Making Bread for the First Time (4 elaborations)
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2024-01-17 08:15:13

Making bread for the first time (1)

Not long ago, my mother bought a bread machine, which was placed in the corner, motionless. This evening, I finally had a chance to experience it.

I first took out the recipe provided by the bread machine. The bread styles on the recipe were dazzling and attractive. "Raisin milk bread", "walnut coffee bread", "corn bread" and so on. There are also some new things: "glutinous rice cake", "sponge bread"... Suddenly, a bread I have never seen attracted me - "rice bread" do this!

I have a recipe in one hand and a cupboard in the other. 150 grams of water, 18 grams of granulated sugar, 10 grams of butter, 5 grams of salt... Alas, this is just the beginning of the problem. How do I know how much 150 grams of water is? Thinking about it, I glanced at the weight measuring instrument at home. I adjusted the measuring unit to "gram" and began to weigh one by one

It's finally over. It's time for the toaster! Open the lid. Eh, there is a small spoon in it. I looked at the instruction manual, and I looked at the ingredient list, ah! It turns out that this spoon has a scale, which is used to calculate the weight! I didn't have to bother so much.

I put the ingredients and flour one by one and covered them. Press the "Start" button and go to bed. At night, I fell asleep sweetly.

Making bread for the first time (2)

Last Saturday, I learned to make bread with my mother. Before that, I always thought it was easy to make bread, but after practice, I learned that making bread was not as easy as I imagined.

That day I volunteered to ask my mother to teach me how to make bread. After she promised, I immediately washed my hands and began to prepare materials.

I rolled up my sleeves and began to beat noodles. First, prepare 10 eggs, break them and put them in a small basin. "Be careful not to let the eggshell fall in," my mother told me. Fortunately, I am good at beating eggs, and this step was completed quickly. Next, we need 4 jin of water and 1 kg of sugar, and then pour the egg liquid into the mixer to mix evenly. At this time, I was about to pour all the water into the basin, but my mother stopped me and said, "Don't pour all the water at once. About five percent of the water is good." I quickly put the remaining water aside. After about three minutes, the three materials were mixed evenly. I carefully put the materials out into a clean bowl. Next, prepare 5 kilograms of flour, 50 grams of yeast and 25 grams of improver. I put the flour, yeast and improver into the mixed egg mixture, and then put them into the blender again. I didn't grasp the time, so the dough could not be completely formed. Fortunately, there is still a remedy. Just add some more water to mix until the dough becomes a ball. Then prepare 500 grams of butter and 50 grams of salt, and remove a nest from the middle of the dough. I dug for several times, either missing a hole or breaking the dough, and tried several times to succeed. Next, put butter and salt into the nest, or add some milk, which will smell more fragrant. Slowly pour a little more cooking oil during the mixing process to prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom.

After mixing evenly, I take the dough out of the machine and divide it into several small balls to make patterns. "When kneading the dough, hold it in a circle, let it be in the palm of your hand, and knead it into a ball." I followed my mother's advice. At the beginning, I always squashed the dough, but later I became skilled and faster. Here I want to remind you not to rub the round for too long, or it will become dry. After kneading the small round, you can design it into your favorite style, or you can add stuffing. After making the bread pattern, it can be put into the fermentation tank to ferment for 1~2 hours, and the time cannot exceed 2 hours, otherwise the surface of the noodles will be not smooth. After fermentation, decorate the dough, such as spreading a little salad sauce or jam on the dough. Finally, put the processed dough into the oven, the furnace temperature is generally between 180~200 ℃, and the time is about 15 minutes. I was too lazy to wait, so I started to read a book, but I accidentally forgot the time. So when I saw the burnt bread, I was very sad. Although there was still something to eat, there was very little. Mother took a taste and said, "Although it is not good enough, it is the first time to do it after all. Let's continue to work hard next time."

Alas, it takes painstaking effort to make bread. It's really hard to get a piece of bread!

Making bread for the first time (3)

"Ding Ling Ling" finally rang, I opened the door in a hurry, and the aunt of Xiaomei food came! She was carrying a tool box, which looked very professional.
"Aunt, according to your requirements, my mother and I have prepared all the materials." When I saw my aunt, I reported to her one by one: "raisins, cashews and pumpkin seeds soaked in rum, ice milk, fresh yeast, brown sugar, whole wheat bread flour, gluten flour, butter..."
"Everything is ready, let's start at once." The aunt said as she put on her apron and sleeves. I also put on the apron and hat of the Little Bee Squadron.
I silently read the method my aunt taught me. First, I carefully said the same thing: "10 grams of yeast, 10 grams of brown sugar, and 250 grams of iced milk." Then I put the three together in Xiaomei and stirred them evenly. Then I put 250 grams of whole wheat bread flour and 250 grams of high gluten flour. I began to knead the flour according to the guidance of the machine. After three minutes, I put 2 grams of salt and 10 grams of butter. After five minutes, The powder will be kneaded.
Later, my aunt taught me to use a scraper to scrape the flour onto the rolling pad, and then roll the dough into strips, dividing the dough into four pieces on average. I took one of the dough and made it like an aunt: first roll it into a rectangular shape, then sprinkle the filling evenly on it, bit by bit, slowly and tightly wrap it, and finally squeeze it in the sealing place, so that the filling will not be exposed.
"Great! This kind of bread is not only beautiful in shape, but also chewy." My aunt praised me. Suddenly, I felt that I was a real baker.
I carefully put the prepared bread germ one by one on the baking tray and gently push the oven to ferment.
"After 30 minutes, we will take it out of the oven, press it gently with our fingers, and it will bounce back, and then we can bake. Finally, it will take 25 minutes to bake." Listening to my aunt's introduction, my heart was filled with inexplicable joy, looking forward to the hot bread coming out of the oven.
"Tick", finally baked.
So I put on thick gloves and took out the baking tray.
good heavens! And snorting hot air! The fragrant smell went straight into my nose and sucked, and my heart seemed to melt in the rich fragrance; The originally soft and smooth dough has become golden and crisp, crisp outside and tough inside, making people salivate.
I put the baking tray on the table, cut a large piece with a bread knife, opened my mouth, and chewed it with all my mouth: the delicious crust, the sweet raisins, the crisp cashews and pumpkin seeds, and the faint smell of brown sugar and milk.
Thanks to Xiaomei's aunt for making bread for the first time!

Making bread for the first time (4)

The weather is very good today, and I'm in a good mood, because my family bought a bread machine. The rectangular bread machine is silver gray. This bread machine not only looks good, but also has many functions. It can not only make bread but also cakes, rice cakes, yogurt, jam, etc.

This toaster has attracted me so much that I begged my mother to let me make bread for once. My mother finally agreed when she saw my curiosity. I took the instruction manual and read it again and again before I started to make bread. The first step was to put in raw materials, put 100ml milk in the bread bucket, and I carefully measured 100ml milk with a small measuring cup. Then take an egg, open it and put it in a bread bucket, put 3g salt and 50g sugar near the corner of the bread bucket, and add 30g butter. But we don't have butter, so I added 30g peanut oil, 150g flour, and dug a hole in the flour to put 4g yeast. This is to prevent yeast from encountering salt and affecting fermentation. When the raw materials were put away, I carefully lifted the bread bucket, put it into the bread machine, tightened it, and covered it.

Next is the second step, mixing noodles and fermentation. Simply choose ordinary bread and click Start. The rest is a long wait. It takes three hours and thirteen minutes to bake. During the three hours of waiting, I was not idle. I turned on my flashlight and looked carefully through the glass window above the toaster. The toaster is really advanced! It can automatically mix the flour, eggs and milk into a big dough. Then came the fermentation. After observing for a long time, I found no response, so I went to read a book. I was fascinated and forgot about the bread maker. After about two hours, the bread maker made a sound of "drip drip". I remembered it. I quickly took a flashlight to have a look. It turned out that the fermentation had been completed, and the original flat small dough, Become bulging like a big bubble.

The third step is to start baking. The bread turned from white at the beginning to light yellow, and finally to golden yellow. The sound of "drip drip drip" sounded again, and the bread was baked. I ran to it quickly, put on my gloves, and opened the bread machine. A smell came to my nose. The golden bread glistened in the bread bucket, as if to say, "Take me out quickly". However, I could not take it out, I was so worried that I had to ask my mother for help. My mother looked at me, laughed and said, "Let me, the almighty mother, take it out for you." She turned the bread bucket upside down and patted it hard, and the bread was taken out with the bottom facing up. When I saw it, wow, it was burnt, and the bottom of the bread had turned black. I gently cut off the bottom of the bread and carefully cut the remaining good bread into six parts. I gave the best piece to Grandma, another piece to Mom and Dad, and another piece to the little sister opposite the door and another piece to the sister Yaxuan downstairs.

I picked up the remaining piece and tasted it carefully. Although it was a bit sticky, it tasted really good. I am happy to eat my own bread. Through making bread this time, I understand that we should have a good meal, because every meal is hard won, and it also makes me feel good about science. The toaster is to make good use of scientific achievements.