Ambiguous SMS
Warm bosom before dawn
2023-03-03 08:08:04
Blessing words

1. I like to leave my mark on you, but I don't remember that you never belong to me. Valentine's Day is coming. Would you like to stamp your seal on me?

2. Don't be coquettish; Not to tease you; Not to ambiguous you; Not to be charming, but to embrace Valentine's Day on December 14, I embrace to show that I love you involuntarily.

3. Marry me! For the first time in my life, I was attracted by you. When I was with you, I gradually realized the feeling of happiness and attachment. Marry me, don't let the whole world regret!

4. Although my people can't accompany you, my heart is with you. I hope you are not so cold in winter, and I hope you can have a warm winter! Darling, come on!

5. The most beautiful fairy tale is not that the prince and princess lived happily ever after, but that they walked hand in hand with you in trivial time. Wife should love the day, love you unchanged

6. Destiny is the continuity of feelings at the end of a previous life. Destiny is the unchangeable pledge before this life's reincarnation. Destiny is the happiness you and I once said. Agreed fate is a beautiful dream that we can meet again when we are human again.

7. It's no use talking too much. I just like you. One day without seeing me, my heart was empty. Sometimes my words are not good and my face is not good, but I really love you. You and I are enough in this life.

8. I have thought about many problems, but I have never thought about why I love you. When I saw Yunjuanyunshu and experienced the complexity of the world, I realized that I love you for no reason, just because I love you!

9. Do you know what gift I want most? In fact, your smile is enough, like a glass of thin wine, like a wisp of soft wind. This is the most moving declaration, like summer, warm and full.

10. A house is not necessarily a home. Home should be the fence you and I built together, surrounded by emotional flowers. Children are our sweet fairy tales. Let's get married together!

11. Can you let me into your heart, I will listen to your heart; Can you let me stay in your heart, I want to protect you forever; Dear, let's cherish each other and never separate!

12. Thank heaven and earth for meeting us, thank fate for making us miss each other, thank life for making us know each other, thank sincerity for making us love each other, thank love for making us accompany, thank wife for making me happy and warm!

13. Ldquo; Have you heard that some people say that we seem to have a husband and wife appearance? How can these people talk about it everywhere? We have a husband and wife appearance. How can we say that we seem to have a husband and wife appearance? "

14. If I say I like you, what will you do? Do you like me as I do, or even more than I do? Hey hey, I know you always have a unique vision, and falling in love with me is your most intelligent one!

15. Time changes, the sea changes, you have been in my heart; Time flies, the days are close, and the love for you never changes; The oath of true love is lingering all my life. I want you to accompany me all my life. Marry me, will you?

16. The sea is the free territory of fish, the sky is the flying territory of birds, the grassland is the running territory of horses, and you are my missing territory. My territory, you are the master, I am willing to be your prisoner! Waiting for your call at any time!

17. Fashion matching, head matching wave head, I use short hair to set off your elegance; Canvas shoes with muffin shoes, I use simple foil your beauty; Casual wear with pleated skirt, I use loose to contain all of you. Kiss, I miss you!

18. One day the flowers bloom, romantic four seasons; A little star light, there is a soul in my heart; A feeling, gentle heaven and earth; A kind of missing, heaven and earth have you and me; Life has you, life has sustenance; In a word, SMS represents my heart.

19. You are indispensable in my life. It's wonderful to think you love you; Hate your carelessness and bear your carelessness, which makes my life flawed; Life is really good if it is plain and light. I hope I can live with you forever.

20. When you are tired, you should rest. When you are hungry, you should comfort yourself. When you are thirsty, you should drink more boiled water. When you think about someone, you should send a message to him. In order to give you an excuse to reply to my message, I send you a message. As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

21. Give me a pleasant mood, so that I can learn to smile; Give me the stretch of my soul, so that I can learn to show my face; Give me a peaceful mind, so that I can learn to be at ease; Give me a message, so that I am no longer numb; The days without you are just upset.

22. Sweet words engraved in the palm of your hand are called remembering; The vows of eternal love are tied in my mind, which is called no doubt; It's called the truth to live together forever, 4 and 27 vow to love your wife, and love her to the end, dear, you are the only one for me, and I swear to love you all my life.

23. The happiest thing is to be loved by a girl. The happiest thing is to love a girl deeply. My heart is full of missing that girl, who is you. It's unreasonable to love you. It's the truth to think of you. With you, never separate.

24. White clouds nestle in the blue sky, embellishing romance; Green mountains nestle in green water, setting off lingering; The red flower nestles against the green leaves, showing its brilliance; SMS contains care, which is my attachment to you. Dear, I miss you. I remember to eat on time and give me electricity regularly.