New Year Shopping (11 required articles)
regard with equanimity
2024-02-26 08:08:25

New Year Shopping (1)

Today, I finished my homework very early, because my mother said: "It's going to be the New Year, and I want to buy some New Year goods to have a prosperous New Year."

After dinner, we had a rest and set out. On the way, our family talked and laughed. I looked at the moon in the sky and thought: How bright the moon is today! Soon, we came to the Breathing Supermarket.

As soon as we entered the gate of the supermarket, we saw a sea of people. There are red ribbons hanging on the ceiling, and lanterns hanging in the middle... When we enter the supermarket, my mother said, "Let's split up. I'll go with your father, and you and your sister, and find things we like." I asked, "Where can I find you?" "Go to the cashier!" My father said. So my sister and I went to our favorite candy area together.

As soon as I walked to the candy section and looked at all kinds of sweets, my saliva almost ran to the ground. I said to my sister, "Mom and Dad don't let us buy candy at ordinary times. Let's be happy when the New Year is coming!" After that, my sister and I scrambled wildly for fear that we would sell out if our hands were slow. I picked up chocolate, lollipop, jelly again and again

When we arrived at the cash register, we found that there were many people queuing up at each cash register, like a long line. After finding my parents, my father looked at my basket and said, "Buy so many snacks, and be careful to eat like a fat man."

Finally, our family went home happily.

New Year Shopping (2)

With the sound of "crackling, crackling" firecrackers, I feel that the New Year is getting closer and closer to us, and the flavor of New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

This morning, my mother and I went to the supermarket to shop together. When we came to the supermarket, we saw a sea of people there, a beaming scene. As usual, I reached out and grabbed the car, but unexpectedly I caught a handful of air. When the car disappeared, I went to pick up the basket (I was tired of picking up the basket in the supermarket, but I never picked up the basket as a last resort). It seems that you can only "rob" one car from the checkout area. This time, it was really an eye opener. Before I got to the checkout place, I saw an aunt put a car in the place where she put it. I rushed forward and pushed the car away.

When I came to the nutrition area, my mother wanted to buy gifts for my grandma and grandpa. There were a lot of nutrition products on the shelves, such as soy milk powder and lotus root starch. Finally, my mother called my grandma for help. On the phone, my mother asked my grandmother what she bought for her last year, and she said, "It's lotus root starch." My mother asked her what she bought for my grandfather last year, and she said, "It's soy milk powder." After asking, my mother hung up the phone. She went to the shelf and reached for two bags of bean milk powder. Her mother went to the shelf next to her, took a large bag of lotus root starch and put it into the car with a loud "pop".

After buying nutrition, I had to buy some snacks for me, so my mother and I came to the snack area. As soon as I went in, I saw two waiters busy putting things on the shelf. It turned out that now everything has a large sales volume. I quickly took a small package of shrimp strips, a small package of shrimp chips, a small package of potato chips, and a small package of my favorite food: Ya! The potatoes were thrown into the car together and left.

Of course, I will buy some dried fruits for the New Year. When I came to the dried fruit area, there were a lot of people shopping here, but I had a plan in mind. I went to the shelf and took two bags of peanuts, two bags of Zhenglin melon seeds, one bag of pistachios, and one bag of almonds. The food was already full of a small car. I pushed the car to the cashier's desk quickly.

There was a long queue in front of the cashier's desk. My mother and I waited patiently. After the settlement, my mother and I happily carried the New Year's goods home.

New Year Shopping (3)

Supermarkets where people go shopping are crowded, including grandparents pushing shopping carts and uncles and aunts carrying blue seeds. The following is the composition of New Year shopping collected and shared by Xiao Bian for everyone. I hope you can enjoy it.

Composition I of New Year Shopping

As the New Year is coming, I accompanied my grandmother to join in the big procurement. When we came to the supermarket, we saw that there were a lot of people and goods, including fish, meat, dried fruits, various sweets, fruits and various holiday gifts.

According to the list, we only went to the shopping area. First, we came to the stall selling dried fruits. When we saw that there were just the kind of long melon seeds I wanted, we chose several bags, and bought some pistachios and almonds by the way. On the way, we came to the area of candy products again. We saw many lovely Yuanbao candies and wanted to choose this kind of candy. But Grandma said that this kind of candy was just beautiful, but its quality was poor, so we bought Xu Fuji's chocolate and lollipop instead. Then we went to the cooked food area and bought some sausages, cooked meat and other things. Further on, I passed the big stall selling Fu characters. There are so many Fu characters here. I saw a big Fu character with little golden mice painted on it, which is really attractive, so I chose this one. It didn't take long for us to buy all the goods we needed. Grandma pushed the cart behind us, so I hurried to the checkout place to queue up. When Grandma slowly pushed the cart, it saved a lot of time. We bought some firecrackers on the way out of the supermarket.

I am so happy today because my grandma and I have arranged our time very well. Purchasing is a small matter, but through this small matter, I have mastered some skills in doing things and using time rationally. I want to thank my grandma for giving me this opportunity to exercise.

Composition 2 of New Year Shopping

The weather today is really nice and sunny. Mother took my brother and I to the shopping mall to buy New Year's goods.

When I arrived at the mall, I felt that the festival atmosphere of the mall was particularly strong, with all kinds of lanterns and decorations everywhere, and the shelves were full of all kinds of New Year's goods. The mall was crowded and bustling.

My brother and I can't wait to rush to the shelf to pick up the New Year's products we want. After a while, we bought two baskets of New Year goods, including candy and biscuits, peanuts and melon seeds, fruit drinks, and so on.

There was a long queue of people waiting to pay the bill, so we had to wait patiently. After paying the bill, we carried the New Year goods and went home happily.

Composition 3 of New Year Shopping

It's almost New Year's Eve. My parents and I went to Huarun Suguo Supermarket to buy New Year's goods.

When I came to the supermarket, I was stunned by the scene in front of me. I saw a sea of people, very lively, everyone's face is bursting with happiness. When we entered the supermarket, we saw a dazzling array of goods, including food, stationery, books, clothes, and daily necessities

We went to the food area first and bought peanuts, beans, melon seeds, sweets, etc. My mother also bought me a big gift package, wishing me a prosperous study every year. Then on the stationery shelf, I chose the pens, stationery boxes, books and erasers I needed. Then we pushed the shopping cart to the clothing area. My mother carefully selected a beautiful new suit for me, and I was very happy. At the place where I bought cigarettes and wine, my parents said they would buy some cigarettes and wine for relatives and friends to wish them a happy New Year. Next to the tobacco and wine rack, we saw some supplements. My mother said she would buy some supplements for the elders. I wish them good health and good luck. Soon, the car was full of all kinds of food and utensils. At the payment office, we bought eight bags of new year goods in large and small sizes. My parents and I left Suguo Supermarket happily with big and small bags of things.

Today, my family went to buy New Year's goods. I'm very happy. I hope every year I can be as happy as today.

Composition 4 of New Year Shopping

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the annual purchase of New Year goods is also essential. It is rare that the leaders are so generous this year, offering a price of 1000 yuan, which is beyond our expectations. We set out for Metro before we got off work. The supermarket was full of people. It seemed that all the goods in it were taken for nothing. It was really fun.

I have been shopping for three or four hours, and my feet are sore. Although I am very tired, I am still very happy. As long as I like it, I will load it in the shopping cart. How can I see the price? This feeling is light and pleasant.

New Year Shopping (4)

The New Year is coming. New Year's new weather, many people will go shopping in the New Year, buy some new clothes and shoes. The following is a new year shopping composition I have compiled for you. I hope you like it.

New Year Shopping Composition 1

The annual Spring Festival is coming, and we are very happy because the Spring Festival has brought us joy.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, there are more people on the street. Some are buying new clothes, some are buying sugar and other things for New Year's goods, and some are buying couplets. There are more people in the supermarket, twice as many as usual. Although the price of some commodities has risen, those people are still buying vegetables, non-staple food, drinks, clothes, sugar and other things. Our family also bought many things, including a book for me, Big White Rabbit Candy, QQ Candy, jelly, couplets and a big "Fu" word. The couplet reads: "The lucky star always shines on the peaceful house, and good scenery often faces the Tang Lejia". Our house also hung big lanterns. At night, when the lanterns were turned on, it was very beautiful.

The Spring Festival is coming, and many of our relatives are spending the holiday at our home. On the street, many people also go to relatives' homes. Many people on the street are setting off firecrackers, and we are also setting off firecrackers. Adults chat, play cards and watch TV at home. In the evening, we will set off some bright firecrackers, such as the Red Flower Treasure, the "color tube", and so on. After we set off the firecrackers, we will hold the lanterns and play games outside, such as "catching people". If you turn off the lantern, others will not see you and will not catch you. In a little while, the adults will go home. At that time, we really wanted to play more, but we couldn't. The relatives left. After they all left, we would sit in front of the TV and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

It's a good holiday! I not only ate and drank good food, had new clothes, but also had a lot of lucky money. I must treasure it and not waste it.

New Year Shopping Composition 2

The Spring Festival is still a few days away, and my family hasn't bought any New Year goods yet. Alas! It's a coincidence that Mom is on holiday today. We will buy New Year's goods later.

Alas! To tell you the truth, I haven't bought Spring Festival products. My mother usually buys them.

Hey hey, Coke and Sprite are all must buy, but when I go to my mother, I don't have to buy them. Look - I was angry (coquettish) and bought me a bottle of Sprite. Although I said my mother was stingy, I didn't think so in my heart. Me! Just love it! It's been half an hour. I just bought snacks. However, it's also good to eat, because now I can't stop eating when I'm growing up. As the saying goes, "Don't eat for nothing." Ha ha, just a joke. Don't take it seriously.

Later, my mother and I bought a lot of things. My left and right hands were not idle, so was my mother. When we got home, my mother and I were very tired and sweated.

It's OK. It's the first time to buy it, but it's really cool! ha-ha!

New Year Shopping Composition 3

The Spring Festival is coming in a few days. Today, my parents and I went to buy New Year's goods. We made a shopping list at home and set out.

Walking into the street, you can see red lanterns hanging on both sides of the road at a glance. The street is crowded with people. Everyone is carrying heavy New Year's goods in his hands, and his face shows a happy smile. The children held colored balloons in their hands and followed the adults with skipping steps.

We came to Wanjia Shopping Mall, which is really lively! There are a variety of goods on the shelves. We came to the dry fruit area and selected some peanuts, almonds, abalone fruits, cashew pumpkin seeds

Dad bought his favorite beer, wine and white wine. I chose colorful candies and beautifully packaged chocolates, as well as many drinks I like to drink. My mother chose many Xianggu, agaric, squid, preserved fish, preserved meat and various Chinese New Year cakes that I like to eat. Finally, we bought a fish shaped rice cake, which means it is more than enough every year.

My parents and I went home happily with big bags of New Year's goods. On the way, I wish all children in the world could buy the New Year's goods that many like to eat like me, and the national anthem is booming in the New Year.

New Year Shopping Composition 4

The annual Spring Festival is coming, which is an exciting day, because everyone will be one year older on this day, so this is an exciting day. Today, my father and I went to the supermarket to buy New Year's goods. When we walked into the supermarket, we saw many people, even foreigners, who might be preparing for the Spring Festival in China. When I entered the supermarket, I immediately ran to the beverage department and grabbed a bottle of Coke, two bottles of Sprite and two bottles of milk. At this time, my father said, "Take more bottles, and my sister will rob you.". I heard a lot and took a few bottles. When we came to the snack area again, I saw the chicken leg, jelly, potato chips, sausage, beef jerky that I like at a glance... My father usually didn't let me buy these things, but I bought them for the sake of the coming New Year. When we went to the paper place, my father and I thought: Yesterday there was a lottery on my father's paper towel, and then we went to buy paper again. Unexpectedly, we didn't smoke today, so we only bought a package.

Then I went to the place where mineral water was sold. I knew that my father's hobby was to buy mineral water, so I guess my father would buy a large bottle of water, and then he bought a large bottle of mineral water. When we arrived at the checkout, my father asked the salesperson how much it was, and then took out a shopping card from his pocket to pay the bill.

New Year Shopping Composition 5

The New Year is coming. Today, my father drove to take me and my mother to buy New Year's goods. You know, this is my first time to buy New Year's goods!

When I got to the mall, I saw a sea of people. My mother told me: "Chinese people attach the most importance to the Lunar New Year. Every time they arrive at this time, they will have a family reunion garden. So every family should buy New Year's goods to treat their closest relatives. New Year's Eve is also the last night of the year. I hope there will be a good omen for the coming year." As soon as my mother said that, I began to sell things, Start looking around. There are all kinds of goods in the shopping malls: mushrooms, bacon, sausages, spring couplets... Of course, there is something absolutely necessary for the New Year, that is, candy has many flavors! But it made me happy.

After finishing the Spring Festival shopping, we went to the temple fair again. Suddenly, the sound of drums and gongs attracted my attention. When I walked in, I saw a group of dragon and lion dances, which was really wonderful.

The experience of buying New Year goods and visiting temple fairs in person has deepened my understanding of the Lunar New Year. This shopping trip really killed two birds with one stone, and it also benefited a lot!

New Year Shopping (5)

Today, I discussed with my aunt. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my aunt and my little cousin in Wanghe.

In the afternoon, we took a bus to Wanghe. I bought a 24 yuan Dragon Warrior, two 69 yuan Superstar God Contests, a 38 yuan Superstar God named Baiyasan, and an eight yuan four horse car. My aunt bought a jelly for two and a half dollars, which cost 156 yuan in total.

I went out of Wanghe with satisfaction. I said, "Fortunately, my mother didn't come, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy so many things." But when I got home, my mother gave me a meal and said, "Children should save money."

New Year Shopping (6)

Today is the first day of the New Year. I want to go out to buy a book. I saw it on the TV: Can you buy a book without going out? Then turn on the computer, enter the dial-up network, and find the website of the bookstore. "This is a great opportunity to buy books at home without going out." I jumped three feet high with excitement.

I went into the study, turned on the computer, entered the dial-up network, and found the website of Xinhua Bookstore. When I open the website, the category of publications appears first. I click a book category and enter the sea of books. Then I chose children's composition. Children's composition books came into my sight. There are hundreds of composition books alone. Finally, I chose the book "Classifying Pupils". There are many options in the prompt box. One of them asks me whether I want to read the introduction of this book or buy it. I clicked on the "Introduction" and read it. I liked the book very much, so I decided to buy it. Finally, I clicked "Buy" and entered my home address and phone number on the purchase order.

A few hours later, the doorbell suddenly rang. I thought it was Dad coming back. When I opened the door, I found that he was a strange uncle with a book in his hand. I immediately understood the purpose of the uncle. Surprised and delighted, I took the book and paid for it. I jumped to my feet happily, and my first online shopping was successful. I'm so happy. "Online shopping" allows me to buy books without leaving home, which saves time and effort. It's really great.

Everyone has experienced happy things, and what I am most happy about is that after learning new knowledge, I will personally use it and master it. In the future, I will learn more knowledge.

New Year Shopping (7)

Today is the first day of the New Year. My mother and I have an appointment to go to the supermarket. This shopping is up to me. I am very excited. I think: I can finally do free shopping this time.

I can't wait to come to a small supermarket, holding my wallet and shopping bag. My mother said that I really look like a little adult. I went into the supermarket excitedly, and my mother was waiting for me outside. First of all, I came to the food area. There were many kinds of food here. Looking at these delicious food, my mouth was watering. I really wanted to eat now. I went to the stationery area again and bought learning stationery. Finally, I came to the seasoning area and chose a bottle of fuel consumption. Because I checked my kitchen quietly yesterday and found that the fuel consumption was almost exhausted. I can't see it. Although I'm a boy, I'm very careful. After shopping, I came to the cash register, and I said, "Auntie, I pay the bill!" Auntie, touched my head and praised me for my ability! I took the money my aunt gave me. Eh, why is it two yuan more? I returned it to my aunt immediately. My aunt praised me as an honest and good boy, and I felt very happy.

I walked out of the supermarket happily with my booty. My mother greeted me and looked at me carrying a large bag of things and buying fuel. My mother was really surprised and praised me for growing up!

New Year Shopping (8)

My mother and I took the elevator to the fifth floor. My aunt also helped us pay the money. She is really a good aunt. In addition, my mother bought a windbreaker for me, which was bought just after the Spring Festival.

After going downstairs, we walked out of the bustling shopping mall, and the main road at the Xinjiekou was bustling with lights.

New Year Shopping (9)

The shopping mall is full of couplets, red lanterns and other necessary decorations and supplies for the New Year, giving off the smell of the New Year, and the whole room becomes red.

People came to the shopping mall with excitement and excitement. A fierce "war" was about to begin, and everyone was ready to go. Mother brought many cloth shopping bags from home, and she planned to fill them when she came home.

A few days ago, there was a TV broadcast about a housewife who went to the mall to buy New Year's goods. Because she didn't have a bank card and had to pay in cash, she brought a wallet of 100 yuan notes. However, the thief saw that the 100 yuan notes and the wallet disappeared together.

This time, my mother didn't bring much cash with her, only a small Jiangnan bank card.

We should start with small things first. Mother is going to buy snacks first. As soon as we entered the snack bar, we were immediately squeezed out again. It was not easy to squeeze in, but unexpectedly, everything was swept away!

The store manager said that the next purchase would be the day after tomorrow. Alas, my mother used to buy snacks here, because this snack is the cheapest in the whole mall. We have no choice but to spend more money to buy snacks at other homes.

In the end, only lanterns remained. We hurried to the lantern shop for fear that even the most expensive red lanterns would be bought by others.

When I arrived at the lantern shop, I found that there were not many people buying lanterns, but there were still many lanterns. After careful selection by my mother, I finally decided to buy a pair of red lanterns over 1 meter long with the words "Good Luck" printed on them.

Ah, I finally bought everything. I ran around with my mother. I was exhausted! Seriously, it means "weakness all over the body, backache and backache"!

Come to the counter and prepare to check out. After scanning the bar codes of our shopping items one by one, the waiter said politely, "Hello, the total is 852 yuan. If you pay with Jiangnan Bank Card, we can give you a discount."

After listening, mother took out a Jiangnan bank card from her bag, gave it to the waiter, and entered the password. In this way, the "year ago panic buying" will be over.

We are very satisfied to pick up the New Year goods we bought and happily "go home for the New Year"!

New Year Shopping (10)

After dinner, we had a rest and set out. On the way, our family talked and laughed. I looked at the moon in the sky and thought: How bright the moon is today! Soon, we came to the Breathing Supermarket.

As soon as we entered the gate of the supermarket, we saw a sea of people. There are red ribbons hanging on the ceiling, and lanterns hanging in the middle... When we enter the supermarket, my mother said, "Let's split up. I'll go with your father, and you and your sister, and find things we like." I asked, "Where can I find you?" "Go to the cashier!" My father said. So my sister and I went to our favorite candy area together.

As soon as I walked to the candy section and looked at all kinds of sweets, my saliva almost ran to the ground. I said to my sister, "Mom and Dad don't let us buy candy at ordinary times. Let's be happy when the New Year is coming!" After that, my sister and I scrambled wildly for fear that we would sell out if our hands were slow. I picked up chocolate, lollipop, jelly again and again

When we arrived at the cash register, we found that there were many people queuing up at each cash register, like a long line. After finding my parents, my father looked at my basket and said, "Buy so many snacks, and be careful to eat like a fat man."

Finally, our family went home happily.

New Year Shopping (11)

New Year Shopping 300 Word Composition 1

The annual Spring Festival is coming, and we are very happy because the Spring Festival has brought us joy.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, there are more people on the street. Some are buying new clothes, some are buying sugar and other things for New Year's goods, and some are buying couplets. There are more people in the supermarket, twice as many as usual. Although the price of some commodities has risen, those people are still buying vegetables, non-staple food, drinks, clothes, sugar and other things. Our family also bought many things, including a book for me, Big White Rabbit Candy, QQ Candy, jelly, couplets and a big "Fu" word. The couplet reads: "The lucky star always shines on the peaceful house, and good scenery often faces the Tang Lejia". Our house also hung big lanterns. At night, when the lanterns were turned on, it was very beautiful.

The Spring Festival is coming, and many of our relatives are spending the holiday at our home. On the street, many people also go to relatives' homes. Many people on the street are setting off firecrackers, and we are also setting off firecrackers. Adults chat, play cards and watch TV at home. In the evening, we will set off some bright firecrackers, such as the Red Flower Treasure, the "color tube", and so on. After we set off the firecrackers, we will hold the lanterns and play games outside, such as "catching people". If you turn off the lantern, others will not see you and will not catch you. In a little while, the adults will go home. At that time, we really wanted to play more, but we couldn't. The relatives left. After they all left, we would sit in front of the TV and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

It's a good holiday! I not only ate and drank good food, had new clothes, but also had a lot of lucky money. I must treasure it and not waste it.

New Year Shopping 300 Word Composition 2

The Spring Festival is still a few days away, and my family hasn't bought any New Year goods yet. Alas! It's a coincidence that Mom is on holiday today. We will buy New Year's goods later.

Alas! To tell you the truth, I haven't bought Spring Festival products. My mother usually buys them.

Hey hey, Coke, Sprite, ------ these are all must buy, but when I talk to my mother, it becomes unnecessary. Look -- I got angry (coquetry) and bought me a bottle of Sprite. Although I said my mother was stingy, I didn't think so in my heart. Me! Just love it! It's been half an hour. I just bought snacks. However, it's also good to eat, because now I can't stop eating when I'm growing up. As the saying goes, "Don't eat for nothing." Ha ha, just a joke. Don't take it seriously.

Later, my mother and I bought a lot of things. My left and right hands were not idle, so was my mother. When we got home, my mother and I were very tired and sweated.

It's OK. It's the first time to buy it, but it's really cool! Ha ha------

New Year Shopping 300 Word Composition 3

The Spring Festival is coming in a few days. Today, my parents and I went to buy New Year's goods. We made a shopping list at home and set out.

Walking into the street, you can see red lanterns hanging on both sides of the road at a glance. The street is crowded with people. Everyone is carrying heavy New Year's goods in his hands, and his face shows a happy smile. The children held colored balloons in their hands and followed the adults with skipping steps.

We came to Wanjia Shopping Mall, which is really lively! There are a variety of goods on the shelves. We came to the dry fruit area and selected some peanuts, almonds, abalone fruits, cashew pumpkin seeds

Dad bought his favorite beer, wine and white wine. I chose colorful candies and beautifully packaged chocolates, as well as many drinks I like to drink. My mother chose many Xianggu, agaric, squid, preserved fish, preserved meat and various Chinese New Year cakes that I like to eat. Finally, we bought a fish shaped rice cake, which means it is more than enough every year.

My parents and I went home happily with big bags of New Year's goods. On the way, I wish all children in the world could buy the New Year's goods that many like to eat like me, and the national anthem is booming in the New Year.

New Year Shopping 300 Word Composition 4

The annual Spring Festival is coming, which is an exciting day, because everyone will be one year older on this day, so this is an exciting day. Today, my father and I went to the supermarket to buy New Year's goods. When we walked into the supermarket, we saw many people, even foreigners, who might be preparing for the Spring Festival in China. When I entered the supermarket, I immediately ran to the beverage department and grabbed a bottle of Coke, two bottles of Sprite and two bottles of milk. At this time, my father said, "Take more bottles, and my sister will rob you.". I heard a lot and took a few bottles. When we came to the snack area again, I saw the chicken leg, jelly, potato chips, sausage, beef jerky that I like at a glance... My father usually didn't let me buy these things, but I bought them for the sake of the coming New Year. When we went to the paper place, my father and I thought: Yesterday there was a lottery on my father's paper towel, and then we went to buy paper again. Unexpectedly, we didn't smoke today, so we only bought a package.

Then I went to the place where mineral water was sold. I knew that my father's hobby was to buy mineral water, so I guess my father would buy a large bottle of water, and then he bought a large bottle of mineral water. When we arrived at the checkout, my father asked the salesperson how much it was, and then took out a shopping card from his pocket to pay the bill.

New Year Shopping 300 Word Composition 5

The New Year is coming. Today, my father drove to take me and my mother to buy New Year's goods. You know, this is my first time to buy New Year's goods!

When I got to the mall, I saw a sea of people. My mother told me: "Chinese people attach the most importance to the Lunar New Year. Every time they arrive at this time, they will have a family reunion garden. So every family should buy New Year's goods to treat their closest relatives. New Year's Eve is also the last night of the year. I hope there will be a good omen for the coming year." As soon as my mother said that, I began to sell things, Start looking around. There are all kinds of goods in the shopping malls: mushrooms, bacon, sausages, spring couplets... Of course, there is something absolutely necessary for the New Year, that is, candy has many flavors! But it made me happy.

After finishing the Spring Festival shopping, we went to the temple fair again. Suddenly, the sound of drums and gongs attracted my attention. When I walked in, I saw a group of dragon and lion dances, which was really wonderful.

The experience of buying New Year goods and visiting temple fairs in person has deepened my understanding of the Lunar New Year. This shopping trip really killed two birds with one stone, and it also benefited a lot!