Warm greetings for the Dragon Boat Festival 2022 Sentences for health on the Dragon Boat Festival (93 selected sentences)
Winter about summer solstice
2023-07-03 22:05:12
Blessing words

1. I am not rice leaf, but I still want to wrap you layer by layer. You are not tooth, I am not rice, but I still want to stick to you all my life. There are rice in rice dumplings, but I have countless blessings for you. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

2. At the Dragon Boat Festival, we will taste the glutinous rice dumpling. We will taste a jujube rice dumpling, wish life more sweet, taste a meat dumpling, wish families more happiness, taste a bean dumpling, and wish love more interesting. Dragon Boat Festival wishes life as rich as dumplings.

3. Mom: In the past, you would force me to eat rice dumplings. Now, the child is not around his mother, and he will weave a virtual rice dumplings with a short message for you to pray for the safety of the world's parents!

4. Guidelines for the work of May Festival: based on friendship, PHS as the platform, SMS as the means, blessing as the goal, you as the object of work, smile as the check standard, please have a Zongzi feast after the work is completed.

5. Turn off your mobile phone, slowly close your eyes, think about me, think about dumplings, you will find that I am as lovely as dumplings.

6. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. May your life be wrapped in happiness! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

7. Year after year, the Dragon Boat Festival, year after year dumplings fragrance. Year after year, the fifth day of May is unforgettable. The dragon boat lake came up for the race, and the rice wine was used as a memorial to the old man. Through the ages, thousands of people have celebrated the popularity of learning and customs. Dragon Boat Festival is coming!

8. Red beans send love, glutinous rice send wishes, big red dates report peace, local eggs love to fill, lotus leaves pack a bag, I wish you a lucky Dragon Boat Festival, a happy family, smooth and beneficial!

9. The Dragon Boat Festival shows the true feelings of hometown, is an ancient tradition, and is an admiration and praise for the patriotic spirit of the poet Qu Yuan.

10. There is a kind of friendship that is still simple after things change; There is a kind of trust that is still missed after many years; There is a kind of greeting that is pure and light but most sincere; There is a kind of friendship that doesn't need to mention it, but it understands. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

11. Tip: Wrap the mobile phone with zongzi leaves and boil it in a pot for minutes. The battery capacity of the mobile phone will be doubled, the signal will be enhanced, and you can smell the aroma of zongzi when you call.

12. I am zongzi leaf, you are rice wrapped layer by layer, you are tooth, I am rice fragrant sweet stick you, how many meters in zongzi represent how much I miss you, remember to send me messages or zongzi choke you! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

13. The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festival, which began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of China and has a history of many years.

14. I bought zongzi for you and sent a short message to you, but the thief took your mobile phone, dear, let's jump into the river together!

15. Sticky glutinous rice is your sweet love; The bright red jujube is your red life; The long and narrow Zongye is your happiness for a long time; The winding silk thread is your constant fortune. Dragon Boat Festival to send you good luck dumplings, I wish you happiness forever!

16. It is impractical to stand on Mount Everest and send you messages; I didn't have the courage to send you messages when I walked in the Sahara Desert; Or take advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, greetings and blessings to you: I wish you good health, happiness invincible, and a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

17. When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, I will give you a sweet rice dumplings. With fragrant blessing as the leaf, generosity and tolerance as the rice, gentle advice as the filling, and then the silk thread of friendship as the winding, I hope you can taste the beauty of life and wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

18. In the twinkling of an eye, it's Dragon Boat Festival again. Relax to spend a small and long holiday, and easily show a smiling face, and enjoy the beauty. Forget about the hard work for a while, and prepare for tomorrow with enough spirit. Everything is smooth and beautiful, and the flowers of happiness will never fade.

19. The Dragon Boat Festival is implicit, reserved and unobtrusive. It has no magnificent momentum, nor grand scenes, everything is so gentle and comfortable. Each family is busy for the festival.

20. The style of the Dragon Boat Festival is cool, and the water of life flows slowly. The happy boat will sail for you, let the blessing heart fly for you, and wish you a happy, happy and auspicious Dragon Boat Festival.

21. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I'm tired, and I never forget my worries; Always wish, always hope, parents are always healthy; A text, a short message, silently bless silently think; Wish Mom and Dad a happy Dragon Boat Festival, good luck, and always smile.

22. May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish my friends can't forget it; Hang wormwood and Zongzi incense to attract hundreds of blessings; Take sachets, drink realgar, dispel evil spirits and get rid of disasters; Dragon boat racing, paddling, family happiness and career; Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

23. Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Concern reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish you all the best. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

24. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish the leaders a lot of money, fat hair, strong body, sweet love, good luck and prosperity!

25. When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, we should bless our friends; Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat race out of good fortune; Dragon Boat Festival is wonderful, and rice dumplings are sweet; Dragon Boat Festival is good, happy until old. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a high life!

26. Zongzi, greeting one layer after another, spring, summer, winter and autumn; Each grain is a blessing, happiness countless; A trace of concern, love is your home. I wish you a good harvest on Dragon Boat Festival, boom sweet, and make a lot of money.

27. Give memory the color that never fades, give missing the wings that fly freely, give happiness eternal life, give life a relaxed and bright smile, give you all my blessings, and wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

28. The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is permeated with a strong sense of kinship.

29. Add an Acacia red bean, a piece of red meat with energy, a package of cohesive glutinous rice, and a piece of fragrant bamboo leaves. Dear friends, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Send you the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings. May you have the beauty of spring all the year round and go forward with ambition!

30. Artemisia argyi, realgar yellow, light fragrance welcomes Duanyang; Hang calamus and wear sachets to relive the old customs; Dragon boat racing, busy ferry, full of pride in Chunjiang; Warm greetings, long affection, wish you good luck and good luck. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

31. A touch of misty rain, a touch of sadness, a touch of bright moon, a touch of fish, a touch of butterflies, a touch of hydrangea, a touch of rouge, a touch of wine, a touch of wine, a touch of sadness, a touch of missing for friends, and a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

32. The Dragon Boat Festival has arrived, and a special Zongzi is given. The light Zongye fragrance is wrapped with care rice, healthy beans, sweet dates, and finally tied with happiness rope. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

33. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional festival in China.

34. Sticky dumplings, sweet thoughts; Zongzi is soft and the blessings are shining; Zongzi is fragrant and healthy; Zongzi is big and has good fortune; There are many dumplings and lots of happiness. The Zongzi Festival is coming. Be happy!

35. The willows in summer, accompanied by the holidays, let the breeze blow endless cool, mixed with the breath of blessing, slowly fall on your side. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you a happy and warm little holiday.

36. When you receive this message, please open the window and look up to the sky. You will see an auspicious bird that looks like me, carrying a basket on its back, and is very tired. Please take the heavy pailou, which is full of my Dragon Boat Festival blessings!

37. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is still controversial until now. Some people say that they will commemorate Wu Zixu, others say that they will commemorate their filial daughter Cao E. But what has been widely rumored and most widely recognized is the theory of commemorating Qu Yuan.

38. Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. I went to the fields where I cut wormwood and calamus every year with joy, and cut a bundle of them back. Almost every door and door of the house was hung with a pair of them. Early in the morning, the whole village exudes a strong fragrance of wormwood and calamus.

39. Seven mouthfuls of zongzi: the first mouthful is healthy for life, the second mouthful is full of relatives and friends, the third mouthful is famous and powerful, the fourth mouthful is cool all the year round, the fifth mouthful is lucky for Pepsi, the sixth mouthful is eternal, and the seventh mouthful is eternal! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

40. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we will convey our sincere wishes and best wishes; Happy Dragon Boat Festival, friend!

41. "Zong" wants to tell you how much I miss you; "Zong" wants to tell you how romantic my blessing is. The annual Dragon Boat Festival, the voice of text messages, ah! I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

42. Of course, the most important part of the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi. There are many views about the origin of zongzi, no more than to pay tribute to Qu Yuan, the great poet who devoted himself to Miluo, which also seems that zongzi should have a strong sense of sadness.

43. Light aroma of zongzi leaves, strong friendship, root and thread, cut and easy to pull, good mood with the aroma of zongzi passed to a good friend, I wish you always smile, good luck, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

44. Wrap all the blessings into dumplings and give them to you. White rice is happy, red dates are lucky, sweet beans are happy, and fragrant zongzi leaves are lucky. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

45. Artemisia argyi dances high in front of the gate to drive away evil spirits, prevent five poisons, and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival.

46. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and good luck will follow you and me. Eat zongzi to remember Qu Yuan and recite ancient poems. Dragon boat racing, sweet and happy together. I wish you happiness every day. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!