Compositions on September (14 anthologies)
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2024-05-14 01:10:24

Composition on September (1)

In September, the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, bursts of coolness wake up the soul sleeping in summer.

Get up early, open the dim sleeping eyes, raise your hand, and rub away the dim in front of you. Everything slowly becomes clear. The window is open, and gusts of cool wind blow in. The outside world is not fully awakened, deep blue, and the wind bell in front of the window swings with the wind. "Ding Ling, Ding Ling..." makes a pleasant sound, but listen carefully, The sweet voice turned into a lonely voice. Sorrow slowly comes to my heart and closes my eyes, leaving only darkness

After a while, I opened my eyes again. The outside world was still deep blue, the wind was still blowing, and the wind chime tirelessly made a lonely sound. If the wind stops, won't the lonely voice be silent? But even so, there will be lonely hearts! The alarm clock at the bedside "tick, tick" went round and round, and the time passed by minute by minute. Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, it is white, yes, it is white, but so what? I wanted to see the stars and the moon... So I imagined in my mind that when I closed my eyes and opened them again, I could see the stars all over the sky. Then I closed my eyes and opened them again. What I saw was a bright moon in the dark blue sky. Once again, I closed my eyes and opened my eyes. Another different picture. I kept thinking, thinking, when I really closed my eyes and opened my eyes, Or the white ceiling.

Suddenly I remembered the story of the prince and princess. It was a sunny Internet. The princess stood by the lake. The water was dark blue, and there were slight ripples on the water. Suddenly a gust of wind blew the beautiful long hair and gorgeous skirt of the princess. The princess raised her hand and tried to block the wind that blew her long hair disorderly, but it was only in vain. The wind was still blowing, and it was getting bigger and bigger. The princess hoped that if the prince appeared to protect her from the wind, it would be great! However, I never saw the prince's figure. Everything around him seemed so silent. Only the wind was blowing relentlessly. Lonely, lonely, she is alone. The princess gave up, put down her hand, and let the relentless wind blow away the crystal tears on her face. She knew that no prince would come. Hope was just a kind of support, because her name was Lonely Princess.

I don't know when my vision became blurred. When I closed my eyes, a crystal tear fell down the pillow and slowly melted away, leaving a tear mark on my face. Shake his head, raise his hand to dry the tears, open his eyes, the outside world is no longer deep blue, the sky is gradually shining, is the shadow of the sun. The wind stopped unconsciously, the wind chime also stopped swinging, and the wind chime was gone. silent? No, it's not quiet. The outside world is busy, and the feeling of loneliness disappears with it. The soul that sleeps in summer should wake up

Darkness is not forever. The world after darkness is bright, the world after loneliness is lively, and the world after silence is full of laughter. Don't fall asleep any more. Open your eyes and have a look. The light of hope is right in front of you, very close, very close... It's just a thin line away from the darkness. Looking at the world full of color, hope and laughter, I smiled

In September, the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, bursts of coolness touched the soul sleeping in summer.

Composition on September (2)

On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the two suns are the same, so it is called "Double Ninth Festival". Double Ninth Festival is also called "Old People's Day". On this day, the elderly either enjoy chrysanthemums to cultivate their sentiments or climb high to exercise their physique, which adds infinite fun to the evening scenery of Sangyu.

On the day of Chongyang, people enjoy chrysanthemums, wear cornel, climb mountains with wine, and enjoy themselves. The Double Ninth Festival in September is a good time to climb high in the Double Ninth Festival. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the golden breeze is cool. Therefore, climbing high has become an important custom of the Double Ninth Festival. The common people living in the Jiangnan Plain suffered from no mountain to climb and no height to climb. They prevented rice flour cakes and put a small colored pennant on the cake surface to show that climbing high (cakes) is a disaster.

On the Double Ninth Festival, there are also customs such as inserting cornel, drinking chrysanthemum wine, and eating Double Ninth Cake. Cornus officinalis, also called Yuejiao, is an important plant. It has a pungent smell and can prevent evil. Double Ninth Festival cake is a seasonal delicacy made of japonica rice.

In the quiet evening, I stood alone under a tree beside the mall. The sun was weaving down obliquely, passing through the scattered leaves and casting mottled flashes in my eyes. But I could not get the warmth from the light at all. Instead, I felt a kind of desolation from the bone marrow. The withered and yellow leaves are no longer bright. They will freeze even in the warm wind. They tremble and will fall down if they can't hold on. They are like butterflies dancing beautifully, and then become lonely. When I leave, I feel like those abandoned and forgotten dead leaves, separated from relatives and friends, breathing strange air in this remote city, chewing the bitter fruit of missing.

Outside the window, a gust of autumn wind blew. I looked up again at those dead leaves flying in the air, and suddenly felt that they were very like natural stationery. Love is a universal stamp. The dead leaves used up their last life to burn into wisps of pure sunshine, passing warmth and blessings to countless relatives and friends in different places, and making the world no longer lonely. The original as long as the heart to heart, distance will never block the truth; In fact, as long as the truth lasts, the horizon is just a short distance away.

"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival. I know from afar that there is only one person missing when my brother climbs high." Through the clouds of history, it is the Double Ninth Festival again, and it is like a voice of my heart to praise the classics again

Composition on September (3)

Dear September, please come in. How happy I am that you have come to my world again. See? The fruits that bend the branches are carefully prepared for your arrival. Please put on your coat. Don't catch a cold. By the way, go upstairs and have a cup of warm milk and some soft and fragrant toast.

Knowing your arrival, the lovely bird went out to send a message and let the partners celebrate your arrival.

Look, the maple leaves have turned yellow. They are flying in the air, like falling butterflies, like dancers, like the graceful fairy. The autumn wind blows in gusts, and the folded and fan-shaped ginkgo leaves fall all over the ground. The wind blew up the yellow fans on the ground and clapped his hands and shouted, "A group of dancing butterflies are flying!" Most of the flowers withered, and then a strong fragrance came to his nose.

Osmanthus, messenger of autumn!

Her fragrance makes people feel refreshed, her beauty makes people dare not look directly at her, and her green makes people look bright! As soon as the lunar August comes, osmanthus flowers rush to bloom their bright smiles. They are golden and yellow, just like the shining gold. Clusters of gold, clusters of gold, clusters of gold, you won't let me, I won't let you, all of them are full of flowers. They are crowded together, like two girlfriends whispering, every tree is like this. Looking up, these flowers seem to bend these branches before giving up. A closer look shows that the sweet scented osmanthus has four small petals, only the size of a grain of rice, but it can send out intoxicating bouquets of fragrance. If you look closer, the flowers that have not yet blossomed look like shy little girls, hanging their heads shyly. Then look at the blooming flowers. They are so beautiful that they look like the ancient ladies. Holding the round fan, they write poems and paintings for their father. Standing under the tree and shaking the stout branches of flowers, the sweet osmanthus flowers will flourish and fall on the head, hands and clothes. It is as beautiful as the Tiannv scattering flowers and the Yellow Mother descending to earth. This can be compared with the picture of Xi Shi sinking fish and falling geese. It is as beautiful as a fairy!

When the beautiful scenery arrived, people put on their trousers and coats one by one. When you travel, you will also carry an umbrella with you.

"Dong Dong Dong......" Who is knocking at the door? It must be the naughty boy in October. He is tired of staying elsewhere and wants to come here to have a good time. I don't like being disturbed. I want to lock the door tightly, but that can't be a reason, because your arrival is so interesting this autumn!

Composition on September (4)

Time slipped away quietly, and Sheng Xia said goodbye to us with the warm wind. September is the beginning of the school season. We also left the primary school where we live day and night, and came to a new environment, a new collective.

The high temperature in summer always forces people to live at home. Miss Qiu is very dissatisfied with this. She said angrily to Xia Xia: "Are you happy to torture people? It's too much!" Xia Xia dismissed her and said with disdain: "I'm going to leave work anyway, so you can do what you want." Miss Qiu also has her skills. She breathed, so the autumn wind was bleak. A refreshing cool wind came, which not only made people feel comfortable, but also reminded them that "clothes need to be added!" People took off their T-shirts and replaced them with long sleeved shirts that covered their arms. She thought that perhaps people would enjoy such an environment more.

Since the beginning of autumn, not only people's lives have changed, but also various fruits and crops have begun to move.

The mouth watering peach and the incomparable watermelon have faded out of the natural stage. In the field, it is like being rendered by golden pen and ink. It is golden, not to mention beautiful. Wheat and sorghum are always fluttering with the wind, waving to people, as if to say: "We are grown up!" In the orchard, the red apple is like a shy girl, very attractive; Pears slant their yellow faces. They are big and round. How lovely!

"Stop and sit in the maple forest at night. The frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February." If you go to the wild, you will be fascinated by the beautiful scenery on this day. I don't know who the great painter is. He waved his magic pen and drew a "sea of fire". "Fire" fell down one by one, and a red carpet was paved on the ground. If you lie on it, you must have some fun. In the park, chrysanthemums are everywhere: yellow, purple, white, colorful, which makes visitors linger.

I fell in love with autumn.

Composition on September (5)

Every September is a new start. Even if there is no summer vacation after many years, we still keep that excitement in our heart. We always believe that a good start is half the success, so is the semester and life. May our September begin beautifully, and may the youth we strive for be incomparable!

Inadvertently, we have grown up. The child who fought yesterday has become a student in Grade Three today. This September, with mixed feelings, is no longer the first day full of expectations; No longer just a carefree second day, but more of a sadness, a sense of urgency, a sense of gratitude.

In the past, there were only 45 of the 49 students who opened the classroom door, as if they had lost something precious. As the saying goes, "Parting is for a better meeting." Then for the reunion in next September, we should work hard. Even if we are not in the same class, don't forget that we still have the same dream.

"Do a good job at every age, and stop doing irrelevant things at the age of learning!" This is what the elders told our children. Indeed, "the degree of our efforts now will determine our living standards in the future". Even if this sentence omits many processes, it is undeniable that the efforts of the third day of junior high school are a new start. There is a saying we have heard thousands of times: "Learning is for yourself." But I have warned myself thousands of times, not only that, but also that I study for the comfort of my parents and to complete a dream. The ideal is far away. Only one week after the school starts, we all feel the competition of this kind of weapon and weapon. We either endorse or write questions. Hmm, it's very early!

Maybe when we study, we will all have the feeling of the graduating class. When the whole class quietly writes their homework, we look up and look around. In this way, we will only be together for the last year. Suddenly, we will feel that the most beautiful appearance of youth is one by one struggling and energetic face. The next September, when we open the classroom door, we will no longer see you, Suddenly, I also feel that the teachers are just like each other! I remember the last sentence that a head teacher said to the graduates: "What's the noise... If you read again, I will see you again." I met some different people at this different age, and what I discussed with my friends was not only learning, but also dreams. "We agreed not to separate, but to stay together all the time"!

At the beginning of September this evening and the end of June tomorrow, may our youth never end! May we present the most beautiful appearance of youth in the remaining nine months!

Composition on September (6)

September is a time of transformation for us. We entered a new school, a new class.

Although he is already a junior high school student, the scene of the primary school is still emerging in front of him, singing in his ears and eulogizing in his mouth, never fading.

I remember there was a big cinnamon tree in the primary school. Its leaves showed a boundless green all the year round. If you look carefully, you can still see the traces of dust on it, making it more of a forgotten musty smell. But in the autumn, the osmanthus tree always "Shua" suddenly blooms countless golden bits, fragrant and beautiful.

So when my classmates and I passed the osmanthus tree, we always smelled the fragrance of flowers. Under the temptation of such fresh fragrance, of course, there are not few boys and girls from lower grades who sneak in and quickly "capture" a small handful of osmanthus flowers. Now there is no such big osmanthus trees in this junior high school, and naturally there is no mood to chat with classmates in the past.

September is really a nostalgia for the old days... I found a cinnamon tree in an inconspicuous corner of the school. My fingers brushed the smooth lines of the leaves, and unexpectedly touched a hand of dust, but the cinnamon tree changed, the school changed, and the people around me changed.

I remember that once upon a time, there was a girl who took my hand and took me to feel the sweet scented osmanthus coming from my fingertips, like the light kiss of the sun, the silence of the leaves and the year after year of the trunk.

Thinking about it, I put down my hand, a little crazy, suddenly a hand around my shoulder - "Whew, you are here, thanks to me! How can you reward me!"

I turned my head and smiled at me with a "familiar" face. My eyes were bright, just like the girl I used to be - "Not much reward." I replied with a smile. "Ah! That's so! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

When I left quickly, she followed me and kept making noise, which was the opposite of that girl, but they all had the magic to warm people's hearts.

Well, this is also very good.

I turned my back to her, and the corners of my mouth raised a simple but true radian.

This September, let me leave her, let me meet you, although it is not the perfect ending that I expected before, but it is really good.

Let me meet this school, this class, this September, this you, really good.

Composition on September (7)

At the beginning of school, I carried my new schoolbag, entered the school gate with excitement, and entered the fifth grade life.

On the first day of school, many interesting things happened in Class 51. Some of these things will make you laugh, and others will make you learn the tricks of the whole student

The third section in the morning is art class. The teacher asked us to draw a big triangle on the art book, and then draw five Taowa from big to small in order in the triangle. The teacher said it could be easier to draw. With this imperial edict, a boy sitting behind me drew many vertical lines in the triangle, and two circles were randomly drawn on each vertical line, representing a doll. At a glance, it really looks like strings of abacus beads. The teacher came over and said, "You are too simple. You are drawing a big triangle abacus!" The students laughed.

At the end of class, we played the newly invented game - "Qiaojiner". The rules of the game are: two people stand face to face with both hands against each other's hands, and whoever moves his feet first will lose. When I played this game with a classmate, he gave me a hard push on my hand, and only heard a "plop". I fell to the ground, and immediately felt that the right knee was hot. When I looked down, I found that a big hole had been torn in my pants, which was as big as a fist. I looked around. Fortunately, no classmates found it. I thought to myself. Suddenly, a "clever plan" flashed through my mind, so I quickly got up and asked to duel with my opponent again, regardless of the hole and pain. He still used the old method to push hard at me, but I quickly pulled my hand back to my chest, and nimbly moved to the side. Unexpectedly, he had no support point, and his hands kept scratching in the air, just like a drowning man crying for help in the water, and listening to the "plop" sound, he staggered to the ground and kissed the earth heavily. The students nearby laughed when they saw the funny scene

On the first day of school, I met so many interesting things. I believe I will have a very happy and happy semester.

Composition on September (8)

Our school is a beautiful school. There are colorful flowers, vibrant grass, and united, friendly, hardworking students. On the day of last semester's holiday, I reluctantly left school. Now two months of summer vacation is about to pass. I am excited to be able to come to the campus again and meet my lovely classmates.

The summer vacation this year is extremely hot. The hot weather for more than 40 days has made people breathless, and people have taken refuge in air-conditioned rooms; This summer vacation is shrouded in loneliness, so I can only spend it alone at home. Recalling the laughter and laughter when I was with my classmates at school, and every wonderful moment I spent with them, I couldn't help shedding tears. The summer vacation is so long in my eyes. I live like a year, one day, two days, three days... I seem to count my days day by day. Now it's better. I'm finally looking forward to the beginning of school.

Of course, in order to prepare for the start of school, I conscientiously finished my summer homework and carefully reviewed the knowledge of last semester this summer. Because I know that only by laying a solid foundation can I better devote myself to the study of the new semester, to absorb the sunshine of happiness, and to unite and make progress.

An inch of time is an inch of gold. An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. In the new semester, I will cherish the time and study against the clock. It can also be regarded as preparing for the entrance examination. Come on, I will work hard for those who look after me!

Composition on September (9)

I will be a fifth grade student in primary school. Today I want to talk about my summary of the past few years, the plan of the new semester and the harvest of the beginning of school. Please have a look!

I entered the school when I was six years old. I am a little girl who knows nothing. In the past four years, I have studied hard. With the help of my teacher, I learned to write, count. These also let me work hard, let me understand: as long as you work hard, as long as you work hard, as long as you work hard, victory is waving with you! No matter what you do, you should have perseverance. There is nothing you can't do. Never give up halfway. You should be brave to challenge, so that you will become more and more excellent.

I used to write beautifully, but now I write too big and too slanted, so I want to practice calligraphy. I believe that nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to. In order to strengthen my reading, I specially read a book for a while before going to bed, which will enrich my knowledge. It's good!

At the beginning of school, the first unit I learned was about reading. These texts have benefited me a lot. It turns out that it was so difficult to read books before, but books are so precious. I must cherish them and cherish them. Come to "taste" its taste, I believe it will be very good.

I'm in the fifth grade, ah! It makes me feel the world is so beautiful!

Composition on September (10)

Composition at the beginning of school

Winter vacation, slowly passed, the new semester arrived, the school is still the same, not much change, but our learning task began again.

The happy time during the winter vacation made us unforgettable. The students talked to each other about interesting and happy things in the winter vacation. Some students said they would go sightseeing, some said they would go to the sea, some said they would go to the temple fair, and some said they had collected a lot of New Year's money. They said they were very happy. But we should take our heart back, because learning is the most important.

School began, we returned to the bright classroom.

School begins, we return to the warm family.

School began, we returned to the arms of the teacher.

On the day I returned to school, I said goodbye to my grandfather, grandmother, brother and sister, and my favorite little bed. I really couldn't bear it! However, I always remember what the teacher said, study hard and make progress every day. Put learning first, and let me successfully ascend to the fourth grade.

Composition on September (11)

From today on, I will say goodbye to my wonderful winter vacation life. I have to go to school again to start the next semester's study. I am full of curiosity for the new semester and hope to have a good result.

The new semester is my new start, in order to get good grades. From today on, I will set myself a learning goal: 1. Take classes seriously. 2. Work hard. 3. Do your homework well.

I was very happy to see my teachers and classmates at the beginning of school today. Because I haven't seen them for a long time, even the students who are always quarreling miss them very much. When I walked into the classroom, my good friends and classmates all ran up and hugged me. I felt the hug was very tight, so they let me go.

The class began, thinking about what to learn in the first lesson? But the teacher said, "Clean up." Then we began to divide the work. The girls cleaned the glass and tiles. Boys move tables and chairs, sweep the floor, etc.

In less than two hours, the classroom looked completely new and glittered everywhere.

Today, we have achieved great results through our own labor, which is a very meaningful day.

Composition on September (12)

It's like a kind of suffering for us students. When we walk into the examination room, it's like walking into hell.

In the eyes of both parents and teachers, the most important thing is the exam. In the exam, not only we are nervous, but also our parents and teachers. The day before the exam, all of us were studying hard, and none of us played there. If we did well in the exam, Mom and Dad would happily say, "Honey, you did really well in the exam. You must give a big reward". If Ji did not do well in the exam, my parents would criticize me and say, "How did you do this time? A compliment will not do."

When listening to the scores, we are also the most nervous. If we get high scores, we will go home and tell our parents immediately, so that they can take me to travel and buy me a big plush toy. But if I do not do well in the exam, I dare not say, for fear that my parents will ask about the results. If I want to say it, I must start from the subjects with high scores.

I can't watch TV for the exam; In order to take the exam, we can't just play with computers; We can't go downstairs to play for the exam; For the sake of the exam, we can't just read the books we like. All this is to get a good score!

My parents are both educated people. They hope that I will not fall behind, become an excellent student, and become a person who will make a difference in the future and win honor for them. However, now exams have become our common burden. Even so, we have to study hard, because "if we don't eat bitterness, we can't eat sweet."!

Composition on September (13)

After three months of winter vacation, school finally started! The most treasured news about the school start is not the students who are looking forward to meeting their classmates, not the teachers who are not paid because they don't teach, but the parents who are looking forward to the start of their children's school every day, but that's just most of the parents! My mother just hid well, but I caught her!

Today, on the first day of school, I took my equipment to go to school. Since it was walking to school, I had to go out at 7:30, and there was a large flow of people during this period. Like us, there were also people who walked to work and go to school.

I looked at the parents accompanying my children, relieved to see the children who obviously didn't want to go to school in front of me or beside me, and said that I wanted to laugh very much. Then I thought of my mother. Did my mother also dance behind me, very excited! I turned my head and saw my mother's eyes, her mouth and her relaxed face, which made me feel that my mother did not smile. incorrect! My mother always asks why school doesn't start in the winter vacation. She is usually a person with a very low point of laughter and a playwright! Although it is a playwright, there must be defects.

I analyzed it like Conan. After I finished the analysis, I carefully observed my mother, who was a playwright. Suddenly, my mother seemed to think of something, and a smile appeared in her eyes. I caught it.

I said: Mom! Are you as relieved as everyone else? My mother smiled and said, "You still saw through this' wonderful play 'I played!"!

Ah ha ha, I am so powerful!

Composition on September (14)

600 words of autumn composition in September (1)

The spring wind blows across the earth, and the summer passes over the mountains and rivers. Facing the gorgeous autumn scenery, we look up at the wild geese flying to the south, and we walk into September together with the girl Qiu. Some people say that autumn is desolate and bleak, but I don't think so. I think autumn is very poetic. Liu Yuyiyou wrote in Autumn Poetry: "Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than spring." Autumn is not only colorful, but also more gorgeous than the morning of spring, and full of joy, prosperity, maturity and richness. If you don't believe it, let the geese in the sky show you the autumn scenery in September! Overlooking the earth from a high altitude, autumn in September is still full of green. Compared with the green in spring, the green in autumn is more green, with some crimson in the green, which is gorgeous and charming, adding a bit of value and charm to watch. However, compared with the thick dark green in summer, people feel more refreshing. Autumn sweeps away the heat and stuffiness in summer, making people feel refreshed and relaxed. Chrysanthemum is also the darling of autumn. When the flowers withered, they showed their own charm. Some were white and snowy, some were as red as fire, some were as yellow as gold, some were affectionate, some smiled, and some danced in the air... This was the ingenious creativity of nature. People affectionately used "the charming child of flowers, the charming phoenix in the clouds, and the jade beads falling on the plate" to describe their charming appearance, which is very accurate. If picking maple leaves and appreciating chrysanthemums are not enough to touch your heart, let's feel the joy of harvest! Walking into the fruit forest, the smell of fruit came to my nose. Looking up, the heavy apples bent the branches. The red face was so enchanting and lovely. I love September because she is so beautiful. Her beauty lies in the flying red leaves, the unique autumn chrysanthemum, the colorful fruits, and the bumper crops

600 words for autumn composition in September (2)

Autumn is a season full of reverie. Autumn in September, a little depressed, a little quiet aftertaste, aftertaste of the previous lazy season; In the autumn of September, perhaps there should be a harvest, a different harvest, or beautiful, or moved, only my heart can slowly detect, secretly miss, or secretly cry; The autumn of September gave me a start of repentance. Repentance alone, and everything can become a reason for self reproach. In the autumn of September, hope begins to wander. Once again, I lost my lovely and impulsive yearning for learning. I just looked at those words that I thought were great and searched aimlessly. A little tired, because frustrated; I'm a little unconvinced. Why should I give the opportunity to others? I want to play with the opportunity in my hands; A little sleepy, close your eyes to enjoy a person's darkness, open your eyes will be favored by self blame. In September, there is calm smoke. In autumn, there is the beauty of hidden smoke. I floated, floated, floated into the lonely forbidden area, floated to the lost castle that nobody cared about, stood in the crowd and felt a person's loneliness. Echoing his own words of floating spirit in the irascible voice, he was eager to say something and express something, but he could not open his mouth. Invisibly, he resisted the fluent language and became a mute with voice. He was only closed by reality and heard the cry of falling leaves, so he only used his eyes to look at what he wanted to see through, Listen to different tunes and hum a silent melody. It is not happiness, it is thinking, it is the weak beating and pondering of eyes. The night breathes quietly, and the moon appears very clear in the lonely night. It silently waits for the disappearing figure before dawn. Standing under the old tree, gently stroking its body with your hands, it has the roughness left by the passage of time. Moonlight sprinkles on the scattered leaves and flows between the leaves, but I don't know what kind of mood it is in the night. Compared with the dazzling lights, the moonlight is extremely gentle, and I can't help paying attention to it deeply, whether it is longing or disappointed. But the moonlight is also cold, and you will feel a trace of coolness when you sprinkle it on your face. The footsteps began to become hurried, leaving a slanting shadow. When autumn comes, the leaves become restless. Time stealthily takes everything away, but memory saves everything.

600 words of autumn composition in September (3)

In September, in late autumn, the golden color with rich fruits, printed in the sky, has become the most beautiful sunset. The setting sun, drunk with watching, pulled a white cloud to cover the blushing face, lazily scattered the last piece of warmth, and then waited to fall asleep. The small bridge is winding, enjoying the last evening sunshine at dusk, which is warm. Send off the sadness of parting willows, send off the joy of returning lovers, and send off the old cow at dusk. Lying on the bank quietly, watching the flowing water flowing slowly, I felt a little lonely. The willow is leaning against the wind, and the graceful body is blown by the wind, which seems to dance a new piece of neon clothes and feather clothes for the departed people, telling their feelings of parting. As the wind fades away, the countless willow leaves seem powerless. They look down at themselves in the water, covered with yellow leaves and sighing helplessly for a long time. Only the flowing water, gently humming a cheerful song, ignored the lonely bridge, the sad willows, facing the call of the sea in the dream, step by step into the distance. Where there is a dream, there is a heaven. Night, sleep, winter is coming, can spring be far behind?