How to write the end of the review
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How to write the end of the review

Guide: I believe that everyone is familiar with the feeling after reading, so do you know how to write the end of the feeling after reading? Next is a collection of articles for you, welcome to read!

1、 Understand the original text and grasp the center

The "feeling" of "feeling after reading" is generated from reading. Only when you read carefully can you feel deeply. If necessary, we can let students know the social background and the author of the work before reading the article. There are three steps in reading to guide students to understand the content of the article and grasp the idea of the article: taking Young Musicians as an example, first, the perception of the first reading, clarify the level, grasp the context of the article, and establish a preliminary overall impression of the text. When we first read Young Ke, a Little Musician, we knew that the article recounted the story of young Ke, a poor Polish child with musical talent, who was beaten and died wrongly in order to see and touch the violin of the landlord's servant. Second, read carefully and think deeply, focus on the key points, guide students to comment on words and analyze sentences, read carefully and think deeply, and realize the vivid and accurate use of words. Read the article carefully. First, let the students find some key words and sentences that can reflect Yangke's love of music, and then carefully experience the vivid language and exciting stories. The third is to study and understand, break through difficulties, guide students to master the content and expression of the central idea of the article, feel life with heart, study the article, and understand the profound sentences. Students further understand that the culprit of the life of young musician Yangke is a capitalist society where people eat people and people exploit people. In such a society, even if poor children have talent, They can only be buried, or even be forced to die, which makes students realize how happy we are living in a socialist society. Only by guiding students to read carefully can we understand the content of the article and the author's thoughts and feelings. On this basis, we have the conditions to write "feeling".

2、 Select key points

There are many "feeling" points in the review of a good book or article. To write a good review, you must select the "feeling points". What is "feeling point"? The feeling point is caused by the content of a certain place in the book, which leads to our understanding. It is not created out of thin air. In the face of many feeling points, we must guide students to choose one or several feeling points from many feeling points that they feel the most deeply, have the latest perspective, have the strongest practical pertinence, and are best at writing. As the entry point of writing their own feeling after reading, we must not cover everything. For example, the article "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage" can be perceived in three aspects: First, Zhang Fei was rude to Zhuge Liang, and Zhang Fei was very reckless. The second is to write Liu Bei's sentence and Zhang Fei's sentence, which can be seen from Liu Bei's modest attitude. Third, Liu Bei paid three visits to the cottage and sincerely invited Zhuge Liang to go out of the mountain to help complete the great cause of national reunification, which reflected Liu Bei's eagerness for talents and respect for the virtuous corporal. We can find that the third feeling point is the center of the story, that is, the deepest feeling point after repeatedly reading the story, so we choose the third as the entry point of the feeling after reading.

3、 Focus on the combination of reading and feeling

The relationship between "reading" and "feeling" should be handled well when writing the feeling after reading. We say that "reading" is the premise and introduction of "feeling", and "feeling" is the result and purpose of "reading". The "narration" of the original text is indispensable in the feeling after reading, but it is not as specific, vivid and vivid as the "narration" in the narration. The "narration" in the feeling after reading should be concise. The problem that primary school students often make in writing their feelings after reading is to retell the original text without being concise and to the point. Some people just "feel" rather than "read", and write aimlessly away from the original meaning, saying things in time and space without examples around them. Writing the feeling after reading can be either experience or lesson. Most excellent reading impressions are always triggered by the original content or emotions, thus causing thinking about life, learning, thought and other practical issues. The feeling after reading is the combination of "reading" and "feeling". You can first describe the content of the article, and then focus on the experience. This writing method is suitable for only talking about a little experience. You can also talk about your experience while talking about it. You can cross write "reading" and "feeling". You can talk about some experience in this writing method. No matter which method you use to write, you must ask students to do two don'ts; Do not copy the text: briefly describe in your own words; Do not leave the content of the article, but really express your feelings in connection with your own reality.

4、 Talk about feelings with practice?

This "reality" can be one's own thoughts and realities of life, or others' thoughts and realities of life. The feeling after reading without emotion is pale and weak, and the feeling after reading with emotion can infect people. Taking "The Gift of the Old Time" as an example, we can guide students to think in this way: the children in the poem cherish the gift from the Old Time, where is it displayed? Do you think we should cherish the gift from the old man of time? Do you have any examples or practices of cherishing time? What will you do with the gifts from Old Time in the future? Through thinking about a series of questions, students will connect the content of the article, their own thoughts and the reality of life, so that they can write true feelings and pour out their true feelings. When guiding students to talk about their experience in connection with the actual situation, they should not talk about the facts, but should pay attention to inspiring students to imagine. From ancient times to the present, from near to far, from oneself to people, from front to back, as long as it is related to the main content of the article, they should be allowed to write boldly and freely. If students are instructed to combine their own experience and lessons with the author's personal experience, Then their feelings after reading must be more authentic and more appealing.