800 words after reading Insects
Swallow vicissitudes
2023-10-05 08:07:05

800 words after reading Insects

What's your experience after reading a work? At this time, it is necessary to carefully make records and write the feelings after reading. I think many people are worried about how to write their impressions. Here are 800 words of the impressions of Insects edited by me. They are for reference only, and I hope they can help you.

I think Insects is a book that has created miracles. Why does it create miracles? Because it records the instincts, habits, labor, marriage, fertility and death of insects, and it was created between the 18th and 19th centuries. At that time, the "field experiments" of entomologists were not recognized. Entomologists only made insects into specimens and observed them with wide eyes, but did not consider the habits and instincts of real insects. The author of this book is an entomologist, Faber, who dares to break through traditional ideas.

Faber's book seems very boring at first, but when you go deep into it, you will find that Faber is not only an entomologist, but also a writer! "The light of the fireflies is white, very soft and quiet, without any stimulation, just like the brilliance of the stars is collected by this small insect. Let us suspect that the stars in the sky are innumerable fireflies sleeping there." Such a beautiful text was written by Faber. Therefore, people praise Faber for his "philosophic thought, artistic vision, and literary feeling and writing".

After reading "Insects", I know a lot about the insect world. Mystery: How the cicada peels off its shell in the morning; How does the dung beetle roll dung balls; How do ants eat aphid secretions. Wasps catch green insects not as their own sons, but to arrange food for their offspring. Mantis is a very ferocious animal. However, at the beginning of its life, it will die under the claws of the smallest ant. " The spider weaves the web, "no designer can draw a more standard web than this even if he uses tools such as compasses and rulers". The rich storyline makes me dream. I saw Faber carefully observe the travel of caterpillars, I saw him catch wasps regardless of danger, I saw him boldly assume, carefully experiment, repeatedly ponder over the experimental process and data, step by step infer the action time and effect of high nosed bee venomous needle, the process of catching fireflies, the method of fly catching bees to deal with their prey, and the long-distance communication of peacock moth. An experiment failed, He collected data, analyzed the reasons, and turned around to design the next time. Rigorous experimental method, bold questioning spirit and diligent style. I admire Faber's spirit of exploring nature, which makes me feel that insects are closely related to the environment, and also makes me feel the author's originality and subtle observation. "Insects" has broadened my horizon, and it is a good book worth reading for a lifetime.

I think no matter who is, as long as you read the Insect Record carefully, read the taste, read the feelings, you will know more.