Sentences of a person's grievance to cry in 2022 (52 sentences)
Kindness is my nature
2023-02-18 18:19:47
Complete sentences

1. The most painful part is the part between letting go and not letting go. Really determined to give up, on the contrary, there will be a sense of relief.

2. No matter how bad things happen today, you should not feel sad. Because today is your youngest day in the future.

3. The most annoying thing is that you don't know what you are bothering about, and you are full of negative energy for no reason.

4. Don't wronged yourself for anyone. You should not be humble. Remember to hold your principle with your left hand and your heart with your right hand.

5. Sometimes, you choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know clearly that he doesn't belong to you.

6. I know I'm not the most important person in your heart. I know I can't be with you, but I fell in love with you without hesitation.

7. There is no unprovoked love, no unprovoked hate, and a sudden temper is often a grievance accumulated for a long time.

8. I've always been a supporting actor. Maybe he doesn't take me seriously at all. I'm sorry. I think too much. I think too much of myself.

9. Tired to cry, wronged to cry, how can a person be tired? What to do when what you do is not understood.

10. In the misplaced emotion, we can only pay for our own share of the pain. The pain is extreme, and we cannot blame others.

11. The sadder thing than loneliness is that you don't know you are lonely, or you are clearly lonely, but you deceive yourself into believing that you are not lonely.

12. You can live the life you want only after you finish the road you must walk. There are roads you must walk alone. This is not loneliness, but choice.

13. Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, just like some people, only suitable for meeting but not suitable for holding hands.

14. When you like others, don't forget to be nice to yourself. Anyone can leave you and betray you. Only you are your own.

15. The most suitable feeling is never to torture each other in the name of love, but to accompany each other and become the sunshine of each other.

16. Full of grievances and jealousy, I want to give it to you. It's too abrupt to think about it. Now I'm not your man. I should bear to miss you and love you.

17. When the heart moves, everything recovers and everything rushes to joy; When you are sad, you will disappear, and everything will be sighed.

18. It's not that I don't contact you, but that you give me the feeling that you are disturbing you. Maybe I still like you, but without the persistence of non togetherness.

19. I want to know what kind of tone you will use to talk about me with others, and whether you will inquire about your recent situation intentionally or unintentionally when chatting with others like me.

20. The most sad thing is not to cry in the quilt in the middle of the night, but to dream that two people have made up and wake up feeling lost.

21. The girl pretends to be happy, but is afraid of being found sad by the most beloved boy. I would rather smile and cry than cry and say regret.

22. Whether you are good or bad has nothing to do with me. I don't care. I won't cry. I don't have to wait for the love that doesn't belong to me anymore.

23. Don't ask others about what you like. Your life won't change because of what others say. It's up to you to decide whether you like it or not.

24. Everyone says that when you drink alcohol, you will become intoxicated, and when you love someone, you will become deeply in love. But who is not drinking alcohol until you vomit, and when you love someone, you will cry.

25. Probably, everyone will meet a person who can't be together. It's hard to let go, but it's too tiring to persist. It's the most painful when you can't love.

26. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I don't even have the strength to be angry and considerate. When we say "nothing", it is often the most uncomfortable time.

27. When I think of my freshman year, I got up in the middle of the night with fever and vomited, and my roommates were sleeping. I was so aggrieved that I cried, but I still think life is so lovely.

28. Don't wait for the night you can't wait, the world you can't squeeze into, the road you can't walk down, and the people you don't deserve, don't love.

29. Always when I am lonely, always when I am sad, always when I am lonely, you all left one by one.

30. As the night gets deeper and deeper, my heart slowly settles down, and I feel more and more lonely, just like standing on the rails, looking at the long, endless loneliness.

31. Why are most successful men unable to withstand the temptation of beauty? Because beauty never seduces unsuccessful men.

32. The tragedy of one person is not the loss of another person. But when that person leaves, you find that you have nothing.

33. Laughing every day, only you know how tired you are. Laugh to others during the day and cry to yourself at night.

34. Your parents treat you as a treasure and bring you up through hardships, not to make you grovel before another person.

35. I approach my dream step by step. Even if it is broken, I will try my best to retrieve it and exchange everything with myself.

36. No matter how hard it is, life will continue. The reality is that if you don't show any mercy, you will lose if you don't fight.

37. One day I will walk away from you silently without any sound. I missed a lot, I always feel sad alone.

38. I really hope that everything will be better when I wake up one night. All the late night thoughts become the star overhead, pointing to every right way.

39. I would rather rain every day, thinking that you didn't come because of the rain, and would rather continue to lie to myself about my love for you, and give up tomorrow.

40. If you like a single song cycle, you will continue to forgive if you love someone, but if you hear enough songs, you will cut them off, so if you are tired of love, you will also let go.

41. Some people just don't have pain on their face. If you don't understand them, you can still poke their hearts and laugh that they have no scars.

42. We know what we have only when we lose it, and we know what we have lost only when we have it.

43. Where there is a missing person, it is all passers-by who will leave. May you be down to earth, and may you look up to the stars. The past will not turn back, and the future will not be settled!

44. I'm not good, but there is only one me in the world. Cherish it or not, if one day you lose me, I won't let you find me again.

45. I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The reason why the feeling of loneliness is so important is that I think too deeply.

46. Sometimes people are so strange that they can't speak when they are wronged, but they can't cry when they hear the words of comfort.

47. I am afraid that he will not be liked and that he will be liked too much. To like a person is generally between vanity and selfishness.

48. I am crazy with love, and I believe that it is useful for me to keep it. No matter I wake up and sleep, breathe and drink water, cry and laugh, I will feel heartache.

49. I know that it will hurt, but I still have to keep going until I lose it. I understand that what I lose will never come back, and what I miss will never be owned.

50. If I can live a stable life, who will be willing to wander from place to place? If a bottle of wine can make me swallow all my sadness, I must do it first.

51. No matter how deep your obsession is, you should retain it even if you feel painful, but in the end, you should let go with a smile if you can't resist the dust of time.

52. There is no need to keep talking with you actively. Anyway, I just like you so much, and you will not have any more after you use indifference.