Composition in Spring Grade 3 (collection of 18 articles)
If the youth is as green as before
2024-01-22 00:27:06
Grade 3

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (1)

Last week, I went to Pingshui to dig bamboo shoots. My grandparents were drying dried bamboo shoots on the roadside. I secretly took some to taste. It was so fresh. It was better than my favorite beef. I was wondering when I could eat such delicious dried bamboo shoots. It happened that my father came back in the evening with a bag of dried bamboo shoots in his hand, which was given to him by his friend in the mountain.

I was so happy that I immediately took a handful and put it in my mouth. My mother quickly stopped me, saying that I could not eat like this, and that I could not digest it, so my grandmother put soup to drink.

Grandma boiled the water and put in a handful of dried bamboo shoots. Wait three or four minutes, the water boils again, and a little salt is added. Sheng Qi, I can't wait to taste it. It's delicious! I quickly filled a bowl of rice and stopped eating other dishes. I drank this bowl of soup and ate two bowls of rice.

After I had eaten and drunk enough, I patted my round tummy and shouted, "I will drink dried bamboo shoots soup tomorrow. This is the taste of spring."

Everyone looked at me and laughed. I also laughed.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (2)

Spring is the time when everything blows the Su River, and it is also an enchanting time. In this beautiful season, I am looking for its footprints.

I asked Xiao Cao: "Where is spring?" Xiao Cao said: "Spring is here, spring is in my heart. You see, we drilled out of the soil, not to meet the spring?" I nodded. I asked the willow again: "Where is spring?" The willow said: "Spring, I can feel it. Did you see it? My green cloak is the representative of spring, isn't it? The trees and flowers beside the river bank are not all symbols of spring?" I went to the forest and asked the bird: "Spring is in the sky?" The bird said: "I fly in the blue sky all day, playing with white clouds. I think spring is in our action. Don't you think it's the arrival of spring when we fly back from the far south? " I acquiesced to its reply.

I am looking for your footprints in spring, I found you, you are so pure and beautiful, you are so lively, so I am fascinated!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (3)

When the breeze blows, it turns the earth green and the sky blue, warming people's hearts

My sister and I set out on the path to find spring. The grass on the side of the path gathered in clusters, as if they were going to the market.

We came to the riverside, where wild flowers were blooming in pink, blue and purple

Not beautiful, not angry. The ice in the river melted and the river was clear. When the breeze blows, the river ripples.

Looking around, I saw that the ground was covered with green mustard tubers, which looked like green carpets from a distance. I really want to lie down and feel the breath of spring.

We looked up at the blue sky. The bright light blue made me feel relaxed and happy. Occasionally a few birds flew by, which could not help but brighten our eyes. I was busy looking for those gentlemen in tuxedos, but they seemed to be playing hide and seek with us on purpose, without even a shadow. Maybe it was early spring, and they should be heading this way.

Suddenly, a kite caught my eye. Looking around, there were several other kites flying in the distance. They were the messengers of spring, telling people with the rhythm of spring: "Spring is coming!"

The pace of spring is near, near

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (4)

In the morning, I was surprised to find that the bare branches of these trees in the park had sprouted dense green buds, and I drank the morning dew heartily in spring. This situation made me suddenly feel that spring is coming! The bright sunshine penetrates the milky white morning mist, and the veil of the earth is slowly lifted. What unfolds before us is a scene full of spring: the spring breeze is blowing gently, the grass on the ground is quietly sticking out of its head, the sprouts appear on the branches, the willow leaves are sharp, like being cut by scissors, and the park is verdant... The girl in spring carries dew on her left hand

Jade bottle, holding green branches in his right hand. She dipped the willow branches into the jade jar and waved them on the earth, and everything woke up from the deep sleep. Peach blossom, apricot blossom, rhododendron and unknown small flowers and grass gather in spring. There are countless people here. Needless to say, these are the contributions of Miss Chun. The bird began to shake its feathers and get ready to fly. Many birds fly freely in the air. It dances happily in spring, as if wishing the arrival of spring happily! Some birds also sang loudly, as if to say: "Spring is coming, spring is coming..."

The rain in spring is gentle, and the light rain gently hits the trees and houses, making a pleasant sound. The sound was like the footsteps of spring. The arrival of spring wakes up the earth from its long dream, stretches out and starts to make a good start for the new year.

Why is the sky colorful? Oh, the children are flying kites. Against the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are flying freely. What a refreshing sight! Ah, everything in spring seems so lively!

Spring is beautiful. Spring is like a painter, making our home more beautiful

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (5)

On the third day of the spring, the weather gradually became warmer. Spring girls came to the world in green gauze and danced, gently awakening the sleeping earth.

Spring girl is like a magician. Soon after she came to the forest, the grass turned green. Big tree uncle "ha ha" smiled and displayed pieces of green leaves. All kinds of flowers rushed out of the green leaves, including winter jasmine, peach blossom and azalea. They looked at Spring girl curiously as if they were thanking her for her magic, Countless bees from afar also came to join in the excitement; Later, Spring Girl came to the brook, "Ding Dong, Ding Dong". Who was singing? It was Xiaoxi's sister, who was singing a happy song for the coming of spring; After a while, the spring girl came to the calm lake with light steps, and the little fish swam happily with its tail wagging. Spring girl came to the middle of the innocent children again. They were flying kites. Look, they were holding kites in their hands, spreading their feet and running on the soft grass. How happy they were! When the children were tired from playing, they lay on the grass and let the spring breeze warm their faces.

In this way, Spring Girl came to the earth with magic. She made the sunny spring colorful and let us see the beautiful spring.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (6)

This morning, the sun was shining brightly. My mother and I went out for a run.

I saw the green grass on the roadside sprouting little buds. I saw the rice sized buds growing on the peach trees, and some showed shy red spots. The branches of the pear trees were full of small pearl like flowers, and some had small white flowers. Each flower had five round petals, with yellow stamens like dragon whiskers, and on the top of the tree grew small green leaves, I also saw an unknown tree full of yellow butterfly like flowers.

By the river, thousands of willows droop down before spreading the willows with green leaves. The breeze blows, like small plaits flying.

In the distance, at a glance, there are rape flowers everywhere, just like a golden carpet.

In the sky, the little sparrows fly happily, chirping incessantly, as if to say "I like spring best".

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (7)

The water is as clear as the sky, and the sky is as clear as the sky. My teachers and students and I came to Yuhuang Mountain to look for spring with happy steps.

We came to Renhu Lake. Although the area of the lake is not 200 square meters, it is our paradise. In spring, the ice and snow on the lake melted, and the lake seemed to be a big mirror. The green and transparent lake water, like a pair of emotional eyes, flashed with implicit and affectionate waves. The sunlight on the surface of the sparkling lake is like spreading a layer of glittering silver on the water surface, or like wrinkled green satin. We sat on the "Big White Goose" boat, rippled on the lake, and sang the song "Let's Shake Two Paddles". The song echoed in the sky over the park. We had a good time.

Where is spring? Spring is in the green grass, spring is on the budding branches, spring is in the heroic appearance of the little camel, spring is in the clear lake, spring is in the bright sunshine, spring is always in the hearts of young pioneers.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (8)

Nature is a wonderful magician. It has created four seasons: flowers in spring, trees in summer, fruits in autumn, and jade in winter. Among the four seasons, I like the beautiful spring best.

When spring comes, a hundred flowers are blooming: some are in bud, some are hanging upside down... It's really different. The colors of flowers are more beautiful, including red, yellow, purple and white... They are really colorful! Look, the winter jasmine flowers are also in bloom. They seem to be blowing a trumpet and saying to us, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

Spring is coming. Spring girl is coming to us with light steps, with bees and butterflies flying all over the sky. She put lipstick on Baihua sister; Put green hat on Brother Green Grass; Put on green clothes for Uncle Dashu; He also dressed the earth in colorful clothes to erase the traces left by the winter. Sister Swallow in a tuxedo flew back from the south. They were shuttling through the white clouds. The cute little fish brother is playing in the river.

When spring came, the younger brother of grass stretched his back, got out of the soil, nodded in the spring wind, and its branches were like a girl's hair, fluttering in the wind.

In the park, children are flying kites. Look, how happy they are! The spring wind lifted the kite into the blue sky, like a bird, flying freely. The green grass is like a blanket spread on the earth.

I like the spring drizzle because it makes plants water and moisten the soil. They are both the "mother" of plants and the hardworking "gardener uncle". It is neither as violent as the thunderstorm in spring nor as cold as the rain in winter. How unknown it is to offer its all for people!

When spring came, the geese flew back in a line of "people" and "one". Spring is so warm, like a skillful carpenter, it makes the world colorful!

I love you, beautiful spring!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (9)

The dancing of willow leaves is the symbol of spring, and the blooming of peach flowers is the symbol of spring. I love spring!

After defeating the winter devil, the gorgeous Spring Girl came. Swallows fly in the sky. They seem to be announcing spring to us. Spring wind Buddha face, the children take their own kites to fly, one kite like a wish. The willow catkins flying all over the sky seem to celebrate this energetic spring.

Not only did the grass sneak out and make the earth green, but also the blooming flowers were in full bloom. Note: This article is selected from pocket composition, which has a large number of excellent model essays and composition materials for reference.

Into the campus, flowers in full bloom, bursts of flower fragrance. Then came the sound of reading. The students studied hard like little bees.

The endless fields are like a green ocean. The farmer uncle is sowing seeds. What they are sowing is the hope of autumn. They hope that autumn will be a great harvest. They hope that the red apples will be ripe, the sweet pear and the delicious orange will also be ripe. Go to the market early to get a good price.

When people go out, they are bathed in the warm sunshine. When they look up, the white clouds set off the sky of Varan Varan. Looking at them is simply a kind of enjoyment. What a pleasure!

I think we should study hard and make progress every day in this wonderful time. Be the little master of the new century.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (10)

People are small, but their achievements can be great. Only great and evil people will be remembered by future generations. I am very happy this spring because what I did made me feel like a great man.

This spring is very cold, and there is a light mist on the street. In the alley beside the street, a man with a 25 ° tilt head appeared, wearing Adidas clothes. Although it was pirated, it did not affect his first impression - he was a person with a story. It is obvious that he accidentally fell into a roadside puddle. Well, that person was me. I really fell into a puddle when I bought vegetables that day. However, when we arrived at the food market, we had to go home with a cheeky face. On the way home, I bought more than ten pieces of snacks as comfort. Since the shopkeeper of the supermarket gave me only one pocket, I still had some bread on my chest. On the way, I met an old man who stared at my bread and me from time to time.

When I got home, I seemed to think of something. I picked up some bread and ran out, even without changing my clothes. I vaguely saw a vague figure walking towards the square. I ran over and saw the old man sitting on the chair. I patted the dirty clothes and walked over. I thought about how foreign gentlemen helped the poor. I pretended to be a gentleman and asked him, "Do you need bread?"? This is my superfluous food. Anyway, I can't finish it. "The old man looked at me gratefully, and I left with interest.

On the way home, I thought I was like a great man. Although I didn't know his name, there was always a great man who helped the poor like me in the long history.

The phrase "helping others" is true, at least it makes me feel happy this spring!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (11)

Ha, ha, ha


Work hard.

Rub with small red hands.

The ears and temples are slightly frozen and rubbed.

Swing the sheep's horn braid.

Flutter and shake the little red robe.

Hold out the fog.

Birds spread their wings.

Sprinkle hard into the sky

Spring is coming!

The spring sun rides a pony.

Push away the continuous clouds.

A childlike face smiled;

Itchy sunshine.

Scratches the green bud to look up and smile;

The mountain streams are clattering.

The water splashed mischievously.

Waked up a good sleeping bank of green Ya.

Red, yellow and purple sunlight.

Avoid peach blossom, apricot blossom and winter jasmine.

Pat the flower on the left shoulder and hide it playfully on the right shoulder.

Warm and comfortable

see light suddenly.

You are fresh and I am gorgeous.

The flower buds blossom

Lost in the land, the father-in-law sneezed.

Call, call, call

The wind is eager to blow away the naughty pollen.

Take up pieces of red leaves and green grass.

Piaopiaoyang blushed Chunwa's face.

The nose of the matchmaker's mother-in-law was pasted.

Touch my face kindly.

Hold a handful of peach blossom sweetly.

Gently erase the footprints of winter.

Inhale deeply.

Take a breath of spring air.

Let spring fill my heart!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (12)

At this time of year, there are not many flowers in full bloom, which makes people feel really sorry. Walking on the path of the park, I happened to see a few residual flowers. Li Bai's "Lone Orchid" came out of his mouth: Lone Orchid Lives in a quiet garden, and all the grass withers away. Although the sun shines in the spring, the high autumn moon is full of sadness. Frost flies in the morning, and the green is afraid to rest. If there is no breeze blowing, who will send the fragrance? The swaying appearance of wild flowers haunts me deeply.

At that time, it was late autumn, and the cold wind was bleak. The chill was deeply emanating from all directions. It was really creepy.

It has just rained, and the road is very wet, emitting the fragrance of soil. Just looking down, I was surprised to find that there were several wild flowers blooming proudly on the roadside. At a closer look, the layered flower spikes are composed of delicate flowers, each of which is embraced by four water drop shaped petals, two in a group, like a pair of small wings stretching out to embrace the sky.

The green leaves beside me are carved like transparent jasper. The petite wild flower shows its stamens, just like a star in the blue sky. It is crowded and twinkling, and looks beautiful and elegant surrounded by green leaves. Close your eyes and take a sip gently, as if you are in the flower sea of a dream. The elegant fragrance comes with the wind, and the fragrance has a sense of sweetness. When the wind blows, the fragrance is sent far, far

I was stunned. Unexpectedly, there were still wild flowers blooming in late autumn. They resisted the cold wind and the rainstorm just for the sake of blooming at this moment. Perhaps their efforts make them cherish the beauty of this moment more. I think: this is the spring of wild flowers!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (13)

Spring is beautiful. Swallows fly back from afar, and many flowers and plants revive. In this way, spring comes to us quietly, and I can't help thinking of a poem by Zhu Xi: "When you know the spring breeze, it's always spring."

The wind in spring is warm and makes people lazy, but it is refreshing. Maybe in your eyes, the wind has no color, But in my eyes, the wind is a naughty elf. When the wind blows through the rape flower, it is yellow; When the wind blows across the field, it is green.

Spring flowers are also diverse, including rape flowers, peach flowers, pear flowers... rape flowers are the most common. Standing in front of rape flowers, they are golden and endless. The taste of flowers also has its own characteristics. There are some faint and unspeakable flavors.

In spring, birds also sing beautiful and wonderful songs, which make people feel comfortable; Butterflies are dancing in the flowers, and bees are working.

Spring comes slowly but goes fast. It seems that spring is just a blink of an eye. It takes a long time to arrive at the second spring.

People say that spring is the plan of the year. I think it's true, because spring is the most beautiful and special.

Spring is my favorite. Everyone loves it. No one doesn't expect the arrival of spring. Everything in spring is beautiful, but it goes very fast.

I hope there are no four seasons in a year, and every day is as warm as spring.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (14)

Spring is coming, spring is coming. Everything revives, and the land is full of vitality.

Grass stealthily poked out her lovely little head from the soil and covered Mother Earth with a green carpet. The trees sprouted little green buds, and the willows shook their long green braids. A hundred flowers bloom in the garden, including pink peach flowers, snow-white pear flowers, yellow winter jasmine flowers... They seem to be competing for beauty!

The swallow flew back from the south and kept chirping as if to say, "Spring is coming, spring is coming." The industrious little bee was collecting honey from the flowers, and the beautiful butterfly was dancing in the flowers. Little fish swam happily in the stream, and little ducks chased and played in the water. It was really "three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and a prophet of ducks when the spring river was warm." Little frogs ran and jumped in the fields, croaking, like accompaniment to farmers busy with planting and fertilizing.

The streets and alleys were crowded with people. People took off their thick cotton padded jackets and put on beautiful spring clothes. On the square, some people get together to play chess, some sit beside the flower beds and read newspapers, some are practicing tai chi, some children are playing badminton, some are skipping rope, and some are flying kites

Ah, spring is really a beautiful picture! I love spring!

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (15)

Spring, what a gentle and tender word! Just thinking of her is like seeing the city full of misty rain and a tree full of flowers, and a heart has drunk in her arms.

In spring, I came to the world singing poems.

Suddenly one morning when I washed, I found that the cold tap water in the past was just right for my gums today. The world was like a big man galloping on horseback and turned into a charming young girl overnight. I smiled - I found spring.

"Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently." When the drizzle drizzles into the land, the faint sound of Lei Gong's drum comes from the horizon, and the life that has been dormant for a winter begins to agitate. I know that it is the sleeves of spring that have brushed the earth, and it is the spring girl who is gently coming to our side.

When the wind is strong, it is not as cold as the winter wind, but rather like a layer of fine silk wiping your face, which is pleasant. People flying kites are running and laughing on the grass. The withered grass at their feet is green, and the branches of the spring jasmine are sprouting quietly, like silkworms waiting for transformation. I think that under the ground, cicadas should be ready to move, anxiously waiting for the weather to warm up, so that they can start a carnival in their lives. I secretly sighed that the spring has sowed the seeds full of vitality all the way, reviving life and making the land that has been silent all winter lively. How delightful!

A impatient apricot flower in front of the door bravely put up a pink umbrella, and the bees kept buzzing back and forth. What a "spring rush of red apricot branches"! It reminds people of the flowers and drizzle in Lin'an at that time.

What a beautiful spring. However, spring is easy to pass away, and youth is hard to stay.

Spring has come, and the hourglass of time flows rapidly. We need to find and cherish the beauty of Spring Girl, otherwise when you come back to your senses, you will already be red.

"One year's plan lies in spring", cherish the wonderful spring scenery.

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (16)

When spring comes, everything wakes up. On a sunny morning, all the small flowers on the grass are in bloom, red, white, yellow

On the river bank, there are many small animals, including calves, lambs and dogs... The river reflects the reflection of the sky, which is blue, just like the sky. There are several small fish swimming around in the river. The fish seems to be saying, "Hello, hello." Several swans also came to join the crowd and said, "Hello, hello."

The weeping willows on the hillside are dancing in the wind, and the small trees on the hill are also waving to us. There were white snow clouds in the sky, and the swallow's dress was as black as the bottom of a pot. Little bees are flying about among the flowers. The calf was chatting with the lamb, and said, "What's your name?" The lamb said, "I'm Sheep, hello, hello." The puppy lay beside the house and fell asleep. The grass is green, like a big green carpet. ( )

The sun is red, like a big red fireball. It gives warmth to all things, and people who travel are very happy to bathe in the sun.

Spring is very beautiful. Would you like to have a look?

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (17)

When spring comes, grass sprouts, flowers bloom, and willows comb their black hair.

In the pond. The frog croaked as if to say, "I love beautiful spring." He croaked and sang a song. Fish and his companions danced happily and talked about this year's harvest with laughter.

In the sky, birds are running happily. The eagle is the judge. As a result, everyone is fine. Baiyun happily made marshmallows for the birds to eat. At the same time, they also made money and were happy to keep their mouth shut.

On earth, people sit under trees to enjoy the cool. They all praise the good season of spring. The children play with eagles to catch chickens, hide and seek, and happily throw handkerchiefs on the grass.

Spring girl praised: "Spring is a good season, and I have spread a piece of green for the earth. Everyone should cherish this beautiful season, not waste it!"

Composition in Spring Grade 3 (18)

Yang Yaoming

Spring is a colorful picture, a passionate poem and a cheerful song.

In the field, the lambs are eating the green grass freely, and sometimes they bleat. When the seeds are full of water in the soil, they grow very high. The pony was "waddling" in the field. Little rabbit is bouncing freely... there are so many voices in the field!

By the pond, the frog is working hard to catch mosquitoes for the pond; The mother duck took the ducklings to the pond to swim and quacked while swimming; The little fish jumped about happily, waving many water ripples; Crabs, like generals, command the small animals to participate in the battle... The sound of the pond is so happy!

On campus, the sound of books is clear, and the students are very active in speaking. The teachers are giving lectures to the students, and the students listen carefully. Class was over, and the students were very happy. The sound of the campus is so happy!

The spring wind blows across the fields, the ponds and the schools, blowing away the worries and sorrows of the world.

The sound of spring is in the fields, by the pond and on the campus. I love the sound of spring!

[Sound of Spring]

Zhang Yuyan

"Spring is full of flowers, and a red apricot will come out of the wall." There are many poems describing spring. In my opinion, spring is like a beautiful picture, like a warm angel, more like a beautiful music.

The sound of spring is in the field. Listen! The chirping of the birds seemed to be playing music; The child's "giggle" seemed to be telling a joke; The sound of the planter "rustling" seems to be laughing and crying; The lamb's "baa baa baa" sound seemed to say, "The air here is so fresh!"

The sound of spring is by the pond. Listen, the frog "quack" sounds like a musician playing music; The little fish is spitting bubbles, like playing games among lotus leaves; The sound of ducks "quack quack" seems to be chatting; The little tadpole wagged its tail and made a sound that seemed to say, "Let's compete and swim!"

The sound of spring is on campus. Listen, the bright sound of reading, the happy noise, the teacher's lecture, and the earnest teaching sound are all inspiring.

The spring breeze, like an emissary, takes away the cold and brings warmth. It blows grass green, flowers red, snow melted, and gently tells of the beauty of spring.

The sound of spring is in the fields, beside the pond, in the campus, and in the spring breeze. I love the beautiful voice of spring!

[Sound of Spring]

Yin Wanyu

Spring is like a beautiful song. Come and listen to the voice of spring, children!

In the fields of my hometown, there are birds chirping, singing the beautiful spring. The spring rain is "rustling, rustling" underground, whispering with Mother Earth. The sound of rain wakes up the little seed, which grows up quickly.

By the pond, the ice and snow melted, and the brook made a sound of "clatter, clatter"; The duck is the most confident, "quack quack" kept barking; Look at the little fish again. How modest it is. Hearing the footsteps of people, "whoosh" and quickly hide in the water.

The morning in the school was full of the students' bright reading voice. Some people are carrying on their backs "The grass grows and the birds fly in February, and the willows and willows are drunk with the spring smoke", while others are carrying on their backs "The firecracker is one year old, and the spring wind warms Tusu." This should be the best sound in the world. On the playground, someone is playing rubber ball, and someone is playing table tennis. For them, doing these things should be the happiest thing in the world.

Spring is like a beautiful song. Come and listen to the voice of spring, children!

[Sound of Spring]

Li He Xinyi

Spring girl came, also brought some beautiful voice.

In the field, birds chirp as if singing. The pony is practicing running. The horse's hooves are hitting the ground, making a sound of "ding ding ding". The farmer uncle is planting seeds in the field. The seeds take root and sprout in the soil, making a "rustling" sound.

By the pond, the frog was crowing, because it was going to be the host of the election contest, and the frog must be the host. "There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river is warm." The duckling swam in the water and made a "quack quack" sound. The little fish is bubbling in the water, as if very happy. Where are these animals? It is in the river, "Hualalala, Hualala......" The small river is going to the sea, unswervingly to the goal again.

On campus, the classroom heard the sound of reading. "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." The teacher is teaching his students in the classroom. "One, two, one", what is this sound? Ah, it was the PE teacher shouting slogans on the playground.

In spring, there is a soft voice warm, what is it? It is the spring wind. Where the spring wind goes, the flowers and trees will be more prosperous.

The sound of spring is in the fields, by the pond and on the campus. I like the sound of spring!

[Sound of Spring]

He Yiping

Spring is like a beautiful song. Let's listen to the voice of spring together.

In the fields of their hometown, magpies are singing a happy song "whispering, whispering" on the branches. The little swallow flew back from the south and kept shouting "twitter, twitter", as if saying: "Spring is coming, spring is coming." The spring rain kept "rustling, rustling", as if talking to the earth. The little seed opened his hazy eyes and tried hard to grow, making a sound of "Chi, Chi". It wanted to talk with the spring rain earlier and grow towards the sun.

By the pond, the river was flowing like a story to the children! The duck cried confidently, as if to say, "I love spring. Spring is beautiful!"

"Hoo, hoo", what's that sound? It's the spring breeze. The spring breeze blew everyone out of their homes. Some people were walking and some people were stepping in the spring. What a bustle! In the school, the students were reading "Beautiful scenery in the late days, fragrant flowers in the spring..."

Spring is like a beautiful song. I love the sound of spring.