Light Chasing Teenagers - Review
Filial piety is the first
2023-10-20 12:45:07
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

To all the teenagers who keep running on the way of growing up against the wind and pursuing dreams, and become a ray of light followed by everyone's eyes—— In the holiday, I read a very inspirational book - "Chasing the Light of Youth".
The author of this book said: I am surrounded by a vast expanse of turbidity, only the runway at my feet is clear. I run forward, desperately running forward to run through this fog, see the surrounding scene clearly, see myself clearly. This sentence is deeply imprinted in my heart and inspires me to move forward!
The book tells the story of Zhang Juan, a rural girl with sports talent, who never gives up when she can't run lightly under multiple pressures and has a dream to break through the waves. When the multiple pressures of family studies and her own made her running belief waver, she picked up a bundle of rice barefoot, chased and overtook the car, and strengthened her running belief with strength! She also took advantage of the competition in the county to shine. When she won the championship, she also got 10000 yuan to solve the family academic pressure. The hope brought by this effort has inspired her to keep moving forward towards her dream. She knows that she needs to firmly stick to her feet and run forward desperately, so that she can catch up with the light ahead.
However, the road ahead is still tortuous. In order to better realize her dream, Zhang Juan knows that irregular running is the fetter that restricts her running dream. She did not rely on anyone but rushed into the sports college to find the provincial team coach Gao. Zhang Juan was punished afterwards, but fortunately she stayed in the sports college. Although she has received good training, her Achilles tendon is aging, which makes her hard to train. This process of overcoming the difficulties of the body is unimaginable to ordinary people. But with the help of the coach, the company of her teammates, and the encouragement of the teachers in her hometown, Zhang Juan stepped onto the stage of the runway. She ran out of time, achieved results, and broke the record. She is called "Asian Little Flying Man". At this time, Zhang Juan became a light that everyone followed.
After reading this book, I feel that life is like a running race. Only by running hard can I see the surrounding scene and see myself clearly. On the way forward, stick to the direction of faith, and dreams are not shadows. I hope to become a runner growing against the wind, keep moving forward on the road of dreams, and become a light that people follow!