Thanksgiving Mother's Composition for Junior One (12 Collections)
Slightly miss
2024-01-17 00:43:18
Junior 1

Thanksgiving mother's composition first day (1)

The fourth week of November is Thanksgiving Day. When I saw the word "gratitude", I first thought of my mother. I will thank my mother all my life.

My mother is an ordinary rural woman. Her appearance is the same as other mothers, but her heart is different from others. I can see her love for me from childhood. At home, children my age are "little emperors" and "little princesses" in their parents' minds, but my mother doesn't dote on me so much.

When I was just in primary school, my mother told me a story. Now when I recall the story, it is: "A kind person saw a butterfly struggling to get out of the cocoon, he wanted to help it, so he gently opened the cocoon silk. The butterfly was free, came out of the cocoon, and it fluttered its wings, but could not fly. The kind-hearted man did not know that only through the struggle of life can wings be hard enough to fly. This butterfly can only breathe on the ground; It never knew the taste of freedom and never really lived. " My mother called it letting go love, but at that time I didn't really understand the truth. Since then, I have done everything by myself, and my mother has always guided me to do it, and never completely helped me to complete it. At that time, I complained about my mother. Later, when I had a sister, I sometimes felt that I was not her own.

I have grown up in my mother's free love, and I am very different from my peers. When I was nine years old, when I went to a boarding school in the city, I went home alone, while other students dared not take a bus home by themselves and asked their parents to pick me up. When I go home by myself, I often hear praise from others. I know all this is my mother's training.

Now I recall that it was absurd for me to blame my mother. My thanks to my mother can't be expressed in words. I also know that this sentence can't fully express my gratitude, but I still want to say thank you, your mother.

Gratitude Mother's Composition for Junior One (2)

I have always known that I am a very happy child, because I grew up with my mother's encouragement, applause and love.

I know my mother is the person who cares for me most. In life, my mother cares about my food and clothing; My mother encouraged me, helped me, and urged me to study. My little progress can make my mother happy for a long time.

My mother taught me to be a serious person, study hard and work hard. Teach me to know how to be polite, respect others, respect myself, and be positive. Although my mother will criticize me severely when I do something wrong, I know that my mother's criticism is also due to love, because my mother hopes that I can become an excellent person in the future and live a happy life.

Dear mother, although I am still very ignorant and often make you angry because of learning and some bad habits, please believe me. On the way to grow up, I will definitely change my bad habits. I will restrain my language and behavior and become a civilized person. I will be a serious person, study hard, work hard, respect myself, and be an active and enterprising person.

Mom, thank you for accompanying me on my way of growing up. When I am happy, I want to tell my mother first, because I want my mother to share my joy; When I encounter difficulties, I always think of my mother, because I know that my mother can help me. I love you, Mom.

Mom, your love and criticism make me feel very happy, because I know how much love my mother gives me. I know my mother hopes that I will become an excellent, wise and happy person when I grow up. I will not let you down. In the future, I will let my mother and all those who love me feel happy and proud because of me.

Thank you, Mom. I wish my good mother good health, smooth work, always young and beautiful.

Gratitude Mother's Composition for Junior One (3)

In my heart, plant a mother flower

Our mother is our life's dependence. We can't ignore our mother. Our mother is the greatest. Everything they do is for us, even if our parents divorce, they don't want us and grow up. We also have to serve our greatest mother, because our life is born from mother's womb. Even if our mother becomes a beggar begging on the street, we will take her home. Even if she is no longer good or dirty, she is also our own mother, because she gave us the right to live and gave us a life.

After I read the picture book story "Grandma Comes", I knew it. The father in this picture book, his father and mother divorced when he was seven or eight years old, and did not want children. Now that the child has grown up, her mother has come again, and his daughter and son both dislike their grandmother for being too dirty. They don't sleep with Grandma; Don't eat with Grandma; Don't sit with Grandma. Grandma sometimes knocked over the urinal, and his daughter hated her for taking off her coat and running around in the yard naked, but Dad didn't say a word, and often accompanied her to be filial to her, so that she could live a good life.

I should also learn from this father and not quarrel with my mother. Sometimes I play with my mother; Sometimes I blame her in front of my mother; Sometimes I beat my mother; Sometimes I pat my mother. But my mother didn't beat me or kick me. I think I did wrong. I should be filial to my mother and lighten her burden.

If my mother is old, just like this grandma, I will take care of my mother all my life just like this father, because he is my mother.

Mother's reply:

Child, although you sometimes play with your mother's temper; Sometimes you blame your mother; Sometimes I beat my mother; Sometimes I slapped my mother. But I don't beat you, because you are my child and indispensable in mother's life. If there is no you in mother's life, there is no meaning in life, so mother doesn't blame you, child. Remember, no matter how you treat me, I will not be angry.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (4)

I am ten years old this year, and there are many people to thank: my mother, the aunt who led me across the street, the doctor who helped me heal, the beloved teacher

The person I want to thank most is my mother. When my mother was too fat, the doctor said to her, "It's better not to get pregnant." But my mother bravely gave birth to me despite the doctor's advice, and now she still has a long scar on her stomach. She fed me with sweet milk and worked hard day and night for my healthy growth. One night, I suddenly had a fever. My mother braved the howling wind and cold rain, carrying me to the hospital with great strides. Lying vaguely in my mother's arms, listening to her rapid breathing, heavy footsteps, a warm current turned into tears blurred my eyes. It was not until my fever subsided the next day that my mother's frown relaxed. Another time, I took the money from the cabinet without her consent. My mother beat me severely and said to me severely, "It's wrong to steal needles when I was young and gold when I was young." Then she told me many stories about this to educate me. I lowered my head in shame, deeply realized the mistake, and promised my mother that there would never be another time.

Yesterday was my mother's birthday. I secretly prepared a rich and simple dinner with the help of my cousin. When we gave our attentive meals to my mother for tasting, she choked and said, "This is the most delicious egg tofu soup I have ever eaten in my life."

I will never forget everyone's concern, especially my mother's love for me. I will study hard and repay everyone's kindness and mother's true feelings with the best results.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (5)

The ancients once said that a drop of grace should be repaid by a spring. Gratitude is a kind of attitude towards life, a kind of noble morality, and also a realm of thought. However, the gratitude of some of us seems to be gradually disappearing, replaced by endless complaints.

Having loved ones who care for us, we complain that they are too nagging; Having made friends who are sincere, we complain that they are not enough friends; Having lived a quiet and stable life, we complain that it is not rich enough because we complain too much, but we lose the rule of life. Because we complain too much, we forget to be grateful and forget where we came from

When it comes to where we came from, we all came from our mothers' stomachs. It was our mothers who endured the hardships of October pregnancy and the pain of childbirth that brought us to the world. From the first cry when we came to the world, mother began to work for us day after day, year after year, endlessly, until she was old, but she had no regrets.

I remember Gorky once said that all the glory and pride in the world come from his mother.

Yes, the mother is like a wall. From the day we were born, she has put her life into our arms. She always guards us. When the weather is cold, mother will add clothes for us. When we are hungry, mother will send delicious food to our mouth. Dang, dang. Among these countless pawns, I realized that mother has given us everything since we landed.

I am grateful to the mother who gave birth to me, because she let me experience the joy of life; I am grateful to my mother who raised me, because she made me grow up constantly; I am grateful for caring for my mother, because she gave me warmth

Mother, mother, mother, all these are mothers. It is my mother who made me learn to be grateful. It is my mother who gave me life. It is my mother who nurtured me to grow healthily. We should be grateful for the gift of life, which is a painless effort.

So I thank my mother!

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (6)

Time passed, and twelve years passed in a flash. I have changed from an ignorant child to a young man in prime of life, and your face is quietly covered with wrinkles, but you have no regrets, and you are diligent to pay your youth and energy for my healthy growth.

I remember that winter, I had just finished the operation, and the pain caused by the knife edge was unbearable. It was you who resolutely stretched out your arm to let me bite and coax me to sleep. After the injury, I asked you if it hurt. You smiled and said, "It's OK. As long as you feel comfortable, I won't hurt.". Later, I learned that your arm had been bitten black by me, and you had endured the pain to stabilize my mood and take care of my body.

Whenever you buy candy or delicious food, you always let me eat it first, and every time I ask you to eat it, you always say: Mom is losing weight, and can't eat these things.

At that time, I was still young and didn't know my mother. Innocently, I thought you didn't eat those things because you lost weight, but you were afraid that I didn't have enough! In retrospect, tears of guilt can not help but swell.

Now, I am a middle school student. I get up early in the morning, but you will get up earlier every day to make breakfast for me. Besides, in order to make me eat delicious every day, you always try to change the pattern of breakfast.

Mom, it is you who built a shelter for me with your love, and it is you who gave me warmth with your careful care. You let me understand maternal love and learn to be grateful. Your love is great and selfless, and your love is warm and beautiful. In the broad ocean of love, I grow up healthily. Under your careful care and cultivation, I thrive. No matter when, I will never forget your upbringing.

For this reason, I want to say: Mom, you gave me life and taught me how to be a man. Thank you!

I am grateful to my mother. I will use my immature body to shoulder the responsibility, share my mother's worries, and make my own efforts for social development.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (7)

I am ten years old this year, and there are many people to thank: my mother, the aunt who led me across the street, the doctor who helped me heal, the beloved teacher

The person I want to thank most is my mother. When my mother was too fat, the doctor said to her, "It's better not to get pregnant." But my mother bravely gave birth to me despite the doctor's advice, and now she still has a long scar on her stomach. She fed me with sweet milk and worked hard day and night for my healthy growth. One night, I suddenly had a fever. My mother braved the howling wind and cold rain, carrying me to the hospital with great strides. Lying vaguely in my mother's arms, listening to her rapid breathing, heavy footsteps, a warm current turned into tears blurred my eyes. It was not until my fever subsided the next day that my mother's frown relaxed. Another time, I took the money in the cabinet without her consent. My mother beat me severely and said to me severely, "It's wrong to steal needles when I was young and gold when I was young." Then she told me many stories about this to teach me. I lowered my head in shame, deeply realized the mistake, and promised my mother that there would never be another time.

Yesterday was my mother's birthday. I secretly prepared a rich and simple dinner with the help of my cousin. When we gave our attentive meals to my mother for tasting, she choked and said, "This is the most delicious egg tofu soup I have ever eaten in my life."

I will never forget everyone's concern, especially my mother's love for me. I will study hard and repay everyone's kindness and mother's true feelings with the best results.

Gratitude Mother's Composition for Junior One (8)

Today is Women's Day on March 8, which is also a great mother's day. The teacher assigned a special assignment to do something or activity to be grateful to the mother. Before my mother came back from work, I thought about what I should do for her. All the housework at home is in order. I don't know where to start. I know that in order to accompany me in training to play table tennis, my mother's right arm is now unable to use force, and bending is a problem. I look at my mother's pain all day long, and I am also very unhappy. In order to let her relax, I decided to wash her hair. Be careful, ok! That's it!

I waited at the door for my mother to get off work. When I saw her dragging her tired body, I quickly helped her carry her bag and said happily, "Happy Mother's Day!"! Then I helped my mother to hold a bowl for dinner. After dinner, I gently went to my mother to act like a coquette and told her: "Today is your festival. Your arms are uncomfortable. Let me wash your hair." My mother looked at me in surprise. Would you? I took my arm to get the basin. I poured some hot water and then a little cold water. I touched it with my little hands first, and the temperature was just right. Then I washed my mother like my mother usually washes my hair. First, I wet my mother's hair, then poured some shampoo, and then smeared it evenly. At this time, there were countless bubbles on my mother's hair. I pulled my hair together to the top of my head. From a distance, it looked like a black cake. I went to some hot water to wash my mother's hair and all the bubbles on her hair fell off. I poured out the dirty water and put on a basin of water to wash again, I washed it clean. I saw that the hair I washed for my mother was really dark and shiny, and the whole person seemed more energetic, while I was tired and sweated heavily. But I felt that it was really a happy thing to help my mother do something. My mother touched her lubricated hair, showed a happy smile, praised me for growing up and becoming more and more sensible.

The hard work on March 8th Day made me feel my mother's hardship, so I should help my mother take on more housework and study hard in the future. It is the greatest reward for my mother.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (9)

No matter in study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with composition. Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a small compilation of 800 words of thanksgiving mother in the first day narrative composition. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

"Pata" pressed down the switch of the bedside lamp, grabbed the book, and began the almost routine "morning back" every morning. They all said that they had a good memory in the morning and remembered things well. After looking at the clock, it was only 5:05, so he deliberately lowered his voice, hoping not to disturb his parents.

After reading for about 20 minutes, I vaguely heard a slight footsteps coming from outside the door. I thought, maybe my father or mother got up and went to the bathroom. Regardless of him, continue reading. After a while, the door was gently pushed open, and my mother came in slowly with a cup of hot water in her hand.

"Tired of reading, drink some water." Mother put the water on my bedside table, and her face was full of heartache.

I wondered: "Mom, how do you know I'm awake? Is my voice too loud?"

"No, just got up and saw the light in your room, I knew you must have got up."

Mom, thank you for always observing my movements carefully, so that I feel the warmth I need most.

I remember when I was young, my mother always grabbed my little hand with her big hand and carefully helped me cut my nails. She teased me when she cut my nails: "I am so big and can't cut my nails by myself. I am really a weak woman who has no power to bind her hands."

Later, the schoolbag I carried at school became heavier and heavier, and my strength became stronger and stronger. The warm scene of my mother cutting my nails did not want to be erased in my mind.

Thoughts are pulled back to the past again.

A speech contest is coming, and I don't want to go, showing some resistance. Mom told me about it. Later, my mother talked quietly with me. She said that she went to participate in the competition not for what, but to exercise yourself. If you feel afraid, you need to exercise even more. If you feel tired, have your mother accompany you, and your mother accompany you to work hard and get tired together

I finished the speech contest very well. I overcame my timidity and improved myself.

Mother love is like fire, giving me warmth and burning; Like water, it smoothes the scars and flows quietly

Mother deserves our full gratitude. Mom, thank you for guiding me in the right direction and accompanying me on my way to growth

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Day (10)

Seeing the word "gratitude", I think of who brought me to this colorful world? Who taught me how to be a man? Who guided me on the right path? Who brought me up? Until today, I didn't know that the unselfish love I received from my mother was in front of my eyes, but I didn't know how to cherish her.

In this age of son preference, my mother advocates equality between men and women, and takes great care of my brother and me, making me a big step towards success. Among them, there are two kinds of love that I will never forget: kind love and strict love.

Motherly love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm even in the cold winter. I remember when I was young, I always went to my classmates' home to play late and came back. Every time, I always hurried home. Every time, my mother was always waiting for me anxiously at the door of my home. She used to wipe sweat and dust for me, saying; "Daughter, you are back." Recalling the scene, I felt how selfish and playful I was at this moment, trying to play with my classmates, but ignoring my mother's worries.

Whenever I was ill, my mother always took care of me meticulously and asked for help, which helped me overcome the disease; Whenever I encounter difficulties in learning, you always encourage me to have patience to explore; Whenever I sleep, you always come to my room to see if I have covered the quilt... These things may be insignificant in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, this is the great maternal love.

Maternal love is an ocean, and your soul is still kind and tolerant even if it is thundered. On that day, I had a conflict with my deskmate. My mother scolded me when she learned about it. Later, I saw my mother's face was upset. Maybe she was not good at expressing and conveying her true feelings. At that moment, I felt that the uneasy eyes had forgiven me, and I knew that my mother was doing this for the sake of getting along well with my friends. We should cherish our friendship now and not quarrel easily. My mother's strict teaching has been with me for 13 years.

Looking back on the past, I not only felt sorry for my mother, causing her to fuck my hair white, but it was also the moments, every ordinary little thing, that taught me how to be grateful, repay, care for others, and tolerate others.

At this point, I could not help singing: "a grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself, a grateful heart, thank fate, I will cherish the flowers as they bloom..." Suddenly, my eyes filled with tears.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Grade (11)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I hear this song, I think of the scene that my mother loves me... My mother loves me with her eyes, and when I am sick, her eyes are anxious; When I fell asleep, my mother's eyes were kind; When I was studying, my mother's eyes were proud... When I fell, my mother helped me up with her hands and patted my body; When I carry a heavy schoolbag, my mother will carry it without hesitation; When I was in trouble and relaxed, my mother patted me on the shoulder, which made me feel powerful... I know that in my mother's eyes, I am a daughter who cannot be exchanged, and I am everything to her

Some people say that mother is like a vast sky, and we are birds flying freely in it. I think mother is like a hardworking gardener, and we are small trees, nourished by water; Some people say that there is no eternal love in the world. I said no! Mother's love is eternal, and she is an eternal star.

Who loves me the most in the world? mom. mom. Mother's love is incomparable!

One day, it rained heavily. I stayed at the last place to clean up because I was on duty. When I closed the door and went out of the school, I saw my mother standing in the heavy rain with an umbrella at the school gate. Mother's clothes have been wet by the rain. At that time, my heart was very hot, and tears welled up immediately. How carefully my mother cares for me! No wonder people always say how great maternal love is. For the sake of children, mothers prefer to be hungry and cold, even ignoring life!

On the morning of the fourth day of the first month of this year, my mother suddenly suffered from severe stomach pain. My father called the 120 ambulance, and we sent my mother to the emergency room of a hospital. When my mother was having an injection, I quarreled with my father to eat KFC. I actually played with toys nearby. Grandma said that I don't know how to care about others, too selfish! I felt ashamed after hearing this. Yes, my mother worked hard for our family, especially for me, but I didn't have a picture of my heart. I only think of myself, and I'm so sorry for my mother! In the future, I must be a sensible child who understands others, thinks more about others, and shares more of the family's worries.

Gratitude Mother's Composition First Grade (12)

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat on the body of a wandering child", "The mother worries when she travels a thousand miles"... These familiar classical poems all confirm the famous saying of the great writer Gorky: "All the glory and pride in the world come from the mother."

A few years ago, in order not to let me lose the starting line and be able to enter the best primary school in Baoying - Experimental Primary School, my mother queued up at the school gate even in the evening. She not only endured the summer heat and mosquito bites, but also paid a considerable amount of sponsorship fees. Although our family was not well-off at that time, she did not hesitate at all.

Because of my fast growth, many clothes are too small to wear for only one or two years. My mother always spares no effort to buy new clothes that fit me, but she is reluctant to buy new ones herself. Sometimes, a dress needs to be worn for several years.

My mother was afraid that I would study hard and not get enough nutrition, so she specially ordered a fresh milk for me, but her own breakfast was very simple. In fact, as a nurse, my mother's work is very hard. She is busy every day. She has to do housework when she comes home from work. I deeply feel that this is not a simple glass of milk, and the thick milk fragrance contains my mother's deep love for me.

After listening to the wonderful speech of Mr. Sun Yun, I am more sensible than before. I really realized that my mother silently paid for me, but never asked me to return. Just want me to eat well, dress well and go to the best school... Yes, "pity the parents all over the world", which parents do not expect their children to become dragons and their daughters to become phoenixes! Now I am sensible, and I should have a grateful heart.

How much my mother gave me can't be counted and expressed in words. As a song says: "Your new school bag will be taken, your flower umbrella in the rain will be beaten, your favorite stuffing will be wrapped, and your tears will be wiped... From now on, I will use my practical actions to thank my mother. Mom will go home from work and pour a cup of hot tea for her; Mom will beat her back and rub her shoulders after a day of tiredness; Mom is going to bed. Help her warm her feet with a pot of hot water; Every semester exam, give my mother a satisfactory answer... I will do my best to love my mother!