High School Chrysanthemum (9 required)
2024-01-02 04:40:38

High School Chrysanthemum (1)

When the crisp autumn wind blows the sky higher, when the strange child looks away from the last goose, when the green leaves on the branches change to orange, when a little bit of acid has touched the branches, it is time for chrysanthemum fragrance.

The light of chrysanthemum

"Kuangdang, Kuangdang..." Did you hear the sound of striking iron? The wind blows and suppresses the strong muscles, giving out the breath of life, and the burning fire edifies the noble sentiments. Ji Kang, the hero of this era and the talented person of the region (generation), lives here as a blacksmith. Like anyone, you have high expectations of him, but do you dare to persuade him to become an official? Did you forget the Letter of Breaking up with Shantao? The sonorous words have announced to everyone that he disdains the official career. Let him be himself. Let the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" live forever in the life of "singing under the Ye", "drinking in the bamboo forest", "drinking in the winding water", and "picking chrysanthemums in the Nanshan Mountain". Don't let the secular filth cover the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums.

The pride of chrysanthemum

Can you still remember Chuang Tzu who, at the age of (right), ignored Chu's position and still decided to "drag his tail on the way"? This noble hermit, whose heart is as clear as the water in autumn, and whose body is not tied to the boat, has the talent of the whole world, but has never yielded to the power and dignitaries, and has lived a poor and wandering life. Do you also want to persuade him to join the world, hoping that he can do great things for the motherland, the society, and the people. Yes, everyone hopes so. However, Chuang Tzu considered himself to be a tree, a tree to defend the soul of the moon. If you insist on uprooting him and planting him in the filthy soil of society, he will wither and die immediately. Let him be a tree forever, and there will be a proud chrysanthemum beside him.

Misery of Chrysanthemum

"The strength to pull out the mountain is unparalleled. The disadvantage is that Zhui will never die. What can I do if Zhui will never die? What can I do if Concubine Yu wants to do?" In the face of the surging river and the villagers on the other side of the river, a generation of overlords can't help but wet their clothes with tears. The river has followed others' names, and the beauty has committed suicide. Is it to escape by boat, reorganize the flag, or join the Wujiang River, "death is also a ghost"? If you were around Xiang Wang, would you persuade him to "stay here, not afraid of no firewood"? Jiangdong people also expect King Xiang to endure humiliation, and maybe history will be rewritten for this. However, King Xiang finally chose to die in the river. He thought that he should die with dignity. He thought that was his heroic nature. A chrysanthemum's life form withered, but the fragrance of the flower would remain forever.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of life. No matter what others expect, we should pursue what we think is right, pursue freedom, pursue loftiness, pursue the dignity of life, pursue heroism, put aside others' expectations, and put aside others' discouragement, and move towards our own understanding.

When the sound of striking iron comes from afar, when the ancient roc spreads its wings, when the surging Wujiang River roars to the sky, it is the season of chrysanthemum fragrance again.

High School Chrysanthemum (2)

When the crisp autumn wind blows the sky higher, when the strange child looks away from the last goose, when the green leaves on the branches change to orange, when a little bit of acid has touched the branches, it is time for chrysanthemum fragrance.

The light of chrysanthemum

"Kuangdang, Kuangdang..." Did you hear the sound of striking iron? The wind blows and suppresses the strong muscles, giving out the breath of life, and the burning fire edifies the noble sentiments. Ji Kang, the hero of this era and the talented person of the region (generation), lives here as a blacksmith. Like anyone, you have high expectations of him, but do you dare to persuade him to become an official? Did you forget the Letter of Breaking up with Shantao? The sonorous words have announced to everyone that he disdains the official career. Let him be himself. Let the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" live forever in the life of "singing under the Ye", "drinking in the bamboo forest", "drinking in the winding water", and "picking chrysanthemums in the Nanshan Mountain". Don't let the secular filth cover the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums.

The pride of chrysanthemum

Can you still remember Chuang Tzu who, at the age of (right), ignored Chu's position and still decided to "drag his tail on the way"? This noble hermit, whose heart is as clear as the water in autumn, and whose body is not tied to the boat, has the talent of the whole world, but has never yielded to the power and dignitaries, and has lived a poor and wandering life. Do you also want to persuade him to join the world, hoping that he can do great things for the motherland, the society, and the people. Yes, everyone hopes so. However, Chuang Tzu considered himself to be a tree, a tree to defend the soul of the moon. If you insist on uprooting him and planting him in the filthy soil of society, he will wither and die immediately. Let him be a tree forever, and there will be a proud chrysanthemum beside him.

Misery of Chrysanthemum

"The strength to pull out the mountain is unparalleled. The disadvantage is that Zhui will never die. What can I do if Zhui will never die? What can I do if Concubine Yu wants to do?" In the face of the surging river and the villagers on the other side of the river, a generation of overlords can't help but wet their clothes with tears. The river has followed others' names, and the beauty has committed suicide. Is it to escape by boat, reorganize the flag, or join the Wujiang River, "death is also a ghost"? If you were around Xiang Wang, would you persuade him to "stay here, not afraid of no firewood"? Jiangdong people also expect King Xiang to endure humiliation, and maybe history will be rewritten for this. However, King Xiang finally chose to die in the river. He thought that he should die with dignity. He thought that was his heroic nature. A chrysanthemum's life form withered, but the fragrance of the flower would remain forever.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of life. No matter what others expect, we should pursue what we think is right, pursue freedom, pursue loftiness, pursue the dignity of life, pursue heroism, put aside others' expectations, and put aside others' discouragement, and move towards our own understanding.

When the sound of striking iron comes from afar, when the ancient roc spreads its wings, when the surging Wujiang River roars to the sky, it is the season of chrysanthemum fragrance again.

High School Chrysanthemum (3)

The cool autumn is coming, and the chrysanthemum cluster in the yard is blooming. The tiny white and yellow petals, enveloped by a few small yellow stamens standing up, flicker, each flower has a different color, but each chrysanthemum is in full bloom there.

Chrysanthemum is not only beautiful in color, special in shape, but also very elegant in smell. If it's a chrysanthemum, you can smell it when you get close. A large number of chrysanthemums can smell from a long distance, and they are very fragrant. Once smelled into the nose, there is an unspeakable feeling, just like licking a bit of honey, sweet and fragrant.

Raindrops in the morning sprinkled on the newly opened chrysanthemums to wash their faces for all kinds of chrysanthemums. After washing their faces, the chrysanthemums bloomed and smiled. The glittering and translucent dewdrops roll on the petals mischievously. "Pa", two dewdrops together. "Bang", the two dewdrops separated again. They are laughing and playing on the petals. They are really a group of naughty kids.

Dozens of bees flew to the chrysanthemum bush to pick sweet honey. When they were tired, they sat on the petals to rest and sang a little song called "Buzz Buzz". Two ladybugs lie on the green stems, looking for aphids who desperately suck juice. Seven spots on the red coat are easy to find.

A breeze blew, and chrysanthemums were dancing. Colorful clothes danced with the wind, which dazzled people. With the rhythm of the wind, they jump more vigorously and more delicious. Finally, the wind stopped, and the chrysanthemums were tired of jumping, standing there motionless.

Since ancient times, there have been many poems praising chrysanthemums: "It is not a preference for chrysanthemums among flowers, but this flower is more flowerless". "When the Double Ninth Festival comes, chrysanthemums will come."

I heard that chrysanthemum tea is cool and detoxifying, so I use it to quench my thirst. As soon as the tea was imported, a slight coolness moistened my throat and my heart again. It was still clear.

Chrysanthemum has so many characteristics that it is praiseworthy, bringing a different beauty to autumn.

High School Chrysanthemum (4)

When the cool autumn wind blows the sky higher and farther, when the strange child looks away at the last goose flying south, when the green leaves on the branches change to orange, when a little bit of acid has touched the branches, it is time for chrysanthemum fragrance.

"Kuangdang, Kuangdang..." Did you hear the clear sound of forging iron? The wind was blowing, and the strong muscles gave out the breath of life. The burning fire shaped the noble sentiments. Jikang, the hero of this era and a talented person, lived here as a blacksmith. Like anyone, you also had high expectations of him, But do you dare to persuade him to become an official? Have you forgotten that the sonorous words in the Letter of Breaking up with Mountain Tao have announced to everyone that he disdains the official career? Let him be himself. Let the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" always live a life of "singing under the leaf", "drinking in the bamboo forest", "drinking in the winding water" and "picking chrysanthemums in the south mountain". Don't let the secular filth cover the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums.

Can you still remember that Zhuang Zi, who at the age of, ignored the pole and still decided to "draw his tail on the way", was "as clear as the autumn water", and also like a noble hermit who did not tie the boat, who had the talent of the whole world, but did not yield to the power and nobility, and lived a poor and wandering life. Do you also want to persuade him to join the world, I hope he can do great things for the motherland and society and for the people. Yes, everyone expects so. However, Chuang Tzu himself is a tree, a tree that protects the soul and moon. If you insist on uprooting him and planting him in the dirt of the filthy society, he will wither and die immediately. Let him be a tree forever, and a proud chrysanthemum will accompany him.

"The strength to pull out the mountain is unparalleled, and the unfavourable times will never die. Elegant times will never die. What can I do about Concubine Yu? How can I do about Concubine Yu?" To deal with the surging river and the villagers on the other side of the river, a generation of overlords will not stop their tears from wetting their clothes. The river has followed other people's names, and the beauty has committed suicide. Whether to escape by boat, reorganize the flag, or join the Wujiang River, "death is also a ghost" If you are near King Xiang, Whether they would persuade him to "stay where the mountains are, and not afraid of no firewood"? Jiangdong elders also expect King Xiang to bear the humiliation, and perhaps history will be rewritten. However, King Xiang finally chose to die in the river, and he believed that he should die with dignity. He believed that that was his heroic nature. A chrysanthemum's life form withered, but the fragrance of the flower would remain forever.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of life. No matter what others expect, we should pursue what we think is right, pursue freedom, pursue loftiness, pursue the dignity of life, pursue heroism, put aside other people's expectations, put aside other people's dissuasions, and move towards self understanding.

When the sound of striking iron comes from afar, when the ancient roc spreads its wings, when the surging Wujiang River roars to the sky, it is the season of chrysanthemum fragrance again.

High School Chrysanthemum (5)

In the rustling autumn wind, when flowers wither, chrysanthemums, which are competing for beauty and beauty, are in full bloom, adding colorful colors in a dry place. Autumn is the main battlefield of chrysanthemums. If you want to ask me when I met this proud and chaste flower, I will start from that day.

That day, I went to play in the garden. In this romantic autumn, stepping on the golden and soft "carpets", I heard the rustling sound that can only be made by stepping on them. Walking on the path, I couldn't help thinking about the cruel autumn, ah, it took away those beautiful flowers in the past. I walked to a small pavilion and saw a group of people there. I couldn't help wondering what they were doing? What good landscape deserves their praise? I walked forward with doubts.

"The chrysanthemums are blooming well this year!" muttered a gorgeous woman. Chrysanthemum... What is chrysanthemum? Young and ignorant, I thought in my heart. I don't think so much. I'd better see you first. I went under the armpit of the adult, like a hole, until I could see it.

Wow! I have never seen such plants, wrapped layer by layer, just like the beauty in gauze. It is not as gorgeous as peony, but it has a noble and chaste appearance; It is not as beautiful as the rose, but it also has an elegant temperament, which is more romantic and graceful. This fairy like plant seems to outline several deep impressions in my heart. When I looked back, those people had already gone. I shook the dust on my body and looked at the chrysanthemums before leaving.

I returned home at a rocket speed, busy checking the information about chrysanthemum, and carefully browsing it. It seemed that I suddenly realized it, lying in bed, silently meditating. The flowers withered and the autumn wind was crisp. In such a harsh environment, the chrysanthemums stood proudly on their branches and bloomed safely in the wind. It is so unyielding to the wild wind and waves of nature, but it goes against the current. This kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people, and this spirit is precious, but chrysanthemum is very like people.

On the road of hard work, how many people have reached the other side of success? On the road full of thorns and blades, people often get bruised all over, and some people always think of giving up. In the face of difficulties, how many people will go upstream like chrysanthemums? How many people will endure great pain? I like chrysanthemum not because of its appearance, but because of its indomitable spirit. There are many people like chrysanthemums in the world who are strong, unyielding and optimistic, and will finally reach the other side of success and win the laurel of victory one day.

Chrysanthemum, my spiritual pillar; Chrysanthemum, my model; Chrysanthemum, my yearning for life! I hope we can all learn from chrysanthemums and contribute our strength to the prosperity of our motherland.

High School Chrysanthemum (6)

Heart and Soul walked away hand in hand, and did not return for a long time. Silence replaced the laughter of the past, and tears fell down. They could not escape the gravity, one drop after another, wet the palm of the hand.

Maybe my thoughts are too complicated, and I live in a daze every day. A casual word or action will hurt my heart, and I will feel lonely slowly. Li Bai is lonely because he can't eat when he stops drinking and throws chopsticks; Qu Yuan is lonely, "everyone is drunk and I wake up alone"; Wen Tingyun is a lonely man who has "gone through thousands of sails"; Fan Zhongyan is lonely because he is "homesick, anxious and afraid of ridicule"... What is my loneliness, and what has been bothering me all the time?

Yes, there are too many unhappy things in life, which sealed me into a lonely space - it is not a castle in the air suitable for walking in the heart and traveling in the eyes; Nor is it a moonlit lotus pond with many trees and dense trees; It is not a beautiful nature that comes from an encounter. It is an indescribable space, gray is not all gray, white is not only white, so it darkens the soul like sparkling light, water color, no pollution and no decoration, releasing words that pierce the heart and faces that are almost frozen into ice.

Ask yourself blankly: Is this me? There is no moving look and confident light in the eyes. A body that is completely defeated by the confusion that should not be, and entangled by countless troubles, stands there.

Once again, I walked alone on the path and was surprised to find that the chrysanthemums were in bloom. Red, yellow, and white, clusters of clusters make people feel that autumn has arrived. Loneliness may be a little painful, a little tired, a little tired and a little helpless. That is the loneliness of never finding a companion after the transformation of wilderness. However, chrysanthemums can bloom alone in this season without pink and white, willows and willows. They are not afraid of the bleak autumn wind, they can face the withering flowers, and they dare to taste the depressed loneliness. With a slight tremor in my heart, I can't help thinking of a sentence: "Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it also smiles at you. If you lock your eyebrows and cast a suspicious look at it, it will also give you the same life, without any decoration or shyness. Why can't I? Chrysanthemum can put all the loneliness and depression out of the sky, open up and laugh heartily, why can't I? Chrysanthemum can add color to such a boring and boring life. Why can't I?

I began to restore my bright smile, so that every day was full of warmth and beauty, so that every day blossomed like a chrysanthemum, so that all depression turned into clouds drifting away and dispersing

High School Chrysanthemum (7)

On the quiet path, without external interference and inner troubles, you can walk in the golden dusk. Clusters of fragrant chrysanthemums, where they open quietly, beautiful butterflies dance from the flowers, while the spring at the foot is slowly left. Since ancient times, there have been few such poets. He is Tao Yuanming, a pastoral poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Peach blossom and him are inseparable. He sings poems and walks towards the intoxication of chrysanthemums. He feels the beautiful scenery of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, you can see the south mountain". Looking at the clean, white and elegant chrysanthemums, he is dependent on chrysanthemums and enjoys them. Maybe this is his different broadness and leisure.

Think about Tao Yuanming when he was young. He lived in a very unstable war environment. So he became a recluse in the countryside for a long time, where he felt the hardships of farmers. After a long time, he conceived the ideal society in his mind - Xanadu. In that society, there was no oppression, no exploitation, no disturbance, everyone did their best to participate in labor, the elderly and children lived happily, happily, and people were extremely harmonious and friendly.

But can he really fully understand the life like that? Out of the land of Taoyuan, isolated from the rest of the world, there is another cave? We all know that the poem "Drunkard does not mean wine, but also care about mountains and rivers", from which we can see his situation, how detached his ideal is. Maybe only he knows that he is helpless, sad, lonely, and even somewhat desolate

At this time, some people may say that he is stupid, but I don't think so. Because his words and deeds are not important at this time, he is pursuing spiritual leisure, forgetting everything to stay away from vulgarity, and returning to nature to write his own feelings of life. Perhaps it is because of his depression and extreme freedom that he left us modern people with an unusual and beautiful yearning and desire to return to nature in his struggle to overcome difficulties and overcome self.

High School Chrysanthemum (8)

In the cool autumn, the fragrant and elegant chrysanthemums on my balcony will use their indomitable spirit to resist those cold raindrops. Whenever I see it, I will remember what my father taught me when I was young.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, one day, the teacher assigned a very difficult task - to recite the national anthem completely at home. "Wow, it's impossible!" The whole class screamed after the teacher had just assigned the homework. This homework is really more difficult for us kindergarten children than climbing into the sky. But I was complacent because I could sing the national anthem for a long time. This assignment was a piece of cake for me - too simple!

As a result, I didn't take this assignment seriously at all when I came home. I just played and played. The next day, I came to the kindergarten early. As soon as I got to the classroom, I began to show off my singing voice. Everyone said, "Wow, you are so awesome! When Dad learned the situation, he called me to the balcony. I was curious and thought: Why go to the balcony? Maybe I should take the stick. Alas, my poor little ass will suffer again! I came to the balcony with a feeling of doubt. My father pointed to the balcony and asked me, "Which flower is the most beautiful here?" "Of course it is a rose!" I answered without thinking. "Which one is the most unobtrusive, but also popular?" "Hmm, it's chrysanthemum!" I like this game, and slowly replied. "Yes, although chrysanthemums are not as red and purple as roses, nor as fragrant and charming as roses, they are beautiful and serene, blooming quietly..." "Oh, I know. Dad said that I should not be as proud as roses, but be modest as chrysanthemums, right?" "Yes, good boy, you finally understand!" Dad listened, Hold me in your arms.

When I was in the second grade, I once encountered a math problem. I racked my brains, but I couldn't do it. I was so worried that I cried out, "How can I do this problem? There must be a mistake!" At this time, my father came to me and said, "Don't be afraid of the difficulty, think about it again." "But I really can't do it. I won't do it!" I said tearfully. "Remember what I told you when I was in kindergarten?" "Yes, yes!" "Chrysanthemum actually has another spirit," Dad cleared his throat and said earnestly, "that is a kind of perseverance! When the cold wind blows, other flowers wither one after another, but the chrysanthemum can fly through the wind and frost and blossom tenaciously. Isn't this spirit exactly what you need in the process of learning? " "Well, I understand." So, I calmed down again and thought hard, once, twice... The effort paid off, and I finally got it right!

All the time, Chrysanthemum's quiet and indomitable nature has silently influenced me. It taught me how to study and how to be a man. I love you - the chrysanthemum in my heart!

High School Chrysanthemum (9)

The sun is bright, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the cool autumn wind is blowing slightly, and the air is filled with the aroma of fruits.

In the afternoon, my father and I went to the beautiful Phoenix Square to watch the "Autumn Chrysanthemum Exhibition". Before I saw the chrysanthemum, I smelled its fragrance, which was light and long. We could not help speeding up the pace, and I finally couldn't help running.

From afar, I can see the crowd in the open space in the center of Phoenix Square, walking between several colorful "pagodas". Here, here we are! It turned out that this "pagoda" was actually built by chrysanthemums, and it was four or five meters high. I was surprised to see one tower with one color of chrysanthemum.

Across the "Tallinn" to the north, two "male lions" stand on the left and right. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how could I believe that this "lion" was also made of countless chrysanthemums? The branches of the chrysanthemum set up the body of the "lion". The thick leaves are the skin of the "lion". The countless golden chrysanthemums in full bloom, the size of copper coins, are the hairs of the "lion". In the sun, the two "male lions" are shining with gold. All the visitors were full of praise.

Further inside, there are hundreds of chrysanthemums of different colors on both sides. The white ones are as white as snow and jade. The slender petals are crystal clear and bright, and they bend inward one after another to form a bowl size circle; The yellow is as bright as gold, and the petals spread around are elegant, and the ends roll into small whirlpools; The purple is as beautiful as the rosy clouds, and the steel wire like petals explode heartily like fireworks; The red ones are as bright as fire, the petals are as narrow as willow leaves, and are covered with burrs. They are really like little hedgehogs... "Click, click..." The shutter sound is continuous. All the visitors smiled and took photos with the flowers, leaving their most brilliant smiling faces. Look at that uncle, and focus on the fairy on the flower - the little bee. Look at him. His legs are bent and his hips are higher than his head. The camera is about to touch the bees' buttocks

"Mom, here is a 'phoenix'!" A little girl's voice attracted my attention. In the southeast corner, a cluster of flowers surrounded people. I glanced at the "sun" and the "flower umbrella", enjoyed the "peacock opens its screen" for a moment, stopped to watch the "dragon" in the clouds, and ran to the "phoenix"

Visitors come and go, go and come, and I never want to leave.