Composition with simple words (17 required)
A genial wind
2024-05-14 01:09:29

Simple Word Composition (1)

The night is full of lights. The lights on the opposite side are like stars. The tea fragrance in the evening breeze is the temperature in the palm of your hand. The ordinary time flies by with the shadow, and you can't help laughing. What is happiness? Some people criticized Li Bai for "being unsatisfied in the world, but the Ming Dynasty was a coward". But I think it is also a kind of free and easy. If there is a free and easy way to change the fame into a low chant, it will also be a kind of happiness. If it rains well, you will have a good shower. The grass and trees are withered and yellow, but it is cool in autumn. There is no sunrise, and the sunset has its own flavor. Instead of the spring breeze, it is better to visit the mountains in winter, lie on a collapsed pine, watch the pines fall with the wind, and watch the sky, clouds and shadows dance around

The Thatched Cottage also has a poet, and the humble house also has a story, which may be a kind of happiness. After listening to Liu Ruoying's songs several times, I tasted all the greatness in the ordinary. The definition of happiness must be the same with the warmth of "a loving mother's thread, a wandering son's coat". When it comes to warmth, the vague concept in my mind is home. If someone asks me what happiness birds have, I will say that birds return to the mountains and forests, and the heart of birds returns to the nest in the forest, no matter whether the nest is dilapidated, Or magnificent, birds settle here, this is home, there is home, know the direction of home, there are relatives waiting, this is happiness. In fact, I am also like a returning bird. It is a kind of happiness to listen to the family's stable breathing fluctuations with the tiredness and fatigue of the day.

Finally, I would like to say that my greatest happiness is a kind of peace and harmony. The mood of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" is a kind of leisure. For me, it is peace. In the boundless twilight, the sound of cow bells, the distant mountains like Dai, the water goes east to be drunk by the setting sun, the flying swallow returns to its nest, the red dragonfly in the sunset light falls in front of us, and the smoke curls up. Everything is like a picture condensed by time, without sound or explanation. Everything is in silence, the whole heart is dissolved in silence, I would rather not wake up

In fact, happiness is a simple, ordinary, but contains all the feelings

Simple Word Composition (2)

I used to think that there was nothing in the world that could defeat me. Even if there are, I will crack them one by one. However, with the growing age, life experience has become more and more rich, and I have a lot of confusion about things. I feel that not everything can be solved one by one.

Take the last mountaineering for example. It was a holiday. I stayed at home every day, either doing my homework or watching TV. My father saw that my lack of exercise every day was not conducive to my physical growth, so he said to my sister and me: "You don't go out every day at home and do no exercise, otherwise, let's go hiking together tomorrow." After hearing this, I was not very happy, but I didn't dare to say anything when I saw my father's determined eyes.

Finally, the next day, we packed our things, and then embarked on the journey to the mountains. On the way, the breeze was blowing slowly, and we walked together. Xiaofeng ran in front of us and was left behind by us. In the process of chasing after each other, I have reached the foot of the mountain before I know it.

When looking up from the foot of the mountain, one can see a nearly vertical steep slope connected with the top of the mountain, just like a long scroll nailed to the top of the mountain. After Father parked the car, we will begin the "long journey".

I divided the mountain road into three stages.

This stage has the longest road and the most ups and downs. There will be an uphill every ten meters. After walking for a while, I felt tired and sat on the seat beside the road for a rest. Just as he was about to get up, he saw an old man selling candied haws. He was selecting candied haws for the children beside him. Looking at the red hawthorns wrapped with thick sugar coating, my mouth watered. The sister beside me also observed and said to me: "Do you want to eat? If we eat, we will buy one each." Of course, I will not refuse her kindness, and she seems to know my answer. So she went forward and I followed her.

After buying candied haws, we moved on. I always felt that there was no one around me, so I asked my sister, "Hey, where is my father?" While eating candied haws, she replied, "He left first when we bought candied haws. Now he is halfway up the mountain." I was very surprised. We have only walked several slopes now, and look up at the halfway up the mountain. There is still a long way to go, so I am inspired to fight, While eating candied haws, he walked forward quickly.

Finally, the second stage is reached, which is formed by the combination of flat roads and stairs. But it consumed a lot of energy in front of me, so I collapsed on the steps. With the last bit of strength, he wiped the hot sweat on his face with his hands. After sitting and resting for more than ten minutes, my strength recovered. Just as I was about to climb the third step, my sister suddenly said, "Don't go up. My father has already gone up, and he is ready to come down now." This is undoubtedly pouring cold water on my heart. I was also very helpless. What can I do? But I was still unwilling to give up. I continued to climb. I had just climbed to the third stage when I met my father who went downhill. Finally, I went downhill with him.

This mountain climbing was really not easy. My legs and feet hurt because of tiredness. In summary, I didn't exercise much. My father exercises every day, so he feels relaxed when climbing the mountain.

Mountain climbing is really not easy!

Simple Word Composition (3)

Even if two people sit face to face, they can only look at each other. Maybe we are sincere and want to know each other, but we don't know how to break the deadlock.

It is a very simple thing to communicate with each other, but it is a big obstacle for those who are introverted and not good at communicating with others. For example, a person "I". I am an introverted person. As I just entered junior high school, I came to a new environment. I don't know anyone. I don't know anyone. I don't communicate with others. I don't have any friends. No matter I go to the restaurant to eat, or go to the toilet, no one accompanies me. I don't like others to work with his little friends, and I envy them especially. Sometimes I don't even want to go to school, because I don't know anyone, and I feel very lonely.

The teacher changed his seat, and I met my deskmate, my first friend. She was very cheerful. When we just sat together, she said to me, "Hello! Nice to meet you". I was thinking, "If only my personality were so cheerful!" My answer was "Hmm". She looked embarrassed. I was very regretful at that time, and I was thinking, "Why don't you greet others? She must think you are a very difficult person, and may not answer you later. I also want to say: Hello, I'm glad to meet you! But I have no courage! Heaven! Why do you make me so introverted! I also want to get along well with my classmates, but my mouth just can't open. I really want to be with her... "I heard a" bang ". Oh, it was her pen that fell on the ground. I took a look at it. It was so close to her that I didn't need to pick it up for her. I didn't care. After a while, my deskmate's hand poked me twice. My deskmate said to me, "Well, can you help me pick up the pen?" I didn't answer her, but picked up the pen and returned it to her. She said, "Thank you!" My answer was "Hmm" again. I said to myself at that time, "Why don't you say you're welcome? Your mouth is so stupid." No, I can't do that anymore, or I won't be able to make a friend. I mustered the courage to say to her, "Well, my deskmate, can you tell me how to write this question? I can't do it." My deskmate said, "Of course you can!". I was thinking, "How can you be so good? I treated you so well before, and you......" After this time, I will not communicate with you as before. Every time I see her, I will greet her. We have a very good relationship, and I like her very much.

A seemingly simple thing is really difficult to do, just like a huge obstacle blocking you from moving forward, but you must have the courage to break through it.

Simple Word Composition (4)

Today, the weather was very hot. The sun baked me as if I was going to melt.

My father stayed at home with me and decided to go swimming together. I couldn't swim at first, but looking at the weather today, I suddenly thought of staying in the water, so I ran to the house happily to get my swimsuit. Because I didn't swim very often, I bought the swimsuit last year when I went to the seaside.

In this way, Dad drove, and we both set out for the swimming pool. Dad brought me a swimming circle, and I was put in it. Dad tried to teach me to swim, but when he turned around, he found that I had already swished far away. Dad was very angry and pulled me back, telling me that I could not go there because of the high water level. Let me just stay beside him. Curiosity prompted us to slowly start learning to swim with my father. Every step was not easy from breathing to suffocation, from breathing to posture, and every step was not simple. Today was the first time to try, so it was pretty good. I knew some simple postures and how to breathe. My father said that this was especially important for swimming. If I didn't know how to adjust my breathing, How can I swim? I can't do it overnight, so I will come to learn swimming with my father tomorrow.

A short, sultry day passed like this, and my day is also simple and happy.

Simple Word Composition (5)

I don't know when to begin to analyze my heart, which has become a punishment and sin.

I have abandoned the passion and enthusiasm of my youth. It doesn't matter if I lose everything once I get involved in a thing. That kind of desperate attitude is rare.

At that time, I didn't care about fame, wealth, right and wrong, just because I wanted to do this thing, just because I wanted to write a novel, so I would waste all my time to complete this work. At that time, perhaps the word "work" was inappropriate, because it was really something that matched my soul, and no words were allowed to smear it.

But now as I grow up and see more and more things, I find that some things are gradually changing.

There are many things we can't say to others, but we can only tolerate him, just like a monster devouring some inspiration in our own heart. Maybe those things seem to teach us a lesson in a certain period of time, but after that we will never forget them.

The future life may usher in many different landscapes, but we still need to cherish the present years in the present time, as if many people are saying that the tree is desirous of tranquility but the wind is endless, and few people are willing to say the following sentence.

We are also praying that we can get a lot of things in time. Although we need opportunities and time, we need a lot of complaints, and we can understand that this development has never been easy until we stay at home.

Simple Word Composition (6)

Love, in fact, is very simple. This simple love is warm and full of thick sweetness.

When I failed in a final exam, I suddenly felt dark. Walking home, I felt that the trees were shaking and seemed to laugh at me. I was listless when my classmates talked to me. Birds flew over my head and seemed to sigh for me. I felt that everything was laughing at me and teasing me. My tears were rolling in my eyes

I walked home nervously and felt that my mother would criticize me this time! I came home slowly with a nervous mood. As soon as I entered the house, I saw my mother's expectant smiling face: "How was the exam?" My mother asked and rubbed her hands anxiously. I... I... No... I hesitated. I didn't know how to answer my mother. I sighed, hung my head and returned to the room.

Since then, I have become quiet and often depressed. Every day, I was afraid that my mother would scold me and beat me. When my mother saw that I was depressed, she smiled and analyzed the reason for my failure in the exam, patiently enlightened me, let me learn a lesson, and don't lose heart. In fact, my mother was more anxious. She was afraid that my grades would drop, I would be discouraged, and I would lose confidence. She said to me earnestly: "Don't be discouraged, child. You are very smart. Many questions are due to carelessness. In the future, we should get rid of carelessness and learn to be serious. The teacher should pay attention to teaching. If you do these things well, you can get good grades!" I saw my mother's kind face and felt sweet in my heart! Mother's love makes me happy! Let me feel warm! Since then, I have confidence in myself!

When taking a walk in the evening, my mother took my tender hand in her warm hand and said earnestly: "On the runway of life, there are failures and successes. Don't lose heart if you fail, don't be proud if you succeed. Put your mind on it and face all setbacks. As long as you try your best, you can't lose confidence even if you fall behind others! You should also work harder! My mother will always support you and will run with you. No matter it's snowy or cold, no matter it's raining heavily, my mother must accompany you to catch up with and surpass other students... My mother knows that you work hard, and you will always be the first in my heart. "

Love is a simple "family love song"! This is my mother's "silent encouragement and support..."

Simple Word Composition (7)

Happiness is actually very simple. If life is a pleated skirt, then happiness will quietly hide in those pleats. As long as you raise your hand to shake the skirt, those so-called happiness will fall down like stars and sprinkle on every corner of life, like flowers blooming in our life, embellishing our long river of life.

Happiness does not have an appointment. Sometimes it is just a glass of boiled water, a greeting, or even an encouraging look. It appears in our life anytime, anywhere, and in everyone's life. When I read at night, who prepared the cup of boiled water that was always full for me? When I was wronged, who said the simple sentence "relax" to me? When I failed in the exam and wanted to shrink back, who gave me those encouraging eyes... In my opinion, these ordinary love from knowing and not knowing people make people feel happy, just like those unknown flowers, they radiate strange fragrance all over the mountains.

Happiness does not necessarily mean getting, but sometimes giving makes people feel happy.

I remember that on Mother's Day, I bought a bunch of small carnations in the flower shop with my pocket money saved for a long time. There are not many flowers, but they are beautiful and beautiful. On the way home, I tightly protected the bouquet for fear that the beauty would be blown away by the wind. All the way, my mind was filled with the imagination of my mother's surprise when she received the flowers.

When I stood at the door of my house, gasping for breath, my mother had already stood at the door in frustration, pretending to be angry: "Where did you go so early in the morning? Don't tell me, let me worry." I didn't have time to wipe the sweat off my forehead, so I handed the flowers to my mother: "Mom, happy Mother's Day!" I looked up at my mother, The expression on her face has been replaced by surprise. She reached out to take the bouquet of flowers, and suddenly frowned as if she remembered something: "Don't spend money indiscriminately. Next time you can't buy flowers, it would be better to buy some review materials." She just shouted again, but her voice was getting smaller and smaller. When I looked at her with my head tilted, my mother could not help smiling, and even her normally locked eyebrows were smoothed by joy, and the wrinkles on her face were also relaxed. Seeing my mother so happy, happiness bloomed into my heart like flowers. It turns out that giving sometimes makes people feel happier than getting.

What is happiness like? Different people have different answers. Some people think happiness is like the sweet candied fruit; Some people think that wealth is a symbol of happiness; Others believe that being loved is happiness. In my opinion, happiness does not need to be earth shattering, nor does it need much money. Happiness is the trivial things that are paid with love around us. It accompanies us through every day and night, like flowers blooming in our lives, and grows all the year round.

Simple Word Composition (8)

It can be seen that father loves his mother very much. For example, he will cook medicine for her when she has a fever, put clothes on her when she is cold, and tell her truth when she does something wrong. Mother is like an ignorant child, who can be angry and coquettish. Sometimes, when my mother went to work, my father would ask me if my mother had eaten. When I shook my head and said I didn't know, my father would blame me for not caring about my mother. In fact, his love for his mother is no less than his love for me.

In my opinion, my mother and I are indispensable parts of his life. Just today, what happened made my father worried again. My mother was in a trance for half a day, and unexpectedly ran to my grandmother's house at the scorching noon. I heard "I'm afraid" in her phone call with her grandmother. When my father came back from shopping, he asked my mother where she had gone, and I told him the odd information I had heard. Dad blamed me for letting her go alone. Then he went out to find his mother, because he could not trust her.

I think in this family, we always let him worry. Our life is easy because we have a father, because he always thinks what we think. We cannot live without our father, because we are not strong enough, and we need his protection.

Home is family in English, and father is F. He is like an umbrella to protect us from the sun and rain. Mother is the m, and I am I. We are still weak, but we are always lively. The composition of a home is not easy, because not everyone has the ability to control the harmony of a home.

Now that I have grown up, I should also protect my mother like my father, and more importantly, I should also contribute to the family.

When I sit on the sofa alone and write these words, I feel a lot of emotion in my heart, because, unconsciously, I have been living with them for so long. I never thought that one day I would not be self-centered, and I never thought that one day I would learn what responsibility is. These words are easy. When you are in them, you will know that it is not easy. I don't know what made Dad last so long. Every family member's misfortune will affect his heart. Because of love, so stick, so do not abandon do not give up.

Unconsciously, after writing for so long, I have something to sigh about. When we grow up, we should feel the sophistication of the world. In this world, only love is indestructible. In this case, I want to enjoy this love, because love has a deadline, until death. So we should cherish the people in front of us and cherish getting along. After all, this is fate, and only once in a lifetime. You want to be your daughter in the afterlife, to feel the unrequited devotion again.

Simple Word Composition (9)

As the saying goes: plain is true. From childhood to adulthood, my mother gave me plain happiness, but it always made me feel sweet and warm. I think this is happiness.

When I was young, happiness was my mother's embrace. I was inside and my mother was outside.

Memory like a train brought me back to the night when the wind seemed to blow away the moon. My mother held me to see the doctor against the wind. The wind whistled past my ears. My mother narrowed her eyes and hurried at her feet. Soon, sweat came out from her head. She accidentally fell to the ground, but I was held tightly in her arms. Tears came out from her eyes, but she tried to smile and said to me: "Don't be afraid, child, I'm fine." She got up on the ground bit by bit, Moving on, the short road seemed to have exhausted her doctor's strength. The uneven road made my mother bumpy. When I arrived at the doctor's door, my mother was already sweating heavily. With my mother's footsteps, the roaring wind and her sweat, I composed a happy song in my heart. What am I afraid of with such a mother?

When I grow up, happiness is my mother's understanding vision. I am here and my mother is there.

The train of memory stays on that day. When the exam results came out, I could never imagine that I would do so badly. When I got home, I left myself alone in the room until late at night. Suddenly, I heard a rustle outside the door. My mother opened the door quietly for fear of waking me up. I turned around and shouted "Mom". Tears ran out of my eyes. My mother ran to me like a child who had done something wrong, Hold me in my arms, gently touch my head, and say to me: "Daughter, it's OK. I know you work hard, your grades are very good, but your psychological quality is not strong, so here is the test of God for you, you should be glad." I nodded, and my mother wiped my tears. Happiness is coming, and I lock it tightly in my heart.

Now, happiness is my mother's phone. I'm here and my mother is there. "Ding Ding..." This is my mother's phone. When I answered the phone, my mother's friendly voice rang in my ear, "Mom!" I shouted. "Oh, it's OK. It's cold. Add more clothes. Don't catch a cold. If it's OK, call Mom more. Mom misses you." My tears could not stop at this time. I tried to say "OK" and put down the phone quickly. Every time when I meet difficulties and can't keep up, I will call my mother. She always encourages me and gives me new vitality. She is like a source, never exhausted.

Happiness is so simple. Mother's love is the greatest happiness in my life.

Happiness is so simple, the mother's love without any modification, there is no mother.

Happiness is so sweet, as long as the mother's love is hard to experience, every moment is sweet.

Simple Word Composition (10)

Linlin is a cute little dog with sharp ears, golden brown fur, clear eyes and a lovely mouth.

Just after winter, spring came quietly with light steps. Everyone played and played in the forest, but Linlin, the dog, was depressed, her ears drooped, her eyes were dull, and she was lying on the ground listless. The rabbit asked him, "Little dog, little dog! Why are you lying on the ground?" "Because I am not happy, I am very worried!"

The mother dog came over and said, "My child, you are unhappy because you can't find your own value. You can't waste such a good time as spring! Go, go bravely, find the meaning of your existence, and find your happiness!" The little flower dog Linlin walked slowly into the forest, half believing, half doubting, with a sad face.

At the moment, the animals are gathering together for a get-together! They hand in hand, tail wagging, head wagging, laughing and looking very happy. Linlin, the kitten, hurries to ask one by one, "Why are you so happy? Is there any secret?"

The rabbit said, "It's my greatest happiness to play with my good friends!" The calf said, "I have great strength, and it's my happiness to work for people and for everyone!" The little yellow warbler said, "It's my greatest happiness to sing freely to everyone every day, and get everyone's recognition!" The little flower dog understood a little.

A few days later, he said goodbye to his mother and went to the city. Wandering for a long time, a police officer found it when it was in despair. Take it back to the training camp and study with the same tall companions. Every day, climbing mountains, wading rivers, rolling, climbing, crossing bridges, and there is a very special task, identifying road signs. Linlin overcame all kinds of difficulties and became the best in the team. Only then did he understand his profession: guide dog. It is a unique dog that leads the blind to walk and helps the blind to do things.

Linlin went to an aunt's house and began her work. Every morning, it takes its owner to walk along the lake, no matter how far it goes, it doesn't feel tired; When the master was hungry, he crossed several bridges to buy bread for his master; There are guests at home. Lin Lin is always obedient and doesn't shout. She also helps the little master fetch water and cook! Looking at the host's long lost smile, Linlin also felt the happiness of long lost.

It really understood that happiness is so simple. Some people take their friends and work as happiness, which is the most basic. However, as long as you can find your own value and help others with your own efforts, this is the most beautiful happiness!

Simple Word Composition (11)

On Monday, after the morning class, we took the bus to the local activity center that was both strange and familiar to me. It is familiar because I have been there many times; It is strange because every time you go there will be new and simple happiness.

The lunch time after the activity class is my favorite time when I go to the activity center. The bell rang after class, and the students were excited to get out of the classroom like a hundred meter race. Holding a small bench for dinner, I trotted in the corridor and searched carefully with my eyes for the "geomantic treasure land" where I could chat with my good friends. Once they found it, they would make a point. "The chair goes first before people arrive." They hurriedly pushed the chair over before they arrived. Then they sat down on the chair as quickly as they could. With a long sigh of relief, they talked excitedly with their friends next to them. They all tried to express their inner stories. The whole corridor was noisy, The sound of talking and making noises continued. At this time, I felt that everyone had become a group of newborn chickens, chattering and talking without playing. I was one of them.

After delivering a "speech" that did not touch others but touched myself, my stomach sent out bursts of discontented protests. Too much crowing will make you hungry, not to mention people? I quickly pulled out my schoolbag from the back of the chair and took out a bag of bread to devour. While I was eating something in my mouth, I also watched others "in the pot". There is no harm without comparison: others brought self cooked rice, sushi, chicken legs, and even self-help hot pot to look back at their own bags. There was only a lot of bread. The envy slowly fell on my heart like a small flame. Although it seemed so insignificant, it ignited my desire and let my envy overflow into the "face".

Under the "instigation" of envy, I stared at Zhang who was eating sushi beside me. "Can Zhang give me a piece of sushi?" I asked. "Yes, you can choose which one you want to eat," he said brightly. Out of gratitude, I exchanged a piece of bread with him. When I ate the sushi, I was surprised to find that it was much more delicious than what I had eaten before. After a while, more people shared their food with me, and I was no exception, sharing my food with them. In this way, a group of our partners, in the broad corridor, in the warm sun of the winter of the 30th hillock, enjoy a variety of food together in a happy atmosphere. This sharing is like a gust of spring wind, which blows away the flame of envy in my heart, leaving behind simple happiness.

It turns out that happiness is so simple: an interesting topic, a few intimate friends, a shared lunch, is enough.

Simple Word Composition (12)

When Alexander the Great promised to satisfy all his wishes, Diogenes, lying in the barrel, just said a simple word lazily: "Don't block me from basking in the sun!"

Simply basking in the sun is better than "meeting all wishes"! Yes, many people are dismissive of "simplicity". However, Chuang Tzu, who said "I will draw my tail in Tuzhong" several years ago, wisely warned people that simple and simple life is the highest realm of life.

In fact, all over the world, many smart people and muddleheaded things are telling us how to "keep it simple to the end" in real life.

You need to have a simple and single-minded attitude. Success is when you concentrate on doing one thing well. This seems simple, but it is not. As Zhang Ruimin said, "What is not simple? It is not simple to do simple things well!" YKK (Yoshida Zipper Company) only produces one kind of auxiliary part zipper, but has dominated the global market for decades; Bandari is famous both at home and abroad because he only produces albums and does not participate in all publicity and other activities; Zhou Guoping only concentrated on writing books rather than appearing in the media, but he has won the hearts of countless readers... There are countless examples of how to accomplish something simple with a simple attitude, ranging from the company collective to the team individual. Simple face, can pay attention to details, can create boutique.

However, many people who think they are smart fail because they disdain the word "simple". How many rich people on the list lost their money overnight due to their investment in real estate finance; How many writers and scholars go out of their study and get lost in the bustling Vanity Fair, leaving only a laughingstock. When you no longer have a simple attitude, it must be because the simple world in your heart is full of complex desires.

Therefore, people need to pursue a simple and quiet state. Emerson said, "To be simple is great." However, people often admire the name of simplicity and purity, but they can't stand the simple and lonely reality, because there is no real "simplicity" in their hearts. Simplicity does not mean the monotony and tedium of life, but the spiritual return after the inner world is greatly enriched. Guo Mingyi's life is ordinary and extraordinary, highlighting greatness in simplicity. Nowadays, many so-called "reds", such as Sister Feng, who are hyped on the Internet, are disgusting in the non simplicity that attracts people's attention; Sun Baojie kept a simple attitude towards life and only focused on referee work. A generation of "Red Whistle" was admirable, while Lu Jun, who was as famous as him, was lost in the complicated world surrounded by fame and lust, and finally fell down because of the black whistle... How many people "were too clever in their calculations and missed Qing Qing's life"? It's hard to fill up your desires. It's better to taste life in a simple and peaceful life than to lose yourself in a complicated world. Tranquility is the only way to reach the future!

Simple Word Composition (13)

I suddenly turned around and saw the smaller and smaller body that was watching me leave in the rain. Tears streamed down my face

damn! It's time to collect money again. I have no money, nothing! I had to call my mother after school, depressed! I don't know what my mother should be nagging about. I had a big conflict with her last time! I haven't called her in two weeks! Bored! Maybe my mother is angry with me! Forget it, forget it!

After school in the afternoon, I forced myself to call my mother. When my mother heard that it was me, I obviously felt her surprise and joy, and then asked for help again, as if nothing had ever happened that made her angry before. Hearing her familiar voice, I couldn't help feeling sad. I really didn't understand and was too stubborn!

Then, I told my mother that I had no money, and the school would charge for materials! Let Mom bring it to me tomorrow. But I don't want my mother to ask where I am? She sent it to me. I said, Mom, are you all right! Where else is there a bus to Huining? Mom said that she was now in Huining! She told me not to ask, but to wait for her at the school gate, saying that she would come right away.

After a while, I saw my mother coming to me. When I saw clearly, I saw that she was wearing only a pair of slippers, and had not yet taken an umbrella. It was raining so hard, and she walked unsteadily, which made my heart ache.

Later, I learned that my mother was living in the hospital with an inflamed wound that was scalded by water that day! She has been in hospital for a week, but she has not told me that she is afraid of distracting me, affecting my study, and adding burden to me, so she has not told me, but also told me not to be angry. She is also for my good! How can I know?

Tears are coming down, but I must not cry, otherwise my mother will be more sad. Then I went to dinner with my mother, and my mother tried hard to send all the better things in her meal to my bowl, which made my heart ache. Mom has pined a lot, really. When I said she had no money, she rushed to me without even having time to wear her shoes, regardless of her injury. How could I not be sad about all this?

After listening to a lot of nagging and heavy instructions from my mother, I was ready to go to school. I told my mother to go back first, and she told me to go first. After I left, she would go. In order to hurry up, I left. I suddenly turned around and saw that my mother was getting smaller and smaller. I could no longer control myself and burst into tears

In fact, sometimes, we are really silly. When we are looking for true love, we don't know that true love is right beside us. We always love us silently, grow up with us, and care for us.

How many times I returned late at night, but I forgot my parents' anxiously waiting; How many times when I was depressed, I forgot my parents' tears; How many happy smiles, but forget the efforts our parents have made for us

For a long time, we have been ignoring the small, simple and sincere love around us, never knowing how to cherish it, but we always get too little.

It turns out that love is very simple. As long as we find it with our heart and feel it with our heart, we will surely find the true love!

Simple Word Composition (14)

At the end of this week, I always heard the statement of the classmate at the Monday morning meeting: "Good can't always be good, and bad can't always be bad." Yes, who can become forever?

Each of us is striving for success. But why do some people seem to succeed easily, while we always stay where we are? What supports them? What restricts us?

Successful people must have something extraordinary, and poor people must have something hateful.

In fact, each of us is pursuing success, and the process of pursuing success is a process of defeating ourselves, overcoming difficulties, and constantly fighting against our own shortcomings.

The biographies of Chinese and foreign celebrities we read, or the experiences of successful people around us. In fact, they are the same as us. The same is ordinary, the same has all kinds of shortcomings... Only after they have identified a goal, they persevere to overcome difficulties and overcome themselves. Finally, he raised his noble head in the crowd and looked down at the people.

The unsuccessful people are actually giving up every chance of success and blocking their own sunshine. The poor man must have something hateful. What is this hateful thing?

On the road of life, we are constantly falling and making mistakes. This is not hateful. What is hateful is that people always stop in front of the hole they hit, forget to move forward or dare not move forward.

Don't always "appreciate" those pits, and don't always talk about those regrets. Life will always fail, there will be many countless regrets, and this is the real life. There will be new regrets ahead, but there will also be more gains.

There is only one step between success and failure. Continue to move forward bravely, overcome a little problem every day, persist in a little progress every day, and move forward. Success is not far away, and failure has fallen behind.

In fact, success is so simple!

Simple Word Composition (15)

The happiness of rain lies in moistening the dry land and turning it into an oasis resort with singing birds and fragrant flowers. Therefore, raindrops dance happily in the wind. The happiness of snow is to lay a thick quilt on the grass, and let the children have the fun of winter. So, snow jumped happily in the sky. So, what is my happiness?

At noon, I walked into the canteen while thinking about this problem. As soon as the students saw today's food, they flocked to it. Wow, today there is chicken and winter melon soup to drink! I was munching on chicken when I suddenly remembered the problem: when I was hungry, eating a mouthful of solid chicken seemed to feel happiness flowing all over my body. Who knows, Xiaoding suddenly said: "You are looking for happiness? Do you think you will be happy if you eat something? That is impossible!" I had to finish my meal in a hurry and continued to set foot on the road to find happiness.

After class, I ran to my good friend Xiao Wu to play, but my mind was still thinking about finding happiness. Xiao Wu amused me with a joke, and I remembered again. Isn't this also happiness? It's very happy to have a good friend beside us, trusting each other and helping each other. However, I still feel that this is not the happiest thing, so I have to look again.

In the afternoon, the performance of dictation came out, which was pretty good. In my heart, ah! This is the happiest thing! If I continue to work hard, I will become a pillar of the country when I grow up! At the same time, I am also very excited and finally find happiness!

The happiness of teachers lies in imparting knowledge to students without reservation, so that we can thrive. So the teacher's face is full of happy smiles every day. My happiness lies in studying hard and contributing to my country in the future. Therefore, I happily talked and laughed with my classmates. Happiness is not far away, just around us!

Simple Word Composition (16)

I am a street lamp, I have many brothers and sisters, and I am the guardian of people in the dark. Whenever night falls, we will light up ourselves and bring light and peace to people. Although I can't move, I never feel lonely. Every day, people of all kinds pass by me. Every day, stories of all kinds happen around me.

Today is a special day. It's the Mid Autumn Festival for family reunion. The moon is big and round, high in the sky, and we have begun our day's work.

"Sister, look at the big, round and bright moon today, which is enough to light the ground. Otherwise, we will have a rest for a day." My street lamp sister said. "How can we do that? The moon is the moon, and you are you. How can we compare with each other?" I was just saying, and a voice came into my ear, "Wow, wow, wow..." Eh? What's that noise? I looked around and saw an old sanitation worker with his back bent and sweeping the floor. The long street was covered with fallen leaves, and sweat was dripping down his cheek. "Ah! Why is this grandpa still cleaning? Today is the Mid Autumn Festival!" I whispered. "My wife, let's have a rest. I've brought the food I just bought, and I'll have a quick bite." An old woman came not far away. "Don't worry, don't worry, just eat after sweeping, it will be finished soon." The grandpa smiled when he saw the grandma. "Let's sweep together!" The grandma also picked up the broom and swept up. "Wow, wow, wow..." I was very moved. I looked back at my sister, who seemed to be touched and looked at them thoughtfully.

Finally, when they finished sweeping the road, Grandpa wiped his hands and sat down against me. Grandma opened the lunch box and handed Grandpa a steamed bun, saying, "My wife, are you hungry? Eat quickly." I looked at their lunch boxes. The food was very simple. Some vegetables and snacks, but they were very happy. Grandma helped Grandpa wipe the sweat from his face. Grandpa put food on Grandma's steamed bun and said, "Eat more." In the distant building, every household was brightly lit, laughing, and smelling of food from time to time. My grandparents snuggled up to each other, eating, talking and laughing. Looking at them, I could not help but red eyes. I was moved by their simplicity. I think this is a simple happiness!

Simple Word Composition (17)

Often on the way home, if you are tired, you will slow down and look up at the sky. At this time, the sky has faded into a blue and stained with grey black. Except for a few scattered decorations, there is no luxury. It seems that something is precipitated, which is unpredictable. But I don't have to guess. I just need to get rid of my tiredness and quietly accept the single and profound. If there is a moon, it is also excellent. The bright moon seems to be full of fairy spirit, and its whole body is pure and flawless, especially like a piece of high-quality rough jade, but its whole body is hazy and indistinct, as if embedded into the night. The surrounding clouds are capriciously surrounding it, one by one, like fluffy cotton candy, sometimes like fish scales, one by one, stained with a faint red halo, as if it had been deliberately painted, with different shades of color, hazy, mysterious and unique charm. Even though the moon is full and short, it can always convey to me a kind of pleasure to wash my heart and nourish my soul. The night is so simple, quiet solidified around, a kind of happiness flowing in the bottom of my heart.

My family usually welcomes me not with a large table of delicious food, but with an extremely ordinary hot pot. The food in the pot is also very simple, but it is home grown vegetables or the broth cooked by my mother. The stove is burning vigorously, and the hot pot is boiling. The soup is rolling in the pot, bubbling and bursting. The countless strands of hot air slowly rose, carrying the gurgling fragrance, and soon the whole house was dizzy. The whole family sat around the stove, ate simple meals, smelled simple fragrance, and the hot air swam on each face, dyed our cheeks red. Even though the sweat oozed from his forehead, he was happy. He talked about his family from time to time. Laughter and the heat filled the whole house, and turned into a seed called "happiness" and buried it in our hearts. After a day of ups and downs, home is undoubtedly the best harbor. No matter what it is, I will cherish this simple happiness.

Lying in bed, a day of learning has finally come to an end, and my heart is always steadfast. When you think about the harvest of a day, you will feel extremely full. Only after you work hard, you will feel satisfied. So, after reviewing the happiness in learning, I gathered up confidence to meet the challenges of tomorrow, wrapped up the quilt, and simply fell asleep. Happiness also accompanied me to sleep.

To taste simple happiness, life is colorful.