Mood, qq, personality
Once the love dead
2023-03-25 09:04:58
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If one day you and I pass by, please don't regret, don't say sorry, not every story will have an end.

2. I'm just a humble clown. I'll do some somersaults and wait for you to clap your hands.

3. I'm not afraid of holding on until no one embraces me. I'm afraid of catching someone's hand in panic and finally falling down.

4. I tried to count your injuries with a smile, but in the end, tears flowed out of my eyes with a smile.

5. I like the feeling that the smoke I have smoked falls into the water, as if all the enthusiasm goes out in an instant.

6. Time will dilute a person's memory but never be able to kill a person's grief.

7. Sad swings are always accompanied by breeze, and lonely nights are always dotted with stars. When I look back, you are not with me.

8. If a woman changes her hair from long to short, from a quiet girl to a smoker and drinker, it means that she no longer believes in love. If you don't like her, please don't hurt her.

9. Lonely people say goodbye too much, and it's more sad not to be listened to.

10. Don't say I'm fine. I'm fine. Why don't you.

11. Once he was on his mind, and later became a story, but now it has become a thing of the past.

12. Thank you for your accomplishment after all these years of youth.

13. Those who said they would stay have already gone away.

14. I mentioned the breakup, I said I would leave, I deleted my friends, and I bought wine every day and cried every night because you forced me to let go.

15. You are an old story that I have been hiding for many years and would not write.

16. I'm no longer going to check your space to see who is commenting on you. I'm not going to peep at who you are chatting with. I'm not going to argue with you about ownership for whom you are jealous. I don't care about whether you write your information for me or not. I'm probably really tired. You can go with whoever you want to be good with. After a long time, everyone is not small anymore.

17. Always uncontrollable sadness, so slowly learned to hide; Because I didn't want to be stabbed again, I gradually learned to disguise.

18. Insomniacs are not even qualified to dream.

19. Forgive me for my ugly name, which is neither funny nor warm, nor can it enter your heart.

20. A fool who wants to give himself a big mouth and forget the pain after getting rid of the scar.

21. Take care of yourself when it's windy. Don't get wet when it rains. You will feel better in the future. I will walk slowly. If one day you will come to me, tell me that I will be here all the time, waiting for the wind to wait for you.

22. You are my rare love in this life, but I am the pub you happen to pass by.