Quotes of Poison Chicken Soup Emotional Copy Quotes of Poison Chicken Soup Pictures (74 selected sentences)
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2023-06-06 02:58:32

1. There is a saying that deep love is shallow. She is deeply in love, and he and she are shallow in predestination. One word is Fu Bo. She was so lucky that she met him. He was so lucky that he missed her.

2. Some people have never forgotten. Some injuries have never recovered. Some dreams have never been awake. Some words have not been said.

3. From the sudden break of the sky to the white end of the snow at dusk.

4. Because of you, let me begin to accept the world.

5. Don't look back because of fear in love.

6. The shortest mantra in the world is that I love you.

7. I only wish that I could see your smile when I looked up in this life. It's like the warm sun in winter.

8. Love is a kind of illusion that needs to be proved constantly, just like fireworks need to be lit to see the glory.

9. If you have fallen in love with me, please kiss me on the mouth.

10. The agreement on the long street is about our last wedding.

11. If there is no accident, we will not contact again.

12. Don't think that you can marry later if you are still young. Love does not vary in age. Don't give up because the distance is too far. Love can take the train with you.

13. A person wants to find someone to accompany him. A man loses himself. I don't know if there is any hope to pursue.

14. If there is a reason for love, it will not love; If love has a purpose, it will not love; If love can be explained, if love is reasonable, then love will no longer exist.

15. If all you hear is sweet talk when you are in love, then the pain in the future is not your ears but your heart.

16. There is only one you in the world. How can I not cherish you.

17. Romance is a cloud that lets it be elegant, while reality is a land that carries life. Both, especially the reality that can stand.

18. Don't worry, you will be my most beautiful bride.

19. Want to forget deeply, but still remember firmly.

20. A woman loves a man and likes to nag him; When a man falls in love with a woman, he can always tolerate her.

21. If you love a person, you should first make yourself 100% worthy of his love. As for whether he loves you or not, that is his thing. You can hope, but do not force.

22. Loving someone is like picking up shells on the beach. Don't pick up the biggest one or the most beautiful one. Pick up your favorite one and never go to the beach again.

23. When all the flowers fall, we will continue to flow with you.

24. Love is the everlasting of two people, not one's wishful thinking.

25. Love is like a staircase, up and down, zigzagging, but eventually it will take us to the place we want to go.

26. Go through the gaps of trees and check the theme of the years.

27. Life is just a train to the end. I hope someone will stand on the platform in autumn and go to the warm future with you.

28. Give me a fulcrum and let me move your heart again, ok? What makes me sad is that until you leave, you will never give me this fulcrum.

29. Love is a hundred years of loneliness, until you meet the person who is committed to protecting you. At that moment, all the bitter loneliness has a way back.

30. No matter how long we have known each other, we can still keep that love, and with the initial romance and beauty, the two people have been walking hand in hand.

31. Many times, knowing something will warm your heart; A listening will drive away troubles; In life, with the company of love, it is sweet even if you are tired.

32. Sometimes, we don't miss it without seeing it; But because of an irrational word, we miss each other.

33. Love can overcome the distance, and we should stay together as far as possible.

34. No matter how good the telescope is, it cannot see the edge of happiness.

35. Happiness has never been a shortcut, nor perfect. It only depends on management and sincerity.

36. Only when the pain is bearable can we feel sorry for ourselves; When the pain is unbearable, we just laugh it off.

37. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.