Excerpts of Aesthetical Sentences (88 sentences)
Endless scenery
2023-07-09 15:32:14
Complete sentences

1. When we were young, we always didn't care at the beginning, but at the end, we broke our hearts. When we grow up, we may have avoided childish injuries, but also missed the courage to start.

2. I can't tell right from wrong. I have no way out. The past is too beautiful, leaving endless sadness. The old man has not returned yet, and his face is broken. He wants to be wayward and intoxicate his memory.

3. I fell in love with you, took a second, forgot you, I spent my whole life

4. Long time, thin clothes. What is love in rough cloth? I know I love you, but I know you are not waiting for me.

5. If you knew me before, you would forgive me now.

6. The moon writes about the past, but love and hatred are in vain. How about love and hate? The world of mortals has experienced the scorching heat, and the secular world will only have the vicissitudes of life.

7. Give yourself a false impression, and you will know that it is more sad to maintain it than to admit that it does not exist.

8. You say you like the wind, but you close the window when the wind blows. That's why I'm afraid you say you like me.

9. Later, I heard that many people mentioned your news, and my fingers did not grip nor frown.

10. Our biggest mistake is that we didn't pass by the moment we met.

11. Three cups of tea to the past, the first cup, thank the spring and summer that let us meet! The second cup, thank those picturesque landscapes we have passed! The third cup, I wish you and him a long life together!

12. Some things, just know, don't say clearly. Some people, meet good, do not remember.

13. You said you were tired with half a glass of wine left. Don't cry before the old man returns.

14. Just cheat. I don't care. At least I know you have to think hard to make up a lie.

15. The vast earth is broken with a sword. Where is the prosperity. Leaning against the clouds, a thousand pots cover loneliness, even if others laugh at me in vain.

16. I hope one day, you can find someone who can make the most sad corners of your heart blossom.

17. There are always people who are better looking, smarter and younger than you. But no one can replace you.

18. Use my three life fireworks to change you for a lifetime of confusion!

19. If you want to get the best in the world, you must first let the world see the best of you.

20. We are walking on the road of life and enjoying life, while our life is quietly playing chess with us in another mysterious corner. The time is not very long, only a lifetime.

21. Life is like a roller coaster. You can scream every time you bump, and you can also enjoy the whole process by raising your hands.

22. The most beautiful meeting you, you don't understand me. May your summer be free from tears. The coffee tree can't grow into the cup of tea I want. People who were separated from you many years ago.

23. It took ten years to go from the origin to the destination, and it took a lifetime to go back from the destination to the origin.

24. Only as the future tense, meet the past self from the present tense. We have been together for 10 years, but we are close to each other.

25. The road of memory is too long to go, and I don't want to go.

26. You said you like the rain, but you take an umbrella when it rains. You said you like the sun, but you hide in a cool place when the sun is shining.

27. May my angels be happy in heaven and my demons be rampant in hell.

28. At the end of spring, who will thank for the flowering?

29. You were born before I was born. I was old when I was born.

30. We are too young to talk about forever.

31. If one day I don't look back when you call me, there is only one reason: I cried.

32. I hope you don't look like the wind, which has set off all kinds of waves here, but followed the clouds to the far away.

33. Don't listen to slow songs, don't revisit the old place, don't drink half drunk, and don't think about him again.

34. Young commitment and persistent adherence. It seems beautiful, but it is heartless.

35. Whisper the years and laugh at the fleeting years. It's hard to cover up half a lifetime of sadness.

36. What I said is "desperate" is just to live recklessly. Not every fairy tale is just a fairy tale.

37. What is more painful than waiting is that you don't even know what you are waiting for.

38. How can you meet me? At my most beautiful moment, I have prayed in front of the Buddha for 500 years to let him let us get together.

39. I regard you as the queen, so I will not desecrate you. She stayed here, and I returned slowly.

40. The wind sweeps the fallen leaves, the water passes without trace, and the light and shadow linger. After several autumn, in the center of the autumn water, it causes endless feelings, and dreams are filled with nostalgia as before.

41. Who did Huanian pay for a romantic affair?

42. We used to love each other, but when we thought of it, we felt sad.

43. No matter how poor your conditions are, there will always be someone who loves you. No matter how good your conditions are, there is always someone who doesn't love you.

44. Companion is the longest confession, and waiting is the most pretentious self congratulation.

45. If there is an afterlife to be a bird, fly over the eternal, without the trouble of getting lost. There is a bright hope in the east. There is a warm nest bed in the south. It will drive away the setting sun to the west and wake up the fragrance to the north. If there is an afterlife, I hope every encounter can become eternal.

46. In summer under the camphor tree, the sun is wanton between the fingers. A solitary summer flower sways lonely in front of the window. The whole world is like a recurring dream, like a leaf repeated every year. At that time, the future was so far away that there was no shape, and we were so simple that there was no worry.

47. The sun is hot and humid, and the years are quiet. How dare I grow old if you don't come.

48. There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite.

49. If you really love, you will not be afraid to tell the world.

50. If you want something, let it go. If it can come back to you, it will belong to you forever. If it doesn't come back, it is not yours at all.

51. If I see you again, it will be many years later. How can I greet you with tears and silence.

52. The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passing. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer, winter snow.

53. Even if he is bad in a thousand ways, he is the person I loved after all.

54. Let nature take its course is not to drift with the tide, nor wait and endure passively, but a combination of superb workmanship, the compatibility of blood and flesh, spirit and soul, the resonance, and the most shocking symphony in the path of life.

55. There will be no early warning for a real departure. The subtext of any threat, cold war or jealousy is to leave me.

56. Do you think that youth has ended is a lifetime.

57. It's not difficult to meet a person you like. How much love begins with liking and ends with understanding. Later, I realized that the so-called right person is not conclusive, probably.

58. It is not necessary for everyone to know sadness unless you are willing to be a clown.

59. Qu Acacia, thin for several autumn. When the wild goose returns, you have become his dream. Two short stories have a blank end. Elsewhere in Changting, I wait for you to meet again.

60. Some things have to be understood, and some people have to be met.

61. It's better to touch your fingertips than to have nothing.

62. Only after much experience can one know when to be kind and when to be cruel.

63. Every careless word you say blooms all over my heart.

64. Follow your heart and nature. It is as plain as water. Past events follow the wind and fate. In retrospect, I was young and strong, and my old dreams surrounded my heart.

65. Cinderella is a princess, the ugly duckling is a swan, and the wild animal is a prince. In fact, nothing ugly and bad will become beautiful and good.

66. Who did Tianya miss in a turn?

67. Instead of sleeping deeply, go to the ends of the earth to wander, unload the fruits, and return to the branches for relaxation. To linger on, to rush flowers to chew the bright sun, to boil a pot of fresh, to present a piece of red maple. Comb the sound of crowing, and shade the mountains and plains.

68. You said that people in Renshan like to be afraid of loneliness when walking along the sea. I said that it's not how you make do with the surging crowds.

69. When I turn around, I hope it's still you. Even if the distance is far, you can also eat barefoot and step on elegance.

70. The only thing that should not accompany you at night is your own thoughts. Because they will eat you alive until the next morning.

71. In the darkness before dawn, we always expect something.

72. The time flowing reflects the vicissitudes of life. No more reason to embrace.

73. Be merciful because you have loved; Because I understand, I am tolerant.

74. The heart that has been moved and the years that have been missed are like the river that has passed away and cannot be turned back.

75. From now on, do something that will make you appreciate yourself in the future.

76. The world is as busy as a flower, just waiting for him silently. The vast starry sky remains unchanged, and the candle is just for a thought

77. I will spend my whole life obsessing and painting the ground for love.

78. Every time I think of you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, forming the Sahara. Every time I miss you, a drop of water falls from the sky, forming the Pacific Ocean.

79. Some people have never had the opportunity to meet, but they hesitate when they have the opportunity to meet. Some love has never had the opportunity to love. When they have the opportunity to love, they will not love anymore.

80. The pomp fades away, and people are lonelier than fireworks.

81. May you be greedy and not fat, may you be affectionate and not let down, may you be stupid and happy, and may you always be lucky. May you work hard all your life, be loved all your life, have everything you want, and let go of everything you can't get.

82. The revival of old love is equal to repeating the mistakes.

83. Never cry for the person who hurt you. Smile and say:

84. If you fail to live up to someone who loves you deeply, you will meet someone who hurts you most.

85. Many years later, I think it's also true that what you pursued crazily at the beginning was not her, but the arrogance, and the scattered youth.

86. Grandma must check whether she has the key before she tells her home, because no matter how far you go, you have to go home.

87. Ye's departure is the pursuit of the wind, or the tree's non retention.

88. In love and friendship, no matter who leaves you, don't forget that you can live alone.