Love in Dumplings (20 compilations)
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2024-02-26 06:59:09
Junior two

Love in Dumplings (1)

Everyone in my family knows that I like dumplings. The fragrant stuffing and thin skin make my mouth water when I think about it. So every Sunday, Grandma would give me food.

Grandma's skill in making dumplings is excellent. When I was a child, I loved watching Grandma make dumplings (now also like watching). The moment when she held the wrapper and put the stuffing in her hand, I thought it was the most classic action in making dumplings. Every time, I would hold my cheek and watch it fascinated. At this time, Grandma would scratch my nose with her hands covered with white flour, and said with a smile, "Go and play, the dumplings will be ready soon!" At this time, I went out happily.

I remember one Sunday in autumn. That morning, I was very happy because I could have delicious dumplings again at noon. When I wanted to go out to play with my neighbors first, Grandma suddenly cried out that she had a stomachache. I was concerned and eager to ask Grandma whether she would go to the hospital. Grandma shook her head, squeezed out a smile and said, "It doesn't matter. It will be fine in a few minutes. It's just diarrhea. Go and play, and I will make dumplings for you at noon!" Then she pushed me out of the door. I thought to myself: Oh, Grandma! You are very old. Don't try to be brave. Let me call my father. At noon, when I returned home, I found that there was no one at home. I was very puzzled. I saw that there were still unfinished dumplings on the stage, and I sat listlessly on the chair, tears flowing down like broken lines. I thought to myself, Grandma must be ill. Why don't I call Dad first? I'm so stupid. Maybe Grandma can suffer less. When I thought of Grandma's pained expression, I wanted to slap myself twice. In the evening, I learned that Grandma had sudden gallstones and needed to be hospitalized. Obviously, we can't eat dumplings this Sunday. But a few days later, after school at noon, I found the classic action again in the kitchen. Grandma was making dumplings! At first, I thought I was dazzled. I must have missed Grandma too much. When I walked into the kitchen gently, I found it was really Grandma! I was just about to say something. Grandma seemed to understand my mind and hurriedly said: "This is to make up for the dumpling last Sunday. Don't interrupt, I have to pack it quickly, and I ran out secretly." I looked at Grandma's old hand. There were many pinholes, and another pinhole was not only swollen, but also a little residual blood. When I saw this scene, tears rolled in my eyes and I really wanted to hug Grandma. After Grandma finished cooking the dumplings, Grandma went back to the hospital for intravenous drip, leaving me at home to taste the delicious dumplings

That's the best dumpling I've ever had. I not only found that the stuffing in the dumplings was more fragrant than before, and the skin of the dumplings was thinner than before. I also found that the small dumplings contained a shining world, which was so big and big, and contained endless love

Love in Dumplings (2)

Title: Love may be in a glass of water, in a sentence, or in a plate of dumplings.

Whenever I eat steaming dumplings, I can't help thinking of my mother.

I remember one time, my mother had high blood pressure again. I went home from class to prepare my homework. At this time, my mother heard that no one was cooking at home, so she went out in person. I couldn't persuade my mother, so I had to let her go to the kitchen.

Mother uses high-grade flour to make the dumpling skin, which makes it stronger and more resilient to eat; Mother uses pork and leek as stuffing, which tastes more delicious. Then my mother poured the flour into a large basin, added some cold water, and then poured the vegetable juice into the flour, began to mix the flour, knead it for about 10 minutes, and kneaded it into a dough.

After kneading the noodles, mother went to chop the stuffing again. Although her mother was dizzy, she continued to chop the stuffing. When I saw my mother sweating, I felt distressed and asked: "Mom, why don't you use the meat grinder when you are sick? Then you will not be so tired." My mother smiled and explained slowly: "Little fool, how can the minced meat be so delicious? Cut it one by one, although it is slow and hard, it tastes good. I am willing to make dumplings for my family without any regrets! " After listening, a stream of tears overflowed into my eyes. Later, I quietly washed the leeks in the basin, hoping to share some labor for my mother.

After a while, the dumplings were wrapped, and the steaming dumplings were taken out of the pot. After I ate the dumplings, I immediately said to my mother, "Mom, the dumplings are really delicious!"

This is not just a plate of ordinary dumplings, it is full of mother's hard work, full of mother's love for me. Eating the dumplings with strong love, which child can't feel love and happiness?

My mother's dumplings are full of love, so I never tire of eating them.

Love in Dumplings (3)

"A group of geese came ahead and plopped down the river. When the tide rose three times, they rushed down the slope." Guess what food this is? By the way, delicious dumplings! In my memory, eating dumplings on the winter solstice is not only a tradition, but also a transmission of love.

On the winter solstice last year, my father and mother went back to my grandparents' home to eat dumplings. As soon as we entered the door, we saw two old people who were busy in the kitchen: my grandfather cut the big white fat radish into thin shreds and chopped them up. After blanching in boiling water, we wrapped them in cage cloth and drained them. Then we mixed them with chopped scallions, fat and thin minced meat stuffing and mixed them with spices; Grandma is rubbing the dough hard. Great, they are making my favorite radish dumplings!

It suddenly occurred to me that grandpa went to the hospital for physiotherapy because of lumbar disc herniation a few days ago. Why is he busy today? Grandma told me that grandpa's body was just a little better, but in order to make dumplings for me, he went out early in the morning to buy and shipped things home again and again. Hearing this, tears moistened my eyes at once, and I felt that I was the happiest person in the world!

Eating the dumplings carefully cooked by my grandparents, listening to their words of love and looking at their aging faces, my heart was full of emotion. Isn't the warmth of the winter solstice, a sincere greeting, and a bowl of dumplings filled with love the best interpretation of love?

My dear grandparents, it is you who made me feel the warmest love in the cold winter. I will always come back to accompany you in the future. This winter solstice, let you try my dumplings.

Love in Dumplings (4)

Although it is very common to eat dumplings now, the dumplings made by my mother always let me eat a hundred times.

Mother is very particular about the choice of materials for making dumplings. Early in the morning, she went to the market to buy vegetables with bright colors, such as orange carrots, green spinach, and red tomatoes. The purpose is to dye the dumpling skin with the natural color of fresh ingredients, which makes people look pleasing to the eye and increase appetite.

Mother uses high gluten flour to make dumpling skin, which tastes more muscular, more resilient, and Q elastic; Mother will make stuffing with local pork and cabbage, which is more delicious.

Mom's preparation for making dumplings went well, and the dumplings were made quickly, well and beautifully.

Mother put the washed carrots, spinach, etc. in different colors into the juicer to press them into juice. Then pour the flour into a large basin, add some hot water to mix, and then pour the squeezed vegetable juice into the flour, and start to mix the flour, knead and knead until it becomes a smooth big dough.

Then, mother cut the stuffing herself. Chopping and chopping, although my mother's face was full of sweat, she still looked at me and my brother with satisfaction and smiled happily. When I saw my mother sweating, I felt distressed and asked: "Mom, why don't you use the meat grinder? Then you won't be so tired." My mother smiled and explained slowly: "Little fool, how can the minced meat be so delicious? Cut it one by one. Although it is slow and hard, it tastes good. I am willing to make dumplings for my family without any regrets! " I listened, my nose was a little sour, but I tried to bear it and smiled at my mother. Then, I silently washed the cabbage in the basin, hoping to share some labor for my mother.

Mother diced the washed cabbage, mixed it with the chopped meat, put in the soy sauce, sprinkled salt, scallions, ginger powder, poured some water, kept stirring, stirring and stirring, simple mixing and seasoning. Because of the love, it becomes warm and beautiful.

Why put cabbage granules? It is because my brother and I only like to eat meat dumplings when we were young. In order to ensure balanced nutrition, my mother wrapped cabbage and meat together. Who knows, this taste has become an unforgettable taste of home.

The wrapped dumplings are like colorful fish, bearing mother's care and hard work, and happily go out of the pot. My brother and I watched the dumplings rolling in the pot and couldn't wait to taste the hard won delicious food.

Perhaps, you would say, isn't this a plate of dumplings? As for being so greedy?

I will seriously tell you that this is not just a plate of ordinary dumplings, it is full of mother's hard work, full of mother's love for me and my brother. Which child is not moved by the love dumplings? Which child doesn't feel sweet and happy?

I never tire of eating dumplings made by my mother, because there is true love in them!

Love in Dumplings (5)

Pure gold is worth some money. Mother was superstitious. She believed that Jin could ward off evil spirits, hoping that without her life, he would have fewer disasters if he had a ring with him. It is also to give him a thought, let him see the ring, just like seeing her, life will not be too lonely.

He sold everything. When he went to sell the ring, his hand shook a little, and he thought of his mother. But I still sold it. He hung a banner behind the disabled car and wrote: "People in disaster areas, I am with you.". He shook the disabled car, and "walked" for more than five hours, then went to the city again, with the money from the seller in his arms, a total of 1300 yuan.

In front of the collection box, he put all his property into it. A small town, moved by it. On that day, people's enthusiasm for donations was unprecedented.

This is the end of the story. The shock it gives people is that no matter how humble life is, there is also a noble soul.

However, this story has been followed. Shortly after he returned home, he opened the door one morning and found that all the things he sold were piled up at his door. The gold ring left by my mother was packed in a beautiful small box, and a note was pressed below it, which said, "Good man, you have given your heart.". You still need these things. Take them.

Love and kindness in the world are never single. When you warm the world with love, the world will also warm you with love. Mother is still that kind of parent, mother chatters incessantly, father is stiff faced.

She also finally grew up and had a loved one. He could provide her with a big room to make her young dream come true. Therefore, she did not mind his occasional bad temper and unprofessional, and wanted to marry him. Her parents strongly disagreed, and her mother said that he was not a person who could give her a happy life.

Where does she believe? He stubbornly walked his own way and walked into the marriage hall with him. In my heart, I felt a sense of pleasure in revenge against my parents, while ignoring their white hair and the love in their eyes.

Only half a year after the marriage, her contradiction with him gradually became apparent, and her heart was hurt. After several times of entanglement, she had to let go. Disappointed, she felt that there was no need to live any more. She locked herself in the room and thought about all kinds of ways to end her life.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and the parents who had not seen each other for a long time appeared. His father was holding a jug in his hand. He tried his best to smile at her. He said, "It's delicious." His mother punched his father behind his back and said, "What are you doing with your daughter, dead old boss?" Then she picked up the jug, held it up to her, and said, "This is your favorite beef dumplings. Mom has packed some for you to eat while it's hot."

She looked up and found that she had never seriously seen her parents in all these years. Their faces are marked with such profound vicissitudes. But in the vicissitudes of life, what we are worried about is all our flesh and blood. I thought I didn't love, but I didn't know that love was another kind of blood. When she was about to stop flowing, it was added to her in time so that her life could continue to flourish.

She ate the dumplings made by her mother one mouthful at a time, with tears in her heart, and began to drip.

Love in Dumplings (6)

"Laba porridge, drink for a few days. Lilila 23......"

In the twinkling of an eye, the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rooster came to us. The streets are ablaze with lights, trees and silver flowers, and every household is decorated with colorful lanterns, laughing and laughing. How lively it is!

On the evening of my thirties, my grandparents were making dumplings in the hot air. Some rolls, some bags, and some pendants. I am very busy getting skin for my mother and noodles for my father. Suddenly, Grandma did not know when to take out some coins that had been prepared.

I asked curiously, "Grandma, what are you doing with your money?"

Grandma said, "We'll make some money in the dumplings, and everyone who eats them will be lucky next year!"

I said happily, "Good! Good! I will definitely get money!" Then I worked harder.

The hot dumplings are finally out of the pot! I ate one on the left and one on the right. But the money in the dumplings seems to "run", and I can't eat it any way. What a hurry!

At this time, I found a torn dumpling on the plate. I was just about to take the dumpling away, but my grandfather said, "Eat it, the cracked dumpling is also very delicious." I reluctantly put the dumpling into my mouth.

Ha! Money!

I cried out happily. My grandparents looked at my happy face and smiled knowingly.

Seeing the smiles of my grandparents, I was puzzled. How come grandpa happened to mention this dumpling? Yes, I had a brainwave and said, "Mom, I'll go to the bathroom."

Close the door of the bathroom, and I secretly look out at the crack of the door. Grandparents took out another coin and put it into a dumpling with trembling hands. Oh, it's my grandparents' "trick". My eyes are wet!

Back on the table, I picked up the dumplings and slowly put them into my mouth. This dumpling is not only lucky, but also my grandparents' deep love for me

Love in Dumplings (7)

It is often said that paternal love and maternal love are the greatest, but I think there is one kind of love that can be compared with paternal love and maternal love, that is, the love of grandma. Grandma's love is deep, such as the warm sun in spring and the drizzle in summer. Grandma's love is not so obvious, but she is everywhere, which is reflected in every bit of our life.

At 8:30 on Friday evening, Grandma called on time: "Lulu, what do you want to eat tomorrow?" "Grandma, I want to eat dumplings!", Because every time Grandma would prepare a large table of delicious food for us.

On Saturday morning, when we came to my grandparents' house, my grandmother had already started to work in the kitchen. "Grandma, what kind of dumplings are you going to eat today?" "Mutton and scallions, pork and cabbage, as well as leeks and eggs." Grandma said kindly to me while stirring the stuffing in her hand, "How do you like it? Mutton was bought by your grandfather early in the morning in Niujie." Every weekend at family gatherings, Grandma will give full consideration to everyone's taste at home, Satisfy everyone's stomach buds. Grandma's love is reflected in every bit of life. Thinking of the morning when my grandpa queued up to buy mutton in Niujie in the morning and my grandma was busy, I was moved to say, "Thank you, grandpa and grandma!" I put my arms around Grandma's waist and said with a smile. Grandma turned around and smiled kindly at me, saying, "Go back to your house and do your homework. I'll call you when you have dinner."

When I was still writing in my room, the dumplings came out of the pot. A layer of cloud and mist is hovering around the kitchen, and the aroma is blowing up. It makes people salivate, and it is very satisfying to smell it. Because the dumpling with thin skin and big stuffing is wrapped with Grandma's deep love for us.

Love in Dumplings (8)

"The loss of a loving mother is like a flower in a bottle. Although it is still colored and fragrant, it has lost its roots.". This sentence shows that a loving mother is very important to a child, just like a root to a flower. Although the ways of love are different, mothers all over the world love their children, and so does my mother.

Sunday is our family's dumpling day. No matter how busy my mother is, we should eat healthy and hot hand-made dumplings once a week. My mother doesn't like my father and I often eat food outside, so the hand-made dumplings are made by ourselves, no matter the skin or the filling. Although it is troublesome, each of us has taken the trouble to stick to it. This tradition has been maintained for a long time.

My mother's skill in making dumplings is really amazing. My dumplings always look like "small wonton" no matter how, but my mother's dumplings are like crystal clear white boats, small and exquisite, and like a round of crescent moon, which is very popular. Her hands are like magic, although they are not as nimble as the fingers of a pianist, flying on the keys; It's not like the painter's hands flying dragons and phoenixes on the paper, just so ordinary. But as long as my mother gently twisted the front of the dumpling skin, a circle of beautiful lace would be squeezed out, like braiding a braid on a little girl's head. When I was a child, every time my mother made dumplings, my cousin and I would go around the table. As soon as my mother finished twisting a lace, my cousin and I would grab a look and enjoy ourselves. Mother looked at us and smiled at Grandma.

Now, I often accompany my mother to make dumplings. Although the number is small, the shape of hand-made dumplings is not as simple as before. There are all kinds of dumplings. One holiday, I wrapped a hard nut in a big dumpling and wanted to give it to my mother. In order to distinguish, he also made a circle of lace. At the dinner table, I stuffed the dumplings with nuts into my mother's mouth. Hearing the sound of nuts popping in my mother's mouth, my mother smiled and narrowed her eyes. I was also happy. Mom loves my dumplings!

In retrospect, my mother's love was so kind. Handmade dumplings gave me nutrition, while maternal love nourished my heart. Now I understand that even if my mother is busy, she can't change her love for us, and dumplings are the best proof.

Mother's love, like the Yangtze River, never stops; Mother's love, like the spring breeze, gently blows our hearts. Mother's love is so ordinary, but it will never be forgotten in my heart.

Love in Dumplings (9)

I have eaten many kinds of dumplings in restaurants, but my favorite is my mother's dumplings.

Yesterday Saturday, the weather was overcast and drizzling. After school, I stood at the door of the tutorial class, waiting for my mother to pick me up. At noon, we still have dumplings at home. But my mother hasn't come yet after waiting for a long time. Although spring has begun, the cold wind and the rain are coming at me. I am cold and hungry, and I feel anxious.

Just then, my mother came. She was holding an umbrella and a small lunch box in her hand. I was very unhappy and said, "Mom, why did you come here? I'm starving to death." My mother said, "Baby, just because I'm afraid you are hungry, I cooked some for you first, and you padded your stomach first." I opened the lunch box and ate one, and my mouth was full of fragrance that could not be explained. I misjudged my mother. I ate in the corridor with guilt. I remembered my mother standing at the school gate to pick me up after school at noon every day.

The thin skin of the dumpling is crystal clear, and the dumpling is small and exquisite, just like a handicraft. This dumpling is unique in the world, because it is full of my mother's deep love for me.

Love in Dumplings (10)

A few days ago, I was ill. Because I was not feeling well, I was tasteless and had no appetite.

In order to coax me to eat in a different way, my favorite grandmother announced when she was making dumplings that she had wrapped a rock candy and a date in the two dumplings. Whoever ate the two "fu dumplings" would have good luck. I listened to the big mouthful and ate. How I wish I could be lucky!

Suddenly I heard my father shouting in the living room: "I ate a rock candy". As soon as I heard this, I was worried and ate a few more mouthfuls. But a bowl of dumplings is almost finished. Why haven't we seen "Fu Dumplings" yet? Grandma can't lie to me, can she? There is only one dumpling left. If you are lucky or not, I will open my mouth and bite. Yo! I cut my teeth. There was a jujube hidden inside! I was happy when my grandmother said, "I ate a rock candy." At this time, my father laughed. It turned out that my father told me he had eaten a rock candy, which was a lie to me!

Count carefully. I ate more than ten dumplings today! I ate so much for the first time in two days. Thinking about which dates and rock candy Grandma made in the dumplings, it was clearly two thick balls of love that could not be dissolved!

Love in Dumplings (11)

Every weekend when I go home, my mother will bring me a plate of hot dumplings, which is my favorite, because dumplings contain the best seasoning in the world.

When I was young, I was picky about food, especially vegetables. My mother was worried about my lack of vitamins. But no matter how she persuaded me, I would not eat it until that day——

As soon as I got up in the morning, my mother came to me smiling and said to me, "Son, how about we eat dumplings this afternoon?". As soon as I heard of celery, I immediately replied, "Don't eat it!" My mother said, "Then you must go treasure. I will wrap coins in dumplings, and one dime can be exchanged for one yuan. It can also be used as a sign of luck. Every time you eat one, I will satisfy your little wish!" This is really interesting! I said right away, looking forward to the noon!

Finally, it was lunch time, and the hot dumplings were out of the oven, but it was hard for me to get off the chopsticks when I saw the green dumplings. But my brother on the other side had already started to gobble up food and looked at me with a sarcastic look, as if to say: "Ha ha! The coins are all mine!" My competitiveness was immediately aroused, and I ate the dumplings regardless of everything. After biting it, I suddenly felt that the taste of celery was not as bad as I thought. After chewing a few more mouthfuls, I found the fresh taste really attractive, really delicious! So I ate all the dumplings and got three coins! With these three coins, I also fulfilled three small wishes at my mother's place. But as time goes by, I don't remember what little wish I made at that time, just remember that from then on, I didn't refuse vegetables or be picky about food.

I understand my mother's good intentions. She wrapped her deep love in dumplings

Love in Dumplings (12)

When I was young, my mother often made dumplings for my brother and me. At that time, my mother liked cabbage stuffing and meat stuffing. Every time she finished packing, she separated the two kinds of dumplings neatly. It was like dumplings across the Chu River and the Han Dynasty would always successfully arouse our appetite.

When the dumplings are cooked, my mother always puts meat dumplings first. She said that my brother and I were greedy and would make them for us first, so as to appease the "greedy insects" in our stomach. The meat dumplings made by my mother are particularly delicious. When we bite the thin skin, the oily meat powder with the smell instantly opened our taste buds, and my brother and I were very happy to eat. Mom and Dad watched us devour while eating the dumplings. They looked like enjoying their favorite works, and their eyes were full of joy. My younger brother and I also had the idea of eating vegetable dumplings, but since my younger brother ate my mother's vegetable dumplings that time, we gave up the idea. To use my younger brother's childish words to describe it, "meat dumplings are dumplings in the sky, and vegetable dumplings are dumplings on the ground." At that time, I was only 6 years old and not very sensible, because my mother often said that she loved vegetarian food, So I think it is reasonable for my mother to leave delicious meat dumplings to us and eat only vegetable dumplings. Slowly, with my mother's care, I grew up day by day and became sensible day by day. Now I find that my mother doesn't like eating meat dumplings, but she loves us more.

Although the dishes are changing with each passing day, my mother still likes dumplings. So I'm going to make dumplings for my mother.

On a sunny and sunny weekend, I hummed a tune and got busy in the kitchen. I put the stuffing in the center of the dumpling skin like my mother, and then clumsily squeezed the moon tooth shape. I was thinking about how to surprise my mother while wrapping the dumpling. "Yes, that's it." I secretly made a trick, wrapped a dumpling with sugar filling, and made a mark. When the dumplings were wrapped, I poured them into the pot and boiled them. The dumplings were like a silver carp boiling up and down in the pot. After the dumplings were cooked, I took the marked sugar filled dumplings to my mother and deliberately said to everyone, "If anyone eats the dumplings with sugar filling today, he will have good luck.

Mother loves us, and we also love her. This dumpling contains a strong mother's love and a strong love of children, which makes people memorable.

Love in Dumplings (13)

Dumpling is a kind of traditional Chinese food. I believe everyone must have tasted it. There are many kinds of dumpling fillings with different tastes. What I eat is not ordinary dumpling, but love brand dumpling, which is full of love fillings. This kind of dumpling can't be bought anywhere. It was wrapped by my grandma with her kind heart and dexterous hand.

Grandma knew I loved dumplings when she was young, so she always made dumplings with different fillings for me, such as pork, corn and peas. One morning, my mother cooked the dumplings made by my grandmother, and the fragrant dumplings were brought up. I couldn't wait to eat one. There was a strange taste in my mouth when I bit it down. Since then, I will not eat the dumplings made by my grandmother.

One morning, when there was no other food at home, my mother cooked a plate of dumplings and brought them to me. When I saw the dumplings, I lost my appetite. When my mother saw me like this, she said to me earnestly: "Grandma is old and in poor health, but she always remembers that you love dumplings. Grandma will be disappointed if you don't eat them." So I picked up this plate of dumplings and tasted a different taste. Maybe this is the taste of love!

Love in Dumplings (14)

"Thousands of families always replace the old peach with the new one". Every New Year, every family will get together to make dumplings. At that time, the picture of Grandma making dumplings for me was warm and happy.

When I was a child, I liked to eat dumplings most. Every day, Grandma made dumplings for me. She had no choice but to follow me.

Grandma first mixed the dough, then twisted the dough into strips, cut it into small dough, rolled it into round dumpling skins, and put the live stuffing in the middle of the skins. Then she folded the dumpling skins in half, squeezed the skins in the middle, and finally squeezed the dumpling skins on both sides into folds. In a short time, she wrapped a plate of dumplings.

Then Grandma began to cook dumplings for me, but unexpectedly, there was a power failure. But Grandma decided to use the stove to cook dumplings for me so that I could eat them. Grandma kept waving the fire in the stove with a fan in her hand. Her hands were blackened, but the fire seemed to be against her, and it never grew.

With bursts of coughing, the stove emitted bursts of blue smoke. Grandma told me with a beaming face: "Soon, soon!"

Slowly, the flavor of the dumplings became stronger and stronger, and the dumplings were cooked in a few minutes. I cheered and applauded for Grandma.

Grandma put the dumplings in a good place. Take a bite of the hot dumplings. The thick fragrance is between the lips and teeth. Don't mention how delicious it is. I think this is the taste of love, right?

Love in Dumplings (15)

Sunday is our family's dumpling day. No matter how busy my mother is, we should eat healthy and hot hand-made dumplings once a week. My mother doesn't like my father and I often eat food outside, so the hand-made dumplings are made by ourselves, no matter the skin or the filling. Although it is troublesome, each of us has taken the trouble to stick to it. This tradition has been maintained for a long time.

My mother's skill in making dumplings is really amazing. My dumplings always look like "small wonton" no matter what, but my mother's dumplings are like crystal clear white boats, small and exquisite, like a round of crescent moon, which is very popular. Her hands are like magic, although they are not as nimble as the fingers of a pianist, flying on the keys; It is not like the painter's hands flying dragons and phoenixes on the painting paper, just so ordinary. But as long as my mother gently twisted the front of the dumpling skin, a circle of beautiful lace would be squeezed out, like braiding a braid on a little girl's head. When I was a child, every time my mother made dumplings, my cousin and I would go around the table. As soon as my mother finished twisting a lace, my cousin and I would grab a look and enjoy ourselves. Mother looked at us and smiled at Grandma.

Now, I often accompany my mother to make dumplings. Although the number is small, the shape of hand-made dumplings is not as simple as before. There are all kinds of dumplings. One holiday, I wrapped a hard nut in a big dumpling and wanted to give it to my mother. In order to distinguish, he also made a circle of lace. At the dinner table, I stuffed the dumplings with nuts into my mother's mouth. Hearing the sound of nuts popping in my mother's mouth, my mother smiled and narrowed her eyes. I was also happy. Mom loves my dumplings!

In retrospect, my mother's love was so kind. Handmade dumplings gave me nutrition, while maternal love nourished my heart. Now I understand that even if my mother is busy, she can't change her love for us, and dumplings are the best proof.

Mother's love, like the Yangtze River, never stops; Mother's love, like the spring breeze, gently blows our hearts. Mother's love is so ordinary, but it will never be forgotten in my heart.

Love in Dumplings (16)

Grandma is very careful when making dumplings. She buys the best vegetables and dumpling skins everywhere. The white skin feels smooth. The dumplings she made were plump and looked delicious.

Every noon when the sun is scorching, Grandma takes me to a small pavilion to eat dumplings. Grandma opened a lunch box and said, "Come on, eat dumplings." A burst of fragrance greeted her nose. "Wow! How delicious!" I began to eat. "Ah! It's delicious!" Grandma said, "Eat slowly." Grandma smiled as she spoke. After a while, the lunch box became empty. A breeze blew, which was extremely cool! The birds are singing in the branches. Their songs and the sound of the breeze passing through the leaves combine into a beautiful symphony, and my mood has become particularly comfortable.

I like to eat dumplings made by my grandma, because the bread there is grandma's love for me.

Love in Dumplings (17)

When I was a child, I liked to eat dumplings most. Every day, Grandma made dumplings for me. She had no choice but to follow me.

Grandma first mixed the dough, then twisted the dough into strips, cut it into small dough, rolled it into round dumpling skins, and put the live stuffing in the middle of the skins. Then she folded the dumpling skins in half, squeezed the skins in the middle, and finally squeezed the dumpling skins on both sides into folds. In a short time, she wrapped a plate of dumplings.

Then Grandma began to cook dumplings for me, but unexpectedly, there was a power failure. But Grandma decided to use the stove to cook dumplings for me so that I could eat them. Grandma kept waving the fire in the stove with a fan in her hand. Her hands were blackened, but the fire seemed to be against her, and it never grew.

With bursts of coughing, the stove emitted bursts of blue smoke. Grandma told me with a beaming face: "Soon, soon!"

Slowly, the flavor of the dumplings became stronger and stronger, and the dumplings were cooked in a few minutes. I cheered and applauded for Grandma.

Grandma put the dumplings in a good place. Take a bite of the hot dumplings. The thick fragrance is between the lips and teeth. Don't mention how delicious it is. I think this is the taste of love, right?

Love in Dumplings (18)

I remember that winter, when I was less than ten years old, the economy was not very good. Living in a small mountain village, the conditions at home were also very poor. It would be good if I could eat one or two dumplings a year, and there was no meat on the table.

On the way home from school that day, I smelled delicious dumplings. It turned out that Aunt Li from the next door was celebrating her son's birthday. Alas, if only I could go home and have a bite! As soon as I entered the house, I asked, "Mom, what do we eat today; A little angry, staring at the food on the table, roared: "Eat this every day. How long have you eaten more? The pickles are rotten, and you can make do with it. I am now in the time to grow up. Do I have to make do with it? Aunt Li knows that people cook dumplings for their son's birthday. I'm afraid you have forgotten my birthday. Who has ever taken care of my feelings!" I rushed into the room, slammed the door and lay on the bed. I was not so angry when I thought about it, but I regretted it. After all, it was my parents who gave birth to me and raised me! Who can be willing to accept the reality? It's better to make a mistake tomorrow morning! That's settled. The next morning, when I was about to speak, my mother said, "Go to dinner!" I thought about saying it for a while. I stood at the table and froze, really? Yes, a plate of hot dumplings was placed in front of me. I looked at my mother's haggard face, looked at my father, and wiped the sweat on my forehead with my hands. I was puzzled. My mother said, "Eat while it's hot!" I nodded and said, "Leek stuffing." I smiled, and my parents were happy to see me smile.

I couldn't wait to ask my mother, "What happened later?" My mother said, "I want to talk to my father from that time."

A few years later, the economic development improved, so we moved and built a house. It was not as hard as before. That day, my mother made dumplings again, which reminded me of what happened a few years ago. Later, I asked my father what happened, Dad said, "It was your mother who ran dozens of miles to other people's houses with her savings saved for several years, and stayed up all night. She didn't dare to light the light and cut the stuffing gently for fear of waking you up. For this reason, your mother cut her hand!" I heard that my heart was sour. It was just because of my temporary desire, and my mother paid the price just to meet my desire.

Until today, whenever I see dumplings, I always think of it. In the eyes of others, it is just a plate of ordinary dumplings, not gold or silver, but who knows the story behind it.

Love in Dumplings (19)

This evening, the sky was gray and it was drizzling. I stood at the school gate and waited anxiously. "Why doesn't my mother come to pick me up? She will learn English later!" I thought to myself. It was raining. I crowded under the eaves of the snack bar at the door and watched the students being picked up one by one. Although it was spring, because of the rain, cool wind and raindrops kept getting into my neck. I was cold and hungry, and I kept complaining. I looked at my watch again: Ah, four fifteen! The tutorial class will start in 15 minutes! Just when I was so worried, a figure came from afar. When I looked closely, it was my mother! I hurried up and said unhappily, "Mom, why did you come here? I'm starving!" Mom said hurriedly, "Oh, I'm sorry, I got off work a little late. You see, I cooked dumplings for you." After saying that, Mom took out a tightly wrapped lunch box and handed it to me, saying, "Eat quickly. After eating, I will send you to learn English." At this time, I just noticed that my mother was breathless, and I didn't know whether the strands of hair in front of her forehead were wet by sweat or rain.

I opened the lid and found a box full of steaming dumplings. I took the chopsticks from my mother and ate under the umbrella that my mother held up for me. I took a bite, and suddenly, my mouth was full of inexpressible fragrance, I felt warm in my heart, as if something was sprouting... I could not help but recall the scene of my mother picking me up in the snowy days, one foot deep, one foot shallow; When I had a fever, my mother stayed up all night to cool me down... My eyes were wet, and my heart was full of guilt for complaining about my mother just now. I looked up, and my mother was looking at me affectionately, smiling and asking: "Is it delicious?" I nodded vigorously and blurted out: "Thank you, Mom!" My mother smiled again, smiling very satisfied, It seems that all the hard work and efforts are worth it.

Mother's love is in the dumplings. Love gradually surrounds me, and my eyes are moist

Love in Dumplings (20)

On the winter solstice last year, my father and mother went back to my grandparents' home to eat dumplings. As soon as we entered the door, we saw two old people who were busy in the kitchen: my grandfather cut the big white fat radish into thin shreds and chopped them up. After blanching in boiling water, we wrapped them in cage cloth and drained them. Then we mixed them with chopped scallions, fat and thin minced meat stuffing and mixed them with spices; Grandma is rubbing the dough hard. Great, they are making my favorite radish dumplings!

It suddenly occurred to me that grandpa went to the hospital for physiotherapy because of lumbar disc herniation a few days ago. Why is he busy today? Grandma told me that grandpa's body was just a little better, but in order to make dumplings for me, he went out early in the morning to buy and shipped things home again and again. Hearing this, tears moistened my eyes at once, and I felt that I was the happiest person in the world!

Eating the dumplings carefully cooked by my grandparents, listening to their words of love and looking at their aging faces, my heart was full of emotion. Isn't the warmth of the winter solstice, a sincere greeting, and a bowl of dumplings filled with love the best interpretation of love?

My dear grandparents, it is you who made me feel the warmest love in the cold winter. I will always come back to accompany you in the future. This winter solstice, let you try my dumplings.