I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (14 selected articles)
leave behind
2024-04-21 08:35:04

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (1)

Some people have appeared in life and then disappeared. Some people stayed for a long time and then disappeared—— Title (Southern August)

For the past, we are always unable to let go. I will often think of the past, stand outside the world, look at the past, and then silence. What we once thought would never be forgotten is forgotten by us in the process of our obsession. Now it seems that the so-called forever was nothing more than that. Thinking about people who thought they were important, such as childhood playmates, we promised to be friends forever, but time still makes us forget everything. Those beautiful vows can only be fixed in that bright summer ten years ago. At this moment, I think I have to say that time can really change everything.

When I look back, as soon as I have gone through more than ten years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, what we cannot choose is growth. Maybe it means pressure, fatigue and responsibility for us. The transformation from cocoon to butterfly gives us wings. Everyone needs to experience the bitter tears. Even if we can't help the passing of time, and want to try our best to retain it, we really have more than we can do. In the twinkling of an eye, I have grown up a lot. I can't lie on the grass to breathe fresh air, feel the fragrance of flowers, and listen to the singing of birds. That idea seems to me now. It is a kind of unrealistic poetic and picturesque feeling. I don't want to think about when I can fly freely like a bird anymore. It is just a beautiful fantasy, just a childish and absurd wish when I was young. The past has always been the past, so don't think about it anymore. There is no way to go back. For the future, it is still brand new. I hope our future can live happily every day

Suddenly looking back, we have grown up!

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (2)

The weather these days seems to be as sentimental as people. I sit in front of the window all day and look out. I see two parallel asphalt roads stretching far away, as if they never end. I understand that this road bears the past and future of many people.

Time, like a merry go round, I sucked the breath of autumn and tasted the beautiful scenery of "frost leaves are redder than February flowers" outside the window. Then it suddenly occurred to me that this was the sixteenth autumn I had spent. The water like time just slipped through my fingers carelessly, and I seemed to be immersed in a childish day. At the age of 16, she played the youth dance music of a young girl, carrying the beautiful vision of high school girls

From babbling to reading poetry books, the road is full of thorns. It is the encouragement of my relatives that makes me not abandon my faith, so that I can learn to practice whatever I do.

For six years in primary school, I have been living in the praise of everyone. I played with my classmates and lived a leisurely life. It seems that everything is smooth and unimpeded.

Three years of junior high school, but let me full of ups and downs, carefree life has long been in vain. I went through the process from complacency to frustration in my study, and was almost immersed in criticism all day long. I live in the embarrassment of wanting to cry without tears, wanting to be silent, and want to find a bright hole in the darkness.

High school life seems to be on the right track, but it is still fraught with dangers. Friction with classmates has become a problem in learning. But I think I will break through the danger and devote myself to learning.

In the long 16 years, whenever my mood is at a low point, I will recall the happy time with my classmates. Maybe memory can bring me some consolation. Maybe time will drift with the tide, and people will change with each passing day. But memory will never disappear, because it is an invisible wing, accompanying you to fly in the blue sky, because it is a tangible beneficial friend, Let you smile in frustration. I stand at the end of sixteen years old and look around, so that good memories will always be remembered!

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (3)

When I look back, I find that the past has become a cloud, and only the mother's figure is still like a beam of light, illuminating all the roads I have walked. She gives me endless nectar with her silent love, nourishing my body and soul.

The third year of junior high school was painful and happy for me. That year, I was still in day school. Every night I went home after studying at night. When I walked through empty nights, entered the community, and saw the lights in the kitchen, I felt calm and secure. I know that no matter how late, she is waiting for me.

When all the lights have gone out, in the empty night, the light in my room is always on, and under the light, I am sitting on my desk and writing... I can't remember how many nights that year I fell asleep lying on the table, often so, my mother always took me to sleep, and then told me this with a smile the next day. In those days, my mother would come in every night to give me something to eat and drink, and then told me to close the door quietly, while I continued to study hard in the warm night snack and care.

Those days were too busy, and I never cared about the love and warmth that showed from every drop. Now, sitting in the classroom of senior one, I always miss the past. When I look back, I understand what my mother has done, but I have little care for her, and I feel guilty when I am moved, Only then did I understand why the light through the window could make my nervous heart feel calm and secure, because it was my mother's love. She waited for me in the dim light, cared for me, and illuminated me. I also realized that when I fell asleep on the table in the midnight light, my mother was always with me in the room where the light could not reach, She took a gentle look, settled me down and left quietly.

When my world was illuminated by light, my mother silently waited for me in the dimly lit place, accompanied me, cared for me, and gave me firm steps and an ever upward heart.

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (4)

Love always appears in various ways. An encouragement after success, a word of comfort when failure, a hug when happy, and a look when sad can all show strong or weak love.

But maybe one of you can look back and see love.

At the age of 12, you were pushed onto the court by your teacher. Although you were reluctant, there was still a little excitement in your reluctance. It's your turn. Your heart is so nervous that it seems to jump out. Looking back, the teacher gave you a thumbs up look of encouragement. Your heart calms down and your game begins. Looking back, you can see the teacher's love for you.

At the age of 15, you rebelled and quarreled with your parents. You slam the door and walk aimlessly in the street, full of grievances and anger. Suddenly, you seem to hear two anxious voices calling your nickname. When you look back, you see your parents who are tired and blaming themselves for finding you. You cry and run into your mother's arms, suddenly understand the love of your parents.

At the age of eighteen, you walked out of the campus alone, and you graduated. Standing at the gate of the campus, when you look back, you seem to see the laughter and laughter of the past, and the scenes of the past come to you one by one. You see familiar faces, and they remind you of the warm scene of crying and laughing together. Campus deposit your love.

At the same age of eighteen, you entered the university. The day you left your parents, you fought back tears and said goodbye to them. You never leave immediately. Finally, you turn around and step into a new path. After a dozen steps, you look back at your father and mother who turned back to you with the sun on their back. You suddenly find that their parents were so old that they have lost their youth. At the same time, I also felt the deep love that can moisten my heart silently.

A casual look back may show a lot of love: the gentle eyes of parents, the exaggerated posture of students cheering for me, the thumbs up of teachers for me, or the open arms of lovers... Just a look back may show you the silent love you have never felt before.

When I look back, love is in the dim light.

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (5)

Childhood memories are beautiful, but when I grow up, my painting style changes suddenly. When I look back, I will shed tears of nostalgia.


In the silent night, the breeze is blowing through the window screen with a warm air. I lay in bed staring at the clock and listening to the clock ticking, which also means that time is slipping away.

Suddenly, the word "friend" flashed in my mind, and then the childhood time cut into my mind, showing me and her past. When she was young, she ran to my seat after class; It was the only consolation she gave me when I cried; It was she who ran away together after we made trouble... She was innocent, lovely and perfect when she was a child. In my mind, friendship is also very beautiful.

But we quarreled the day before yesterday, and nobody would give in. Are we still friends? My eyes gradually become indifferent. Somehow, when I opened my eyes, it was already light. I had already thought about what to do today.

On the way to school, leaves rustled down. After taking a deep breath, I called her out. She came over without expression, as if still angry with me. I was embarrassed to open my mouth, but after a few seconds of hesitation, I opened my mouth first.

"Do you know that you have changed, thinking about the old you......" When I said my heart, she lowered her head, occasionally saw her wipe a few tears, I could not help but have a sour nose when I saw this scene, tears straight in the eyes, this may be the power of friendship!

After all, I couldn't help but shed tears. But when the first tear fell, I really understood that friendship is very simple, it doesn't need any fate, just put a coat of love on the shoulder of friendship.

When I look back, I find that the power of friendship is so great.

"Qu Niu, come on, let's play!"

"OK, come at once!"

It was a clear bell ringing after class again, but this break turned back to the appearance of childhood, and the two girls' hearts came together again.

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (6)

When I look back, the steps of growth are left in the long river of memory; When I look back, people and things are growing away from us; In retrospect, we are far away from childhood.

When I remember those things, I feel warm and moist in my heart. The footprints of growth and beautiful memories are stored in the mind. When we were children, we loved to play and were free; We in primary school still love everything, but we can't let go of learning; Now we have to bury everything deeply and study hard. I still remember that every test in primary school is a new experience and a new expectation. I remember that in the sixth grade, we were all working hard to welcome the bright future with our teachers and classmates. The day before we entered the examination room, the teacher told us the examination rules, and the teacher cried, so did we. In these tears, we came to junior high school. Every test in junior high school is touching. The footprints of growth have been passed all the way, leaving footprints along the way, as well as our memories.

Life is like this. Everyone is growing, and everyone's heart is growing slowly. Looking at the footprints of the past, we understand that the process of growth is a long one. Everyone needs to work hard to bloom the brilliant flower of life. We stop here, but time never stays, like a turbulent river flowing through the cracks of time. Time and time again remind us that the passing of life is often the many traces left by the past.

Growth, let us learn more, let us strive hard on the road of life, let us understand that time is in a hurry, seize every day, and strive to fly forward, no matter how tired, the light after the dark is beautiful.

Postscript: When I look back, I suddenly feel like a dream in which everything turns into nothing. Success or failure matter? Cover your sleeves and smile once? Strive for the future!

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (7)

I have no intention of passing by you, and you have no intention of flowing past me, throwing your rosy shadow into the soft waves of the river. The passing clouds, the eternal dream—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

A person quietly sitting in the rocking chair, years rush past me. Time is pulling my thoughts with the feeling of Jiangnan. The quiet moment, the fragrance of afternoon tea... When I look back, I find that I have lost my beauty.

"Play Chopin's nocturne for you to commemorate my dead love", a "nocturne" expressed endless love for girls, and his "Grandma", let me feel the great family relationship in the world. Listen to music alone, looking for the feeling of loss in sadness. When I look back, I find that the beauty behind has been lost forever.

At that time, she and I were still good friends. We were misunderstood again and again, which cut off the distance between us. We didn't have too many words, we didn't laugh together...... Because, after all, everything is over. When I look back, I find that everything has become the past.

She suddenly called me that day, and I was speechless when I picked up the phone. Suddenly, "Lonely Northern Hemisphere" sounded over there. I know that it is a reflection of her life. She said to me: "In fact, life is like a sky light. Some people suddenly disappear one day, one moment, and the lost ones will not come back..." Yes, when I look back, I found that I had lost my beauty.

Now, I try to let the wind and sand cover up my memory. Although it's cruel, I can't live in the past. I have something to do tomorrow

Stubborn people keep moving forward, something beautiful is actually behind them, but often no one has the courage to turn around.

When I look back, I realize that everything that used to be will never happen again

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (8)

When you turn your head carelessly, you may see the relieved memory; When I turn my head carelessly, I may recall the traces of that beautiful moment

It's spring, and the spring rain that we haven't seen for a long time has spoiled everything. I got up late in the morning because I was fascinated by reading last night and didn't give up until very late. I put on my clothes in a hurry, grabbed some breakfast, put on my shoes and ran downstairs. It suddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten to bring my umbrella. I was about to go upstairs to get my umbrella when my father handed it over. I was about to ask my father how he remembered to send it to me, and he would say in his heart: "You really are. It's raining outside, but I don't know how to take my umbrella. I'm drenched in water, and I have to take care of you when I catch a cold. Come on, I'll drive you. If I'm late, I'll blame me for not calling you earlier!" Dad shaved my nose, "Liang" When her car keys came out, she took my hand and walked quickly in the rain. My heart was suddenly covered with warmth. Those big hands were warm and powerful, like a meter of sunshine shining on my heart.

Soon, I arrived at the school. My father put my schoolbag on my back and said to me, "Go, don't be late, I'm going!" I nodded, ran to the school gate, and turned around carelessly, but saw that my father was still standing nearby, not holding an umbrella, looking at me gently. Suddenly, my nose was sour, an unprecedented touch, an unprecedented warmth flowing wantonly. I felt like crying.

At this moment, when I look back, 11 years of time slipped away quietly. How many times I looked back, I easily missed it. My father's education and criticism were boring at that time, but now they are as beautiful as the sounds of nature, turning into warm memories.

yes. Maybe you will remember a lot, know a lot, think a lot and cherish a lot when you look back suddenly. There will really be a warm current, surging into my heart in an instant, flowing for a long time.

When I look back, that love is still in the dim light.

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (9)

Being independent of your own world, you are the whole world. Let yourself walk out of your mind's small room, and then take the noise and noise of the world as the background. The combination of hands is to listen to the songs of nature. Sitting on the ground is to transform yourself into a particle of dust, a white cloud or a wisp of wind. Quietly melt in this empty time, let the sun calmly walk through his forehead, his mood, the track of the seasons, and the endless emptiness. In this way, indifference becomes cordial and greatness becomes ordinary!

Although there is no drink to the moon, no wine to the wind, no language collision, and no drunken haze, you can find a sunny place in your own sky, which is more exciting than everything in the world. In the pervasion of this kind of implication, you will feel alone that heaven and man are destined to be one, "silence is better than sound".

Send a kind of idea to communicate with the earth, send a kind of tranquility to blend with clouds, take a kind of silence to talk with grass, and take a kind of warmth to find divinity with nature. Clear, clear, frank and sincere, such a tacit understanding is not self indulgent, but in broad and broad understanding, obtained a rare emptiness.

How good it is to touch life without harming it, to taste emptiness without disturbing it! Let your eyes wander in the dust, which does not mean that you are still awake. Let your thoughts wander in the confused desire for profit, which cannot prove that you are still smart. Turn away all the voices that come in large numbers, and sneer and sarcasm will not disturb your beautiful dream again.

What should go must go, and what should come must come.

Then let's welcome and send off happily. The calm mood will accommodate the hot summer and cold winter.

"Knocking chess pieces at leisure and lighting up" is waiting for a kind of fate, and "Every family rains in Huangmei season" is a change of season. Only when you look back suddenly will you meet your heart and understanding.

Suddenly looking back on the composition 600 words (10)

Maybe, maybe, can only be maybe, maybe love really has destiny—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Walking through the flower season of life, suddenly looking back, I found that flowers bloom all the way. Walking in the best scenery of life, I found that I was just color blind.

Always know how to cherish after losing, always know how to regret after missing, why feelings hurt people so deeply, so tired. Once was only once, after going through, I found myself really confused.

Perhaps only true emotion, in the loss will be heartbreak. Even if this relationship is very short, it is enough to let him remember his life. If love really has destiny, will a lover go against the sky? Don't deliberately pursue romance, just stay together for the long car of the two

Not everyone is so dedicated to love. Only those who have a strong sense of love will wait foolishly, waiting for the love that has no end. Maybe, maybe this love is just a dream. But people are always stupid. They know it's impossible to be together, but they have to fight for it foolishly.

Time flies. A few years later, when we open the title page of memory, do we still remember the promise we made in those years, watch the sunrise and sunset, and laugh at the vicissitudes of life. Looking back is always so elegant, the smile is still so sweet. I always hope to have romantic relationship with you. However, there is a sense of distance from reality. Without the pain of sadness, who will understand? The homestead man says love only when he is lonely, and his thought is always faster than his action. Always look at you in a daze, always feel you are cute. Can't tell if the feeling is love?

Maybe love is not so simple, neither believe in love at first sight, nor approve of wishful thinking. In the face of many people's love, many people's love, sincerely pay, but return is very confused. Don't complain about the injustice of the world, but the lack of communication between each other. If love can be repeated, will you love crazily. Always inadvertently recall the past, always in the loss of repentance, knowing that he did not know love, but disguised himself very badly, often wandering alone, as if waiting for the arrival of a friend, there is no noisy downtown, no time to wait, still do not know what is fate, what is love.

Looking back, flowers bloom and fall, grass withers and grass flourishes. Sitting at the end of time, laughing and watching time fly by. Watch the changes of life with a little sadness.

I suddenly look back on my composition of 600 words (11)

In the time line of life, we are always moving forward. When you look back one day, you will find that love is always there and always with us.

When we were still quietly lying in the mother's womb, the mother had gently touched her stomach and waited for our birth. Not only the mother, but also our father. The father will attach his ears to his mother's belly. He wants to know what we are doing in her belly?

Finally, when we were born, on the day we were born, our parents all laughed happily. Although we are wrinkled and not cute at all, the way our parents hold us is like holding a rare treasure. Time slowly moves forward, and we grow up little by little. Our parents' care for us has never been reduced, but they pay more attention to us in the daily life.

When I finally realized the love of my parents for the first time, the teacher in the school said to us that every one of our parents is great and our parents love us. That is, after school that day, when I returned home, I carefully observed my parents. My parents will buy my favorite food from outside, care about my life in school, cover me with quilt when I go to bed every night, and tell me to be careful on the way when I go to school the next day. My parents' love for me is just in the dribs and drabs of life, and has always been around me.

Time is still moving forward relentlessly. I am growing up and my parents are getting older. We have changed our appearance, but my parents' love for me has not decreased at all.

Many times, people will look for love in their life. Some people spend their whole life looking for love, but they don't know to stop to feel the love around them. Maybe someone will look back and be lucky to find that love is right beside us and has always been with us. Just hope that we in life can cherish the existing love around us.

Suddenly looking back on the composition 600 words (12)

Childhood memories are beautiful, but when I grow up, my painting style changes suddenly. When I look back, I will shed tears of nostalgia.

In the silent night, the breeze is blowing through the window screen with a warm air. I lay in bed staring at the clock and listening to the clock ticking, which also means that time is slipping away.

Suddenly, the word "friend" flashed in my mind, and then the childhood time cut into my mind, showing me and her past. When she was young, she ran to my seat after class; It was the only consolation she gave me when I cried; It was she who ran away together after we made trouble... She was innocent, lovely and perfect when she was a child. In my mind, friendship is also very beautiful.

But we quarreled the day before yesterday, and nobody would give in. Are we still friends? My eyes gradually become indifferent. Somehow, when I opened my eyes, it was already light. I had already thought about what to do today.

On the way to school, leaves rustled down. After taking a deep breath, I called her out. She came over without expression, as if still angry with me. I was embarrassed to open my mouth, but after a few seconds of hesitation, I opened my mouth first.

"Do you know that you have changed, thinking about the old you......" When I said my heart, she lowered her head, occasionally saw her wipe a few tears, I could not help but have a sour nose when I saw this scene, tears straight in the eyes, this may be the power of friendship!

After all, I couldn't help but shed tears. But when the first tear fell, I really understood that friendship is very simple, it doesn't need any fate, just put a coat of love on the shoulder of friendship.

When I look back, I find that the power of friendship is so great.

"Qu Niu, come on, let's play!"

"OK, come at once!"

It was a clear bell ringing after class again, but this break turned back to the appearance of childhood, and the two girls' hearts came together again.

I suddenly look back on my composition 600 words (13)

We were so naive. Today, it is difficult for us to meet each other. Maybe that's the fate.

Do you still remember? Once you and I often hugged each other, and others thought that we were too close, that we were lilies; Do you still remember? That day, I took a skin, splashed water on your face, and you gently tapped my forehead; Do you still remember? We once put our hands on each other's shoulders, and others looked at us quietly behind us

But this is just a memory of the past. Now we have graduated and separated

Before graduation, I heard that you were going to school elsewhere in junior high school. I have always cherished the time we spent together, hoping that we would not have to separate. I have thought many times that even if we are not in the same class in the future, it is better to be in the same school at least. But I didn't expect that fate was at fault.

On July 15, I received a notice from the school that I was going to register at the school. At that time, I was so excited, but after I arrived at the school, I was lost. I didn't see you when I signed up that day. Sure enough, you still had to go. I refuse to face this fact. I have been thinking that there are three batches of applications. Maybe she and I are not in the same batch.

Sometimes fate doesn't even leave us any hope.

When you discussed the registration in the group, you didn't mention it to your classmates at all. I should have guessed that you were going to transfer. After all, you don't know what we're talking about.

Is it? Will friendship break up one day? Will you and I part one day? Will I meet a girlfriend like you in the future? Can she take the place of everything between us?

I have dreamed of you many times in my dream. I wish I could see you when I look back. But when I look back, it is always empty, nothing, you are not here. There is only one me standing there alone. When I look back, you are no longer here.

It's cool when people leave. Is that the case? Now I can only comfort myself by borrowing the poem "A bosom friend in the sea, a distant place like a neighbor". Although we are not together, the friendship between us is indelible. When we graduate, it's not just us that separate. Will they be like us

I suddenly look back and find that you are no longer here.

Suddenly looking back on the composition 600 words (14)

My character is very arrogant and overbearing. I always make a big noise and haggle over every little thing. People around me dare not provoke me. In my eyes, they are afraid of me. They are afraid of me. But I always like to snuggle up with my parents and tell my grievances.

My mother always comforted me, but my father always blamed me. I even thought that if I was a child of my father, would he be so indifferent to me? Since I was sensible, my father has always given me a face. He is often dissatisfied with what I have done. Since I knew him, he is not satisfied with my daughter at all, so no matter how hard I try, he always looks down on me. I have never been given face in front of my classmates.

I really hate him, but when he put the cold water beside my cabinet when I caught a cold, he really felt very warm. Perhaps, most people only know that the moon comes first when you are near the water, but I like the sentence "Sunflower is easy for spring". I always regard my father as the 'number one enemy'.

When did my father and I start to have a quarrel? Since my primary school, other people's children have always had parents to pick me up and see me off, but my mother often has to do other things, but even if my father has time, he will never pick me up and see me off. I really feel aggrieved and uncomfortable. Later, my father often treated me coldly, and often demanded many things from me.

One day, in the third grade, when the teacher left school, I packed my schoolbag and went home, walking in the street

I suddenly looked back and saw my father standing behind me.

Suddenly, I woke up. I was breathless and frightened by this action. I didn't expect that every father really loved his children. But they love their children in different ways. Think about it.