Sentences of deep despair for love
It's getting dark
2023-03-19 15:04:04
Complete sentences

1. If you don't love, you are relieved.

2. Only those who can't go back can't go back.

3. Your world is just my wishful thinking.

4. Russia's world does not need your intervention, Russia needs quiet

5. We once vowed to die, but now we are still separated.

6. We are still children, unable to withstand the temptation of fleeting years.

7. I will always stand where you can see when you look back.

8. The more simple love is, the easier it is to remember.

9. It is not that happiness is too short, but that we are too sensitive to pain.

10. The earth is not small, but it still goes around you.

11. Once such as the beautiful flower family, after all, the enemy is not as old as water.

12. Sometimes, I know I will get hurt, but I never stop.

13. Why do I always walk alone.

14. In fact, love is so simple that you don't have to worry about anything.

15. Separation requires practice. I will be brave after waiting for a long time.

16. I didn't cry, just suddenly learned to miss.

17. Tearing the heart and cracking the lung is just a sign of reluctance.

18. There are fewer and fewer important people, and the rest are more and more important.

19. Russia will no longer alarm for anyone at midnight just to get online.

20. As long as I can meet you, no matter when it is my most beautiful time.

21. The beginning was beautiful, the process was tiring, the end was sad, and it was hard to wake up.

22. I don't feel how much you care about me. I don't feel at all.

23. Everyone has two hearts, but only one person can live there.

24. Fireworks are just a flash of bright happiness.

25. In love, the more you love, the more you hurt, the more you love.

26. I thought I was invincible, but that was just what I thought.

27. No matter how sad you are, always believe that happiness is not far away.

28. Mediocre people will bother themselves, so we should know how to make ourselves happy.

29. Never expect anything, because you often get nothing.

30. To love someone is a humble and mysterious existence that belongs only to oneself.

31. Don't regard love as a drag, don't regard laughter as suffering, don't use reason as sharp and indifferent, and don't cry and say you are happy.