Work My Happy Composition (17 compilations)
Safe and happy life
2023-08-17 01:25:55

Work My Happy Composition (1)

I have heard from Li Yusheng in my class that he worked as a small reporter selling newspapers last year. So this year, I am looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that one day I can experience it. It's holiday. I told my mother that I must read the newspaper box every day. One day when I came back from painting, my mother said, "Yi Fei, a reporter sells newspapers on Thursday morning! Prepare yourself well, this is the activity you have been looking forward to for a long time." "Really? Let me have a look '', and then I grabbed the newspaper. Lalala, Lalala, I'm a little expert in selling newspapers, and I ran all over the street in strong wind and heavy rain... After seeing the newspaper confirmation, I happily sang the Song of Selling Newspapers, ah, I can finally sell newspapers.

Hope, hope, the day of the event finally arrived. On the morning of July 22, I got up early, put on my little reporter's vest, put on my little reporter's card, and took the change I had prepared, urging my grandfather to send me to the newspaper office early. When we got to the newspaper office, we saw that many small reporters were waiting to sell newspapers. We went to the conference room first to hear the big reporters tell us what we should pay attention to and get the newspapers. This time, each small reporter got 5 copies for free. I wanted to try my own ability, so I spent 1 yuan to sell 5 more copies

There are 10 newspapers. I followed the big reporter to the mall with excitement and excitement.

There are a lot of people coming and going around the commercial city. As I walked, I thought: who should I sell newspapers and magazines to first? My mother once told me at home that when selling a newspaper, I should look at the target. It's better to say the newspaper and magazine titles that the other party is interested in, and the elderly and aunts are more talkative. Thinking of this, I walked to an aunt with a smile and said: "Auntie, I am a jotter of Zhaoyuan Today. You can sell a newspaper. There are Zhenhua clothes sellers in it." Auntie glared at me, I left without saying anything. My face turned red at once. It seemed that it was not easy to sell and buy. I told myself that I must insist and believe that I can do it. So I forced myself to ask one after another. But every time, I either refused or looked coldly. It was hard to feel rejected. At this moment, an aunt beside me seemed moved by me, She said, "Such a small child can come out to sell newspapers, and can also suffer from this hardship. It's very good. I'll sell you four copies of good children.", Although I finally sold 8 newspapers, I was very happy. It's really good to be able to participate in the newspaper selling activity. Although it's hot, I'm embarrassed to be looked down upon, but selling newspapers makes me know how hard it is to earn money

It's not easy. I will never spend money indiscriminately. Selling newspapers also makes me feel the happiness of growth in my work. I'm very happy!

Work My Happy Composition (2)

Today, when my mother checked my homework, she found my room was in a mess. Her mother said angrily, "Look at your room, it has become a 'pig's den'. Don't hurry to clean it up." When I saw my mother's wide eyes, even Monkey King was afraid of her, so I had to answer again and again.

Ah! I used to be handsome, but now I have become a "cleaner" who cleans the house. I can't help it. Who makes me too lazy at ordinary times? Where should I start when facing a dirty and messy house? I have no idea for a while.

Finally, I decided to clean the windowsill first. I didn't know, but I was startled to see that the dust had already taken root on the windowsill. So I waved my rag and wiped the windowsill clean. It was a world away from me.

Next is the desk and stool that accompany me every day. I wipe them again and again. I also sorted out the sundries on the sofa one by one. The last thing to clean is the floor, which is the most difficult to clean, so I had to ask my mother for "support". Finally, under my mother's guidance, I also found the joy of labor. The cleaning action is like Harry Potter flying, and sometimes it is like dancing the tango. The mop kept waving, and soon the whole floor was dragged again, but I was exhausted.

After my unremitting efforts, my house was finally cleaned. Looking back at the fruits of their labor, I can't say how happy I am. My mother came in at this time and saw that I was sweating heavily. She looked around the clean and tidy room and praised me repeatedly: "My son, you are doing well, keep going! I'll treat you to hamburgers tomorrow. "Thank you, sir!" I replied hurriedly. After listening to my mother's praise, I think it's worth it no matter how hard and tired I am.

Work My Happy Composition (3)

Winter vacation is coming, I think I can finally relax for a few days. So every morning I become a lazy person who can never sleep. The alarm clock at 9 o'clock at home doesn't ring, and I will never open my eyes. My mother gets up early every day, and I can always hear the sound of the washing machine vibrating in my sleep, but I just take reassurance, which is to keep me awake.

One night the other day, my mother gave me a prophylactic shot, saying that I could not be so carefree, and that I had to go to the village committee to work the next day. High school students should learn how to do things, experience life, and understand that it is not easy for parents to make money. So the next day I bit my partner and came to the village committee. The first task we received was to clean the front ground. The open space is not large. We work together. One person has half of the area. We cut off the small garbage on the open space, and then sweep some small stones and make a big announcement. We looked at each other with a smile: this is not simple. I thought to myself: I usually hear my mother say that doing housework is so learned, but that's the same thing. This idea continued until the next day before work

The next day we both came early to report. After several considerations, we agreed to wipe the desks and chairs in the office first. So the two of us hurried off: we hurriedly borrowed two dishcloths from the director, brought water, talked and laughed, and wiped this clumsily with unskillful hands. We were very busy! As a result, the sound of wiping the table, sometimes, will inadvertently make a small joke when talking about laughter, the sound of the two touching the bucket on the ground... mixed together. I was working hard, and my partner said, "It's time to change the water!" So I hurriedly carried the bucket and shook it out, listening to his trot footsteps. I was happy for some reason. For the convenience of wiping, the director specially selected the first floor for us, so the wiping of window glass became much easier, but it was very difficult for us to be beginners. Take me for example. At the beginning, I went to clean the window without thinking. When I cleaned the window, I found that the windowsill just cleaned was full of footprints. Also, at the beginning, we didn't know that the glass should use newspapers. It took a lot of effort to wipe the window with a duster cloth. When wiping the penultimate piece, the companion suddenly found that the front glass was getting dirtier and dirtier. Then we went back to the newspaper and cleaned every dirt carefully... By the time we were both hungry, all our tasks had been completed. Looking at the bright and clean glass polished by us, we both smiled knowingly.

In this activity, Giant and I were sweating in this not hot weather. Although we saw each other panting with fatigue, I saw my smile in her eyes.

If someone asks me, where is the happiness of labor? I think maybe happiness is hanging on the twigs of life waiting for us to find it.

Work My Happy Composition (4)

After the vegetables planted in the garden in the small yard are cleared, a small space is vacated. My mother mysteriously called me to the yard and said, "Son, didn't I peel the garlic not long ago and prepare to plant garlic? Well, the autumn rain the day before yesterday came at the right time. I have prepared the garlic, let's plant garlic together!" After saying that, she handed me a plastic basin full of garlic, and I happily agreed.

I looked at the garlic babies wearing light purple and pink coats in the basin, and looked at the soft and fertile black land in the vegetable beds. I really didn't know how to start. I saw my mother used a one meter long straight stick as a "ruler", and found another one meter long branch with moderate thickness. Then, the mother bent down and skillfully made small holes in the soil quickly and accurately with a stick. Each hole was about four or five centimeters deep, and the distance between the holes was about ten centimeters. This was "building houses" for garlic babies. Finally, she took the plastic basin, grabbed the garlic cloves with bud eyes, and put the garlic cloves into a small pit with moderate depth. The garlic babies entered their own "rooms" one by one.

I was eager to try, picked up the branches, compared to the "ruler", and built a new home for garlic babies. I took the garlic babies out of the basin, with the eyes up, and gently put them into the "room". I seemed to see them waving goodbye to me, as if they were trying to sprout and grow, so that I could get out and see the outside world.

The last step to place garlic babies in the future is to cover the "roof". Mother squatted down, fingers together, slightly bent, and quickly covered the topsoil around the "house" on the garlic cloves. I also copied my mother's action and covered garlic babies with "quilts" together with my mother. Mother again forked her fingers and gently smoothed the soil on the ground. Wow, it's peaceful! It's unbelievable! I can hardly see any trace of garlic growing!

Labor is so interesting! Labor is beautiful! "Do it yourself, and have plenty of food and clothing". Labor not only brings me happiness, but also increases my common sense and makes me more aware of cherishing the achievements of labor earned by sweat.

Work My Happy Composition (5)

"The sun is shining, the rooster sings three songs..." Early in the morning, mother hummed a song while mopping the floor. When I was watching TV, my mother came to me and said, "Son, today is Labor Day, you should help me clean up and experience the joy of labor.".

I readily agreed to do what I said. I rolled up my sleeves, took a mop, dipped the mop in water, and twisted it vigorously. But my little hand was so weak that it could not be dried. Anyway, I started to drag, but why isn't the ground I dragged as clean as my mother's? Mother saw to help me wring the water dry, and then patiently teach me to mop the floor. I tried the method my mother taught me, and sure enough, the floor was clean soon.

Through this mopping, I realized my mother's daily hard work and the joy of labor, because I can help my mother do housework!

Work My Happy Composition (6)

The hygiene of the home is now the responsibility of a man. My father is away from home on business, so I am responsible for this task alone.

I'm not idle at weekends. I'm very busy sweeping, vacuuming and cleaning the table. My mother watched the cartoon while eating strawberries, and commanded me. It was very pleasant. In fact, I was very lazy at first, and thought it was natural for adults to take care of children. When I was ten years old, my mother said to me: "Children are always smaller than adults, and their lives are longer than adults. As you grow up and become sensible, should you do your best to share some of the housework that adults have to do?" It seems to be reasonable. Since then, I have been added to the housework team. Because I want my mother to decompress and celebrate Women's Day every day!

Work My Happy Composition (7)

On Sunday, I finished my homework, threw away my homework book, raised my feet and was going to watch TV. "Clean up your room quickly." Mother ordered, so I had to execute.

oh dear! My room is like a battlefield that has just ended the war. It is in a mess. First, I put the books on the desk one by one on the bookshelf. Then, he piled his homework books together, pumped out enough water from the pen, sharpened the pencils, and drove them back to the pencil box. Ah! Stationery "generals" returned to camp. Next, it's time to tidy up the toys. I arranged the dolls in order and received the cards neatly in the toy box. The toy boys are back to camp for a rest! My mother came to check the war situation. When she looked at it, she said to me, "It's very good, it's well tidied up!" I happily replied, "Thank you for your praise!" Through this event, I really realized: I work, I am happy!

Work My Happy Composition (8)

On my father's birthday, I cleaned the room for him. That day, when my father was not at home, I began to work. I took the vacuum cleaner first and hummed a song while holding it. I conquered many soldiers. Eh, why didn't my weapons move? There was a big piece of plasticine blocking my way. Is he Xu Hezhu? See how I can repair him. I put more effort into it, but he still doesn't move! I fought with him for dozens of times and finally killed him.

As I continued to walk forward, suddenly I felt sticky under my feet. It turned out that it was the gum general who came to avenge me, even though he had used the tactic of "die together". I didn't want to be outdone. I used the artistic moon cutter to start digging. After a long time, I finally dug it out.

When my father came back in the evening, he was shocked when he entered the door. He thought he had gone to the wrong door. My father touched my head and said, "Son, you are really grown up."

Work My Happy Composition (9)

"At noon on the day of weeding, sweat drips down from the grain. It's hard to eat every grain on the plate." I didn't want to work, and labor is the happiest.

Today, I helped my mother clean the room. You must think it is very simple, but it is quite difficult to do.

At the beginning, it was very easy. Sweeping the floor was not a problem. When I finished sweeping the floor, I was already sweating. Next was mopping the floor. I took a mop, put it in the water, and then squeezed it clean. I used a towel to wipe the sweat on my face. When I saw a stain on the floor, I would vigorously drag it. After sweeping the floor, I told my mother that she gave me candy.

Although my labor is not very big, it is also labor.

Labor My Happy Composition (10)

Today, I went to my aunt's house to break corn.

Just entering the house, I saw the white green "ocean" - a pile of corn without peeling. Seeing this, we did not hesitate to work. Breaking corn begins! Grandma and Grandpa are very experienced and fast. I wanted to see how Grandma broke it, but before I knew it, a corn "disappeared" from her hand. How admirable! I have never been exposed to this kind of farm work. It's slow to peel. I peeled them hard and threw them into the corn heap. How tired! Look at Grandma's side. One by one, the corn flew from Grandma's hand to the corn pile. After a lot of efforts, this pile of corn has been turned into a golden "ocean" by us. Looking at the fruits of their own labor, I feel happy.

Today, I experienced the joy of labor and the hardships of adults.

Labor My Happy Composition (11)

Today, my mother and I peeled peanuts together.

I picked up a peanut and looked at it carefully. Most of them are like a gourd, but a little flat. After looking at it for a long time, I began to peel it.

I used my left and right thumbs and forefinger to hold one end of the peanut tip, and squeezed it with all my strength. With a sound of "collapse", the peanuts were peeled out, but they jumped to the ground. My mother saw this and said to me, "Don't use too much force. Just peel it gently and it will come out." I nodded. He picked up another peanut and squeezed it out. My mother praised me: "It's good!" I was encouraged to peel faster and faster. After a while, I peeled a plate.

What a happy day! I have made a little contribution to the whole family, and I will do more work in the future to reduce the burden of my mother.

Labor My Happy Composition (12)

Today is May Day, a holiday for workers. In the afternoon, after finishing my homework, I found that the time was only 4:30. My mother has not come back from shopping, and my father has not left work. At this time, only Lele and I are left at home.

When I saw that the floor at home was dirty, I remembered that it was always my parents who came to clean it before. I seldom did. Today, taking advantage of the Labor Day, I decided to clean the house before my parents came back. I will do what I say. I will get a broom from the kitchen and start cleaning from the dining room first. Because every time I go out and go home, there will be dirty things on the soles of my shoes, so the floor at home is often dirty. It basically takes two days to clean. I conscientiously cleaned the restaurant and found that there were many dirty things. If I didn't sweep the floor, I wouldn't know my home was so dirty!

Then I went to sweep the living room. There was not much dust in the living room, but the place where my mother and I often combed our hair was the most difficult place to sweep. I took the broom to gather my hair together first, and then I was ready to sweep it into the rubbing bucket at once, but the result was not as easy as I thought. The broom seemed to have magic power to suck the hair onto it. No matter how I tried to get my hair down, I had to pull it out with my hands.

After that, I cleaned the three rooms again. After a while, I had a sore back. At this time, I also realized how hard my parents are. Finally, I took a mop to mop the floor once, and the housework was all finished. I was very happy when I looked at my one hour achievement, and I was very looking forward to my mother and father coming home to see this clean and tidy home.

They came back after a while. They were very surprised to see this scene, and then my mother praised my special ability. I was very happy. I also realized the hard work of the working people. In the future, I must help my parents to share some housework.

Labor My Happy Composition (13)

From the winter vacation, I read the book "Know the glory and shame, be the new man of the times". Among them, in the fourth chapter, "Take hard work as pride, take pleasure in leisure rather than hard work as shame", I was deeply impressed.

As an old saying goes, when the sky is about to place a great responsibility on people like this, they must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, and act in a disorderly way. "A person should become a talent, be able to be an important task, and also take part in more work. Some children think that work is the business of adults. As long as we study hard, we should do it, and doing housework is very tired. In fact, doing housework is not all the business of adults, but also has a great relationship with our pupils.

It can also highlight a person's morality from doing housework. We pupils can now do some housework that we can do ourselves. Such as: sweeping, mopping, cleaning windows, washing dishes, etc. If we persist for a long time, we should be able to realize many benefits. When people are doing physical labor and physical exercise, the oxygen in their brain is the most abundant. Labor can improve the breathing and blood rings, promote physiological metabolism, regulate brain fatigue, and help brain development. Labor can train children's ability to solve problems, and help improve their logical thinking ability, It can improve the learning ability and language logic ability of mathematics and physics.

See, there are so many benefits to working regularly. Why not work more? My friends, start your happy labor trip!

Labor My Happy Composition (14)

I work, I am happy

Experimental Primary School, June 1, Qiao Bingkun

Our school had a star school acceptance this week. If we can successfully pass this assessment and acceptance, our school will be awarded the honorary title of "star school"! How can we see the rainbow without going through the storm? So we are very busy, from the principal to the teacher, from the teacher to the student. Look, we have begun our nervous and happy duty.

It happened that our group was on duty that day. Although not all the sanitary areas in our class, most of them were cleaned by our group. Alas, who can make me the first group? Because I don't like sweeping and mopping the floor, I volunteered to pick up my "white as snow" duster cloth to wipe the brick wall. However, my method of plastering is different from that of others. I have been plastering brick walls for three years, and I have loved this glorious work since my second grade.

Look! I will "divine dragon wags its tail" later, push the window and raise its head later, and "throw mountains into the sea" later... I will wipe the brick wall clean and bright enough to show people. Look at my "success in playing games". I can't help smiling excitedly. Ah! I don't feel tired at all. Instead, I think this "game" is happy and glorious.

More interesting is yet to come! The teacher saw my energy and asked me to clean the air conditioner. I like to climb up and down. I'm really happy to deal with this kind of thing! I climbed up cheerfully and used my wall wiping skills to wipe the air conditioner crystal clear. Then I saw that they were going to clean the fan. So I ran to it again with great enthusiasm. They were worried about not cleaning it. I volunteered to climb up without thinking. This time, I was scared step by step. There was nothing to grasp and rely on. I could only rely on the balance of the whole body and my own psychological quality to complete this task. For me, it was a challenge and stimulus. The fan was finally cleaned by me. I came safely, and the students looked at me with amazement and envy, and I was a little embarrassed when I looked red! How glorious is the stimulation brought by labor!

I am very happy on duty this time, which makes me deeply feel that no matter what I do, I can get fun from it as long as I do it with my heart, and I will feel relaxed when doing it. I also feel that the strength of unity and cooperation is endless. I am proud of living in such a happy collective! This time I really realized that I work and I am happy!

Labor My Happy Composition (15)

After reading Robinson Crusoe, I felt very deeply. In this book, Daniel Defoe, the author, created a brave, strong and laborious image of Robinson. The book tells the story of Robinson's survival on a desert island alone when his ship hit a rock during a voyage.

Robinson loves working very much. He expanded the cave into a home, dried raisins, planted crops, and made a stone mill with both hands to grind flour and make delicious bread. He also raised his own sheep, milked them, made cheese, made clothes out of sheepskin, and made lamps out of sheepskin. For safety reasons, he built a villa, planted a large number of trees and built a tall wall to prevent savages from sneaking into his home and beautify the island. Finally, with his own hands, he built this isolated island into a happy island.

At the same time, he saved some people, seized a boat, and finally returned to his hometown after many setbacks. With his laboring hands, he created a beautiful and happy life, experienced the happiness of life, and created one miracle after another. I admire not only Robinson's strong and brave spirit and intelligent mind, but also his passion for labor and the spirit of creating a happy life with labor. A man has spent 27 years on a desert island. Without labor, I can't imagine what Robinson would become. Can he survive?

This reminds me of a news I watched a while ago. A 23-year-old boy named Yang Suo died of hunger at home. Is he a disabled person? No, his limbs are very healthy; Did he have nothing to eat? No, the food is hung on the eaves. Why is that? Due to the excessive indulgence of his parents, he was not allowed to work when he was young. Gradually, he developed the habit of eating and being lazy. When his parents died one after another, he spent all his family property and went to the village to beg for food.

After a full meal, he can sleep for a day or two, and beg when he is too hungry. He never washes his clothes. If he gets dirty, he throws them away and changes them. The meat and vegetables given to him by the villagers were hung on the eaves of the house. They smelled all the time and did not cook. He is so lazy that he doesn't even bother to go out. The villagers called him "the laziest man in the world" and said, "If he is the second, no one dares to be the first." What a sharp contrast! Yang Suo is a world apart from Robinson. It is a pity that Yang Suo did not experience the joy of labor. His life is boring, and his life is even more boring. If Yang Suo could love labor like Robinson and create a life by his own hands, he would not starve to death.

I am so lucky that I was born in a happy family, which can let me experience the happiness of labor and the happiness of labor. We live in a happy environment. We should cherish this good time, learn to work, and create a happy life. We should learn from Robinson's spirit of loving labor, resolutely not to be a little emperor, and never be lazy like Yang Suo. Happiness lies not only in enjoyment, but also in labor. Only by constantly working and creating, our life will be happy forever, more brilliant and colorful, and our world will be more beautiful.

Labor My Happy Composition (16)

Every holiday, my mother always takes me out to play. I have visited many beautiful places and places of interest. But this National Day, Aunt and her teacher friends formed a team to go to a teacher's hometown in the countryside to experience rural life, which made me very curious, so I also joined their team.

Early in the morning, a group of ten people drove there. After all the talk and laughter, we finally arrived at the teacher's hometown in the countryside. When I entered the hut, I found that although the house was not as tall and new as the house in the city, it was so clean and tidy. We ate some desserts prepared for us by the teacher's family. A group of people came to the fields with tools. The fields in autumn were golden and the songs of harvest were heard everywhere.

We came to Ganshu first, and the sugarcane stood straight there, as if waving to us. My sister and I picked one and pulled it out, but because it was too strong, no matter how we pulled it out, it just refused to come out, so we had to give up. But instead of being discouraged, we became more confident because we found such good sugarcane for the first time.

We continue to look for mature sugarcane. Of course, this time, we learned a lesson and found a more detailed one. Our efforts have paid off. Finally, we found three stems, which doubled our confidence. Through our efforts, the three stems have been harvested. After uprooting Ganshu, we rested for a while and started a new job - digging peanuts.

My sister and I work together. I dig and she takes. At the beginning, my skills were very poor. I often dug up peanuts. After a period of practice, my working ability was greatly improved. Digging and digging, I used all my strength. The number of peanuts in the basket gradually increased. One fourth, half a basket, half a basket, and finally became a full basket.

Looking at the fruits of our labor, although a little tired, my heart is still very happy. Then, we picked up the green beans again. You pick one and I pick one. At this time, the aunt said, "You will take all your picks home later." After hearing this, we all came back, and everyone scrambled to pick them. In a short time, two bags were soon filled by us.

After picking, we divided the green beans and peanuts equally, and we all got our own booty. A day passed in the twinkling of an eye, and I set out on the way home with a reluctant heart. This labor, let me deeply feel the joy of labor, it will make me unforgettable.

Labor My Happy Composition (17)

Just do it. I went over and said hello to my aunt. My aunt asked me: "What's the matter with the children?" I said: "Nothing, just want to ask about your work!"

Although I didn't hang a small reporter's brand, I pretended to be a small reporter and asked my aunt: "Aunt, you should get up early every day when you work like this!

"Yes, you can't get up early in this business. You can't finish the work of this day!"

"What time do you want to get up?"

"I have to get up at about four or five o'clock!"

"That winter is the same, get up so early?" I asked in surprise.


"Aunt, do you work hard in this line?"

"Of course it's hard! We have to sweep the floor, pick up garbage, maintain environmental sanitation... There are many things to do in a day! Sometimes when it rains, those cars can't see puddles, so they just drive aside, and water splashes on us!"

"It's not easy for you to do this!"

"Yes, sometimes I can't go home for the holidays. I have to finish my work before I can go home for the holidays!"

Hearing this, I didn't have the courage to ask any more questions. I wanted to experience this kind of work, so I said to my aunt, "Aunt, can you let me experience your work?" "Yes, you can, but it will dirty your clothes!" My aunt advised me. But I said to my aunt: "It's OK. If you get dirty, ask your mother to wash it!" "Forget it!"...... My aunt finally agreed with my plea!

I took a broom to sweep on the road. The broom was very big. I didn't know how to sweep it, so I went about it. After 10 minutes, I was out of breath, just like I came back from a marathon. Aunt couldn't stand it anymore, so she asked me how to sweep it. I soon learned how to use that heavy broom to sweep around on the road. I saw the garbage and picked it up with my hands. I persisted for an hour and got dirty all over.

Although I felt very tired from this labor experience, I was very happy because I experienced the joy of labor!

I am so happy about writing in primary school [2]

Mr. Lao She once said, "Labor is the most enjoyable". But I want to shout: "Labor is really happy"!

Last year, after greeting our parents, the three of us came to a small factory to work as handymen to taste the taste of labor. Maybe the children are energetic enough. Every morning before the boss opens the door, we have been waiting at the door for a long time. In the dead of night, we will take a brisk step and sing: "We are the successors of communism..." When we return home, my mother will smile and say: "Go into the devil".

What is labor? That is, hard work.

At that time, although full of energy, but also tasted the bitterness and joy of labor. Every morning at about eight o'clock, I would sit there sweating and nailing. On a hot day, I was unable to move with a bundle of jeans in my arms. I didn't even have time to wipe my sweat. The big ceiling fan on the roof whirred, but our hands were numb after the sharp nails were pierced, so fast that we felt relieved when the bundle of pants in our arms gradually "disappeared". Many children can't understand that feeling, because they can't feel the hot weather, the feeling of so many people working together, the feeling of holding a bundle of clothes in their arms on a hot day, the sweat can't be wiped, and the pain flows into their eyes

Labor has also taught me a bloody lesson. When working, I was half hearted and didn't pay attention to driving, so that I drove a sharp nail into my finger. At that time, I really felt a bit dead, as if it was a bit exaggerated! From then on, I learned to concentrate.

However, no matter how many people are crowded together, or how many bundles of clothes and trousers are hugged in the arms, or how sweat drips into the eyes, all these things are happy and happy for me. In that labor, I grew up a lot and learned a lot. Not everyone can understand some things, and some knowledge and truth are not available in books. So am I unhappy, unhappy, unlucky? Who can understand the moment when I will pay my tuition with the money I earn with my own hands? Happiness is beyond description. That is the fruit of labor! "A hard work, a harvest!"

We work together and always embrace happiness! Work with us, happiness with us!

I am so happy about writing in primary school [3]

The fresh and green weeds seem to have eaten some high-level nutrients, and they grow a foot long in a few days. The bathing of bright sunshine makes it appear to be dazzling, showing off its posture proudly in the breeze. Yes, I should be proud of them. They have almost occupied the whole garden. Those flowers and trees are stiff, and they stand there in a daze.

After finishing my homework, I sat on the chair alone and looked at the "messy garden" in front of the court. I felt thoughtful and moved. Instead of waiting for my mother to come back for dinner, I could help her lighten her burden and adjust her boring study life. Why not?

I took a hoe and walked into the garden to compete with weeds. It is not my opponent. As the iron hoe fell down, the weeds were uprooted. Soon, they were routed. Looking back at the dying grass, I felt more energetic and cursed: "I want you to be proud again! I want you to be proud again..." I straightened up, rested for a while, wiped the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand, looked around the garden, and couldn't help laughing. The previous fatigue of learning had already disappeared, and I felt a strange sense of well-being. I took another bucket of water and poured it leisurely. Sometimes I looked at the sky and sometimes at the ground. The expression of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the south mountain" actually permeated my face. The thin water was silvery. The flowers and trees all looked up and smiled. I seemed to hear the sound of them drinking water. Put down the bucket. I dug the earth with a shovel, buried the seeds, and also buried my hope.

Take root! Seed; Sprout! Small trees; Spit your beauty! flower. The whole garden suddenly regained its former vitality. When my mother came back, she saw the scene in front of her, smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I feel a little sweet in my heart.

Since then, whenever I was free, I came here to cultivate soil, prune and water. One day, I suddenly found that the soil where the seeds were planted was cracked, and I looked at it with joy for a long time... I seemed to see the scene of flourishing leaves and blooming flowers. Who says labor is not happy!

In fact, life is full of happiness, but it lacks a pair of eyes to find happiness. Fellow students, please go to nature to enjoy the joy of labor!