My wish - to be a volunteer
No regret
2021-12-04 09:09:24
junior middle school

Desire is like a flower that can emit dazzling light. It can make people's hearts shine with thousands of rays.

When I was young, my wishes were like countless stars, like teachers, doctors, space pilots, scientists, etc., which I thought about. But now I just want to be a volunteer serving the public. The so-called volunteers are also called volunteers, volunteers or volunteers. They are committed to contributing to social progress free of charge. Volunteer work refers to a kind of helping people, organized and based on social public welfare responsibility. Its development can be traced back to the post World War II, when the rise of welfarism led to the collapse of government spending and the development of voluntary work to address the overloaded needs of society. Speaking of my desire to be a volunteer, I had to start with that. That day I was playing computer games, and my mother sitting next to me proposed to tell me a story. This story tells us: a volunteer is very kind, and he often helps people do things: help the elderly cross the road; Condolences the people in the disaster areas, and uses their savings to buy things for the poor people; He went to the blood donation station to donate blood for free to people in need... Finally, one day, he got the reward that a good person deserves. The local town government wanted to invite him to represent the city as a "volunteer ambassador". On that day, the town government specially invited the best lion dance team in the city to meet him, but after a long time, he did not come. Then, The local TV station broadcast a surprising news: Liao, the "volunteer ambassador", was drowned because he risked his life to save a primary school student. He could not swim. When he saw the primary school student fall into the water, he jumped into the water without thinking and saved the child. He held the child high, waiting for people to rescue him. When the child was saved, But he left our world forever.

For this reason, people also gave him an honorary title - "Volunteer Angel", and the local mayor wrote a poem for him: He came in a hurry to serve the people. He left in a hurry, but he was immortal. After hearing this touching story, I couldn't help but burst into tears: there were several people like this volunteer in the vast sea of people. His arrival brought a lot of help to the people, and his departure made people feel sorry and reluctant. From that moment on, I really set my goals and aspirations to be a volunteer serving the public.