Composition on gratitude (18 required)
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2024-01-17 07:40:54

Composition on gratitude (1)

Some people say that the teacher is the brightest Big Dipper in the sky, pointing out the direction for us; Some people say that the teacher is the coolest mountain spring in the mountain, watering us with sweet dew juice; Some people say that teachers are luxuriant leaves, and they use their not particularly huge bodies to shield us from wind and rain.

Teacher, looking at the neat, beautiful, vigorous and unrestrained handwriting you left on the blackboard, I felt a kind of adoration from the bottom of my heart, but I can't measure how much your hard work is involved, nor how many mysteries are contained in it. What I can know is your selfless dedication to education. The English teacher's fluent and orthodox English is still lingering; The Chinese teacher appeared in front of him with a gentle face, holding the book. The teacher's soft tone and gentle words were presented one by one; The science teacher seems to be a young child who always swims with us in the palace of science, still talking and laughing with us; The strict and steady voice of the math teacher still lingers in my ears. Although Mr. Wang's Putonghua is not so standard, it is this feature that makes students remember the formulas in their minds.

The most unforgettable scene is that scene

In the morning, soft sunlight came into the classroom from the window. The students raised their heads and looked at the door, but Mr. Wang was still missing. Soon, the students began to discuss. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and the classroom immediately became quiet. "Sorry, students, the teacher came late to write the composition." Mr. Wang limped into the classroom, his forehead covered with fine sweat and his left foot wrapped in thick white gauze. He struggled to the side of the lectern, sat down in the chair and sighed with relief, then picked up chalk and "brushed" on the blackboard, and insisted on standing to give us lessons. After a class, she had already frowned, but she had never sat down in the 45 minutes. The students listened to the class very carefully. Later, we learned that her foot was nailed in by a big nail. She hurriedly bandaged it and then came back to give us lessons

Teacher, you are the brightest Polaris in the sky, guiding us out of confusion. From the very beginning of entering the middle school, you have been leading us step by step towards maturity, gradually letting us get rid of our childishness and turning us from a child full of innocence into a teenager with firm beliefs.

Teacher, you said you are a vast sea, and you let us know the world with your erudition. You let us see farther and more clearly, just like the mountain spring, you can see the bottom clearly. Teacher, you taught us to dare to fight against difficulties, not bow in front of difficulties, become a strong man, and stand at the top of the world with a proud posture.

Teacher, you are the thick green in the summer. You use your body to protect us from wind and rain. You are always giving in silence without seeking return. You are willing to be a green leaf to let students fly higher and farther.

Composition on gratitude (2)

It is also a warm Mother's Day, a pink Mother's Day, and a different Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day!

If I were a poet, I would write a poem to describe my love for my mother; If I were a painter, I would use all kinds of colors to show my love for my mother; If I were a composer, I would use every note to write my love for my mother. If I were a...... But I am nothing, I can only use my poor words to describe my love and gratitude for my mother.

Today, I thought of a poem, "The Power of Love": "There is one kind of love that cannot be lacked, that is, the love of my mother. This kind of love is infinite and vast. When I am sad, it gives me comfort; when I am disappointed, it gives me confidence; when I succeed, it gives me blessings; when I am cowardly, it gives me courage..."

In my memory, this scene suddenly appeared: when I was sick and lying on the bed with fever, my mother took a spoon and fed me medicine one mouthful at a time; When I met a problem, my mother sat beside me and accompanied me until late at night; When I met with setbacks, my mother gave me courage. Thank you, Mom.

Mom, thank you! Mom, thank you! No amount of thanks can repay all your efforts to me. A drop of water should be repaid by a fountain. But what my mother gave me was not only a drop of water, but a vast ocean! What I can do for my mother is to study hard and help her do some housework.

Thank you, Mom!

Composition on gratitude (3)

Some people say that "like mother, like daughter" is really true? Sometimes I feel like you. They are all "bull temper"; But sometimes I think this is a wrong idea. Your topic always stays on my study, which makes me feel pressure. Sometimes I always think, is that all you and I are talking about? We can talk about your past, talk about each other's thoughts, and even regard each other as confidants that can be confided. Is that not good?

Sometimes I really want to say: Mom, I'm tired, my pressure is so heavy! I hope you can understand me! But when I reach my mouth, it sticks to my throat like cotton candy, which makes me unable to spit out and swallow.

Maybe I don't understand your feelings, but I know you love me more than you love yourself. It's time to open your heart and let you step into the age of "resistance". I hope this will help you understand the difficulties of being a child.

Mom, I sincerely hope you can become my confidant.

Composition on gratitude (4)

No sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, there would be no ourselves; Without family, friendship and love, the world will be full of loneliness and darkness... We all know these simple truths, but in life, we naturally enjoy all these things, but often forget to keep a grateful heart.

I still remember the math unit test in the third grade. I did not make any preparation for the exam. If I thought I was good at learning, I would make no mistakes this time. On Friday afternoon, when the test paper was handed out, I was dumbfounded and sweated. The red crosses on the test paper were so conspicuous. How regretful! When I came to Yue Khan's side, I found that he, who had always failed in his study, was even higher than me this time. I thought to myself: I must be the last but one in the class this time. With sadness and frustration, I returned home with the test paper. I closed the door and fell on the bed. I really wanted to cry, but I couldn't cry. I had to let my tears roll around in my eyes. My mother came in. I still remember her surprise when she saw the test paper. But my mother didn't blame me. She took a towel to carefully wipe away my tears and tried to persuade me, but I cried and asked her to go out. She sighed softly, put the towel on the bedside table, closed the door gently and went out.

The next morning, I woke up early and didn't want to get up, so I huddled in the quilt and tossed and turned. Finally, it was nine o'clock. I got up and went to the living room. The food on the table was still hot. After dinner, I sat at the desk. When I was absent-minded, my mother came, and she sat beside me. I ignored her. My mother patted me on the shoulder and said, "My dear son, one must stand setbacks. Being knocked down after experiencing setbacks is not a real man. Scores only represent the past, and you can't change how you regret it now. Failure is the mother of success. As long as you are not afraid of difficulties, brave to learn, and frankly face them, you will certainly achieve your goals." My mother's words are just like the rain in the spring. They moisten me, dissolve my frustration, and awaken my confidence and competitiveness.

No kind of giving is taken for granted, nothing is necessary and should be; Therefore, no kind of reception can be indifferent and reasonable, and we should be grateful. A flower will be bright and charming for a drop of rain and dew, a grass will be swayed by a ray of spring wind, a lake will be rippled by a leaf, and one heart should be grateful for another.

Composition on gratitude (5)

Someone once said to me that you should thank your teachers, your parents, your friends

Teachers pay a lot for me. They always try to infiltrate knowledge into every cell of me. In imperceptible influence, I learned a lot, and my thinking leaped and flashed.

My parents pay a lot for me. They always provide me with the best environment to learn. My father always let the quiet night accompany me to finish my study, while my mother would always ask for help.

And my friends, they give me spiritual food. When I am lonely, sad, and struggling with pain, I can always look up to see their sunny smile. A powerful force has surrounded me with courage and confidence, so that I can stand up and learn to face reality.

However, teachers, parents and friends are supporting actors after all, and I am the real protagonist. Only when I am full of love for learning and thirst for knowledge can I learn greedily. Only when I am full of love for life and faced with difficulties and setbacks in learning can I quickly raise my head and rekindle the extinguished fire of hope.

I read at night; It is I who have a flame of confidence in my heart. My courage, my never say die, let me never bow, smile to the future. Let me have opportunities again and again to stand on the stage of challenges, let opportunities fall on my side again and again, let me firmly grasp. Because I try hard.

Thanks to myself, I have a bigger and broader stage to show my style. Thank yourself for laying a solid foundation for my success and making me successful. Thank myself for letting me enjoy the colorful life. So I said to myself:

"Thank my teachers, my parents, my friends! Thank myself even more!"

Composition on gratitude (6)

It is no longer sunny. It began to rain outside the window and knocked on the wooden window. Opposite the bed was a simple face. She bowed her head and could not see her expression clearly. How long have we been like this? I don't know.

Crazy sunset seems to pour out red. I stumbled along with the person in front of me. Her hands were white and pliable, and she held me tightly, as if to crush me. My eyelashes drooped, covering those dark eyes. They are like frightened deer running. It seems that only by relying on each other can the heart not escape from the body. She turned away from me and whispered to me. Her words came from the roar of the man behind her, like a heavy hammer, pounding my already weak heart. In a trance, my eyes became sour and astringent, as if I wanted to flow spring water to moisten my dry lips. Soon, it ran to my chin. Itchy, the brain is blurred, only sour like thick ink. The imprisoned love is a golden cage after all.

The quiet snow field seems to welcome a small sun. I want to walk unsteadily and lie on my back on the soft white beach. A sudden echo sounded in my heart, like a cry not long ago, or like the sound of footsteps. Yes, footsteps. It is too like Fengshen's hurried footsteps, with slight panic. Stop. It was silent again, and my feeling seemed to be dull. A figure pulled me up with her warm hand and slapped me with another cold hand. My whole body was trembling, so I could only shrink back to avoid the sharp and high voice, just like the fish in the pond. All day long, my dreams disappeared. I slowly swam and finally stopped moving. Where is the sun in my heart? Twisted love makes people resist after all.

The smiling Akita is combing its long golden hair. I sat with her. The heart is calm and disappointed. Yes, even though there have been many unhappy experiences, they are still in the past, and what has passed will always be my kind nostalgia. How can they afford to spend thousands of days and nights together? I still feel that her constant 37 degrees, not much heat. Even if sometimes we have a fever and feel pain, at this moment, we finally reach the same goal by different routes.

The sun blushed. We are one that never separates, and we embrace together.

To Mother

Composition on gratitude (7)

Teacher, you teach me reading and knowledge. You are a strict teacher, a kind father, and my bosom friend.

I remember it was a warm and sunny day. You said that you would take us to fly kites in the afternoon and come home from school in the morning. I rushed to buy kites without eating. At noon, you will lead us to Qiaobei Park while singing. To Qiaobei Park, ah! Teacher, the scenery there is beautiful! Thank you for letting us enjoy the beauty of nature. When you have arranged all the safety precautions, let us fly kites freely. At first, I couldn't fly any more. I could only watch other students fly kites into the sky eagerly. Teacher, it's you! It was you who came over at this time. You stroked my head and gently said to me, "There is a way to fly a kite, which is the same as doing math problems." After that, you picked up the kite and handed it to me and said, "Now there is wind, run quickly." I ran with all my strength. Ha ha, my kite also flew into the sky. I am jumping happily. The kite is flying high. I want to be a kite.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew my kite onto a big tree. I burst into tears. My cry startled you. You came over from the lawn and said with a smile, "What's the matter?" I said sadly, "Teacher, my kite flew up the tree, and I can't take it down." You listened to my words, blinked a few times, looked at the kite hanging on the tree, and said nothing, He climbed up the tree and helped me get the kite down.

Teacher, what you gave me is not only the kite, but also my infinite happiness! Teacher, just as you were going down the tree, a branch cut a small hole in your face. After you went down the tree, I looked at your blood on your face and felt indescribably sad and moved. Teacher, you are the most unforgettable person in my life. If I succeed in my career in the future, I must thank you.

Composition on gratitude (8)

If I were a red flower, I would thank the green leaves for setting off; If I were a small tree, I would thank the sun and rain; If I were a spray, I would thank the sea's mind; If I were a young eagle, I would thank the vast sky. Thank my parents for giving me a life and bringing me up, but they are growing old day by day. They took the trouble to watch us grow up day by day, and thank their parents.

Thank friends for their presence when I need them most, and comfort me when I am sad; They accompany me when I am happy. Thanks to my friends, thanks to my teacher. From an ignorant child to a young teenager, I was a teacher who gave me the principles of life and endless knowledge. Teachers and gardeners nurtured us and watched us become the pillars of our country. They also made our life more beautiful. Thank you, my teacher. Thank you for setbacks and failures. There are many setbacks and failures waiting for us on the long road of life, but what comes must be misfortune and sadness, perhaps the driving force that makes us move forward. Yes, this is the power of failure, so that we can break through ourselves in difficulties again and again, and usher in the dawn of our own success. Thanks for setbacks and failures.

The power of gratitude is endless, which will be our most powerful power, so don't hesitate to thank them with your heart!

Composition on gratitude (9)

As long as I can meet you, I am willing to use up all my luck. -- Title

I thank my parents for giving me life; I thank the teacher for giving me knowledge; I thank the world for letting me meet you; I thank you for your love for me.

The first time I saw you was in that classroom. When I walked into the classroom, I saw you sitting quietly in the corner reading in the noisy crowd at the first sight. The skin is white as jade, and the hair is black to the shoulder. What impressed me most was your eyes. There seems to be a clear mountain spring in the eyes, and a touch of soft sunshine. The eyes are full of warmth. The corners of his mouth slightly rose, and even the spring was drunk for three minutes.

Later, we became good friends who talked about everything, so my parents also knew you. They have praised your excellence in front of me countless times, and I have smiled and echoed them. But I don't know when I heard your name from them, I had a small seed named jealousy in my heart. With your more and more excellent achievements, the small seeds are also "thriving".

Until one time, I passed you in the monthly exam for the first time, even if only a few points. I forced a smile on my mouth, dressed casually, and repeatedly "unconsciously" mentioned this achievement in front of you. But you are so calm, smiling and praising me and congratulating me. I see sincerity in the depth of your eyes. A faint feeling of discomfort suddenly welled up in my heart, and I remembered that my parents would compare you and me at ordinary times, and I forced the discomfort down.

In the half term exam, you are like a dark horse, rushing forward, surpassing many people, and standing in your place. Somehow, perhaps I was proud, and my score dropped by 100. At the moment when I saw the achievements, tears poured into my eyes uncontrollably. Looking at you on the platform, I remembered my last show off to you intentionally or unintentionally. Finally, I dare not tell you my grievances.

You suddenly stepped down from the platform and squatted in front of me, without saying those meaningless words of comfort, just patted me on the shoulder, picked up my test paper and helped me analyze the wrong questions. It suddenly became clear in my heart: How could you, so smart, not have found my "carelessness". The fundus of the eye seemed to be wavering, and finally wet the eyelashes. You hold me in your arms, "Don't cry, I will analyze the wrong topic for you, and we will make progress together." I burst into tears, ashamed of my jealousy and selfishness! "Why are you so kind to me?" "Because we are the best friends forever."

The road of life is very long, I hope I can always walk slowly with you to the end, because of your constant love for me, thank you!

Composition on gratitude (10)

In the dark night, it is raining heavily, but it is still raging next time. I am a little homesick, and I don't know whether to cry, because I am really embarrassed, lonely, and miserable now! Tears may be the only way to vent. But I stopped because it was not my job. I always wanted to calm down and think about the present. The corner of my eyes was choked. Seeing the spicy food on the table, I felt sad. Tears were coming out of my eyes, and my head was deeply stuck in the quilt for a long time

My favorite snack at home is spicy food, which I eat every day. When I left, my father bought me a lot of snacks for me to put away. When I wanted to eat, I ate some At the thought of this, the bitterness in my heart is like a stabbing pain. I can't forget my father's hard work, his slowly bent body, and my father's years of frugality I can't forget giving all the money to me when I left, but I only bought the black tea drink with the three yuan that had been folded for a long time -- and he never knew what it was like

In this rainy night, it's really hard. Wet eyes can't be wiped dry, not for other reasons but for that feeling!

It's really hard to wander out, but my parents insisted on letting me work out, because they knew there was really nothing to do at home! There may be a glimmer of hope! I should have shared the burden of my family after graduation, but I still need the family's money to support myself every month, which is no doubt different from the cost of my schooling! Maybe many people laugh at what they say, because they have no ability! yes! I feel ashamed of my parents because I feel incompetent. I am not a good son!

I don't know how many roads to go, how far to see the hope, whether the hope is true or false, and when to stabilize to accompany parents to grow filial piety. Maybe I will never see the dawn of hope in my life, but I hope I can give my parents a little comfort!

It's already three o'clock in the morning, but the rain hasn't stopped. My heart hasn't stopped thinking about my parents, my sister and the small mountain village I miss!

The night continues to be dark and the rain is raging. I keep thinking, my heart is aching, loneliness is spreading, and tears are flowing. Are you worried about me, parents? Still praying for me! Thank you!

Composition on gratitude (11)

Time passes quickly like a sword. Thirteen years have passed in a twinkling of an eye

Memory is like a long river in life, with mother's love on the left and father's love on the right. Approaching the two sides of life, you can plant seeds and fragrance along the way. Some people say that maternal love is greater than heaven, but what about father love? In my opinion, he is like a mountain, towering and towering, but it is eagerly anticipated

It was a bitterly cold morning.

The sky has just opened its eyes, the earth has not yet awakened, and I have already been hot. "Get up! Hurry up, you'll be late!" With the sound of urging, the whole building seemed to wake up, but it was quiet again. It turned out that today was a school day, but the alarm clock didn't go off, which caused my father and I to miss the time, busy and busy. "Don't you want to go?" I shouted again, like an ant on a hot pot. "All right, all right!" Dad answered, took an umbrella and hurried out of the door.

"How cold!" I could not help whispering as soon as I went out. Large flakes of snow fell from the sky, and it is not surprising that the goose feather snow fell heavily. The earth has already been covered with clothes, but what about life on the earth? They are all asleep. Dad quickly opened the umbrella to avoid the wind and rain for us in time. The snow on the ground was about an inch thick and was buried as soon as his feet stepped in. "What a terrible weather! How can I go to school?" I yelled. "That's impossible, just let it be." Dad laughed. So we talked happily all the way. In a twinkling of an eye, the journey was half way over, but my father could not help shivering. I wondered why it was cold when my father wore enough clothes?

It's almost time for school. My father changed his usual tone and said earnestly: "My child, pay attention today at school. Don't play with snow, or what will happen if your clothes get wet?" "I know, don't ask questions!" I said impatiently. "Obedient!" Dad shouted. I bowed my head and walked straight to the school. It seemed that there was a fire burning in my heart. But when I was going to say goodbye, my heart sank. I saw that half of my father's back was covered with thin snow, because his hand was biased towards me when playing umbrella, but my father hurt himself.

Father, please forgive your son's mistake. He kept bumping like a newborn calf until he was covered in bruises. Only you will strongly protect me, and only you will support the hope of the whole family!

Looking back on the confrontation just now, I always blame myself. In fact, you are the one who deserves my thanks!

The snow is still falling, but my heart is burning

Composition on Thank You (12)

I always know that I am a very happy child, because I grew up with my mother's encouragement, applause and love.

I understand that my mother is the person who loves me the most. In life, my mother cares about my food and clothing; My mother encouraged me, helped me, and urged me to study. My little progress can make my mother happy for a long time.

My mother taught me to be a serious person, study hard and work hard. Teach me to be polite, respect others, respect myself, and work hard. Although my mother will criticize me severely when I do something wrong, I understand that my mother's criticism is also due to love, because my mother expects me to become an excellent person in the future and live a happy life.

Dear Mother, although I am still very ignorant at the moment and often make you angry because of learning and some bad habits, please believe me. On the way to grow up, I must be able to change the bad habits. I will restrain my language and behavior and be a polite person. I will be a conscientious person, study hard, work hard, have self-respect and self love, and be an ambitious person.

Mom, thank you for accompanying me on my way of growing up. When I am happy, I want to tell my mother first, because I want my mother to share my joy; When I encounter difficulties, I always think of my mother, because I understand that my mother is the person who can help me. I love you, Mom.

Mom, your care and criticism make me feel very happy, because I understand how much love my mother gives me. I understand that my mother expects me to become an excellent, wise and happy person when I grow up. I must not let you down. In the future, I will let my mother and all those who love me feel happy and proud because of me.

Thank you, Mom. May my good mother be healthy, work smoothly, and be young and beautiful forever.

Composition on gratitude (13)

In my wonderful childhood, there are many people who accompany me to spend and grow up. My parents, classmates, neighbors... they gave me inner strength, but the most unforgettable and grateful person was my "beautiful" Chinese teacher.

I remember that it was a cold winter. It was already more than seven o'clock at night. I had to enter the school in the dark because I forgot to bring my homework book with me. At that time, the school was dark, and I could not see my fingers. Occasionally, a few solitary birds were crying away, and the surrounding area was gloomy. At this time, my back felt numb. At this moment, a light flashed into my eyes. When I looked closely, the light in the first floor office was still on.

Eh, it's so late. Who hasn't left yet? What are you doing? With doubts, I boldly walked to the front of the room and bravely peered into the room through the crack of the door. A thin back was bending, and I was waiting at the desk to correct my homework. Who is that man? I looked carefully and saw that it was my Chinese teacher. At one moment, the teacher smiled and frowned, then picked up the red pen and moved quickly

I opened the door and walked in, calling softly: "Teacher." The Chinese teacher turned around at the sound, a pair of tired eyes with a trace of surprise and asked: "It's Wenyue. It's so late, how did you come?" "My homework book left in the classroom, and now I'm going to get it." I whispered back. "Go home after taking it, don't let your parents worry." The teacher said, and then began to approve the homework. I answered, "Yes, sir." "Go quickly." The teacher smiled. At this time, I felt sad: "Teacher, you should hurry to leave, it's too late." You turned around and smiled: "It's OK, child. Go, the teacher will leave when he is busy." You still have that smile in your eyes.

Do you know? Teacher, your tired smile is the most beautiful scenery in my heart that night. In my heart of hearts, you are the most "beautiful" Chinese teacher in my mind forever.

Composition on gratitude (14)

They taught us every number one in life. They taught us to take the first step. They taught us to say the first word. They taught us to recognize the first word... If there were no dear parents, there would be no us.

Although my parents are not outstanding in appearance, their concern and love for me cannot be explained in a few words.

I remember when I was eight years old, I suddenly had a high fever on a very cold winter night. When my parents saw me, without saying anything, they put on their coats, helped me get dressed, picked up the umbrella, carried me, and walked quickly to the hospital. The road is so long and hard to walk. Maybe my father walked too fast, or the road was too slippery. When I walked, my father twisted his feet and threw me down. I was about to land on my buttocks when I suddenly felt a pair of big hands holding me. I turned my head and saw that it was our umbrella mother who was afraid that I would fall and hurt herself. She held me with her hands. I'm all right, but my father's foot is twisted and my mother's hand is bruised. I asked to go by myself. My father said that I was sick and not allowed. He carried me to the hospital with a limp. At this time, tears blurred my eyes.

I remember that on my tenth birthday, my father bought a big cake with ten candles on it. I was very happy. But happiness begets sorrow. My mother hurt her hand in order to make a good dinner for me. I said to my parents affectionately, "I will repay you well in the future." They said, "As long as you are healthy and happy, and have good grades, you will be the best reward for us." I nodded solemnly.

Later, I studied harder because I wanted to repay my parents with my achievements.

There is a saying that goes well, "Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the sun". Therefore, in order to repay my parents for their hard work in raising me, I must study hard now and find a good job when I grow up so that my parents can enjoy their old age. I will thank my parents ten times and a hundred times for what they have done for me, so that their efforts will be valuable.

Learn to be grateful

Thank you—— A required course in life.

Be grateful, be content and cherish happiness.

A grateful heart is always needed on the way of life.

Gratitude is the appreciation of the gift of life, and gratitude is the relief of the living state;

Gratitude is to care about what you have now, and gratitude is to cherish the limited life;

Gratitude is a concern for those who give us life, and gratitude is a tremor of love for strangers

Learn to be grateful, don't be ungrateful

Learn to be grateful and have the virtue of modesty

Learn to be grateful and be in awe

Learn to be grateful, love is more than hate in life

Learn to be grateful and know that life needs regrets

Learn to be grateful and stop indulging in wealth and power

Learn to be grateful and never forget to say "thank you"


A grateful heart is always young!

Thanksgiving people, always happy!

In one's life, one meets many people worthy of memory and nostalgia, including relatives, lovers, classmates, friends, teachers and so on. These people have given us love and help in each person's life journey. They are the people we are grateful for all our lives.

Thank you——

Without sunshine, there is no warmth of the day; Without rain and dew, there would be no grain harvest; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, there would be no ourselves; Without family, love and friendship, there would be no warmth of love

Thanksgiving, let us be content to observe and cherish the people, things and things around us; Thanksgiving, let us gradually dull numb days, life is so rich and rich; Thanksgiving, let us understand and taste the gift of fate and the passion of life.

Thank the world, thank the destiny, the world is wide, the road is rough, but as long as there is love and gratitude in our hearts, we will work hard, and we can move forward.

Composition on gratitude (15)

My great parents, I take this opportunity to say thank you to your two elders. In my heart, you are the greatest, greater than any great man. Although you are illiterate, and although you were born in a peasant family, you are very understanding. I remember that when I was a child, I often heard about your past stories, and I always admired you, I hope I can be born earlier to see your glorious deeds at that time, how you can fight against the framers and how you can treat those helpless old people.

I always remember your love and education for me. You always taught us to be kind to the weak, not afraid of the strong. I remember when I was a child, people always said I was your mother, your little cotton padded jacket. When I came home to ask you, I knew it was because I was born too late, just in time for family planning. Whenever people doubted whether you were pregnant, You always say, "There, I'm just wearing a small padded jacket"!

So, later people called me Xiaomian Ao, and I was also the happiest Xiaomian Ao. Although I had no land because of my extra life, you always proudly said that I could raise you without land. Yes, I grew up happily, and I was always the happiest child in our village, Because when other children were still wearing old clothes left by their brothers and sisters, I always wore new clothes. When other adults had not seen a watch, you bought me a beautiful fake watch. My happiness was much better. It would probably be a long time. I remember the last sister went to Guangzhou to work, At that time, I was the only daughter left in the family. Because there were many sisters in the family, you had not cooked for more than 20 years. However, you would rather cook by yourself than ask me to do it, so that I could not cook and do housework when I was in my twenties.

Even now, I have become a family, and I can do everything. But every time I come home, you still won't let me interfere. You have been used to spoiling your daughter. I will always keep any delicious food for me. Every time I go home, I will be touched once more. I have been in Guangzhou for several years, but I can't play enough when I only return home once a year, I can't go home for the Spring Festival again this year. Today, I received a call from my mother, saying that my second brother would come right away and would you like to bring me some sausages. Every time someone comes to my home, people in our factory will laugh at our sisters and say that your mother still treats you as children. Every time a fellow villager comes, she will bring you some spicy snacks. Yes, You always treat us as children, and every time we are proud of your doting on our loving parents.

Today, I sit alone in the office and write down your love for us. I hope that the silent night sky and the cool wind will bring my love and gratitude to you. I hope you are healthy and happy forever.

Composition on gratitude (16)

In my weak life, there are times when I need help and ask for help, and there must be a grateful person, such as relatives and friends. The people I thank are our great parents. Think about it, who brought us up, and who made us have a pair of feet that can run fast?

My parents are the most important people in my mind, and they are also the people I want to thank most. How hard it is for them to raise me so big! The reason why I thank my parents is: thank you for your upbringing. Your hard work is the main problem for my growth, which means that if you work hard, I can grow up like a small tree and grow into a big tree with luxuriant branches. If you don't care about me, I won't do anything since I was young. I remember one time when I ate an apple. Because I had chewed it up, my stomach felt terrible at night. It was very cold outside, but my parents insisted on taking me to the hospital. We ran to the nearest hospital, but it was closed. They took me to a hospital on Yuantian Road and watched me until dawn. It was not until noon the next day that I felt much better.

My parents' behavior moved me very much. They worked very hard to make me have a good learning environment. Mom and Dad, what a loud name! I must study hard to repay your expectations. I sincerely wish you and thank you very much!

Composition on gratitude (17)

From birth to babbling, from a baby to a teenager, today I am ten years old. My parents are the first teachers in my life. For a long ten years, my parents have taken care of me with love and selfless dedication, and I have grown up day by day under the education of my parents.

Since I can remember, my mother has worked hard to make delicious meals for me. Teach me to sing children's songs, tell stories, recite ancient poems, and learn to write every stroke. I have corrected my bad problems over and over again without saying that I am bored. Teach me how to get along with children in kindergarten. After primary school, my mother would repeat these words every day like a rereading machine: "Did you listen carefully in class?" "Did you raise your hand to answer questions?" "What happy things are you doing in school today?" "Will you do your homework today?"...... A person who feels feverish will be too nervous to sleep, and every bit of nagging in life is a strong mother's love.

My father is not so tall and burly, but every time my father happily lifts me above his head or rides him on his shoulders, I feel my father is as tall as a giant. Every time I have a problem with my homework, my father will patiently explain it to me again and again until I understand it. On weekends and holidays, my father will take us to outdoor sports and mountain climbing, breathing fresh air and feeling comfortable. When we were greedy, my father would take us out to look for food. The whole family would sit together and chat while eating. It was very happy to share some interesting things.

Thank my parents for giving me the best love in the world. Thank you for your father who has been running around for life, and thank you for your mother who has worked hard to keep the house. I am grateful for everything my parents have done for me. I will keep it in mind, study hard to live up to their expectations, and repay their parents for their upbringing in the future.

Composition on gratitude (18)

Composition 1 on thanking mothers

There are many people in the world who let me thank. I thank the teachers who selflessly contribute and cultivate our motherland flowers like gardeners. I thank my classmates who help me when in difficulty. And what I want to thank most is that I have spared no pains, and that fiery heart is always towards my father and mother!

Parents are the great gods who give us life, the enlightenment teachers who teach us the first step in life, the hardworking gardeners who cultivate our healthy growth, and the red alarm bell that reminds us to be upright

Mother gives us life, which is the source of our life. Maternal love is the greatest love in the world. From the time we were not born, our mother began to take care of us, take care of us, love us, and give us meticulous care. As long as we are healthy and happy, our mother will be happier than us. Mother is the first enlightenment teacher to teach us how to be human. She teaches us how to be human, how to be good and how to survive in society. Therefore, we are all directly influenced by our mothers, so that we can have a happy and comfortable today.

My father gave us the principles of life and the skills of survival, and taught us to be strong, frank and persistent. Therefore, our strength, perseverance and survival today are all influenced by our father.

Let's repay our dear parents with gratitude.

Thank you, my parents!

Composition 2 on thanking mothers for their love

Mother's love is like flowing water, father's love is like mountains. Mother gives us life and warmth. We can't repay you enough. We should thank our mother!

Whenever we happily celebrate our birthday, do you know that your mother once suffered pain and gave birth to you on this day.

When we reach for our clothes and open our mouths when we eat, do you know that these are all mother's sweat.

Whenever we show our mother the satisfactory answer sheet, you can notice that the corners of her eyes are moist at this time.

Whenever we are ill, my mother will take care of you and make you feel warm, regardless of the hard work of the day.

When we get into the warm bed at night, do you know that mother is enduring the cold and knitting sweaters for you to keep you from freezing.

Whenever we play outside, do you know that my mother washes clothes and cooks for you at home regardless of hard work

Whenever we encounter difficulties in doing the questions and want to give up, my mother will earnestly teach us, explain to us, and face the difficulties together with us.

This is the best gift for our mother when we listen carefully in class without making small movements or talking.

Thank you for your mother's love! Maternal love is the greatest wealth in our life!

Composition 3 on thanking mothers for their love

She gave me life; She gave me warmth; It is he who gives me happiness; It was she who taught me the sea. She is the greatest person in the world - mother.

Mom has taken care of us since we were young. My mother has to go to work early and return late every day. She doesn't rest after returning home. She cooks delicious food for my father and me, but she eats very little. Mom works very hard every day, and will give us a happy smile after work. Mom, I really want to ask you: "Is your smile real?"

In addition to cooking, my mother watched me do my homework at night. When I encounter a problem, my mother will coach me word for word and tell me what to do... When I have a fever, my mother will always be by my side, accompany me, make me happy, and never make me sad: tell me stories, tell jokes, accompany me to sleep, or even not go to work.

I have less happiness, less laughter and less warmth in the days without my mother. How I hope my mother can come back as soon as possible! When I was young, I had an idea that if I could go to work with my mother, I could be with my mother every day. But this wish cannot be realized. I still have to go to school!

Mom, I want to say to you: "Mom, you have worked hard. You can give everything for me without any return, because your love is selfless and great. I will certainly be a good and competent mother like you in the future!"