Experience of visiting China Mobile Science and Technology Museum
2023-09-11 05:48:42
primary school
impressions of after reading

Today, our teacher took us to visit the "China Mobile Science and Technology Museum". There are many machines in it, such as the "Little Ball Travel", "Barbie that can dance", "Visible electricity" and other interesting machines we visited.
However, what impressed me most was the "laser harp".
It is a small and exquisite "electronic harp" with ten red laser strings emitted by lasers. The first time I saw it, I had a strong curiosity. I walked quickly to the "laser harp" and couldn't wait to touch the red strings. Suddenly, it made a beautiful, beautiful and long sound, just like the beautiful notes from playing the piano!
There is also a "little guy" called "static electricity between fingers". There are many dots on the screen. I tried to put my hand on it. The static electricity index on it was very small, and there was not much reaction. Maybe my fingers don't have much static electricity? So I quickly put my hand on the clothes and quickly rubbed them. Then I put my hand on the clothes. The static electricity has really increased. It's amazing!
I also saw a "safety knowledge treadmill" and wanted to have a try. Due to limited time, the teacher asked us to gather and reluctantly left the "Science and Technology Museum".
This visit to the "China Mobile Science and Technology Museum", although there is a little regret, but I am still very happy. Those magical machines seem to take me into the vast ocean of science. Although I still don't understand some scientific principles, they have made me interested in exploring science. I am determined to study hard, master more scientific knowledge and make my own contribution to human progress!
This visit will make me unforgettable for life.