Dongye Guiwu's Malicious Reading Feelings
Looking back at the moon
2023-08-25 03:03:13

"Malicious" is the third book I read written by Keigo Dongno. Compared with the famous "Jieyou Grocery Shop" and "Walk in the Night", its popularity is no more than that. However, this novel, which is not in the glory of other famous works of Keigo Dongno, has brought me the greatest shock. I have always been amazed at the ability of Japanese writers to portray human nature. When reading this book, this feeling reached its climax.

The plot setting of "Malicious" is extremely strange: the murderer and the method of killing were solved quickly, and 80% of the whole book is devoted to exploring the motives of the murderer. In the works of the Benge School of Reasoning, the way of committing the crime is exposed and the mastermind is arrested, which means that the story has come to an end, justice has been defended, and the world is happy. However, in Malicious, everything is reversed. Killing is not the most vicious way to destroy a person. Malignancy, the hatred and jealousy that infiltrate into the skin and stick to the bone marrow, finally become irreducible murderous. Because he has been helped, protected and forgiven all the time, he wants to kill him instead - this kind of emotion is probably difficult to show in the works of most contemporary writers. The mediocre can only write thanksgiving words and the naive and thin confession of "we should be good friends for life".

The hero, Kouxiu Ono, was helped by his neighbor, Rigao Bangyan, when he was young. He accompanied him to school and was protected by him in school. Kouxiu Ono, who entered junior high school, was involved in bullying Rigao Bangyan. When the two grew up to meet again, Yoshihiko Rigao, who has become a best-selling author, put aside the past grievances and helped Ono Kouchi, who also likes literature, embark on the path of writing. However, because of this, Noguchi hated him and hated him extremely. He did his best to discredit the dead, stole photos of his ex-wife, forged an affair with him, copied several novels published by Niguchi, and pretended to be his behind the scenes gunman... Noguchi also forced himself into death when his inexplicable hatred for Niguchi grew stronger. I tried to speculate on the source of this tragedy, but found that it was almost an unsolvable equation - Noguchi's original family was indeed despicable and hateful, but how could it lead this cowardly child step by step to the end of committing murder? There is no foolproof way to avoid this tragedy, because the reason for it is the word that has been mentioned countless times - human nature. Keiwu Dongye's profound portrayal of human nature has created a high appreciation value of this book.

Characterizing human nature is concise and clear, but the essence is difficult. I have always thought that literature is the most difficult thing to learn in the world, because mathematical physics and chemistry have formula laws to follow, and political history and geography can also find exact facts to support. However, what is the iron law that cannot be violated in the writing of literature? What is the golden oil that can get "full marks" according to what is written? The laws of literature are extremely difficult to understand, just like human nature. When these two most complex and obscure things become the relationship between the bearer and the bearer, it must be said that they set a great test on the author's writing ability. Human nature, or people's thoughts and feelings, is a kind of thing that is neither clear nor clear, whose boundary is chaotic, and whose scale is vague, floating outside the five senses.

There is no monologue with Tang Zexueshui or Tomihara Ryuki as the first person in "A Journey in the White Night", and every "oral statement" of the murderer Noono Kouxiu in "Malicious" is not true, and his mind is relayed by the criminal policeman Gaga Gongichiro. These arrangements leave endless room for readers to ponder. When the human nature of a certain moment cannot be described in the pen, we will use the "curve to save the country" method - lay details and clues around the core layer by layer to guide the author to appreciate what has not been written. To some extent, the part of thoughts and emotions that have not been written has become the most solid pillar to support the characters in this book. However, this "strategic abandonment", in the form of nihility, has pulled out a thousand pounds of power, achieving the effect that plain speaking cannot achieve. If you have to write in words, you may become self defeating. This is what I admire most about Keigo Dongno. It is just like a clever dance, which skillfully takes out the things in people's hearts and spreads them on the paper, and ingeniously leaves a blank, "returning to nature", so that people can simply taste people's hearts. In this tacit understanding between the author and the reader, I have experienced the best reading experience.

And what kind of person is Kaga Kung Ichiro? I have read many novels that explore the truth through him, but I can't summarize his specific character. His character is so vague, like a glass mirror behind the fog, which makes people seem to blurt out immediately, but can't be summarized in a few words. Perhaps it is Dongye Kyuhiro who deliberately turned him into a guiding symbol. Kaga Kyuhiro should not be too conspicuous, because just as the background of the flowers should be a single green, all the complicated feelings of the mastermind and the victim need to be told by Kaga Kyuhiro. How can Dongye Kyuhiro do things that put the cart before the horse?

When I closed the pages, I felt a burst of tightness in my chest. Human nature is so complicated and profound. If you follow it, it seems that one turn is the bright end, and the next turn is the dead end of despair. I believe that writing these "negative energies" is of greater value beyond the perspective of literary appreciation. After all, man's biggest opponent is himself. Only when he knows himself and his enemy can he be invincible.