On the winter solstice, send a message to friends (preferred
South Lane Breeze
2023-03-24 10:02:17
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1. The winter solstice is cold, accompanied by warm winter.

2. Winter is coming and the year is approaching. It's important to keep warm

3. The days are short, and the nights are long.

4. Run out all the heat and break all the boredom in the cold winter

5. The taste of happiness only increases, and the days are short and the nights are long when the winter solstice comes

6. South Tangyuan and North Jiaozi have different customs and drink the same good wine

7. In the longest night, we try to give you the shortest wait.

8. I have never seen the various attitudes of the world, and how to understand the various tastes of reunion.

9. The winter solstice, the first day of the ninth cold day, is very particular about food. In the north, there is a saying that "dumplings on the winter solstice and noodles on the summer solstice", and in the south, there is a saying that "you can eat dumplings on the winter solstice, and you will be one year old after eating them".

10. My most sincere friend, the winter solstice is coming. Thank you for your concern. Thank you for everything you have done for me... Please accept my most sincere wishes: a safe, happy, healthy life!

11. Eating a bowl of winter solstice dumplings, happiness always revolves around, the winter solstice often drinks hot, the body is not injured, insist on doing sports, the health will not be less, the winter solstice, wish you healthy company, happy always, happy winter solstice!

12. The winter solstice, the days gradually longer; The winter solstice, the light is longer and longer; The winter solstice, the sun is longer and longer; At the winter solstice, I wish you more and more happiness, good luck and longevity.

13. Blooming is true, withering is also true; Cold is real, warm is also real; Distance is real, missing is also real; The winter solstice is real, and so is the blessing.

14. Winter Solstice dumplings are all fragrant, I wish you family harmony and wealth; Santa Claus family string, I wish you happy and happy forever; Send a message of blessing in the holiday season, wishing you a warm and happy Christmas and winter solstice!

15. When the winter solstice is coming, the sun will send care, and dumplings will be delivered: peace is skin, happiness is stuffing, and the truth is cooked. After eating Le Tao Tao and drinking dumplings soup, the whole family will be healthy. Good luck in winter!

16. Winter Solstice SMS, just receive it; If you are busy, don't go back; My blessing, just know it; Every day you are happy; Remember to reply, just one; After reading the winter solstice blessing, happiness will be fine.

17. The winter solstice solar term is coming, the sun is running back, spring is not far away, warmth is also important, good friends bless you, wish you no trouble. May my blessing drive away the cold and bring you warmth, hope you are happy and healthy, and have a happy winter solstice!

18. When cool and autumn rain accompany; When yellow leaves and morning dew depend on each other; When the cold moon shines in the same color; When the wild geese return to the south, my blessing comes with the arrival of the winter solstice: the weather is cold, please remember to add clothes!

19. Silent night, I am a star, waiting for your window lattice; Minglang, I am a ray of sunshine, warming your heart; The winter solstice is coming. I'm a dumpling. I get into your stomach and quietly just want to steal your secret.

20. The cold pole turns warm, and the cold ends in spring. When the winter solstice comes, the Spring Festival is around the corner. Remind friends: take good care of your body, keep a good attitude, keep hope, keep fighting spirit, keep love fresh, ensure income and keep happiness!

21. Pick a lucky snowflake, and the garden in winter will no longer be bleak. Send a wisp of gentle breeze, and my heart will wander with the fragrance of flowers. Raise a warm winter sun and turn the heart language into a warm blessing. The winter solstice is coming, I wish you peace and happiness!

22. Eating winter solstice food will surely make a fortune; Drink winter solstice wine, happiness to permanent; Bite the winter solstice dumplings, and have good luck since then; Eat a small dumpling, and the beauty of the family will be reunited; The winter solstice is coming, I wish you good luck and happiness.

23. On the winter solstice, the temperature is low, the weather is cold and the ground is cold, and you should wear more clothes, send a message to convey warmth, and bring a little blessing. May you be healthy and not upset, work smoothly and make more money, love is sweet and everyone envies, family is happy and lucky, and you are happy and smiling!

24. The cold winter solstice is coming. Greetings once the ice disappears. Even if the snow is like goose feather, floating and sprinkling when dancing; Even if the cold wind is blowing fiercely, the sound is like whistling. The most important thing is to take care of your body. Add clothes to keep you warm and healthy. Wish you a healthy winter solstice!

25. The weather is getting cooler. My friends far away, please remember to add clothes. Although we are far away from each other now, you are always in my heart and never forgotten. Dear friend, you will always be a light in my life. It's cold. Don't catch cold.

26. Many people care about how high you fly. Only a few people care about how tired you are when you fly. No matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to relax and rest. No matter how tired you are, you should take care of yourself. Although you don't often contact, you have always been concerned about taking care of your body! Dear, I wish you a happy winter solstice!

27. When the winter solstice comes, I will give you a bowl of dumplings with health and good luck. I wish you no disease, far away from disasters, and many blessings; Give you a bowl of dumplings, wrapped with happiness and wealth. I wish you sweet love, prosperous family and wealth; Send you a blessing, I wish you a happy winter solstice!

28. This winter seems particularly cold. Unconsciously, tomorrow is the winter solstice. Sometimes I want to disappear for a period of time, a person, a song, a backpack, a journey, a time and space of my own. I don't want to deliberately look for meaning, but just wander around at random.