It turns into 100 sentences
Don't gamble youth on tomorrow
2023-02-05 07:11:01
A compendium of sentence making

1、 The witch changed the prince into a frog.

2、 Therefore, it becomes the scale at this time.

3、 The stream then turned into a torrent.

4、 The backward place has become an industrial center.

5、 When spring comes, the earth becomes a green carpet.

6、 He gradually became a rather important person.

7、 We have turned the crystal clear river into a stinking ditch.

8、 Buying tires has become a confusing problem.

9、 A wicked witch turned me into a frog.

10、 The water was very calm and turned yellow in the sun.

11、 The inhabitants of Norwegian towns began to become Christians.

12、 In spring, young people's fantasies quietly become feelings.

13、 Nowadays, returnees have come back and become sea dwellers.

14、 The hut had turned into a pile of glowing ashes.

15、 Within an hour, Andy's drunkenness turned into drunkenness.

16、 They turned this place into a notorious pirate center.

17、 I became a butterfly, dancing in the air like it.

18、 He rose higher and higher in the air, and the wind gradually became a breeze.

19、 She has no time to care how much she has lost or what she has become.

20、 About two-thirds of phosphate rock has become a non marketable by-product.

21、 Now, he has turned into a great manager talent.

22、 In Harris' best works, locality becomes universality.

23、 A large amount of sediment reaches the Gulf of Mexico and becomes marine sediment.

24、 Since I became a piece of shit, no one dares to step on my head anymore.

25、 An enemy becomes a friend, more reliable than a friend; Friends become enemies, more dangerous than enemies.

26、 The biggest dream is to become a snail and have a new house of your own at birth!

27、 Everyone is original when they are born. Sadly, many people gradually become pirates.

28、 At this time, the sun has stopped shining and turned into a big red disk, which looks really cute.

29、 When selfish happiness becomes the only goal in life, soon life becomes aimless.

30、 The honking of cars and the noise of pedestrians make the festival street a pot of porridge rolling up and down.

31、 The child is a piece of white paper, pure and clean. As time goes by, it will eventually become a colorful picture.

32、 The clouds in the sky change very quickly. Just now, they looked like rabbits, turned into swans in a blink of an eye, and then turned into dogs.

33、 The news came so suddenly that it was like a bolt from the blue. My heart seemed to turn into a stone and fell down hard.

34、 In June, waves of heat came. The sun has become a big stove, and the whole world is baking hot.

35、 The edges of the leaves of rose flowers are like small serrated leaves. First, they are bright red. After a few days, they change into turquoise.

36、 The willow catkins fluttered, the elms fell, the butterflies parted with the fallen rape petals, and the pea flowers became plump green pods.

37、 Just then the kite line broke, the big octopus became a small octopus, the small octopus became a small flying insect, and disappeared in the blue sky.

38、 In summer, the grass turns dark green. It stood in the soil with its head held high, not afraid of being exposed to the sun at all, like a mighty soldier.

39、 In order to meet Miss Xia, the willow leaves became dark green, and the leaves became longer, long and thin, like dark green darts.

40、 At first it was half a ball, but later it became a big red ball. Mother Earth seems unwilling to let the sun leave her arms. The sun can only move up little by little.

41、 Some of the shapes of sunset glow were just a broad silk scarf with glittering golden light, which turned into ribbons evenly scattered in the sky in a twinkling of an eye.

42、 The leaves of many miscellaneous trees have turned golden, but the maple leaves are red. They are scattered with green pines, which is a rare brocade in the world.

43、 The sun is the reddest and the redness is so charming. The red color is spreading around, spreading for half the sky, gradually fading from layer to layer until it becomes gray white.

44、 In winter, willow trees gradually become "bald" without leaves, which makes them less attractive and few people come here to play.

45、 In summer, the buds turn into leaves, which are about the size of bottle caps and are greener than before. Pieces of green ginkgo leaves are like butterflies, which are dotted on the branches.

46、 It was almost dusk, and the sun slowly penetrated into the thin clouds and became a red ball. In the western sky, there appeared a pink color that was redder and more delicate than the face of the fat baby.

47、 Autumn has finally arrived. Small clusters of grapes have gradually become large clusters of grapes. The color of grapes has changed from green to dark red. They are large, round, crystal clear, like agate.

48、 The glow turned the little white pig into a golden pig, and the child's face was red with the glow. On the whole, everything is different in color after being illuminated by the sun.

49、 In the sea of flowers, I really want to become a beautiful butterfly, dancing with the "Pear Flower Fairy" in the bright sun with the breeze.

50、 In summer, the tender leaves on the branches of walnut trees become luxuriant branches and leaves. Those leaves like small fans form a large green umbrella, which blocks the sun and gives people a shade.

51. The sun converges its dazzling light and becomes a red round face. The blue sky is like a bright and clean lake. Slowly, the color became thicker and thicker, like the lake water was rising.

52. The mountains in Wuxi are really high. Looking down from the top of the mountain, the city has become a small toy; The mountains in Wuxi are really green, and the trees all over the mountains are lush; The mountains in Wuxi are really strange. There is a TV tower standing overhead.

53. Fatherly love is deep, but it does not mean that it does not exist; Father love is great, it is no less than mother love; Father's love is noble, it makes me from an ignorant child to a sensible student.

54. When I observed the ginkgo leaves, I found that some were still green, but some were already yellow. When I looked again the next day, I found that the small ginkgo leaf had become a small fan with colorful colors.

55. The autumn wind blows and the wild geese fly south. Ginkgo started the most magnificent chapter of the year. Ginkgo leaves began to change. It did not turn yellow, curly and withered like most leaves, but became golden.

56. The same is true of the law. Because it has never been enforced, it has become ineffective. The bold can play with it; Just as a baby beats his nanny, the law and discipline are completely swept away.

57. Spring is coming. In the drizzle, the pomegranate tree greedily sucks the nectar of spring; Small buds sprouted from the branches. The spring breeze blew, and the buds gradually turned into small green leaves. The green leaves of the trees rustled in the breeze.

58. When the spring wind blows, the grapevine grows tender green buds. After a few days, the small green buds become small green leaves. After a few spring rains, the small leaves gradually become palm sized leaves, which are full of the whole grape trellis.

59. In winter, snowflakes are flying, and the branches are covered with snow, just like beautiful silver bars, fluttering with the wind, and the ground and the house become a white world. The snow melts and freezes into icicles, hanging under the eaves like a string of pearls, which is really beautiful.

At night, the river calmed down. Slowly flow eastward. The weeping willows on both banks float with the evening wind, and the silver moonlight shines on the dark green river. The reflection of the moon on the flowing water becomes a shining silver ribbon.

Sixty one, the campus in autumn, grass, flowers, ah, all withered; The creeper on the campus railing has changed from dark green in summer to maple red in autumn. It is very beautiful and looks like a rendered ink painting from a distance.

62. When the first ray of sunshine leaped onto the bow of the boat and held up my eyes, looking from the boat window, the two sides of the river had changed from a marsh to a river bank. The path made of bricks and stones, willows and willows nestled quietly, and the smoke of cooking smoke from people near the shore aroused my fascination.

63. Tonight, typhoon "raccoon" landed in Zhongshan, and the wind force reached 12 at the center of the typhoon. When the typhoon came, there was a rainstorm, and the sky became a gray area, as if it wanted to eat me.

Sixty four. Staring at the river under the bridge, I saw them rushing forward. In this way, we kept running, and finally arrived at the sea. The river turned into sea water. Its momentum was magnificent and its scenery was spectacular, which became the highest realm that people yearned for and learned.

65. Our today will also become the past in tomorrow's album. Every minute is passing away the youth. Fortunately, there are memories connecting the past, the present and even the future. In such a country, we are crowned king.

66. After walking along the forest path for some time, the scenery in front of us changed completely. The trees on both sides of the road, which were originally miscellaneous, had all become sturdy and towering pines. These tall pines, like a sword, pierced the sky and passed through the clouds.

67. The best state is to see the darkness and pain of the world, but still believe in its simplicity and beauty. I hope that at that time, we will become better ourselves. Neither earlier nor later, I met you at that time.

68. Autumn came, and the green ginkgo leaves began to turn yellow. Especially in the cold dew and frost season, the ginkgo leaves gradually changed from green to yellow, and then from yellow to golden. At this time, the ginkgo leaves decorate the ginkgo tree with golden color, which is noble and particularly beautiful.

69. Teenagers, we have broken away from the ignorant hours. Although our thoughts are not mature, we have transformed into teenagers. When we have our own ideas, how do we want to show our style and always show our best.

70. In the Mid Autumn Festival, pomegranate trees are full of round fruits, some of which are slightly angular. Pomegranate is about the same size as apple. Its skin is light yellow at first, gradually appears a little light red, and finally becomes dark red, or even brown, then it is not so smooth.

Seventy one, the big colorful balls overlap, colorful, shiny, and the sky has become a sea of light. After a while, they turned into jewels inlaid in the night, and finally, they gradually turned into a star waterfall slowly falling down, which was extremely beautiful.

72. The golden autumn has come. The leaves on the willow trees have changed from dark green to yellow green, then light green, and finally dark yellow. When the wind blew, the leaves turned over a somersault, flying down like butterflies, and landed on the path, paving a layer of yellow carpet for the path.

Seventy three. When summer comes, many flowers have grown old and become quilts for the dirt people. The hydrangea turned into a beautiful "flower butterfly" at this time, but it was full of vitality, colorful, and decorated this hot summer.

Seventy four, at this time, the moon was round, like a pure white plate. The moonlight was like water, shining on the ground, pine trees, pool water and us. The ground is as sharp as a pine needle, and the moonlight shines on it, as if the sharp leaves have become soft and comfortable.

Seventy five, in a day, hibiscus flowers also show us a variety of different colors and attitudes. It is white when it opens in the morning; At noon, it is pink because of the sunlight; In the evening, after a long time of sunshine, it turned dark red again. Isn't this a chameleon?

76. Ho, how white a silver mountain! The rain drops are flowing down from the petals on the branches of the pear tree. There is not a pear flower on the ground that has been knocked down by the rain. The whole pear flower looks so crystal clear, as if it is whiter than ever. The morning sun, shining on the pear blossom, turned Yinshan into Jinshan again!

Seventy seven, the dusk of the day is more beautiful than words. The sun has converged its dazzling light, the night has fallen, the sky has become dark, and the night is warm, charming, cool and quiet. The stars blink and the moon sings, turning the earth into a note, rising and falling.

Seventy eight, the days of swaying bamboo shadows are over. Only the bamboo mat with beautiful patterns is still in summer with me who is afraid of heat. The lifeless bamboo has been used as a tool for drying clothes. Years of sun and rain have lost its original green and become a yellowing memory.

79. Nothing in the world is like the howl of the wind. It sweeps from the desert, and the quiet and clear sky suddenly turns into a sea of whirling fury, flying sand and rolling rocks, endless. There is no sky, no earth, only sand and dust, everywhere is sand and dust, biting and suffocating all creatures.

80. Soon, these beautiful fireworks slowly turned into a meteor shower. Another is like a mushroom. What's more, there are beautiful pearl necklaces in the sky. I really want to take them down and put them on my neck. My little partner and I couldn't help but exclaim.

Eighty one, as the days passed, the seedlings pulled out several narrow and slender leaves. The petiole gently wrapped around the stem, and gradually pulled out several ears of rice, opening snow white rice flowers. At this time, the seedlings changed from light green to dark green. In the dark green cluster, white flowers appeared, which made them more beautiful.

Eighty two, the sky became red, white clouds became red, birds became red, tall buildings became red, and the sea became red. Everything became bright red and fresh. The world is so red, and so red, just like the scene of putting up lights and festoons, and more festive than that.

Eighty three. The apple is first emerald green, then light red, and finally red. When you gently bite it open, it will be fresh and sweet in front of your eyes, and your lips and tongue will be full of juice at the same time. Fruit flesh is a fat white child. No ripe apple is sour, but ripe apple is sweet.

Eighty four. Gradually, the bamboo shoots grew into vigorous and straight bamboos. One by one, bamboo seems to be connected by root lotus. The leaves of bamboo are small like raindrops, and green like crystal clear green jadeite pieces. In the sunshine, flickering, very beautiful.

Eighty five, when spring was like a beautiful fairy, after our school, the ice and snow melted, the trees pulled out new branches, the grass woke up from sleep, and poked out the green cute little head. It seemed to want to hear the children's songs and laughter. Spring turns the school into a beautiful watercolor painting.

86. Spring girl came to the world quietly with a burst of spring wind, and the flowers and trees straightened up. The mountain suddenly turned green. The green mountain looked so green. If you look at the mountain now, you will feel like walking into a green forest, feeling particularly comfortable.

87. Spring rain, which is the source of life on the earth, is the strength of animal survival. It makes the earth green; Let every seedling on the earth thrive; Let the desert become an oasis, let a hundred flowers bloom and compete for beauty. Spring rain always comes and goes quietly, offering selfless spring for people.

Eighty eight, the big raindrops fell on the ground and splashed water, which looked like small fountains. When the spray falls on the ground, it turns into small blisters, which look like a transparent hat. Look carefully at the process of raindrops turning into small hats. It's really interesting!

89. Around the May Day, cherry trees are full of fruit. The color of cherries began to be green, and gradually became light red and bright red, just like a Zhang Xiaohong face. It is tender and can be broken at a touch. It is very popular. It tastes sweet and sour, but looking at the cute cherry, I really hate to eat it.

Ninety, brilliant sunshine shines on the boundless land, and also shines on the beautiful peach blossom, which is beautiful and charming. The wind also happily played an interesting game with it. At this time, the flowers swayed, and pink petals floated in the blue sky, making the world a peach blossom world and making our life full of vitality.

Ninety one. The burning cloud is formed by the red light of the sun reflected on the cloud. From a distance, the sun is getting redder and redder. The cloud baby next to it seems to have used cosmetics. Its face is red and very beautiful. Moreover, even the grandfather's little white pig has become a little golden pig, the red rooster has become a golden rooster, and the purple hen has become a pink hen.

Ninety two. Spring, like a naughty child, "wakes up" the earth from its deep sleep by bouncing and skipping. Spring, like a beautiful flower fairy, turns the world into a sea of flowers; Spring, like a mysterious painter, paints the world as a green world.

Ninety three. The spring rain drizzles down, the dried branches of the trees have a hazy layer of light green color, and the rain drops down along the tree tip, becoming a string of watery notes. The ground is also wet, emitting a refreshing fragrance. Grass also sneaked out of the ground and began to weave green carpets.

Ninety four. On both sides of the river, there are springs falling from the cliffs hundreds of meters high. When the spring water as big as a bowl falls into a pool, it becomes a spray. The water mist came to my face and floated on my face. In a moment, I felt that I had washed away the troubles brought by the earthly world on my body, and my forgotten mood came into being.

95. When light is scattered on the field, the field suddenly becomes a silver sea; Moonlight scattered on the branches, and every big tree seemed to be covered with silver ribbons; The moon shed soft light, leaving many wonderful reverie in the world; The moon melts the cool light into people's eyes, making their eyes full of good hope!

Ninety six. In my memory, I have always been doing all kinds of things silently and enjoying all the peace. I don't know whether people will not be satisfied, at least I think I am not happy when I am alone, but I have been deceiving myself. Smile seems to have become a rare thing for me, and occasionally it is disharmony between skin and meat.

Ninety seven, isn't there a song like this: "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world" Yes! He Chang is not what this song says. Everyone gives a little love. The world will become a better place even if it is not the earth shaking and well-known love.

Ninety eight. As soon as spring came, many small buds "jumped" out of the branches of poplar trees, which looked like many green stars from a distance. When we got closer, they were small green balls with yellow and green hair. Slowly, these small green balls become small leaves of heart, which are only as big as a thumb, green and lively.

Ninety nine, how I want to be a star, a star shining with seven colors of light; A star that can shine through the clouds no matter how thick the clouds are in the night sky; A diamond hard star; A star that can give off light warmth in winter; A star that can give off a faint cool in summer; How I want to become a magic star.

One hundred, standing in the sea of flowers, I really want to become a beautiful butterfly, dancing with the "Pear Fairy" in the bright sun with the breeze. I also want to become a hard-working bee to kiss these lovely "little girls" and wish them sweet and fragrant fruits.