Sentences praising Chinese culture Sentences describing Chinese culture (64 sentences)
Golden Maple Leaf
2023-05-13 03:22:45
Complete sentences

1. Space City, with a good climate, is indispensable for vacation and sightseeing; The folk customs are honest, the heart welcomes the guests, and the delicious hospitality is beautiful; Satellite launch, field observation, the motherland's science and technology fly into the sky; Welcome to Xichang, you will never forget your visit!

2. Five thousand years of Chinese culture, Confucianism will never change, reform and innovation reputation, Shuibo Liangshan once remembered 108 heroes, China is brilliant in front of us.

3. There are many cultural heritages in China. Let me talk about our treasure. The Great Wall is really good. No one old or young can stop foreign aggression. It inherits the feelings of Chinese people. Chinese and foreign tourists welcome it and praise the greatest working people.

4. Beijing Opera, the quintessence of Chinese culture, is famous for its beauty. When it was born, it was famous for its various aspects. It was full of cadences, sounds and appearances. The small stage was full of vicissitudes. Chinese opera is a unique creation, and the repertoire of different places is more diverse. Life is like a person in a play. I will appear after you sing.

5. I am most fascinated by the ancient small brothels. The attic is planted next to the giant trees. The downstairs is close to the small lake water, and the murmur is soft and carefree. Green bricks and red tiles nourish the mind and calm, and green grass filters the mood all around. This kind of feeling has no place, but that of China!

6. Rice is grown in the south, wheat in the north, rice in the south and steamed bread in the north. Steamed buns, noodles, rice noodles, big cakes, everything in China.

7. The national culture has a long history and is proud of its national treasures. Purple clay pottery, with fine texture and special clay, is carefully fired. Yixing purple clay, the best in the pot, has the first reputation in the world, is famous, and is passed on from ancestors. It can be called a masterpiece.

8. After the establishment of the Republic of China, "China" officially became the national title of China. China is an ancient civilization country in the world, with a long culture and civilization history of more than 5000 years.

9. The blue sea is Beibei's home, the vast forest is Jingjing's home, the flaming sacred fire is Huanhuan's home, the green grassland is Yingying's home, and the vast sky is Nini's home. The five Fuwa shout together: China - our common home!

10. The shadow of Tai Chi is clear on Wudang Mountain, the Shaolin magic skill is practiced by young people, and Emei is strong and soft in the middle. It comes from the south to the Holy Land of Foshan. Kung Fu is famous far and wide. He is nostalgic for the Huo Family's Buddhist boxing and admires the Fang Family's immortal. Kung Fu is a symbol of China. Think back to Baiwei Dantian.

11. "On the contrary, there are many reservations about the Han culture in Japan, such as the kimono is imitated from the Han suit; the Japanese sword is evolved from the Tang sword, and Japanese music and architecture have retained a large number of Han ancient songs and architectural styles (especially the Tang Dynasty)“

12. Space City, with a good climate, is indispensable for vacation and sightseeing; The folk customs are honest, the heart welcomes the guests, and the delicious hospitality is beautiful; Satellite launch, field observation, the motherland's science and technology fly into the sky; Welcome to Xichang, you will never forget your visit!

13. After the Han and Tang Dynasties, Chinese traditional culture, including Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, as well as writing, painting, architecture and sculpture, was introduced into Japan and other countries.

14. A large number of Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty, such as Jibei Zhenbei, Eminent Monk Konghai, Abe Zhongmali, etc., studied Chinese culture in China. In this way, Japanese characters and architecture are deeply influenced by Chinese culture.

15. The Chinese nation has many cultures. I speak the language. There are many southern and northern tunes. Every place uses its own. Mandarin is the common language, and the whole people can speak it.

16. The history of the Chinese nation is excellent, the traditional culture has been handed down for a long time, and the descendants of the Chinese people have been handed down from generation to generation!

17. The car plough field is fragrant with rice flowers, the horse plough is flat on the ground, and the nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer compound fertilizer are scattered in the field. The yield is large. We should take good care of it, put an end to the indiscriminate cutting of garbage, and rely on it to feed and drink.

18. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Chinese traditional culture spread to some European countries through Western Jesuits and Eastern learning.

19. Taoist inaction is pure, Mohist non aggression and love, Legalist rule of law, Confucian ethics and ethics, Han Fei's military strategists, the Warring States period is turbulent, a hundred schools of thought contend, and ideas flourish, spreading a generation of heroes and children.

20. The colorful Dun locust murals are the transmission of life and art, and let me feel the prosperity and serenity thousands of years ago. The broad and profound Chinese culture is the accumulation of history and the display of wisdom!

21. The poets of the Tang Dynasty led the way, and their poems were drunk and carefree inside and outside; How many Song Ci poems were spread? Everyone applauded the fact that the clothes were gradually broadened and no one regretted it. Yuan Opera has been passed on for thousands of years, and Chinese culture is famous for its beauty.

22. Fujian food is exquisite, Guangdong food is delicate, Sichuan food is pungent, Shandong food is nutritious, Huaiyang is rich and charming, and Zhejiang food is dignified. Hunan emblem integrates eight beauties. Chinese cuisine is king.

23. For five thousand years, Chinese culture has spread over thousands of miles, and the distance is long. Chinese culture is famous in foreign countries. The Chinese characters are broad and profound, which means they need to be refined.

24. After China's four major inventions (gunpowder, compass, printing and papermaking) were introduced to the West, they played an important role in promoting the formation and development of Western capitalist society.

25. I am most fascinated by the ancient small brothels. The attic is planted next to the giant trees. The downstairs is close to the small lake, and the murmur is smooth and carefree. Green bricks and red tiles nourish the mind and calm, and green grass filters the mood all around. This kind of feeling has no place, but that of China!

26. West Lake Longjing, Tieguanyin, China's tea fragrance is pure; Daughter's Red Wine, Old Baigan Wine, Chinese wine is pure. Chinese culture has lasted for five thousand years, and traditional virtues have spread far and wide.

27. The quintessence of Chinese culture is Peking Opera, which began during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It combines Hui, Han, Kun and Qin tunes. It has been handed down for two hundred years. It can be divided into two parts: one is born in the early days, the other is ugly at the end. The facial makeup can be divided into good and evil. It is methodical and particular. Chinese culture is hidden in it!

28. The wind is strong and the sea is torrential. Flood totem dragon, fire nirvana phoenix. The sacred flame of civilization, which has not been cut off for thousands of years, is unique to me; Coexist with heaven and earth, and shine with the sun and the moon.

29. Although there is Putonghua, the dialect is also carried forward. How can we forget the thousand year culture. I feel good, but I feel good. It's really interesting! Don't forget it!

30. If we want to talk about national culture, we must talk about music, chess, calligraphy and painting; The beauty lies in cultivating mind and character, cultivating unique civilization; Shaping personality guarantee and pursuing refined artistic conception; The mirror of national tradition reflects broad and profound.

31. Drive is strong, but not strong. Strong force is not stubborn, do not think grow up as long. Arrest is not to catch a mouse. Crust is not eggshell. The Chinese culture will never be limited by the gaping wooden tongue.

32. The blue sea is Beibei's home, the vast forest is Jingjing's home, the flaming sacred fire is Huanhuan's home, the green grassland is Yingying's home, and the vast sky is Nini's home. Five Fuwa shout together: China - our common home!

33. With five thousand years of Chinese civilization, modern people can't wait for leisure. Confucius and Mencius speak of benevolence and righteousness, Lao and Zhuang are happy and carefree, Mohist school is a ranger, and Han Fei is a Legalist school. He has a sense of relaxation and relaxation, and has both civil and military skills. He studies deeply and is intoxicated.

34. Although there is Putonghua, the dialect is also carried forward. How can we forget the thousand year culture. I feel good, but I feel good. It's really interesting! Don't forget it!

35. Chinese animation needs to learn more, resist all kinds of civilized garbage, develop China's animation industry, reduce the number of people following recklessly, close door too much useless, and culture can not be weak. People from all walks of life deeply hope that animation culture will develop rapidly.

36. Lu Yu, the tea saint, is famous for his tea culture. A copy of the "Tea Book" has been handed down to the world. A cup of tea is leisurely and romantic. Drinking tea quietly can generate saliva, sit quietly and taste the tea ceremony, and understand the pain and happiness of life!

37. Desolate battlefield in Mobei, heroes and heroines have been spreading for a long time, rivers and lanes in the south of the Yangtze River, and wonderful articles of talented people and beautiful women. Horseshoe boats travel thousands of miles, and one side hisses and another ark. Rivers, lakes and seas are bigger than China, and their origins have lasted for many years.

38. Official brother Ru Dingjun, five famous kilns were famous in Song Dynasty, and a blue and white flower bloomed. Yuan porcelain has been famous for a long time. The colorful colors of the contest are gradually rising, which makes one party flirtatious. The color of the franc in the Qing Dynasty is fresh, and it is famous as the crown of Chinese and foreign porcelain. Colorless legend pervades, and Chinese porcelain has a long name.

39. Chinese culture had an important impact on European enlightenment thought.

40. The origin of traditional Chinese medicine in ancient China is an excellent cultural heritage of our country. It records the experience of Chinese people in fighting against diseases, and bears the good concern for the development of human medicine. We hope that traditional Chinese medicine will be carried forward and have a long history.

41. Chinese culture, also known as Chinese culture, Chinese civilization, namely Han culture, Han culture. It is also known as the "Han cultural circle" based on the concept of cultural circle.

42. Liu Xiang smiles when I race; I shoot, Yao Ming thumbs up; Jumping platform horse free exercise, football and volleyball diving; Swimming, fencing, shooting, weight lifting, walking and judo; I want to be an all-round player. I am the highest ranked player in the world.

43. The hometown of ceramics is in China, and Jingdezhen should be the capital of ceramics; Pottery appeared in prehistory, and porcelain began in the Eastern Han Dynasty; White as jade, thin as paper, transparent as a mirror; Living is inseparable, and ceramic civilization shakes the world.

44. There are so many Chinese civilizations. The four great inventions are the greatest. The compass for identifying directions, the movable type printing, and the paper making and gunpowder are not forgotten to benefit mankind and promote development!

45. It has a long history and is famous for its antiques, calligraphy and paintings. The Kangxi colorful Yuan blue and white flowers have been praised for generations, and the white stones and thousands of Tang Bohu have spread far and wide. Being in a famous cultural country, you are proud and inspired!

46. The Chinese people are a big family. Brothers and sisters are a family. Respect for the old and love the young is a virtue. Work hard to study and serve the motherland, make the country prosperous and strengthen the people, and love me.

47. I am not afraid of Confucius culture. Confucius culture has spread to the world, the world has set off a craze for Chinese culture, Confucius Institutes have been built at home and abroad, and the essence of Chinese culture has been promoted in the world.

48. National culture originates from practice, historical records continue to show, folk basic characteristics flow, comprehensive economic and social development, culture melts national vitality, maintains the peaceful reunification of the country, integrates culture, politics and economy, and improves the strong comprehensive national strength.

49. Thousands of years of wind and rain have passed on virtue from generation to generation. Drinking the water of the Yellow River, standing at the mouth of the Yangtze River, we are filled with emotion, and the Chinese history has been handed down.

50. Millennium Ancient Country. Among the four ancient countries in the world, the only one that has existed for the longest time and has no separation in cultural inheritance.

51. After the spring and autumn, the country is flourishing. The Republic has grown and flourished. I will shoulder the heavy responsibility in the future. The motherland has a bright future.

52. The cultural sentiment of the Chinese people is passed down from generation to generation. You can pass it on from generation to generation and carry forward the culture with you and me

53. The style of Tang poetry is beautiful, brilliant, and melodious. Song poetry is elegant and fragrant. It is sung with songs, flying far and flowing long. The Yuan Opera is melodious, light and comfortable. It goes with the song and flutters everywhere. Chinese literary talent, classics forever.

54. On the contrary, Chinese culture has many reservations in Japan. For example, kimonos are imitated from Han costumes; The Japanese Dao evolved from the Tang Dao. Japanese music and architecture have retained a large number of Han ancient tunes and architectural styles (especially the Tang Dynasty).

55. For five thousand years of Chinese culture, there are great books everywhere, Confucius and Mencius in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, hundreds of flowers contend among giants, Han Fu and Tang poetry are widely spread, Song Ci and Yuan Qu are not easy, Ming and Qing novelists know, and modern literature and art lead the way!

56. The Motherland Festival is very popular at home and abroad. Let's think about it together: the Dragon Boat Festival with fragrant dumplings, the Moon Cake Festival on the 15th of August, and the Spring Festival on the 30th of the twelfth lunar month. Paste the Spring Festival couplets to set off firecrackers, dance in new clothes, eat dumplings on the 30th night, worship the New Year on the first day of the New Year, and make lanterns on the 15th of the first lunar month.

57. The poets of the Tang Dynasty led the way, and their poems were drunk and carefree inside and outside; How many Song Ci poems were spread? Everyone applauded the fact that the clothes were gradually broadened and no one regretted it. Yuan Opera has been passed on for thousands of years, and Chinese culture is famous for its beauty.

58. Greenhouse vegetables, flowers everywhere, scientific farming depends on culture, green food enters thousands of families, vegetables and fruits grow strong, and the whole people are healthy. I want to travel all over China, and the motherland's culture is superb!

59. German philosophers Leibniz, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Feuerbach, and the great writer Goethe all studied Chinese philosophy and were influenced by Chinese culture to varying degrees.

60. For five thousand years in China, the deeds of the characters have been handed down forever. In troubled times, the people are uneasy. Today's society enjoys peace. The people talk about their well-being today, and the descendants of the dragon are true.

61. The people of the Yellow River are in love with the Yellow River. We are moving forward together. The road ahead is full of difficulties. Mutual support is fundamental. We are all rich, and we are all rich. Let's go to a well-off society together.

62. After China's four major inventions (gunpowder, compass, printing and papermaking) were introduced to the West, they played an important role in promoting the formation and development of Western capitalist society.

63. China has inherited 5000 years of culture and become a wonderful flower in the world. Confucianism is universal, and Chinese porcelain is praised by everyone.

64. The world is bright and the country is magnificent. Five thousand years old, ten billion people have multiplied. The iron shoulder carries the five mountains, and the giant hand opens the Three Gorges. The waist rings the Great Wall, and the feet span the nine bends of the Yellow River. Hold the sacred flame of civilization high and cross the century. It is passed down from generation to generation, shining brightly for thousands of years.