizzle, and the sky also brightened.

The rain has gone, and the dark clouds are tired, so I go back to rest with my soft body. The sun showed his head, and the warm sunshine embraced the earth. In the fresh air, a beautiful rainbow bridge appeared. Her two ends seemed to be connected to the end of the sky, and the bridge head could not be seen. The sun is getting stronger and stronger, which makes my eyes uncomfortable. The beautiful rainbow is also illuminated in a daze. It is indistinct, so I have to lower my head and let my eyes rest for a minute to see it again. But the sun just took advantage of this space to drive away the rainbow. Before I can see enough, it is really a naughty sun grandfather.

Describing Rain in Summer (16)

"Boom..." A burst of thunder woke me up from my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw that the dark sky, from time to time, flashed lightning, and the rain poured down with gusts of wind. "Wow! What a heavy rain!"

The rain fell on the glass window, "ping ping ping", like a wordless ballad, ringing in my ears.

The heavy rain ran towards the earth with gusts of wind. It blows the leaves, making them more green and lush; It shakes the lotus leaves in the pond, making the lotus flowers more beautiful and charming; It brings sweet spring to the birds and makes them healthier.

These best wishes will come true only before dawn. At that time, leaves, lotus and birds would pour out their joy after bathing, as if they were excited about their dreams coming true.

In the morning, I opened the window and heard birds chirping from the opposite bushes. The sky was blue and blue, as if washed. I took a deep breath of fresh air with the smell of soil, and felt very comfortable.

The rain in summer takes away the heat and heat, bringing us fresh and cool; The rain in summer brings vitality to the earth and infinite hope to people; The rain in summer is a beautiful gift from the sky to nature. It is a treasure for all life to realize their wishes.

Part II

I like rain, more like summer rain.

Summer rain, it is not like the spring rain tangled to the horizon, there is no autumn rain Xiao Sha air conditioning sunset. If the fall of spring rain is almost silent, the rain in summer can be regarded as magnificent. "Hua Hua Hua -" The rain falls without warning, bringing a rock and roll to the world. The clear sound of the rain falling on the tiles rises and falls one after another, making different percussion sounds, which is a lively and dynamic music.

Summer rain is coming, clouds are gathering and thunder is rumbling. The rain pours out from the sky. It hits the tile eaves, draws on the treetops, leans down, and knocks on the corner of the corridor. It is a crisp, clear and clean jingling sound. It is full of cool rain that makes you shiver from time to time, but makes you feel a little relaxed. Unconstrained rain gives birth to a fresh life. The rain that expresses your mind directly tells of the lingering passion, People and rain are drunk in the scene.

The trees are greedily sucking the flowing rain, and the dust on their bodies has been washed clean by the rain.

The flower smiled. Look, there are still tears on the tip of the leaf! She leaned weakly, clapped her hands, twisted her waist and legs, danced, and was so tired that her face was red with rain or sweat.

The raindrops crept into the lawn, wet the hard land, and the delicate grass straightened up. These little ones really grew a lot, green and full of vitality. They felt deeply relieved that they were not long.

Because of the rain, my mood will have ups and downs, and my life will be as colorful as spring, summer, autumn and winter!

Part III

I just went to work in the morning, and suddenly I heard the noise. So I came to the door of the workshop and saw linear raindrops. In the rainy season and windless days, the heavy rain is like a curtain of beads hanging all over the space, blowing bubbles on the ground all the time, and giggling playfully at me.

This is a timely cooling rain in hot summer, because I am currently responsible for an aluminum alloy die-casting workshop, and the temperature of the workshop sometimes reaches 50 ° C, which is very unbearable. The rain poured on the roof of the workshop, on the windowsill, on the aisle... The rain made the staff's sweaty faces smile with joy, as if thanking God for turning tears into cooling raindrops and scattering them on their hearts.

This is the clean rain in summer, the high temperature for several days and the dust produced, which makes the ground covered with dust. After the washing of this rain, the green paint floor appears instantly. She came to clean the environment for us, and she came to create a beautiful space for us. She used her huge body to dissolve the dust and all the impurities, and then slowly passed away.

This is the rare rain in the summer of Jiangnan. She is a cold messenger and a clean machine. She brings us the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan. Sometimes it falls in a hubbub, sometimes it flows gently, sometimes it is silent, sometimes it is funny and playful; She caresses the buildings, kisses the earth, and returns everything as it is.

While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery, my mobile phone rang, and it was time for the morning meeting before I knew it. So I did not hesitate to step into the embrace of the rain and melt into the summer rain.

Describing Rain in Summer (17)

In the afternoon, when I was in composition class, I saw the sun running away in the dark clouds in the sky. After a while, the sky was covered with dark clouds, like many leaves gathered together. Soon it began to rain. "Xili, Xili" Chang'e seems to be crying.

When we finished class, I looked up and it began to rain. "Daddada" I seemed to hear God crying, as if someone had stolen his goods.

After school, it rained more and more heavily, lightning flashed and thundered, and the thunder and lightning cooperation became a downpour. Lei Gong used his voice to make a roaring roar. What about the electric mother? The electricity mother uses her golden gong to make a sound of "click! Click!". On the road, the tall ash tree shook its hair in the heavy rain, and was swayed by the wind. Pedestrians on the road wear raincoats and walk against the wind and rain.

After a few hours, the sky was clear. The sun father in law smiled again, and there were seven colored stripes rainbow in the sky.

This is the rain in summer!

Describing Rain in Summer (18)

1. "Click", the lightning flashes white light, like waving a sword; The thunder boomed, as if beating drums in the air. Then, big raindrops of soybeans fell one after another. "Tick tock, tick tock......" The sound became louder and louder, "clatter tock". The rain came pouring, and it was extremely fierce. Suddenly, the sky seemed to be thrown by gods and demons, and thousands of threads were scattered from the gray clouds, gradually sewing the sky and the earth. The rain is still falling, and the rain pillars are like rows of sharp arrows slanting towards the ground.

2. After a long time, the thunder gradually weakened and the rain gradually diminished. After a while, Father Sun showed a bright smile again. Look at the small trees on the roadside. They are swaying gently. The green leaves that have just been washed by the rain are crystal clear and shiny, as if thirsty children had drunk enough milk

3. Suddenly, a flash of lightning and a loud thunder startled me. Dozens of bigger and darker clouds make people forget the light rain just now. One after another, it is the moderate rain that splashes rain petals on the ground. The rain was loud and noisy, and the ground began to be noisy. There are more umbrellas in the street, red, green, blue, flowery, transparent... just like mushrooms after rain, like flowers in spring.

4. Gradually, the thunder is far away, and the rain is fine again, fine, like cattle hair floating softly in the sky.

5. Today, it is still not sunny. No, it's the same outside as last night. It's stormy and thunderous. Open the window, and a fresh smell with the fragrance of soil comes to my face. Fresh air is really a medicine, which can refresh and moisten the lungs.

6. It was another heavy rain, lightning and thunder. On the summer night, the weather suddenly became cool. I closed the window to allow the rain to strike, and the thunder and lightning bombing, and slept until this morning.

7. In this way, it is a kind of rest, a kind of edification, and a kind of enjoyment to watch the rain that has washed away the world's lead and the thousands of lovesickness lines that are woven from the rain. Let nature's unique gifts wash all my unhappiness and frustration, and let the continuous drizzle comfort my tired soul. Listen to the rain, let the harmonious melody of the rain sound give yourself a moment of peace and harmony. The intermittent sound, the feeling of rain knocking on the window can hypnotize, can startle dreams, can also lift your thoughts, remind you of the past.

8. Look, it is falling like a bullet, falling to the ground and making a loud noise. Its powerful little body fell to the ground, splashing out small dimples, sometimes just like a blooming water flower. It slowly merged with its companions and became flowing streams, which can be seen everywhere on both sides of the street. If it falls on the plant, it will become the best bath water for plant bathing.

9. It came suddenly - with the gusts of wet mountain wind, and with the light clouds and rain, it came quietly. First of all, I heard its voice, which came from far away mountains and forests, and from high mountain slopes - Sha Lala, Sha Lala, like a song without words, miraculously floated up from all directions, and gradually became clear, loud, from far to near, from far to near. Suddenly, the rain stopped quietly. The wind also held its breath, and the mountain suddenly became very quiet. In the distance, an unknown bird began to sing, as if pouring out the joy after bathing. Nearby, the raindrops condensed on the leaves continued to drip, dropping into the small puddles along the road, giving off an unusually clear sound - Ding - Dong - Ding - Dong, as if it were the aftertaste of a mountain rain.

10. The rain was like the cry of a baby. Not only did it not have a gradual rhythm or omen from choking, sobbing, to tears bursting out of eyes when falling; And the end came to an abrupt end. None of the raindrops gradually became thin and thin, and the dark clouds slowly spread away, as if the raindrops were still hanging in the air.

11. It drives away the heat and dust, bringing a cool world. There was still some moisture in the air. The birds were resting under the eaves, and the music on the awning stopped. Only a few raindrops fell from it from time to time. The sky again heard the roar of the gods. The thunder sounded again and again, and it had not stopped for a long time. But the terrible thunder will not affect people's emotions. People are still walking in the rain, and cars are still driving in the rain.

12. The sky is still overcast. It seems that the rain babies can't stay in the sky anymore. At first, there was a small thunder. With the thunder, countless small and small raindrops began to dive to the ground. One by one, they were very powerful. The ground became wet again after a short time of "attack". But they are still silent, quietly, quietly, gradually "occupying" everything on the ground.

13. The rain in summer is the most passionate. When the rain hit the eaves, the glass made a "clatter" sound, which made people think that Xia Yu was like a crazy bee, constantly chirping. It was not good to be hit on the face by Xia Yu. It was like a small stone thrown on the face, very painful.

14. The sound of rain is also different. It changes from patter and patter to clatter and clatter. When it is stronger, it is like a thousand troops and boundless.

15. The rain has changed the color of the mountain forests. Under the sun, the color levels of the mountain forests are almost illegible, including dark green, emerald green, light green, golden yellow, and fire like red. In the rain, all colors melt in the watery green, dazzling and transparent. This fresh green seems to flow in the rain, into my eyes, into my heart.

16. This rain is not spring rain, nor autumn rain, nor continuous drizzle; It is not like cow hair, pine leaves or beads. It is summer rain, summer downpour. Bring cool summer rain to everything in the world. At this time, I stood in front of the window, staring out.

17. The green in the rain is difficult to be transferred from the painter's palette. However, as long as you have seen the green in the rain, you will be unforgettable. Memory is like a piece of dry rice paper. The green, with the drizzle, quietly melts on the paper

18. Finally, the light rain disappeared, wow! The rainbow appeared, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, like a ribbon hanging in the sky. The sun is also smiling, like a child. At this moment, the land is full of spring, and the green branches and leaves are hung with drops of water, as if to drip water. Even the grass is particularly fresh, and a vibrant scene, as if this is spring, not summer.

Describing Rain in Summer (19)

Two days ago, the weather forecast issued a red warning, telling people to go out as little as possible to avoid typhoon, lightning and rain.

The weather is extremely sultry, without a trace of wind, the tree tops are still, and people can hardly breathe. Suddenly, the sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, and a typhoon swept over the whole city of Nanjing. It was accompanied by a downpour. Soon the road at the door had become a river, and you had to raise your pants when you went out. The rain kept falling down from the sky, and the thunder crackled and rumbled ceaselessly. One flash of lightning followed by a burst of thunder. I dare not go out at all.

Then I heard the sound of 120 ambulances, saw the tree in front of the door was blown down by the typhoon, and heard someone was knocked down by the fallen tree. It's raining, people are comfortable, but the rain is too fierce, people have no time to dodge. It has caused many traffic accidents and personal injuries to our human beings. I silently begged Grandpa Tianwang: "Let the storm come gently!" People love the rain in summer, because everything becomes pure and clean after the rain. The earth often needs rain to wash.