Making Pancakes (19 in general)
Acacia turns into red tears
2023-12-22 06:39:21
fifth grade

Making pancakes (1)

Today, I happened to see a kind of food called pancakes on the food program. It's delicious and easy to make. Well, I decided to make my own food.

I poured oil into the pan first. After the oil was heated, I pressed the dough into cakes and put it into the pan. The sound of "Zizi" deep frying was very crisp. There was white sugar and an egg in the dough. After a minute, one side of the pancake was golden. I began to turn the other side to fry it. My mouth watered and I wanted to bite it directly. The pancake finally came out of the pan. I immediately blew it and bit it. The pancake made for the first time was really delicious, and it was enough to eat with my own hands.

Making pancakes (2)

Grandpa often makes pancakes for me. They are delicious, but I can't eat enough.

One day, when Grandpa was making pancakes, I stood beside him and learned to make pancakes. I saw Grandpa using flour. egg. Salt. Mix water and scallions into a batter, and then put some oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, put some batter into the pan, and then spread it evenly with a shovel. When one side of the pancake turns golden, turn it over with a shovel. When the other side of the pancake turns yellow, a fragrant pancake will succeed.

I saw Grandpa making pancakes so simple that I thought I would do it, so I asked Grandpa to let me learn to do it, and he was right beside me. I learned the process of making pancakes from my grandfather. I put some oil. When the oil was hot, I put batter. I spread the batter in a hurry. Before spreading it out, I smelled burning. I quickly turned the pancakes upside down. Wow! When it was burnt, Grandpa said, "You are too slow, so you are burnt." This pancake I made is not square and round, but also thick and black, so ugly that I don't want to eat it at first sight.

I don't lose heart and continue to do it. This time, I spread the batter faster, evenly, round and thin. It must be successful this time. I turned my face with a spatula. Ah! It's rotten. Grandpa said, "You are too hard this time. If you spread it too thin, it will rot when you turn it over." I was not discouraged. Then I listened to Grandpa carefully. The fire was not too big or too small. After the batter was put into the pan, it was gently spread into a circle. When one side of the pancake turned golden, it turned over. Grandpa asked me to put a little more oil and fry it. I carefully observed that the other side turned yellow. A fragrant and crisp pancake finally succeeded.

Making pancakes seems simple, and it is not easy, but as long as you work hard, persevere, and practice repeatedly, you can succeed.

I learned how to make pancakes and felt very happy. The whole family congratulated me.

Making pancakes (3)

A few days ago, I made glutinous rice pancakes at home.

At first, I was very excited. I put some glutinous rice flour in a bowl and poured a little water. At this time, I thought, just like glutinous rice, it must not taste very good. I wonder what will happen if I add some eggs? So I added two eggs to the powder. I began to mix powder. In harmony, I found that the powder was too dry, so I was ready to add more water. But accidentally, there was too much water! I am so worried that I should not throw out the surplus. But there is still more water. What should we do? If you pour it again, you will definitely pour out the glutinous rice flour... Ha! Think of it! A little more glutinous rice flour will do! After hard kneading, I finally made up the powder. Now I start the kneading process. I rubbed left and right, and finally kneaded into shape. Then he kneaded the cake. The pancakes I kneaded are beautiful: they are shaped like hearts, A-shaped, round, I-shaped, stars, etc.

Now let's start the most exciting part - making pancakes. I carefully put the pancakes into the oil pan and made a sound of sizzling. At the same time, oil drops splashed on my face - it really hurts! The pancake turns from white to light yellow and gives off a pungent fragrance. Fried well! I tasted it. It tasted good!

Through making pancakes this time, I realized how difficult it is to cook!

Making pancakes (4)

One day, my father and I were making pancakes in the kitchen.

I took the pancakes out of the refrigerator. Then, Dad poured oil into the pan. When the oil was hot, he put the pancake into the pan. Just listen to the sound of "Zilala..." Dad has started to use chopsticks to turn the pancakes in the pan. "Zilala..." The oil seemed to dance in the pan, splashing on the top of the pancake. Some oil seemed "crazy" and kept coming at us. A drop of oil almost splashed on my hand, so I quickly hid. It flew past my arm and landed on the floor.

I said to my father, "Let me try!" "OK!" My father handed me the chopsticks. I follow my father's example and keep turning pancakes with chopsticks. Those oils are constantly "attacking" me. If I hadn't been "lucky", I would have been splashed by crazy oils.

After my cooperation with my father, a bowl of fragrant pancakes has finally come out! I tasted one piece, and it was very delicious! This is my first time to make pancakes.


On Saturday afternoon, my mother took me to the Rural Cooperative Bank to pay the meal fee. I completed the whole process alone. My mother waited for me outside the bank. It felt good to pay the fee successfully.

I walked into the cooperative bank with the payment money. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a beautiful sister coming to me with a smile and asked me what I was going to do. I proudly said that I would pay the school meal fee. The beautiful sister took me to the table where I filled in the form and asked me to fill in the form first. Only then did I know that I had to fill in the form before I handled business. After filling in the class name on the form, I went to the window to handle it. The uncle in the window asked me to give him the bill and money, and asked me to sit on the chair and wait. The uncle soon handled the bill for me, and gave me a stamped bill, saying that it was handled. I proudly walked out of the bank with the list, and of course I thanked the beautiful sister who helped me. After I came out, I told my mother about my experience. I saw the expression of approval on my mother's face, which was very fulfilling.

Making pancakes (5)

On Saturday morning, both father and mother are sleeping. I like pancakes best. I can't help but try it myself.

I remembered the way my mother made pancakes, and took out the recipe to make pancakes.

I first poured the flour into the bowl and made up. Then I went to the refrigerator and took out an egg. I smashed the egg and poured it into the bowl. Then I put two and a half teaspoons of sugar in. I stirred and poured water until it turned pale flesh.

I turned on the fire, poured a little oil into the pan, and poured the cake liquid into the pan. But I was in a hurry. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. When I came back, I turned the cake upside down, but it was burnt. I poured it into the garbage can.

I did it again. While waiting, I went to play with my mobile phone for a while without looking at the time. When I was obsessed with playing, I suddenly remembered that there was a cake in the pan. After turning off the fire, I turned the cake over to the other side. When I saw that it was burnt, I poured it into the garbage can.

I'd better be honest. Prepare again, put the pot on it, and pour the mixture of flour and egg liquid. When the time comes, I will turn it over. Wow! The golden pancakes were ready. I packed them and put them on the plate. My mother and father woke up. After they dressed, brushed their teeth and washed their faces, they ate the fragrant pancakes I made. My heart is so happy!

It's so hard for my mother to make breakfast every morning!

Making pancakes (6)

Today, I'm going to learn to make pancakes with my mother's help. This is my first time to learn to cook. Of course, I'm very excited.

First, my mother said to pour the flour into a bowl, then add some salt and cold water, and finally stir it into a thicker paste. The front one is very easy, but it is not easy to mix the batter. My mother said that first of all, I should hold the chopsticks and shake in the bowl quickly, but I always felt uncomfortable. Finally, I stirred the batter in small pieces. With my mother's stirring, I finally saved the batter.

Then, turn on the fire and pour a little oil into the pan. At this time, my mother said that she could pour the batter when the oil smoked. Finally, after waiting for a minute or two, the oil smoked. At this time, I picked up the bowl and poured the batter into the pan. But because I was too hasty, my mother had to shovel out the batter. Then I spread the batter into a circle with a shovel. After about two or three minutes, My mother said that it was time to turn the surface, so I put my shovel under the cake, and then put it down hard. This time, it was a success without too many mistakes. After another two or three minutes, my mother said that the pancake could be served, so I slowly moved it to the plate with a shovel.

After frying this cake, my mother and I fried two or three more cakes together. In the process, I encountered more than one problem, such as spilling the batter when mixing the batter, or folding the cakes together when turning the cake.

After finishing the cake, my mother and I ate happily. Seeing this, I had a special sense of achievement. But my mother was the one who made the great contribution, because my mother taught me to make pancakes.

Making pancakes (7)

Last time I returned home, Grandma taught me to make a snack - pancakes and fruits.

First, I poured flour and eggs into a small iron basin, and then mixed them with chopsticks. Grandma took out a drum shaped pan. Grandma patiently pointed out: "Shuaizhi, don't spread all the noodles in one place, but spread them in a rotating way. While spreading, you should turn your chopsticks and wipe the batter evenly." I took great efforts to wipe the cake well. Spread the cake evenly on the pan. Although it is not smooth, it is the best cake in my mind. After about five minutes, watching the cake slowly stop sticking to the pan, I put the fried pancake on the board with a small rolling stick, then put the washed lettuce on the last layer of the cake, put two fruits on the lettuce, and finally picked up a spoonful of sauce and put it on the lettuce. Then he began to roll pancakes and fruits. When I rolled it, I found that the most difficult thing was not to put materials, but to roll it completely, but I could not roll it up. This is not, because I used too much force, I accidentally broke the pancake fruit! Seeing the lettuce and fruit leaking out of the cake on the board, I shook my head helplessly. I couldn't help laughing and crying. Now it's not the pancake fruit, but the "pancake fruit sandwich"!

Although the pancake fruit produced this time ended in failure, I also learned some truth from it: pay attention to skills in everything, grasp the key to success so as to make continuous progress and achieve success!

Making pancakes (8)

I always wanted to cook a meal, but my mother told me to use noodles, water, oil, onions and raw eggs to make pancakes. I first opened the eggs, poured the eggs into a bowl and stirred them, then put the noodles in a basin, poured some water, stirred them into a paste, and then poured the prepared eggs and white flour paste together, stirred them evenly, and then put on the seasoning, Put some more scallions in it, everything is ready, put the pot on it, proudly lit the fire, poured a spoonful of noodles into it, and thought happily

oh dear! It's broken! The pancake in the pan stuck, so I forgot to put oil. I picked up a bottle and poured it in without looking. The sour smell went up. The busier I was, the more chaotic I was. I mistook vinegar for oil. I had to wash the pan and make a new one. This time, I carefully and carefully put in the oil again, and finally made a pancake. I hurried to ask Grandma to taste it. I stared at Grandma's expression, and my heart suddenly burst. Grandma took a bite of the slow food, and I cried urgently, "Grandma, how about it? Is it delicious?" Grandma smiled and said, "You are great, and it is delicious." I said, "Is it more delicious than my mother's?" Grandma smiled again and said, "Yes, it's delicious." Then she took another big mouthful, nodded her head, and said, "Not bad." My heart was as sweet as a can of honey, not to mention how happy I was. After a while, a delicious pancake was made again. I was so happy to eat the pancake I made myself.

Making pancakes (9)

Since my family has an induction cooker, cooking is much more convenient. Today, I asked my father to make pancakes for me.

So I went to the supermarket with my father to buy a pancake pan and a bag of flour. First of all, I want to eat ham pancakes. My father spoons a few spoons of flour into a bowl, adds an egg, and mixes the diced ham, chopped green onion, salt, pepper noodles, MSG, etc. with water. When the frying is finished, scoop up two small spoons of mixed flour juice. Soon, the fragrant pancakes were made into a pan. I tried it but couldn't bite it. It was my father who had added too much flour and too little water. So my father learned the lesson of the last time and mixed some water into it. The second piece of cake was thin and crystal clear. I sprinkled some ham powder in it and rolled it into a tube. It tasted really special!

My father's skill in making pancakes is getting higher and higher. I watched it on the side, and finally my father agreed to make some pancakes.

It's really interesting to make pancakes. We will often make pancakes in the future.

Making pancakes (10)

This morning, I got up early and made pancakes with my mother.

First of all, we added two spoons of flour, three eggs, some salt and chicken essence in the basin, and kept them for use. Then, we use a knife to cut the ingredients as accessories, cut the onions into scallions, ham sausage into pieces, and carrots into thin pieces (be careful when using a knife). Next, we pour the ingredients we just cut into the spare ingredients, add a small amount of water, and mix well.

At last, my "master" mother did it! She is responsible for frying pancakes. Mom first adds a few spoons of oil to the pan, then pours the ingredients just mixed into the pan, shakes the pan from side to side, and slowly fry it with a light fire. Soon, the fragrant big round pancakes came out! My mother cut pancakes into many small pieces with a knife. My sister and I ran over happily. Each of us picked up one and ate it greedily. Wow, it was so delicious. I took two more pieces to eat for my grandpa and grandma, who also said they were delicious.

I hope the epidemic will end soon. I also want to go out to eat mutton kebabs, doughnuts, sausages, fried noodles and mixed noodles!

Making pancakes (11)

I learned to make pancakes and fruit composition

In daily life or work and study, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the composition I learned to make pancakes and fruits collected by Xiaobian for you. I hope it can help you.

Last time I returned home, Grandma taught me to make a snack - pancakes and fruits.

First, I poured flour and eggs into a small iron basin, and then mixed them with chopsticks. Grandma took out a drum shaped pan. Grandma patiently pointed out, "Shuaizhi, don't spread all the noodles in one place, but spread them in a rotating way. While spreading, you should turn your chopsticks, and wipe the batter evenly." I took great efforts to wipe the cake. Spreading the cake evenly on the pan is not smooth, but it is the best piece of cake in my mind. After about five minutes, watching the cake slowly stop sticking to the pan, I put the fried pancake on the board with a small rolling stick, then put the washed lettuce on the last layer of the cake, put two fruits on the lettuce, and finally picked up a spoonful of sauce and put it on the lettuce. Then he began to roll pancakes and fruits. When I rolled it, I found that the most difficult thing was not to put materials, but to roll it completely, but I could not roll it up. This is not because I used too much force and accidentally broke the pancake fruit! Seeing the lettuce and fruit leaking out of the cake on the board, I shook my head helplessly. I couldn't help laughing and crying. Now it's not the pancake fruit, but the "pancake fruit sandwich"!

Although the pancake fruit produced this time ended in failure, I also learned some truth from it: pay attention to skills in everything, master the hub of success so that we can improve without interruption and achieve success!

Making pancakes (12)

Doing housework - Shazitang Primary School, Tianhua Boarding School, Class 3, Longhongyi got up today, and I remembered that it was a holiday. My parents had worked hard all year. They always taught me to study and cook for me. I should also help them make breakfast. After I washed gently, I rolled up my sleeves and began to make preparations. I first beat two eggs in a bowl, and then washed the onions. I could not hold the kitchen knife. I used a fruit knife to cut the onions into thin pieces, put them into the bowl, and then scooped a few spoons of flour. I put salt and water in the same way as my mother usually did, and mixed them evenly. OK, the preparations are ready, and the pancakes can start. I lit the fire quietly. My father won't allow me to use the gas stove. God bless me that I won't be scolded! I prayed secretly. I put the small frying pan on the fire and put some lard into it with a spatula. I remember my mother said that lard would be more fragrant for pancakes. Watching the oil slowly melting in the pot, I turned the pot around to let the oil flow evenly around, and then scooped three spoons of batter mixed evenly into the pot carefully. "I want to fry a thin, yellow and beautiful cake!" I said excitedly. Then, quickly turn the fire to the minimum, turn the small frying pan around, so that the batter is evenly distributed to the bottom of the pan. In order not to burn the cake, I can't stop with both hands, holding the pot and slowly rotating, baking my "work" with a small fire. After a while, I thought it was almost time to turn over the cake. It was a technical job! I remember my mother was always skilled at turning the pan and turning the cake over. I dare not do that. I watched a funny TV show - someone wanted to turn over the fried eggs in the pan and turn the pan over, but he buckled the egg cake on his face, which made him yell. So I simply turned off the fire and turned over the pancakes carefully with a spatula and chopsticks. Wow! That is great! I saw the fried side is golden yellow, beautiful! After a while, I made a big and thin golden pancake. I was so happy that I cheered loudly. It suddenly occurred to me that Mom and Dad hadn't got up yet. Looking back, Dad was standing in the restaurant in his pajamas, smiling at me! He walked up to me, touched my head and said, "I'm a little capable. Let Dad taste your 'work' quickly.". I said sheepishly, "Dad, how did you get up. My father made a face at me and hurried to wash his face and brush his teeth. After a while, I heard my father shouting hello in the kitchen. I ran to see that my father was munching on my pancakes and shouted, "I've never tasted such good food before!" I jumped with joy. "It's easier to see things than to do things," my father often said to me. I really understand this truth today. It's not easy to make a pancake. Mom and Dad are really hard! However, I'm really happy to do something for them, especially when I see my father so happy and satisfied. I'm really excited! Doing housework - spreading pancakes, writing 800 words

Making pancakes (13)

The morning before yesterday, I got up very early. Dad suddenly said to me: "Let's make pancakes together!" "But I can't do it!" I said. My father smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter. You can make pancakes while I teach you!" I thought: you can learn to make pancakes and eat pancakes made by yourself. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

We went to the kitchen and my father commanded, so I did. My father asked me to take two eggs first, knock the eggs, and then use chopsticks to prick the eggshell into a small hole to let the egg white flow into the bowl, and then pour the egg yolk into the other bowl, and then use chopsticks to vigorously stir the egg white, which needs to be stirred for about five minutes. In short, all the egg white should be turned into foam. I did as my father said, but it took me two or three times to succeed. I wasted several eggs! My father asked me to add a few spoons of flour to the egg white. I added two spoons of flour, but my father smiled and said, "Less, add two more spoons!" So I added two more spoons, and asked, "Enough!" "Enough! Pour the yolk into the egg white, and mix it with chopsticks for a while." My father replied. I accidentally poured out more than half of the yolk. Alas, I am really "not enough success, more than failure"! At this time, my father said, "Well, it's wasted anyway. After stirring, pour the oil into the pan." I poured the oil into the pan carefully. When the oil in the pot was hot, I poured the egg white, egg yolk and flour into the pot again. At this time, my father asked me to stand aside, and then he took the spatula to work.

Finally, my father brought out the golden pancakes and let my sister and I have a full meal!

Eating my own pancakes, I think they are more delicious than any other food.

Comment: This article is based on real life and has profound connotation. On the surface, the little writer wrote that my father taught me how to make pancakes. Deliberation tells us with sincere childlike innocence that we can experience different satisfaction and happiness only by our own hands!

Making pancakes (14)

A few days ago, I made glutinous rice pancakes at home.

At first, I was very excited. I put some glutinous rice flour in a bowl and poured a little water. At this time, I thought, just like glutinous rice, it must not taste very good. I wonder what will happen if I add some eggs? So I added two eggs to the powder. I began to mix powder. In harmony, I found that the powder was too dry, so I was ready to add more water. But accidentally, there was too much water! Now I'm so worried that I should throw out the surplus. But there is still more water. What should we do? If you pour it again, you will definitely pour out the glutinous rice flour... Ha! Think of it! A little more glutinous rice flour will do! After hard kneading, I finally made up the powder. Now I start the kneading process. I rubbed left and right, and finally kneaded into shape. Then he kneaded the cake. The pancakes I kneaded are beautiful: they are shaped like hearts, A-shaped, round, I-shaped, stars, etc.

Now let's start the most exciting part - making pancakes. I carefully put the pancakes into the oil pan and made a sound of sizzling. At the same time, oil drops splashed on my face - it really hurts! The pancake turns from white to light yellow and gives off a pungent fragrance. Fried well! I tasted it. It tasted good!

Through making pancakes this time, I realized how difficult it is to cook!

Making pancakes (15)

In the morning, I got up early. Because I promised to make breakfast for my parents to fulfill my promise.

I went into the kitchen and thought: What breakfast will you make for Mom and Dad this morning? Mom often makes pancakes for me, so I will make pancakes today! Let them taste my skill. I prepared the ingredients, poured the flour into a large bowl of noodles, added water, mixed them back and forth with chopsticks, and then rubbed them with my hands. "Oh, there is too much water, and it has become a paste, like mud, and my hands are covered with face. Suddenly, I feel nervous, and sweat. Hurry to move to the" reinforcements "- Mom, ask her what to do? My mother said to me calmly, "Don't worry, try adding some more flour!" So I added some more flour, kneaded hard, and soon it was a dough. Ha ha, flour is no longer "mud", dry and wet is just right, my mother and I laughed.

When everything was ready, I took out the pan, turned on the fire, and poured the oil into the pan. The "crackling" oil was like a group of small bees running in all directions, which scared me to take two steps back and hit the small chair behind me, almost making me fall down and squat. The mother standing by said repeatedly, "Be careful!" Fortunately, I like sports at ordinary times. I immediately stood up straight, quickly walked forward and slowly put the reconciled noodles into the pot. Right here, I found that I had not put salt, and I poured salt into the pot in a panic. Because of my panic, my hands were shaking. "No, it's not a good thing. I put too much salt, so I quickly shoveled out the extra salt." Wow "accidentally, the salt spilled all over the ground, and I was shocked. What can I do when I stay here? It's really a wave that hasn't been leveled, and a wave of it has been rising again. I had to get a broom to sweep the salt again. At this time, a thick smell of paste came, "It's over, my cake is burnt!" I shouted. Run forward immediately and turn off the fire. It's a pity that it's too late and the cake is burnt.

I lowered my head, blushed, and put the pancake on the table. I whispered to my parents, "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I fried the pancake." My father said to me earnestly, "Nothing is difficult in the world, if you have a heart!"

Alas, my first pancake making was like a soul stirring defeat. After the experience, I realized how hard my mother worked every day. I will not be picky anymore.

Making pancakes (16)

How excited! Today, I finally got my mother to teach me how to make egg pancakes. After staying at home for so long, I always want to find my mother to teach me how to make delicious food, but my mother always finds various reasons to prevaricate me and is unwilling to teach me.

Today, my mother suddenly said to me: "Mr. Xiao assigned a special assignment today to cook a delicious meal with his family." I jumped up happily after hearing that: "Great! Great! Then you can teach me to make my favorite egg pancake!"

Mother said that to make egg pancakes, we need some chives, two spoons of flour, four eggs, a ham sausage and a bottle of milk. I quickly took out the ingredients my mother said from the refrigerator.

First, my mother cut the ham sausage and onion very carefully for use. Then I put four eggs into a bowl and quickly mixed them with chopsticks. Then I added proper amount of salt, milk and prepared ham sausage and onion in turn. Finally, I added two spoonfuls of flour and continued to quickly mix them in one direction with chopsticks. Then I stirred the batter in a short time.

Then, open the fire and put on the pan, pour in a little oil, and I slowly poured the batter into the pan and spread it out. After about two or three minutes, my mother said that it was OK to turn the pan over, so I carefully put the shovel under the cake, and then turned it down with force and speed. Eh! It actually succeeded. After another two or three minutes, my mother said that the pot was ready, so I slowly moved the cake to the plate with a shovel.

At this time, Grandma smelled the fragrance and came over. Seeing that the pancake was ready, she quickly took a small piece of pancake and put it in my mouth after blowing it cool. Hmm, it smells good! Really delicious. So we ate while frying, and soon all four pancakes were successfully fried.

Finally, Grandma cut the remaining egg pancakes into pizza shapes and put them on the table. I devoured them, and soon we ate all the egg pancakes.

Egg pancake is a delicious and simple food. Eating the egg pancakes made by myself, I felt very happy and very delicious.

Making pancakes (17)

I poured oil into the pan first. After the oil was heated, I pressed the dough into cakes and put it into the pan. The sound of "Zizi" deep frying was very crisp. There was white sugar and an egg in the dough. After a minute, one side of the pancake was golden. I began to turn the other side to fry it. My mouth watered and I wanted to bite it directly. The pancake finally came out of the pan. I immediately blew it and bit it. The pancake made for the first time was really delicious, and it was enough to eat with my own hands.

Making Pancakes (18)

It was a Sunday. My mother took me to the park to play. On the way home, a faint smell of scallions and a strong smell of bacon came to my nose. I knew there must be a pancake stand in front of me. The smell made my mouth water.

I took my mother's hand and ran towards the fragrance. I saw a pancake stand. I clamoured to buy pancakes, but my mother said that the food on the stall was unsanitary and could not be bought, so I whispered: "If you don't buy it for me, I will make it myself!" Then I followed my mother home.

To my mother's surprise, I kept my word and really wanted to make pancakes myself. As soon as I entered the house, I found out the flour and bacon in the house and prepared the ingredients. After that, I had to mix the dough. Because I was inexperienced, I poured all the water in at one time, so the dough was full of pimples. I had to use a spoon to disperse the pimples one by one.

When making the first pancake, I first spread the batter in the pan, and then spread the pancake with a scraper. Due to the slow scraping, some places were ripe, and some places had not yet had time to spread out, the batter spread out piece by piece, and was divided into several small cakes. I can't laugh or cry!

The professionals outside turned the cake quickly. When I turned it over, I not only didn't turn it over, but also doubled it into a semicircle. I threw away the scraper in a hurry and flipped the cake with my hands. It was so hot! I thought to myself: Why is the cake so obedient in the hands of professionals? Why is it so naughty in my hands! When putting ingredients, I concentrated the ingredients on the center of the cake, which made the edge of the cake tasteless.

The first pancake ended in failure, but it didn't stop me from making pancakes. I went to the kitchen with high morale and started to make pancakes again. This time I had the experience of making a pancake. I scraped the pancake while putting the batter. The pancake was spread thin and round, like a big plate. Then I spread the eggs on the "big plate", fried them on both sides, and finally sprinkled the ingredients. When I sprinkled the ingredients, I sprinkled them all around. This time, it was very successful. I also made a small decoration on the pancake, like a rabbit. A perfect pancake was thus made.

I tried to take a bite. It was delicious! The pancake is just crispy and tastes just right. Mom and Dad always praise my good workmanship. I'm also very proud of myself. It's fun to do it yourself!

The taste of happiness overflows my heart and also my childhood!

Making Pancakes (19)

Today is Women's Day, so I will make a pancake for my mother.

First, prepare the materials for making pancakes, including flour, onions, eggs, water, salt and oil. The first step is to scoop two bowls of flour into a large bowl, poke a hole in the middle of the flour, beat the eggs in and mix them, and then pour two bowls of water. Mix the flour, eggs, water, scallions, a little oil and salt evenly. When the materials are ready, I will start to make pancakes.

Mom helped me turn on the main gas valve, and then I turned on the gas stove. First, heat the pan, and then pour in the cooking oil. Because the pan is non stick, it needs to be lubricated with oil. Then I poured the mixed flour paste into the pan, picked up the pan with my hands and turned it around, so that the flour paste is evenly spread on the pan, and then use the medium fire to fry, patiently waiting for a little while, When the color of flour paste changes from white to light yellow, shake the pan slightly to make the cake not stick to the pan, turn the cake over, bake for a while, and then the cake will be out of the oven!

I put it on a plate, held it in front of my mother for her to taste, and then said to her, "Mom, happy holiday.