About Describing Time (5 Collections)
Yu Yangjun
2024-05-05 01:16:46

About describing time (1)

This is the 13th Spring Festival since I was born. Although the age plus one has become the "13" that Chinese people cannot avoid, I still continue to enjoy the happiness of this year.

The Spring Festival Gala lasted for decades, and the custom of putting it in the early morning is self-evident. When I reached the top of the rare double digits on the clock - ten o'clock, my tiredness has wrapped me up. Threads of coolness penetrate into the skin, and still can not fade the tiredness of mountain after mountain.

"Where has the time gone... not yet..." The blazing song burned my ears red with heat. It pierced the tympanic membrane and hit the heart directly, recalling the memory of watching the film for two hours while sitting in the air conditioner during the summer vacation of 13 years. The memory of the words and songs where time boiled and where time went, mixed with the smell of the New Year's Eve dinner, reverberated in that beautiful night for a long time.

How time passes so fast. The transfer students' fast homework, the fast running of the sports committee, and the speed of endorsement represented by the Chinese class have all slipped away in the sigh of "clothes are not as new, people are not as old". Time is such an ethereal thing. It's too late to drink a can of yogurt, and then it's forced to die for a damned second.

Next week, I will start to wear school uniforms again. The white school uniforms are not only fat and ugly, but also very easy to get dirty; The seniors and sisters in the third day of junior high school are in the mock exam these two days; Today's PE class can't go to the playground; The yogurt at home is almost gone; I'm tired of listening to all the songs in the song list... Time is really much thinner than me, and it easily passes through my palm with veins. So I have the opportunity and reason to lament its rapidity.

I can't get back to my senses again. The guidance books in the sky, the boxes of neutral pens and ink refills that have been used up, and the homework that can never be finished. They enrich and devour my sleep time, so that I can't sleep for eight hours every night, and curse and curse the damned time again and again in frustration.

Maybe time is too fast, maybe she is too fast. But I must, as always, accept it and understand it.

About describing time (2)

Ten years later, it can make a post earthquake disaster area prosperous again, and also make a prosperous city an empty city. It can whiten the temples of a young girl, and it can also make an old man sleep in his heart. It can turn a beggar into a millionaire, as well as a successful billionaire into a bankrupt. Time is relentless, it hurried through.

Looking back on the past: in thousands of days, there have been separation, laughter, tears, worries, and sadness. We have experienced those ups and downs, and those frustrations have already become the past. We have done many things that make us regret, but there is no regret medicine in the world. We can't recover the embarrassment, pain and helplessness at that time. We can only look forward to the future and what will happen to us in the future.

Cherish the present: Time goes by constantly, just like light. You can't grasp it, you can only let it pass and run, and you can't predict where it will go and where it will exert its magic. What you can do is to seize every minute and every second in the present to create miracles and change your future. "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time." Even if you have more money, you can't buy back time. Don't expect that there will be a time machine in the future. It will take you to fly over the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the Jurassic, the Cretaceous, and change history. If you really want to have a time machine, cherish the present, study hard, invent and create your own, Don't let precious time just flow away.

Imagine the future: The future is determined by your present. Your present efforts determine your future success or failure. The weight of your efforts is equal to that of success. Instead of imagining childish daydreams all day long, use this time to complete your fantasy and make it come true. Your indulgence now will certainly become your prison in the future.

How many ten years does life have? You can't know the answer now, but one day you will surely know how much precious youth and decades you have wasted.

Where has the time gone? It has become old. Where has the people who accompany me? Can I still meet them? Why is the street so quiet? When did those sturdy French parasols grow old, and where did the birds who sang with me go? I didn't notice that they all left.

When did the rhythmic melody bring a touch of sadness? When did those happy laughter become sad? Where has the time gone? Why don't I know? My dear relatives, where have they gone? Have they returned? I haven't said goodbye to them yet, and I don't want them to leave yet. If I can stay in the present forever, can I let time keep my relatives?

Time, where has it all gone? When did the green and astringent black hair turn pale, and when did the young parents have wrinkles? Time slipped away in every movement of mine, leaving me alone, wandering in my own world.

I'm trying to find the good memories of the past, why can't I remember anything? When I stepped on the road I had passed before, those wild roses disappeared. How could the birds who always sang in the branches only become my memories of the past?

Where has the time gone? Why are the smiles between friends so helpless? On my face, there are tears of parting again... I have grown up, I have grown up, and those relatives, with their youth, have brought me up slowly.

We have been working hard to move forward in order to realize our dreams. Arrived at the end, follow your beauty on the roadside, I don't know when it disappeared. With the ideal for their loved ones, nothing left, only themselves and that important fame and fortune.

If we can stop on the road and enjoy the roadside scenery, family and friendship, we will accompany you through life. At this time, you will find that life is beautiful, and the important thing is not fame and wealth, but the people around you.

The sun shines on the earth, the flowers around are still open, and the sky is still blue. Stop and enjoy the beauty around you.

About describing time (3)

Selected Comments on Writing about Time

1. Briefly explain the time, place and results

2. The language is concise, standard and attractive

3.... Starts with..., which is more innovative. The cause and effect are explained in detail

4. The opening part is concise and concise, concise and orderly; Focus on the impressive description of

5. Use scenery to describe feelings, which is quite innovative at the beginning; Flashback starts to render the artistic conception

6. It is also a writing method to go straight to the subject at the beginning

7. The beginning is lively. The use of personification makes the beginning lively,

8. Begin rhetorical questions to attract readers

9. Go straight to the subject at the beginning and make it clear at a glance

10. Starting with the topic, the words are very attractive

11. Scene and atmosphere description add color to the article;

12.... Give a brief description of the highlights; Point plane combination

13. Briefly introduce the situation and naturally transition to the next paragraph;

14. Situation description arouses suspense;

15. Make full use of language, action and psychological description to make things concrete and vivid

16. Briefly describe the cause and pave the way

17. This part can be added with dialogue or some psychological description

18. It is more appropriate to change... into,

19. It is a natural link between the preceding and the following. The details highlight the character's quality and are moving

20. Narration is mixed with scenery, and people are judged by their own experience

About the recommendation of writing comments on describing time

1. The end is implicit and points out the theme

2. The end was a bit sudden and exaggerated

3. The ending is concise and moving

4. The ending is also interesting

5. The end corresponds to the beginning, and the structure is complete

6. The scenery creates feelings and the ending is natural

7. The figurative image is appropriate and the wonderful ending is the finishing touch

8. The end seems to be unfinished, which should correspond to the beginning. The observation is careful and the description is vivid

9. At the end, answer the question and point out the center

10. The beginning of the article is simple and appropriate, and the mood of the characters is set off by the description of the environment. It is very artistic, complex and not messy. It can be detailed and appropriate, and the key points are highlighted. The end points out the center properly, and the language is simple and profound, thought-provoking

Comments on Writing about Describing Time

1. The center is not clear enough and the purpose is not clear enough.

2. The theme is vague and obscure, the meaning is vague, and the purpose of writing is unclear.

3. Although there is a central theme, the expression is not full and powerful enough, and the words are not true, empty and weak.

4. The theme is not serious enough, and there is still dross in the thought.

5. The plot twists and turns, and the narrative process has a certain sense of ups and downs, which reflects the curved beauty of the plot and is fascinating.

6. The plot has strong twists and turns, causes accidents in ordinary times, and can attract readers' attention.

7. The plot change does not fall into the stereotype. Occasionally, suspense suddenly arises and waves rise again and again, which is unexpected. The development process of the event reflects the author's innovative ideas.

8. The plot develops slowly, lacking certain ups and downs.

9. The plot changes are insipid and lack of novelty.

10. The plot is straightforward and there is no suspense. It seems to be recorded in a daily account.

11. The process is detailed, but the end is not complete. The structure is unreasonable, giving people a sense of tiger's head and snake's tail.

12. The idea is unreasonable, the content is full of holes, and cannot reflect the reality of life.

13. The plot rises and falls sharply, and the transition is too fast and not coherent and natural.

14. The metaphor is vivid and appropriate, the body is similar to the figure, and the article is much more interesting and persuasive.

15. Properly use such techniques as comparison and contrast to forcefully prove the center of the article through the disparity and difference between things.

16. Lose no time to use the technique of parallelism to explain the characteristics of things from many aspects, which not only strengthens the language momentum, but also leaves a very deep impression on the readers.

17. The skillful use of personification techniques makes the images in the text have the characteristics of human behavior, human thoughts and emotions, and makes it reflect the spiritual process of the protagonist in the text from the side.

18. The selection of materials is too popular and not representative. The old themes and ideas are plain.

19. Although the events with certain narrative value in life were selected, the underlying reasons of the events could not be deeply reflected due to incomplete analysis and mining.

20. The selection of materials is insipid, too old and vulgar, simple and childish, not innovative, and difficult to profoundly reflect the authenticity of the times of life.

About describing time (4)

A beautiful passage about time

Everyone has a way of life. This road is not full of sunshine and poetry. It often meets swamps or paths with thorns. If someone falls down, he will lose his energy; Some people, despite repeated battles and defeats, end up with brilliant life; Some people spend their time like dirt all the way. When they are old, they have to sigh about the years. Some people fight against the clock all the way to win glory for their own life

Only those who cherish time can embark on a better life. Time is a mysterious thing, which always accompanies the journey of life. Time is limited. It is the most precious resource that cannot be bought with money. Wenjia of the Ming Dynasty wrote Tomorrow's Poems, but who knows he also has Today's Poems: "Today is the day. Today is the day. If you don't do it today, when will it be? It's a pity that today is not the day of your life. If you start to wait for the Ming Dynasty, there will be another Ming Dynasty event. I will try to start from today when I write today's Poems for you." Although this poem has been separated for hundreds of years, But this last sentence can still be our motto today.

Only those who keep learning and making progress can embark on a better life. Heine said, "If we don't sow in spring, we can't grow in summer, harvest in autumn, and eat in winter." We should take advantage of our youth to step up learning scientific and cultural knowledge, and when we need to use it, we can use the knowledge we have learned to build our motherland. As the saying goes, "It is never too old to learn." Only by constantly learning knowledge can we enrich ourselves and make the road of life full of sunshine.

A good sentence about time

1. To cherish time is to cherish life. Life is very important to everyone. Each of us should cherish time and create our own life value.

2. Cherishing time will make you the master of time; Cherishing time will make your life colorful.

3. Those who cherish time achieve academic success, while those who waste time achieve nothing! I must cherish time and grasp the ark of time, so that I can become a great person and the best owner of time.

4. How can we cherish time? Then be diligent, don't let a day pass idly, do something useful every moment, and quit some unnecessary actions, so that you will become the master of time and time will smile at you.

5. Time is the fastest and slowest, longest and shortest, most ordinary and most precious, most easily ignored and most regretful in the world.

6. Time is gone forever. Don't waste your time. From it, I realized that time is money, and reminded myself that I have spent many days and nights, but what have I done these days and nights? Only wandering, only in a hurry. In the rush of many days, what is left except wandering?

7. Time will also justly give different results to these two kinds of things: the first kind is to do nothing all day long and end up empty handed, leaving only endless regrets; Second, the hard work has brought about fruitful results. They have made great contributions to the country with their diligence and wisdom. The society has affirmed their value in life, and they are proud of it.

8. The flow of time is the same as the beating of the heart in the human body. Similarly, we can hear the beating of the heart in the human body, but we cannot hear the flow of time. This is the rhythm of time.

9. Time is money, but money can't buy time.

10. Time is the most impartial judge. No matter you are rich or poor, you will be allocated good time fairly. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 86400 seconds, no more or less. It depends on how you arrange it properly. Maybe someone will create a great invention or research and explore a new element in a day, Maybe some people will do nothing and waste time in a day.

Time is a beautiful paragraph

1. Time is the gurgling water, gone forever; Time is a lost opportunity, irretrievable; Time is a fallen leaf, can not restore green.

2. Time is the image fixed on the picture, because it is unique; Time is a passing river, because it can't stay where it is; Time is the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter, because sports are endless.

3. Time is water, gone forever; Time is lightning, fleeting; Time is a flash of light and shadow.

4. Time is life, it is like a spring, flowing down; Time is life, it is like a movie, and it will end soon; Time is life, recording every bit of your life.

5. Time is a breeze, it can help us to dispel the sadness in our hearts; Time is a drizzle, it can help us wash away the impurities in our hearts; Time is the sun, which can bring us incomparable warmth and light.

6. Time is the rush of "time flies like an arrow, day and moon fly like a shuttle"; Time is the helplessness of "the young do not work hard, the old are sad"; Time is a cycle of "I hope people will live for a long time and share the beauty of the moon".

7. Time is a ruler, which can measure the progress of strivers; Time is a balance, which can weigh the achievements of the strivers; Time is a shuttle, it can take us to travel the long river of history.

8. Time is a whip, which can spur us to pursue the goal of life; Time is a war drum, which can encourage us to speed up the pace of progress; Time is a sharp blade, which can help us to remove the cancer of our minds.

9. Time is a clear spring, which can help us wash away the dirt on our hearts; Time is a stream of water, which can help us dilute the painful memories in our hearts; Time is a good medicine, it can help us to alleviate the pain in our hearts. Time is gold, it can guide us to cherish life.

About describing time (5)

I remember once when I took a bath, a flying insect kept flying around beside me. I took the faucet and sprayed it on its body, and it quickly fell to the ground. It tried hard to pedal on the ground, but the ground was too slippery to get up. But it did not give up life because of this, but tried every way to break free and return to its small world. After not moving for a while, he kicked up again with a new strength, but failed. Finally, he died on the floor. This makes me see the strong hope of the small flying insects for life.

Every inch of time is worth an inch of money. Everyone knows that. However, there are still some people who do not take advantage of the present to study hard, owe homework and skip class. Aren't they wasting time and life? There is a famous saying that wasting time is equal to chronic suicide. Such people will become social garbage. The industrious can ask time to leave a string of fruits, while the lazy can leave their white hair and empty hands.

Time is the material of life. Why don't we cherish time and life? Beethoven created many symphonies of life when she was blind. Zhang Haidi was paralyzed below the chest, but she still continued to learn by herself. She translated many books, learned acupuncture and moxibustion, and gave free treatment to villagers; Ostrovsky was blind with both eyes and paralyzed with legs, but he still created a world-famous novel How Steel Was Tempered. They set a shining example for us, and they are the model of cherishing life. Their names will be immortal and travel through time and space. We should be kind to life. Don't idle around all day. What we do today is to wait for tomorrow, and what we do tomorrow is to wait for the day after tomorrow. To cherish life is to cherish today. Please cherish life and time!

Chapter 2: Cherish Time

Everyone often asks, "If today is the last day of your life, how will you live?" The respondent will not hesitate to answer, "This day will be spent with his relatives." However, who will often recall the wasted time of his life? In the world, the most selfless, fair, and silent dedication is time. Time rushes away day by day, leaving no trace, making people unable to feel the truth of time. The past becomes history, and tomorrow becomes the future. But the past will always become memories, and who knows the shape of the unknown tomorrow? Yesterday fades away, and tomorrow comes quietly. Time is silent and endless. It is hard to figure out that "the plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in the spring." In a day, "morning" has become the most precious stage of the day. In this stage, we must cherish this precious time. We must not let time disappear in vain. "morning" in a day is as precious as "spring" in a year, Don't let time pass. Cherish time and learn more knowledge. When you grow up, you can make a difference. If you don't know how to cherish it now, when you get old, you will regret that time is like money, time is like life. Time is equal to all time. It seems ordinary but it is unpredictable. It will not remind you or warn you. Only you can grasp it yourself and use it. Time will not wait for you, If you do nothing for a day, you will lose everything around you that you did not observe carefully. Today has passed, and it will quietly disappear in a corner. Cherish the time! Cherish what we have! Let's sigh at the time when time flies, seize and grasp the time! Start small and start now. Don't wait until you lose something to cherish!

Chapter 3: Cherish Time

Since ancient times, many famous sayings have told us that we should cherish time.

As the saying goes, "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time". This sentence tells us that time is precious and can't be sold with money, but we should treasure the precious things. Some people compare time to medium water, saying that it can only flow away but not return. Yes, time always passes in a hurry. It comes quickly and goes quickly, which often makes people feel overwhelmed. Therefore, we should firmly grasp the opportunity and cherish the time.

Franklin said, "Do you love life? Then cherish time, because time is the material of life". It is enough to explain the significance of time to us. Life is the most precious thing for us. Without life, everything is meaningless. And time, constitute life. So what should we do with time? It's very simple. As Franklin said, cherish it. Although wasting time is also a way to treat it, I believe that it is just a matter of fools who have no sense of time, and the truly intelligent people will cherish it. Because "ordinary people only think about how to spend their time, while talented people try to use their time".

For us, time is a limited life, and to make this limited life shine is to do more useful things. But if you think about doing it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, time will gradually leave you. The result of this waste is that the things to be completed are piled up because "the way to complete the work is to cherish every minute", And "those who abandon today will not have tomorrow, while yesterday is nothing but flowing water.".

Time is very important to us. We should cherish this universal and precious thing.

Chapter 4: Cherish Time

I urge you not to cherish the golden thread clothes, but to cherish your youth; An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time... Time is precious to everyone, and we should cherish it.

Life is short. Cherishing time is to cherish life. Only in a short life, do more meaningful things can better reflect the value of life. Therefore, cherishing time is of great significance for realizing the value of life.

We often say that we should cherish time, but there is so much time. How should we cherish it?

First of all, cherishing time should improve efficiency, which will save a lot of time. Take myself for example. I used to spend an hour or two reciting texts, watching TV or listening to music while reciting texts. I felt that I could do two things at once. It was beautiful. But now we are in the third day of the junior high school, and we have more and more time to study and more and more homework. It will take us one or two hours to recite the text, and then we will have to stay up late to do homework. So I compressed the time for reciting the text, concentrated on reciting it, and could finish it in less than half an hour. I found that my learning efficiency was so low. In the long run, how much time I have to waste!

Secondly, to cherish time, we should make rational use of time, so that we can make better use of trivial time. Lu Xun said, "Time is like water in a sponge. It will always be there if you squeeze it." "Where is genius? I just spend other people's coffee time writing.". So those who really know how to arrange time and make rational use of trivial time are the ones who really cherish time!

If you want to realize the value of life, then cherish the time!

Chapter 5: A Brief Discussion on Cherishing Time

"An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold can't buy an inch of time." Yes, time is more precious than gold. Time is fair, and it will not give one more minute. It needs people to cherish. Do you cherish it in your life?

"When you wash your hands, life passes through the basin; when you eat, life passes through the bowl; when you are silent, it passes through your staring eyes." Time is like flowing water, like summer rain, like a crazy wind, and those who do not cherish time are nothing but a basket of water; Those who cherish time will achieve fruitful results. "He who abandons time, time also abandons him". Yes, time seems to be a whole book, stupid people can only read ten lines at a glance, in the end, nothing has been gained; The wise man reads carefully, because he knows that this book can only be read once. People with ideals will cherish all their time. What they leave behind is a life without regret. But those who have ideals and don't cherish time seem to be sitting on an oil leaking ship.

A child, who doesn't like to do homework, refuses to do it again and again, and plays every day. "Don't wait for leisure. It will whiten the young man's head and make him sad.". The industrious man is the master of time, and the lazy man is the slave of time. Time is like a silent step. When it passes by you, you ask yourself, what have you got? Do you love life? "If so, please do not waste time, because it is the main material of life.

Remember: wasting time is a great sin, in order not to make mistakes: "Black hair does not know how to study early, white head regrets how to study late", so remember one sentence: time is now, time never comes again.