What are the ancient poems with sweet words
I haven't seen you for a long time
2023-04-30 16:34:35
A complete set of maxims

1. At night, the willow roe was lit, and now it has become a tail fire tiger.

2. Sweet and full of night ice, bright and bright from heaven—— "Begging for Frost from Zhaozu", Song Dynasty, Deng Su

3. I saw the Ficus pumila clothes in the mountains. Move the stone seed by hand. The flowers are bright, the sun is scarlet, the leaves are dense, and the green feathers fly in the wind. New knots, green drooping branches. It's better to turn your eyes when you are old. If your teeth are not sweet, why not recommend wine.

4. Partridge Sky, Watching Ficus pumila Clothes in the Mountain

5. Yin Xianggong's Poem of Tang Tree Descending Sweet Dew in Jingzhao Mansion

6. There is always a good place in the thick days of spring. Sleeping tastes like honey.

7. Send Marshal Secretary Gao Langzhong out as Wuyuan Jianwei Military Envoy

8. Soft cooking fat white rice, sweet brewing snow spring—— "The Old Land of Zhumeitan", written by Chen of Song Dynasty

9. The grass roots are sweet in December, and the snow on the streets is like salt—— Twenty three Horse Poems by Li He

10. It's a ripe poultice with shoulder firewood, and it's the first time to add water shield and lobster sauce.

11. Drink wine at any time while sitting, and pile letters on the bed.

12. The feet of the stamen ants can't stick, and the sweet bees are drunk and fly silently—— "Peony in Yuangong Pavilion", Tang Dynasty, Li Xianyong

13. Living in Kaiyuan Temple, Rewarding Wu Shiju for His Thirty Charms

14. Send Gao Langzhong, Secretary of Wushuai, out as Wuyuan Jianwei Military Envoy

15. Yellow armour is as big as a plate, red Ding is as sweet as honey.

16. It is sweeter than spring tea, but you must believe it. It is as crazy as a poplar butterfly—— "Singing of Snow" Du Mu

17. The birds are crowing on the eaves, and the white flowers are peeping at the curtain.

18. The mulberry leaves fall on the street, and the green curtain calls each other.

19. Mixiao holds a tarpaulin house and weaves curtains for cold reeds.

20. Living in the world without seeking service, Du Men is neither sick nor tired.