A life copy containing philosophy
wild stock or floating clouds
2023-07-27 22:30:04
Complete sentences

1. When it's your turn to conserve your energy, don't rush to get ahead; When it's your turn to work hard, don't try to make a splash; When it is time for you to sharpen your mind, you cannot expect sudden enlightenment. The longer you persist in your efforts, the easier it is for your growth to take a qualitative leap.

2. When life throws you into a fire pit and you have to be in it, there is nothing strong and brave at all. What you have is just the instinct to live, and what others can bear is the same for you.

3. Great joy and great sorrow see themselves and great ups and downs see friends. Without a tolerant heart, we can't see a beautiful world.

4. There is only one life. At any time, you should be aware that what others think is not related to you, but what you think is the key to your life.

5. Life can be bitter, but it can also be sweet, depending on whether you are willing to add a piece of sugar to it. Don't be afraid when your life falls to the bottom, because life will be better when it is bad to a certain extent. You should believe that it can't be worse.

6. You can't have both spring flowers and autumn moon, and you can't have both fruits and flowers. You should learn to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, learn to give up something, and then you can get something. You should learn to accept the deformity and sorrow of fate, and then be calm. Because this is life.

7. No matter how treacherous Cao Cao is, he has intimate friends; No matter how good Liu Bei is, there are always enemies; Sun Quan, no matter how gentle he is, there is hatred on both sides. So don't care too much about what others think of you, do your own thing, take your own road, and don't live in the eyes of others.

8. Don't complain to anyone, because 20% of people don't care, and the remaining 80% will be happy to hear it. Put your mind right and be gentle. Life is about crying for yourself and laughing for others!

9. Between people, don't say whether they are worthy or not, just fit them. A $1 lighter can light a $1000 cigarette. A dish worth tens of thousands of yuan still needs two yuan of salt.

10. More eyes, less good friends; Less attention, more people will play with you! This is the real existence. Don't try your heart, it will let you down, but also let you down; Don't talk about emotion, it will make you moved, and it will make you sad.

11. "Mind": If you think too much, you should be careful; If you think less, you are lacking in heart; Always think about it, is dead set; I don't want to, that's mindless.

12. When you feel stressed and unhappy, go shopping at the vegetable market. When you see an old man, cold and hot, a small pile of vegetables, a small pile of fruit, just to earn a few tens of dollars for household use, all your affectation and laziness will fall to the ground to pieces!

13. Don't think that if you help with all your heart, you will get the same return. In this world, there are always some ungrateful people who cool your heart and hurt your kindness. Don't think that you are magnanimous. You can gain the same honesty by being tolerant. In this world, there are always some people who don't know how to be grateful, forget your kindness and chill your heart.

14. People must be able to bear lies, perfunctory, deceitful, forget promises, and let everything go.

15. The real pattern should be that you don't care about bad people and don't tangle with broken things. After all, all the sufferings of human beings stem from anger at their own incompetence.

16. Our greatest sorrow is that we walk on the road in confusion and can't see the hope ahead; Our worst habit is to live in the present without knowing the direction of tomorrow.

17. To live a simple, comfortable and free life, the premise is still that you must work hard enough to make yourself feel at ease. The world is realistic, and only you use your efforts and self can make it soft.

18. Life advice: Accept loneliness, stay sober and independent, leave tenderness and softness to worthy people, and use absolute reason and sobriety to suppress love and sadness in your heart.

19. Every age has its own troubles. Don't try to avoid, pretend to be young or old. These troubles are gifts from life. Only when you have experienced them and faced them, can you leave an aftertaste and have accumulation.

20. Life is often unhappy, happy people are not without pain, but they have cultivated a strong heart, so they are not affected by pain. With a strong heart, life does not control you, but you control life.

21. When you stop blindly admiring others and focusing on improving yourself in the shadow of others, you will find that life is not so difficult and your own story is wonderful.

22. When you are not strong enough, it is also a kind of ability to watch people's faces and eat meals. Sometimes patience and forbearance can let you get what you want.

23. Kindness should not be the weakness of being bullied, but the gratitude to the lover. Therefore, kind-hearted people should repay kindness instead of being used again and again. Be good to the good and evil to the bad.

24. A person's open-minded is reflected in the time when he is down and out. A person's self-restraint is reflected in anger. A person's thoughtfulness is reflected in sadness. A person's maturity is reflected in his choice.

25. The way to deal with villains: say hello frequently and speak less; Do not take the initiative to communicate, but do not refuse to communicate; No deep friendship, but no break off; Can give benefits, but can't take advantage of villains. Do not enter the circle of villains, nor let villains be as deep as their own fields and hearts; Don't help, don't obstruct, don't exhort, don't participate, don't discuss, let it develop, let it die