Items on the desk (4 practical articles)
Contentment is bliss
2023-12-22 01:42:35
fourth grade

Items on the desk (1)

There are many beautiful small things on my desk, but what I like most is the yellowing picture, because it is the only picture left by my grandmother. The grandmother in the picture is wearing the old clothes she wears most often, and wearing the sleeves she wears most often, sweating in the vegetable field weeding. Whenever I see it, I think of my beloved grandma.

Because my parents are busy with their work, I have lived with my grandmother since childhood. I remember my grandmother was very hardworking at that time. Every morning, before dawn, she would drop dew all over the ground and work on the ground; At night, it is often when I wake up that Grandma comes back from work with stars in the sky. In spring, Grandma used her rough hands to plant green the lonely fields; In autumn, Grandma dyed the lively countryside yellow with joyful eyes.

I also remember that my grandmother was very economical at that time. The house is full of toys she bought for me, but she is always wearing those two sets of old clothes. She often buys me a lot of delicious food, but she always picks up the rice I dropped on the ground and says, "This is the food for the living, and can't be wasted."

I still remember that my grandmother was kind, healthy, happy, and everything was beautiful!

But all this has been taken away by the evil disease. I can no longer see my grandmother's busy figure, hear her happy laughter, and drink her delicious oil tea; I can no longer sit in Grandma's basket, urinate, sleep in Grandma's arms, or act coquettishly around Grandma's neck

My mother said that Grandma had gone to another place to enjoy herself. People there did not have to work hard, they would not get sick, there was no pain, only happiness. But I still hated that the disease took my grandma away. So I will study hard and strive to become an excellent doctor when I grow up, so that more people will not lose their relatives because of illness!

Items on the desk (2)

The small desk carries my childhood enlightenment, childhood memories and expectations for the future.


There is a wooden desk in my study. It looks simple and simple, but my father made it for me in my second grade. I study and read here every day. This is my small world.

Those green plants on my desk

My desk is facing the window, and the windowsill is full of various potted plants raised by my mother: graceful asparagus, small and exquisite longevous flowers, beautiful and refined Clivia... But I like the plant placed at the left corner of the table called "Rooting on the ground", which is also called "Undead Bird". The leaves are oval, and there are many green buds like butterflies on the edge of the leaves, As soon as the green buds fall to the ground, they will grow rapidly. In the open air, even if it is not watered all the year round, even if there is only a thin layer of soil in the flowerpot, it can live well. The quality and exuberant vitality of "rooting in the ground" are worthy of our study. Nature has given us endless knowledge, so that we can experience its mystery in the years of growth. In this wordless book of nature, we will understand its implication and philosophy.

The picture frame on my desk

In the middle of my desk is a group photo of the whole family. There are 14 people in the family, including grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt... The background of the photo is not luxuriously decorated, but just the lobby of the farmyard, with two words of "Fu", which gives the whole photo a decorative effect and brings good luck. I lived with them from birth to memory. Whenever I saw this picture, I would think of my grandmother dressing, feeding and telling stories for me, my grandfather carrying me to the village for a walk, my uncle buying me a lot of delicious food, and my brothers and sisters playing with me. You nurtured me and gave me a healthy and happy childhood. I want to say: "I love you!"

The trophy on my desk

On the right side of the frame is a crystal clear trophy, which I won in the singing contest held by the school. When I think of that glorious moment, I will be very excited - the stage is full of light, and melodious tunes are gradually ringing with applause from the audience. After the powerful voice of the announcer was issued, the principal came to me with a dazzling crystal trophy, and I was very excited. When I received the cup, my eyes filled with tears... This is not only an honor, but also a gift from music. Music is something that can touch our soul, is an emotion, a culture, and a world. I will stick to my dream of music and hope that more people can enjoy the happiness that music brings to everyone.

My desk is full of my things. They will become more and more, just like my life experience

Items on the desk (3)

Entering the room, the first thing I saw was our partner - the desk. There are many small things on my desk. Let me introduce two.

china figurine

There is a small porcelain bear lying on my desk.

It has a pair of big eyes, a round nose and a small mouth. It looked at me blankly, very lovely.

This panda was awarded to me by my teacher.

It was a hot noon. Two students and I went to the teacher's office to clean up. In the teacher's office, there is a large cabinet composed of many cabinets. There are many toys in the cabinet, which are used to decorate the office. The teacher asked us to help her clean the cupboard.

We have divided the work: one student is responsible for moving the toys out of the cabinet; Another student is responsible for sweeping, mopping and cleaning the cabinet; I'm responsible for putting toys.

"Jingle, jingle..." The bell rang to get up in the afternoon. Time passed quickly. We were busy all noon and finally cleaned the office. The teacher asked everyone to choose a toy, and I brought the panda back.

Now, whenever I see the panda, I think of the teacher.

Pottery vase

There is an earthenware vase on my desk.

The vase consists of two parts. One is flower, the other is bottle. The vase that holds flowers is the vase.

The flowers are made of cardboard and straw, which are taught by our teacher in the handicraft class. The straw flower was given to me by a good friend, and the love flower was given to me by my teacher.

The bottle is made of clay. It was made together with me in an activity. I put two fluorescent rings on the bottle. The vase is very beautiful. When I see it, I think of my good friends and teachers.

Every small item on my desk is a memory, a precious memory, and I like them.

Items on the desk (4)

Gift of love

My grandpa seldom goes to the countryside, but this time, he said that it would take him a long time to come back. On this day, the bright sunshine seemed to be covered by thick black clouds. Before leaving, my grandpa sent me a wish bottle covered with gold powder, filled with colorful stars. I held the wish bottle and looked at my grandpa's back. My tears rolled in my eyes, but they never came down. I feel it's dark

Joy of success

This shiny and full of honor certificate finally reached me. This is what I bought with a semester's diary. Since the school launched the characteristic activity "Xiwu Diary", our pressure is even greater! Final peak period! One test question on the left and one set of papers on the right, and a diary. It's really challenging! I finally won the honor and proved myself.

Cool in summer

Look at the healthy green, lovely zebra shape, three smooth fan leaves... Just these descriptions, you must already know what it is. Yes, the small fan is on the stage!

At one sports meeting, I got a chance to draw a lottery and put a balloon in it. When the small note flew out of the balloon, I was very happy, manual fan! This is what I have always wanted to have.

When my eyes move to another place, those memories also float away