Moving Composition for Yourself (19 Masterpieces)
valiant and heroic in bearing
2023-10-05 06:52:52
topic of conversation

Moving Composition for Yourself (1)

Some people are moved by others' willingness to help others, others by maternal love, but I am moved by my own love.

On this day, it was drizzling in the sky, and raindrops fell on the ground, causing water splashes. I was walking on the path home with my transparent umbrella. The sound of rain pattered over a weak meow. I stopped to listen, and several meows came. I followed the sound, and a female cat with a big belly was lying on the lawn beside the road, The female cat's white snow fur was dyed black by the dirty soil on the grass. The female cat groaned in pain. I hurriedly took out a carton from home, covered it with a layer of foam board, and put the "Doushizi" beside the female cat. Before I met the female cat, she looked at me with her angry eyes. I couldn't help shaking. I couldn't help but take it, I had to put the carton beside it and walk away. The next day, as soon as I got up, I couldn't wait to run downstairs. I saw the little female cat lying in the "hut", and my stone hanging in my heart was slowly put down. I looked at the cute sleeping posture of the kitten, and couldn't help feeling it. Unexpectedly, it woke up. The female cat looked at me angrily, and her nose made a "whoop" sound, which frightened me very much, He quickly poured the cat food he bought yesterday into a bowl. When he looked at the food, his eyes lit up immediately. His head was buried in the food without even looking at me. When he finished eating, the kitten suddenly gave me a "smile" and rubbed my leg with its plump belly. "Meow meow" shouted. I was flattered. I thought: "He thinks I am not a bad person. I touched his head, It meowed happily.

There is no lack of touching in the world, but a lack of hearts that can be touched. Moved, sometimes does not need how earth shaking, even if it is a trivial matter! This time, I was moved by myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (2)

Moving, a very familiar word, sometimes we are moved by others, sometimes we are also moved by ourselves. It flows through my heart like a stream of heat.

At home, my mother went out. At noon, my stomach could not withstand the attack of hunger, so I began to coo. But my mother hasn't come back, and I can't cook. Although I usually got the basic knowledge of cooking from my mother, I haven't practiced it yet. After a while, I finally made up my mind and decided to rely on those little common sense to cook by myself. Finally, I cooked a meal by myself. I feel very happy when I eat my own food. I was moved by my independence.

In the yard, I found that all the children in the neighborhood had bicycles, but I didn't. And my little nephew can ride. I'm not convinced, so I asked my father to buy one for me. I got on my bike and fell off it in a second. But when I thought of the sentence "failure is the mother of success", I got up the courage to stand up and get back on the bike. After repeatedly practicing wrestling for countless times, I finally learned to ride a bicycle. I was moved by my persistence.

At school, because I admired the beautiful pen at my desk, I asked my mother to buy me an identical pen. However, the day after I bought a pen, my deskmate's pen disappeared strangely. Just that day I was showing off the same pen as it, so she suspected that I had stolen her pen and quarreled with me. I feel very wronged. The next day, I borrowed her Chinese book to take notes. I turned over and found a pen. Isn't this the pen she lost yesterday? I told my deskmate in a hurry. When my deskmate knew it, his eyes flashed with shame and said to me, "Sorry, I blamed you wrong, can you forgive me?" I smiled and nodded, accepting her apology. I was moved by my tolerance.

When I was young, I was often moved by myself, and deeply moved by how much I could be moved.

Moving Composition for Yourself (3)

A friend once said that on a cold winter day, an old white haired woman stood at a street corner, huddled. In front of her was a small piece of plastic cloth with dozens of pairs of socks on it. The friend felt pity and bought two pairs with three yuan. Unexpectedly, the woman was so excited that she said a dozen thanks to him. Later, my friend said that he was moved by himself for a long time

The listener then sniffed. A mere three yuan can move two people at the same time? Even I felt that my friend was exaggerating the truth.

However, something similar happened to me not long ago. It was an evening. I took a walk in the street after dinner. In an alley near the food market, I suddenly saw a ragpicker wearing a straw hat, pushing a tricycle full of waste paper and scrap metal to the steep slope. Maybe the load is too much, and when it is half loaded, it can't be pushed, which makes him in a dilemma. The little man looked at the car and then looked up at the passers-by. His eyes were full of expectation, waiting for someone to help him.

I didn't know that I was the first person who was looking forward to this foreign scavenger. At that time, I only felt that his eyes were anxious in longing and desperate in anxiety. So I moved with a heartache and went down to help him push the car from the steep slope. I clapped my hands and turned around just to leave. The middle-aged man rushed over, hurriedly took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes, handed one over, and said in stiff Mandarin, "Smoke, smoke!" I didn't answer and waved away. He shouted behind me: "Thank you, thank you!" After walking more than 20 meters, he turned around and found that the man still waved to me and nodded like a half bow... At that moment, a feeling suddenly emerged in my heart: warm, excited, joyful, and mixed with unknown feelings. I think this is what my friends say about being moved. It's a kind of move for myself.

For a long time, we have often heard many people say that the world has rarely moved us. The words expressed a heavy sense of remorse. For a long time, we seem to be waiting for some kind of touching to come as waiters. In fact, waiting is empty, and action is real. In many cases, you don't need to pay too much, but you can really experience it with a little effort.

Moved by himself, he will demonstrate a spiritual demeanor; If you are moved by yourself, you will conjure up a spiritual landscape.

Moving Composition for Yourself (4)

Moving is refreshing spring, moving is intoxicating spring breeze. Those beautiful moments in my memory, like some lingering days, linger in my mind, flash in my dream, and moving slides into my heart like water along the lines of my palm.

Be moved by yourself because of your belief in success; Be moved by yourself, because of the gain after giving; Moved by myself, because of the persistence of difficulties

When I set foot on the bright red track, my heart was always uneasy because I participated in the 1500m long run, and also because I had the misfortune to hurt my leg in the last race. "Or don't go, let's find someone to help you run!" I refused all the questions and suggestions that teachers and classmates cared about, not because I was rebellious, but because I wanted to prove myself, that is, I felt a little uneasy when I came to the scene.

Looking at the starting gun held in the starter's hand, I gritted my teeth and thought I would be brave! With the clear gunshot, I rushed out. At the beginning, I felt in good condition and kept a very good rhythm. Of course, I also took the lead all the way. Gradually, although I felt a little tired and my breathing became more and more rapid, I still kept a big lead. Not good! I cried in my heart. When I ran to the third lap, my right leg began to ache, and the pain was like a flood of water. I almost fell on the court. Faced with this intense pain, I almost want to give up. But a voice came into my ears, knowing my heart, oh! It was the students cheering for me. Cheers came one after another, like an exciting hot spring flowing into my heart. "I can't fall down so easily. Even if I can't get the first place, I will continue to persist. Even if the pain is severe, I will continue to persist. This is not only to give those students who are cheering for me a satisfactory answer, but also to complete a test of my will." Thinking of this, I put my heart into the crosshairs and continued to run on the track.

That is to say, I was surpassed by other players, that is, the pain became more intense. I no longer care about it, because I know that I am no longer just involved in the current game, but I am more involved in a game of self transcendence.

When I got to the last lap, I was behind, but it was no longer the point. Because I persevered in the competition, and insisted to the end. Although I didn't get the first place in the competition, I got another first. I succeeded in surpassing myself! Moving is the refreshing spring, moving is the intoxicating spring wind... Now I also have a moving in my memory, that is, being moved by myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (5)

Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. I was the most ordinary girl in the ordinary.

On the playground, heroic girls gallop freely, but I can only cheer for them off the court; At the speech contest, the talented girls were eloquent, but I had to applaud for them under the stage; At the art performance, girls who can sing and dance can show their body, but I can only praise them in the audience, each of them is a female number one on a certain stage, and I am humbled.

I often look at myself in the dead of night, but finally I am disappointed to find that I have no special skills, can't sing, can't dance, can't draw and can't say. I began to envy others, even a little jealous. For a while, I lost confidence in myself. At this time, I looked up and saw the slogan posted on the wall: Don't doubt your talent too early, but think about how much sweat you have shed! There was a touch in my heart. Suddenly, I felt that I was at the end of my tether, and there was no way out

At the ceremony at the end of the semester, I issued six certificates of merit. When I saw the envious eyes of my classmates, my heart felt a burst of joy; In math class, I met a difficult problem. I made it through meditation. The teacher asked me to play a board. When I heard the praise from my classmates, I felt proud; In Chinese class, because the teacher had a meeting and asked me to talk about the test paper, my heart was moved when I saw the teacher's trust in me

Finally, I saw my own value, and I also had my own shining point. I began to appreciate myself and was moved by myself. I was so excellent! Li Bai once said, "I am born with my talent.". Even if you can't be a great man, just be a real, ordinary self, be your best self, and open up your own sky!

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself again. I was still plain looking and dressed in plain clothes, but it was an extraordinary temperament. Because I am confident now, I will be moved by myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (6)

I, a girl who is facing graduation in the third year of junior high school, although I don't have Lin Daiyu's tears streaming down her face, I also have a touch of sentimentality. Once I was always moved by others, but now I am moved by myself

In front of others, I am a girl with strong ability, so no matter what activities, from teachers and parents to classmates and friends, I will let me participate. I don't want to let them down, let them sad, and always take on all the important tasks. Who knows that I am not happy at all? Nobody, I'm so good

Last year, when I won the first prize of the school and the third prize of the county in my speech, my teachers and parents praised me with smiles, my classmates and friends hugged me and envied me. A smile on my face was a little happy, but not strong. Who knows that I was writing my speech when they were resting; When they play, I practice again and again? How many bitter tears I shed behind this smile? I was a little moved. I was moved by myself. It turns out that my little bitterness can bring so many sincere smiles, and it's also worth it, isn't it?

This year, they thought that I was good at mathematics and I was promoted to the competition. My heart kept saying: I am not good at mathematics, but I am a little more serious than others. But I nodded when I saw the trusted eyes. So since he was appointed, he has been angry all day and night. Afraid of not working hard enough to hurt others' hearts, he crossed the sea of topics nine times and went deep into the mountain of books. How many bitter tears did I shed in my dream?

When the results came out, I still fell behind. There was disappointment in everyone's eyes, but more comfort. I smiled, really smiled, anyway, I tried, I am still me, right? Next time, I will learn to say no, but I will still participate in these activities, and I will still take on these important tasks. The difference is that I am willing this time. A little touched, moved by myself, I would be so indifferent to failure

In these years, I was moved by myself, I grew up, I will be happy! Even if the whole world falls, I still stand!

This is how you grow up. Being moved by yourself is really growing up. When I grow up, I still want to laugh, not pretending, but from the heart, because there is nothing invincible, I want to learn to be happy, and we all want to be happy!

Moving Composition for Yourself (7)

Moving is a kind of inner touch of the human mind, a journey of people and things in the mind. When you are touched every time, you will have such a warmth.

When you are hungry and someone brings you a bowl of rice, you will feel a warm feeling in your heart, that is moving; When you are in the abyss, someone is willing to reach out to take you, and you will be full of tears, that is moving; When you live in despair, someone gently says in your ear, "We'll spend it together in case of difficulties." You suddenly choke and choke, which is moving

I remember when I was a child, everyone in my family went out and left me at home without anyone to play with me. Although on the surface it said "it doesn't matter", my heart was very concerned. I remember that I had been waiting and waiting at home, but I couldn't wait for their return. The house is empty and as quiet as death, only my breath. I don't know why, I hate this feeling until now.

I curled up on the sofa alone, like a frightened kitten, afraid to stretch out my hands and feet, as if I would be swallowed up by silence and darkness; Afraid of being discovered by the devil. Although, I have been encouraging myself in my heart, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's all fake. Because I know it's fake, I can't restrain my fear.

I have been longing for someone to rescue me. I have been sleeping and dare not sleep. I don't know how long later, the door finally knocked. Although I was afraid, I went to open the door.

The door opened quietly, and a familiar figure flashed in. It was my father, my father. "Why, my daughter, you are alone at home. What about them?" My father said to me as he closed the door, "Aren't you afraid? Our daughter has always been strong." Hearing the word "strong", I suddenly felt a sour feeling rising. I burst into my father's arms crying. My father's emaciated body exudes a faint smell of smoke, which makes me feel warm and friendly in my breath. To this day, I am deeply impressed.

My father left two months ago. He has gone forever. I can only see his face and voice in my memory. However, I will be strong, and his voice and smile will forever solidify in the strong moment when I was 10 years old. I am deeply moved by my "firmness"!

Moving Composition for Yourself (8)

Grandfather is old. His knees are bent when he walks, and he walks very slowly. Grandpa's pants always seem to be a little different. Every time he sees Grandpa, he always shows half of the black nylon socks. Grandpa used to wipe the sneakers on his feet very clean, but now his two toes are always reluctantly exposed.

Although grandpa is old and his legs are as thin as the mouth of a bowl, his back is never bent, just like his hair, though thin and gray, is always hard and stubborn on his scalp. This is probably a habit that my grandfather kept when he was a soldier. My grandfather was once a scout of the Communist Party. He was injured, made contributions, and even had several medals. I once saw my grandfather carefully open layers of cloth bags from an old plastic bag in the distance, and the medals were still shining in the clean cloth.

My grandpa gets up early and works in the dark every day. He is not good at words. I am the most diligent person in the family to shout "grandpa". Although my grandpa does not show too much happiness every time, I always think I have done well enough.

Until two weeks ago, Grandpa was hospitalized.

The doctor said that if he delayed for another two days, Grandpa would no longer be able to walk. After hearing the news, I suddenly felt that there was something missing in my life. Worry and fear filled my mind. I suddenly felt sorry and uneasy. Do I really love Grandpa? Do I care about Grandpa? When all kinds of questions came up, I realized that I just learned to say hello politely and mechanically, but I always regarded myself as the best with a clear conscience. I even deliberately avoided my grandfather when he washed his feet. I never really did anything for him to make him happy and satisfied.

I raised the phone and wanted to call my grandpa in the hospital. After hesitantly pressing a few numbers, I realized that I had never called my grandpa. What can I say when the phone is through? Does Grandpa still have the energy to talk to me now? I did this... My eyes suddenly filled with tears, because of my past ignorance, vanity, complacency, and now my embarrassment.

In the end, I didn't call this phone, but I finally understood something. I just hope my grandfather can come back healthy, and then happily say to others, "My granddaughter is very obedient and considerate..."

Fortunately, I did. My grandpa left the hospital a few days ago. When I really heard my grandpa say this to my aunt with a smile at noon today, I was inexplicably moved by myself.

If you miss your family every day in your heart, if you have ever cared about whether your grandparents are happy, if you have ever called your grandfather, then be moved for yourself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (9)

Some people are moved by others' willingness to help others, others are moved by maternal love, but I am moved by my own love.

On this day, it was drizzling in the sky, and raindrops fell on the ground, causing water splashes. I was walking on the path home with my transparent umbrella. The sound of rain pattered over a soft meow. I stopped to listen, and several meows came. I followed the sound, and a female cat with a big belly lay on the lawn beside the road, The female cat's white snow fur was dyed black by the dirty soil on the grass. The female cat groaned in pain. I hurriedly took out a carton from home, covered it with a layer of foam board, and put the "small house" beside the female cat. Before I met the female cat, she looked at me with her angry eyes. I couldn't help shaking. I had no choice but to take it, I had to put the carton beside it and walk away. The next day, as soon as I got up, I couldn't wait to run downstairs. I saw the little female cat lying in the "hut", and my stone hanging in my heart was gradually put down. I looked at the cute sleeping posture of the kitten, and couldn't help feeling it. Unexpectedly, it woke up. The female cat looked at me angrily, and her nose made a "whoop" sound, which frightened me very much, He quickly poured the cat food he bought yesterday into a bowl. When he looked at the food, his eyes flashed and his head was buried in the food without even looking at me. When he finished eating, the kitten suddenly gave me a "smile" and rubbed my leg with its plump belly. "Meow meow" shouted. I was flattered. I thought: "He thinks I am not a bad person. I touched his head.", It meowed happily.

There is no lack of moving in the world, but the lack of hearts that can be moved. Moving, sometimes does not need how earth shaking, even if it is a trivial matter! This time, I was moved by myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (10)

Moved is the correct answer to moral problems; Moved is to think calmly in the face of difficulties; What moved me was the kindness from my heart.


After school, on my way home, I saw an old woman lying on the ground, with a painful expression on her face. Her eyes gave a pleading look, and her mouth groaned in pain. People on the road walked away when they saw him. I think they were afraid that the old man was pretending. I said before that no matter which old man fell on the ground, whether it was true or not, I would help him! So I went to help the old man up and sent him home. Put the old man in place. The old man kept saying thanks and holding my hand tightly. The warmth flowed from the old man's hand into my heart.

I am moved by my kindness!


During one summer vacation, I went to the river with a classmate. The classmate slipped and fell into the river with a sound of "dong". He panicked in the water and called for help: "Help me, help me!" As I said, I patted the water. I calmly said: "Don't beat the water, the more you struggle, the easier it will sink!" After listening to this, he stopped pattering, but still cried out in fear. I said, "I can't swim. I'll find a stick to pull you up." After that, I went to find a stick. There was a stick right next to me. I quickly picked it up and pulled my classmates from the river to the bank.

I was moved by my calmness!


Once, I bought a packet of potato chips in the shop and handed him five yuan. When I came home, I found eight yuan in my pocket. On reflection, it was the sales aunt who gave me the wrong change. I just decided to keep the money. But somehow, I couldn't sleep when I was lying in bed at night. I wondered if it was money that was doing something wrong? So he decided to pay back the money. The next day, I returned to the shop and gave him the extra money and explained why. He praised me as a good boy.

I am moved by my honesty!

There are many things that move me, so I am moved by how much I have moved myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (11)

Quiet home. "Wow!" When I was doing my homework, I jumped out of the blue with a cry and ran to see that my brother cut his finger accidentally when he sharpened a pencil. I quickly found out the gauze, bound it carefully for my brother, and said with concern: "Brother, sister, can you replace your wooden pencil with a new mechanical pencil? Looking at my brother's grateful eyes, I was moved by my thoughtfulness!

Mother's birthday. I used the money I saved at ordinary times to choose a beautiful greeting card for her, which was full of my deep feelings: Mom, I love you forever! When mother received the card, a smile of joy bloomed like flowers, and a ray of sunshine filled the whole room. I am moved by my filial piety!

In class. The eloquent Chinese teacher, the students who take notes seriously, is a beautiful and harmonious picture. "Teacher, you are wrong!" I broke the harmony and pointed out the teacher's mistake. The teacher nodded and said that the students also looked at me admiringly. I was moved by my own ideas!

break. I was reading a book when I suddenly felt that my right shoulder was cool and wet. When I touched it with my hand, it was actually black ink with blue light! I frowned and turned to look at my classmates at the back table. But his face turned red, and his lips trembled and said, "Yes... I'm sorry." Looking at his embarrassment, I smiled: "Nothing, just pay attention next time." I was moved by my tolerance!

On the way to school. "Wuwu -- Wuwu -- money -- my money --" A country old woman with a headscarf was sitting on the roadside crying. I learned from the onlookers that the 20 yuan of the old lady's eggs was gone, and the money was intended to buy medicine for the old man in the medicine pot. After hearing this, I went straight to her, squatted down gently, and silently put the 5 yuan I was going to buy a book into her hands. I am moved by my kindness!

On a crowded bus. I was squeezed among the passengers, complaining incessantly. I suddenly looked up and saw that two slender fingers were quietly poking into a man's pocket. They were pickpockets! "Pickle..." Before he could say the word "pickpocket", he found that the owner of the finger was staring at me with vicious eyes. I was very excited, but my anger did not decrease. I still shouted at the top of my voice: "There are pickpockets!" I was moved by my bravery!

I will also be moved to have a healthy body, a beautiful flower skirt, and a group of innocent friends!

When I was young, I was often moved by myself, and deeply moved by how much I could be moved!

Moving Composition for Yourself (12)

Being moved by yourself is the starting point of beauty and the sublimation of spirit—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

There are too many moments in life that move us - a word of encouragement when we are sad, some selfless help when we are in difficulty, a strong belief when we are in despair... We will inadvertently be moved by an action or a word, or even by ourselves... At the beginning of Bixing, we will lead to the topic of being moved by ourselves.

Perhaps, I am too stubborn, short I actually like long-distance running. So my classmates laughed at me, my friends teased me, and even my parents who usually understand me most shook their heads and did not support me. I was depressed, and Baba saw the figure of others walking like flies. But the desire buried in the heart eventually defeated the reason. I ran slowly and said to myself: "You can do it, you can do it." So I repeated, running four laps at a time. Finally, I stopped. I gasped for breath. My legs were already weak and my throat was dry, but I would never give up! The description of people's attitudes reflects the persistent belief of "I". Day after day, I was facing the ironic and strange eyes of my classmates and friends, and I was alone in a circle and a circle of lonely sweat. I have always believed that as long as I persevere, I will be closer to my dream. The reason is profound.

Finally, the sports meet came unexpectedly. I really wanted to register, but I hesitated - just dream here, it is just a dream after all. However, I didn't expect that there would be a vacancy in the class. So I got up the courage to sign up and said to myself with clenched teeth, I must realize my dream, even if only relying on me. The results came out very quickly, and I did it. When I finished the whole race easily, my classmates looked at me with amazement and approval, and my tears came... I succeeded, and I finally got the affirmation of everyone. That year, my running performance ranked sixth in the whole grade. The fruits of success. So far, I still have some doubts, but I am moved by my perseverance, my strength, and my efforts. Sometimes, we will be moved by ourselves, perhaps because of our independence, progress in learning, and hard work.

But what is worth affirming is that it is a beautiful starting point and a pilot for the future; It is a brave transcendence, cheering for yourself. Point to the question, point to the center.

Life needs to be moved by itself... The ellipsis is thought-provoking.

Moving Composition for Yourself (13)

I cook at home alone, and I am moved by my independence; I found ten yuan and returned it to the owner. I was moved by my return; Sitting in the car, I gave up my seat to an old woman. I was moved by my kindness.

On Sunday, because I slept late and overslept, my mother asked me to eat noodles by myself, and I wanted to eat, so I cooked my own food. I remembered that my mother bought a cookbook, and I followed the instructions in the book. I ate a mouthful of my vegetables, which were salty to death; I have another taste of my braised pork, which is very hot; I'll have another taste of the rice I cooked. It's hard. But this is the result of my own labor, and I ate with relish. I remembered that my mother had to wash clothes at night, so I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash clothes. But the more I washed, the dirtier I got. I found that I was using the garbage can to wash clothes. "I am so confused!" I said reproachfully. I took out my clothes and washed them for an hour. Looking at the fruits of my work, I was moved by my independence.

Class is over. I found ten yuan on the playground. I just put the money away, but I thought of what the teacher said. If I found something from someone else, I would return it to the owner. So I waited there for a long time without waiting for the owner. Later, I handed over the money to the school broadcasting room and found the owner. Looking at the grateful eyes of the owner, I was moved by my return of money.

In the morning, I went to school by bus and saw a frail old woman with a child coming up. A big brother offered his seat to the grandma, but the grandma gave her grandson a seat. I thought I was a Young Pioneer. I should also offer my seat. So I quickly asked my grandmother to sit in my seat. Looking at the smile on her face, I was moved by my kindness.

I am moved by all the good things I have done.

Moving Composition for Yourself (14)

From our "wawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa.

On the huge square, accompanied by the gentle breeze, the mother held the baby in her arms. When she heard the first childish simple words, the young mother cried with joy. It was the happy tears of "mother..." that let us know what is moving

When we were young, we didn't know what the deepest meaning of moving was, but we simply thought that when we did something well, people's praise and praise were moving.

With the passage of time and the flying of years, we have grown up. Moving has a deeper meaning, that is, parents' tears of joy and warm embrace; It is the help and encouragement of others when they are helpless; It is the shared success of family and friends; It is the perseverance of many people who love you when you are in pain

But have we ever been moved by ourselves?

Faced with the doubts and incomprehension in our hearts, we sat down quietly and pondered, but we couldn't find a clue!

But in fact, is the answer really that hard to find? Years later, we found the answer.

When I was cleaning up my room, I accidentally turned over my certificates and transcripts many years ago. Looking at the increasing numbers on them, I was suddenly enlightened. Isn't that moving? Are you moved by yourself?

When we hopped to adults with red and double hundred examination papers and waited for candy rewards and praises, we saw the excitement and excitement of adults, but ignored our own moves to our proud achievements. We cared too much about others' eyes and forgot our right to be moved by ourselves. We took this huge fortune "moved by ourselves" to exchange the instant sweet in our mouth!

This is the childish but persistent nature of children!

In life, we attach importance to those famous interests, but never fully appreciate the joy of success and the feeling of being inspired by our efforts!

Please carefully and seriously understand the true meaning of moving! Pay attention to the little things around in life. Life is not lack of moving, but lack of finding the most simple and pure eyes that move for themselves!

Slow down our hurried pace, enjoy discovering those simple feelings, and move for ourselves. This precious emotion will become the most beautiful spiritual wealth in our life!

Moving Composition for Yourself (15)

A friend once said that on a cold winter day, an old white haired woman stood at a street corner, huddled. In front of her was a small piece of plastic cloth with dozens of pairs of socks on it. The friend felt pity and bought two pairs with three yuan. Unexpectedly, the woman was so excited that she said a dozen thanks to him. Later, my friend said that he was moved by himself for a long time

The listener then sniffed. A mere three yuan can move two people at the same time? Even I felt that my friend was exaggerating the truth.

However, something similar happened to me not long ago. It was an evening. I took a walk in the street after dinner. In an alley near the food market, I suddenly saw a ragpicker wearing a straw hat, pushing a tricycle full of waste paper and scrap metal to the steep slope. Maybe the load is too much, and when it is half loaded, it can't be pushed, which makes him in a dilemma. The little man looked at the car and then looked up at the passers-by. His eyes were full of expectation, waiting for someone to help him.

I didn't know that I was the first person who was looking forward to this foreign scavenger. At that time, I only felt that his eyes were anxious in longing and desperate in anxiety. So I moved with a heartache and went down to help him push the car from the steep slope. I clapped my hands and turned around just to leave. The middle-aged man rushed over, hurriedly took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes, handed one over, and said in stiff Mandarin, "Smoke, smoke!" I didn't answer and waved away. He shouted behind me: "Thank you, thank you!" After walking more than 20 meters, he turned around and found that the man still waved to me and nodded like a half bow... At that moment, a feeling suddenly emerged in my heart: warm, excited, joyful, and mixed with unknown feelings. I think this is what my friends say about being moved. It's a kind of move for myself.

For a long time, we have often heard many people say that the world has rarely moved us. The words expressed a heavy sense of remorse. For a long time, we seem to be waiting for some kind of touching to come as waiters. In fact, waiting is empty, and action is real. In many cases, you don't need to pay too much, but you can really experience it with a little effort.

Moved by oneself, will deduce a spiritual demeanor; If you are moved by yourself, you will conjure up a spiritual landscape.

Moving Composition for Yourself (16)

Is sweat in the air under the hot sun? The awkward taste of, stubbornly, let the sweat flow through my cheeks, let the sun flood on every inch of my skin, I still stand there motionless.

At that moment, I was moved by myself and my determination.

Under the sky of continuous autumn rain, the air is filled with oppressive damp atmosphere. The raindrops hit my cheeks, arms and even my trouser legs. The original fresh camouflage clothes suddenly became sticky olive green. The rain mixed with sweat flowed into my eyes, and a stream of pain came to my heart, but I still stood there motionless.

At that moment, I was moved by myself and my persistence.

The instructor walked slowly in our orderly queue, correcting our wrong actions from time to time. It seems difficult for me to adapt to the requirements of clamping arms, tightening legs and leaning forward slightly. His hands and feet soon began to swell, and his body began to shake back and forth in a wayward manner. At that moment, the time of twenty minutes became longer than ever before. I think I'm dying, I think I'm going to fall - but can I shrink back? Why can't I do what others do? Yes, I want to believe in myself, I want to persist. Finally, 20 minutes of time slowly ran out, and I overcame the difficulties. In other words, I defeated myself.

At that moment, I was moved by myself and my strength.

When the buildings on both sides of the road are still hazy in the endless darkness, I have followed the team to start a long field exercise. Previously, the high-intensity training has made my body hard to bear, but now the five kilometer journey is even more daunting. I want to stop. I don't want to go any further. But when I saw my tired classmates still insisting, I suddenly felt ashamed of my idea - yes, others can insist, why do I still want to give up and retreat? I can do what others can do. In this way, the renewed passion in the heart beat back the tiredness that has been lingering in the heart. It's dawn, and my practice is over. I insisted on the journey of sometimes walking and sometimes trotting - I was tired, but I was also happy.

At that moment, I was moved by myself and my tenacity.

Moving Composition for Yourself (17)

No matter in study, work or life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is a 600 word composition for myself organized by Xiao Bian, for reference only. Let's have a look.

Moved is the correct answer to moral problems; Moved is to think calmly in the face of difficulties; What moved me was the kindness from my heart.


After school, on my way home, I saw an old woman lying on the ground, with a painful expression on her face. Her eyes gave a pleading look, and her mouth groaned in pain. People on the road walked away when they saw him. I think they were afraid that the old man was pretending. I said before that no matter which old man fell on the ground, whether it was true or not, I would help him! So I went to help the old man up and sent him home. Put the old man in place. The old man kept saying thank you and holding my hand tightly. The warmth flowed from the old man's hand into my heart.

I am moved by my kindness!


During one summer vacation, I went to the river with a classmate. The classmate slipped and fell into the river with a sound of "dong". He panicked in the water and called for help: "Help me, help me!" As I said, I patted the water. I calmly said: "Don't beat the water, the more you struggle, the easier it will sink!" After listening to this, he stopped pattering, but still cried out in fear. I said, "I can't swim. I'll find a stick to pull you up." After that, I went to find a stick. There was a stick right next to me. I quickly picked it up and pulled my classmates from the river to the bank.

I was moved by my calmness!


Once, I bought a packet of potato chips in the shop and handed him five yuan. When I came home, I found eight yuan in my pocket. On reflection, it was the sales aunt who gave me the wrong change. I just decided to keep the money. But somehow, I couldn't sleep when I was lying in bed at night. I wondered if it was money that was doing something wrong? So he decided to pay back the money. The next day, I returned to the shop and gave him the extra money and explained why. He praised me as a good boy.

I am moved by my honesty!

There are many things that move me, so I am moved by how much I have moved myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (18)

Whether in school or in society, we all have the experience of writing compositions. We are very familiar with compositions. Compositions can be divided into primary school compositions, middle school compositions, and college compositions (papers). How to write a good composition? The following is the composition I moved for myself, which I hope can help you.

Moving is a beautiful thing. What you are touched by others is a spiritual washing, but what you are touched by yourself is the most valuable life!


Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. I was the most ordinary girl in the ordinary.

On the playground, heroic girls gallop freely, but I can only cheer for them off the court; At the speech contest, the talented girls were eloquent, but I had to applaud for them under the stage; At the art performance, girls who can sing and dance can show their body, but I can only praise them in the audience...... Each of them is a "number one woman" on a certain stage, and I am humbled.

I often look at myself in the dead of night, but finally I am disappointed to find that I have no special skills, can't sing, can't dance, can't draw and can't say. I began to envy others, even a little jealous. For a while, I lost confidence in myself. At this time, I looked up and saw the slogan posted on the wall: "Don't doubt your talent too early, but think about how much your sweat has flowed!" I felt a touch in my heart. Suddenly, a feeling of "there is no way out when the mountain is poor and the river is exhausted, and there is another village when the willow is dark and the flower is bright" came into being, and the scenes appeared before my eyes

At the ceremony at the end of the semester, I handed out six certificates of commendation, and when I saw the envious eyes of my classmates, my heart was filled with joy; In math class, I met a difficult problem. I made it through meditation. The teacher asked me to play a board. When I heard the praise from my classmates, I felt proud; In Chinese class, because the teacher had a meeting and asked me to talk about the test paper, I was moved when I saw the teacher's trust in me

Finally, I saw my own value, and I also had my own shining point. I began to appreciate myself and was moved by myself. I was so excellent! Li Bai once said, "I am born to be useful." Even if I cannot be a great man, I will be realistic, ordinary, the best, and open up my own sky!

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself again. I was still plain looking and dressed in plain clothes, but it was an extraordinary temperament. Because I am confident now, I will be moved by myself!

Moving Composition for Yourself (19)

Moved by myself in junior high school composition [Part 1]

Everyone has a dream, and we have paid for our dreams, but some people have worked hard for a long time, for a long time, and have never achieved it.

What causes the different results? I think the sweat paid in the process is different. For example, are you willing to devote your life to your dream? Many people will answer that the dream is to live a better life, but it is not worth paying all your life for instant success. However, since we have chosen the goal, we should go to achieve it despite the difficulties and obstacles.

Just like this exam, before the exam, our goal was the most ordinary, and our dream was the most ordinary, not only that we had a good score in the exam, but also that we ranked a little higher! Although we are tired in reviewing, it is a little annoying to have to do it on our own, but these are just the paving stones for our success. On Friday, the Chinese, English and math scores were handed out. Some people are exultant, some people are pale, some people want to cry without tears

This review period is like a gravel road, and we walk on it barefoot. Only when the stones hurt the most, the wind blows the coldest, and the rain drizzles the wettest, can our fruits be sweeter. And those who are unwilling to suffer disasters and only know how to enjoy their success will never get fruits. Even if they do get fruits, they are bitter, astringent and hard to swallow. How can they compare with others?

Mr。 Xu once said that in the society, we will all be like hungry wolves, but there is only so much food that everyone can't have a share, so we must first lay a good foundation and raise physical strength, so that we can eat enough. Just like a tiger and a rabbit, you can know who is the king without competition. Now we are like cubs running on the same road. Only through the wind and rain can we become tigers. Those who do not experience anything but grow up under the protection of others must be rabbits with little strength.

Epiphyllum is willing to endure long loneliness for its dream of appearing once in many years; For his dream of soaring in the sky, the eagle resolutely accepted the severe test; Rainbow dares to accept the baptism of wind and rain for its colorful dream; Meteor would rather pay a heavy price for his instantaneous beautiful dream.

Once the dream is put into action, it will become extremely wonderful.

Moved by myself in junior high school composition [Part 2]

Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself. I was the most ordinary girl in the ordinary.

On the playground, heroic girls gallop freely, but I can only cheer for them off the court; At the speech contest, the talented girls were eloquent, but I had to applaud for them under the stage; At the art performance, girls who can sing and dance can show their body, but I can only praise them in the audience...... Each of them is a "number one woman" on a certain stage, and I am humbled.

I often look at myself in the dead of night, but finally I am disappointed to find that I have no special skills, can't sing, can't dance, can't draw and can't say. I began to envy others, even a little jealous. For a while, I lost confidence in myself. At this time, I looked up and saw the slogan posted on the wall: "Don't doubt your talent too early, but think about how much your sweat has flowed!" I felt a touch in my heart. Suddenly, a feeling of "there is no way out when the mountain is poor and the river is exhausted, and there is another village when the willow is dark and the flower is bright" came into being, and the scenes appeared before my eyes

At the ceremony at the end of the semester, I issued six certificates of merit. When I saw the envious eyes of my classmates, my heart felt a burst of joy; In math class, I met a difficult problem. I made it through meditation. The teacher asked me to play a board. When I heard the praise from my classmates, I felt proud; In Chinese class, because the teacher had a meeting and asked me to talk about the test paper, I was moved when I saw the teacher's trust in me

Finally, I saw my own value, and I also had my own shining point. I began to appreciate myself and was moved by myself. I was so excellent! Li Bai once said, "I am born to be useful." Even if I cannot be a great man, I will be realistic, ordinary, the best, and open up my own sky!

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself again. I was still plain looking and dressed in plain clothes, but it was an extraordinary temperament. Because I am confident now, I will be moved by myself!

Moved by myself in junior high school composition [Part 3]

When I was a sperm, I was a champion. I rushed out of countless sperm groups. I am the best. I left those lazy little things behind. In this competition, I became the champion, the only champion. I rushed into the egg. I was born! I have a chance to live in this world, and I succeeded! I am moved for myself!

When I was born, I cried to declare my existence to the world. I looked around with my big bright eyes to find light. I use a sweet smile as a gift for every morning. I am moved for myself!

I have grown up and grown tall. I can run round and round on the wide playground, write words line by line on white paper, and enjoy wonderful articles one after another. I swim in the wonderful world with my feet and listen to the songs of nature with my ears; I used my brain and hands to solve problems one by one, so I have a first prize certificate in my bookcase, and I have more confidence. I am the champion! I am moved by my achievements and proud of my efforts!

I learned to run when I fell down again and again, I saw rainbows in storms again and again, and I learned success in setbacks again and again. In the snow, there are my footprints; By the brook, there is my figure; On the hillside, there are my footprints; At the seaside, there is my laughter; In the city, there is my voice. No matter where I am, there are all traces left by me.

I am moved for myself!

In the future, I will use my own efforts to change the world and make me more moved!