Exercised Composition (15 in general)
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2024-05-05 00:33:42

Exercised Composition (1)

Writings of primary school students in training activities

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written a composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words after people's thinking and language organization. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a collection of primary school students' essays on the practice activities, which I hope will be helpful to everyone.

The exhilarating and disturbing practice begins! Excited that this was our first practice, and worried that we had to walk ten kilometers so far, so many practice concertos were born——

Destruction Concerto

When we set out, the sky was not beautiful: the merciless sun scorched the earth, the cracked earth was steaming hot, and the sun seemed to release all his sword of light, and everyone was already sweating... Listen, the destruction concerto played, and the high temperature seemed to burn everything, and the grass shrugged its head, without any anger; Our team set out, but I'm really worried that few students can finish the whole journey

Eternal Concerto

Although it is hot, the reeds along the way are very beautiful. Look, I have never seen such large reeds. They grow taller than me. The wind blowing from the Yangtze River weakened the heat wave. Willow twigs gently swayed their slender branches. The green leaves flickered with fluorescence, as if laughing at us. Can't you bear the heat? So I seemed to be encouraged, and everyone didn't feel very tired. Look at the boats on the Yangtze River. They have not been surrendered under the waves. Isn't our life like a boat? There may be many setbacks in our life, but we should remember that there is an eternity: despite the rough waves, there are brave boats still sailing against the wind!

Destiny concerto

After ten kilometers, we began to sing songs. We didn't roar like other classes on the road, but kept our physical strength. The dazzling sun reflected on our faces, shining a valuable quality. Each class has wonderful songs and slogans; While appreciating others, we also persist.

No one complained of pain and fatigue, so did parents. The previous worries were totally unnecessary. We played the most beautiful movement with our actions - even though the scorching sun tortured us, we found the scenery along the way so beautiful; Even though the high temperature destroys us, our singing is so high spirited! We are not afraid, because no matter how difficult it is, we will persist.

We have gained a lot. This valuable experience has forged invaluable quality.

Behind the spring, we grow and mature; Thank you for every experience in life.


Exercised Composition (2)

····To Lalian Jinyun Experimental Primary School One (8): Li Xiaofeng today is Thursday, so the students are so happy. It was drizzling in the morning. At half past seven, it would clear up. Maybe God knew we were going to have a practice today! The students came to the school in high spirits. Look, all the students are smiling like a flower on the playground waiting to start. Finally, at 8:40, when President Zhao announced the "departure", the playground suddenly became boiling. The big brothers and sisters threw their hats into the sky, and the playground became a sea of joy. Our first grade also threw our hats into the air to release our happiness····· Mentor: Yu Lixue··························

Exercised Composition (3)

····To Lalian Jinyun Experimental Primary School One (8): Li Xiaofeng today is Thursday, so the students are so happy. It was drizzling in the morning. At half past seven, it would clear up. Maybe God knew we were going to have a practice today! The students came to the school in high spirits. Look, all the students are smiling like a flower on the playground waiting to start. Finally, at 8:40, when President Zhao announced the "departure", the playground suddenly became boiling. Big brothers and sisters threw their hats into the sky, and the playground became a sea of joy. Our first grade also threw our hats into the air to release our happiness····· Mentor: Yu Lixue··························

Exercised Composition (4)

·Hiking and training (1) Jinyun Experimental Primary School One (3): In the morning of fairy tale Friday, students came to the classroom happily with backpacks on their backs. To tell you the truth, the teacher will take us to go hiking for training. "Let's go." Under the command of President Zhao, the playground became a sea of joy. The students threw their hats into the sky, and some shouted loudly: "OK". Seeing the big brother and big sister so happy, I also threw my hat into the sky, and my hat hit my head. Finally, a "small bag" grew on my head. Walking on the road, the traffic police opened the way for us, and the stream sang for us. Seeing the golden rape flowers blooming on both sides of the road, the big trees are green, and the grass sticks out its small head, just like a beautiful picture. It was not long before we reached our destination.

Exercised Composition (5)

·Hiking and training (2) Jinyun Experimental Primary School One (3): The fairy tale arrived at the destination, and the students sat on the ground in groups of three and five. Some students were panting, and some students were powerless, but I was not tired at all. I was full of spirit! Teacher Ding announced loudly: "Boys and girls, it's time for dinner!" The students quickly took out food and ate it. I also took out chicken legs and ate them with relish, as if I could not get over them. After eating well, we held a variety of activities. Some sing, some dance, and some do magic tricks. How happy you are! After a while, we reluctantly returned to the school. This hiking and training, although hot and tired, we are very happy!

Exercised Composition (6)

Feeling of hiking and training

Wu Peicheng, Class 2, Grade 4, Baotie Experimental Primary School

Instructor: Liu Ting

In the morning, we went to the solemn martyr cemetery after a short procession in the back playground.

Dressed in military uniforms and singing military songs together, we walked four kilometers to the Martyrs' Memorial Square at a neat pace and participated in the Tomb Sweeping Day public memorial activity in Donghe District in 2016 with the theme of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and inheriting Chinese virtues". We lined up in a neat square in front of the monument, and the public memorial ceremony kicked off in the solemn voice of the national anthem. At that time, more than 260 teachers and students from the junior military school of Baotie Experimental Primary School stood solemnly in front of the monument, paid a silent tribute to the martyrs who died bravely and solemnly vowed to inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary ancestors and follow the footsteps of the martyrs. We saluted the martyrs and presented flowers in turn.

Although the hiking and training was very hard, it was so insignificant compared with the 25000 li Long March of the Red Army. Hiking and training stimulate our fighting spirit for learning, establish the courage to overcome difficulties, strengthen our physique, temper our will and gain confidence. In the future study, we should carry forward the spirit of perseverance without fear of difficulties, and study hard to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

Exercised Composition (7)

Today, we came to the Children's Military Academy in Shangcheng District with great excitement. In the next week, we will live in a real military camp here. Just arrived at the military academy, because we were new here, everything we went there was very new. Once we arrived at the dormitory, we were busy sorting out our own internal affairs. At the opening ceremony, school leaders, instructors and some students gave a brief introduction to this activity. Then we had our first meal in the military camp.

In the afternoon, we had a long haul of 12 kilometers. We will pass the Phoenix Mountain and Yuhuang Mountain. We first came to the foot of Phoenix Mountain and played a game of "minesweeping". There are many pieces of paper with the words "mine" buried on the grass and in the fallen leaves. It's fun to see which class finds more. After that, everyone had a hard and long stretching activity. Along the way, there are scenic spots such as Shengguo Temple Site, Eighteen Bronze People, and Three Giant Buddhas. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while climbing the mountain. Gradually, everyone's footsteps became heavy. We had a great effort to climb to the top of the mountain. It was refreshing to look far into the distance, and our fatigue seemed to be relieved a lot. The downhill road is much easier than the uphill road. We also visited an armed police squadron halfway. Seeing the neat quilts and neat movements of the armed police uncles, everyone was very surprised and envied. After a long journey of several hours, with our strong will, we successfully returned to the military academy.

In the evening, after learning the essentials of folding quilts and backpacking and the procedures of emergency assembly, we washed Lai and went to bed. As everyone was very tired, we soon fell asleep.

Exercised Composition (8)

Wearing military uniforms and singing military songs together, we walked four kilometers to the Martyrs' Memorial Square at a neat pace and participated in the Qingming Festival public memorial activity in Donghe District in 20xx with the theme of "Remembering revolutionary martyrs and inheriting Chinese virtues". We lined up in a neat square in front of the monument, and the public memorial ceremony kicked off in the solemn voice of the national anthem. At that time, more than 260 teachers and students from the junior military school of Baotie Experimental Primary School stood solemnly in front of the monument, paid a silent tribute to the martyrs who died bravely and solemnly vowed to inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary ancestors and follow the footsteps of the martyrs. We saluted the martyrs and presented flowers in turn.

Although the hiking and training was very hard, it was so insignificant compared with the 25000 li Long March of the Red Army. Hiking and training stimulate our fighting spirit for learning, establish the courage to overcome difficulties, strengthen our physique, temper our will and gain confidence. In the future study, we should carry forward the spirit of perseverance without fear of difficulties, and study hard to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

Exercised Composition (9)

Gather and line up, march at a neat pace, shout the slogan of "One Two One", and we set out. As we just stepped out of the gate of the military camp, we were so excited and looked at everything strange and new around us. I thought to myself: this training must be easy and interesting, just like a spring outing!

However, the fantasy is beautiful, the reality is very skinny. After walking for one kilometer, I feel a little tired. When will I get to the rest point? Gradually, the novelty and excitement at the beginning also disappeared, and the practice in my heart also completely changed. It has become a torment to find a place to rest. There was no scorching sun, but there was a gentle natural breeze. But I felt so hot that my head began to faint and my steps gradually became empty. Glancing at the car, do you want to... get on the school bus?

Gritting his lips reluctantly, he looked around at his classmates. Beans of sweat kept rolling down their forehead, but his persistent eyes never changed. Are they tired? Tired! Do they suffer? Bitter! But did they cry bitter and tired? No, Do I see anyone getting on the school bus? No, Then I have no reason to give up! The eyes gradually changed from blurred to firm, and the mind suddenly became clear. Looking around, there were so many soldiers and soldiers in such a long journey, but almost no one fell behind! Students with sprained feet were supported by others. The slogan of "One, two, three, four" is so loud and clear. In a moment, I felt the power of the collective. This is a team! This is a collective!

Suddenly, I smiled. The breeze swept my cheek, and the next practice was no longer so cruel. I am not fighting alone! I am proud of being a small navy and my excellent team!

One practice, one team—— Postscript

Exercised Composition (10)

Walking on the country road, there is a sense of harvest everywhere. The light wind caresses the fields being harvested, just like brushing a golden and green carpet; Eggplant is bright purple, which makes people reluctant to reach out for picking; Chili peppers are like flames, showing people the enthusiasm of autumn heartily... We are also immersed in the happiness of harvest, walking at a brisk pace, singing ahead.

In the scorching sun, we were red and sweating, but still energetic. Maybe in a special atmosphere, people can really surpass themselves. It seemed that everyone forgot about fatigue. After about an hour, the scene before us began to change: the winding rural path was left behind by us, and a spacious cement road stretched straight ahead; The fragrance of the fields gradually faded, and pedestrians and cars inadvertently increased on the road; There are no more weeds and unknown flowers on the roadside, but two rows of tall and neat trees standing there; As many tall buildings continue to leap into view, we are jubilant, close to the city, and closer to the end!

Near the end of the practice, an interesting episode appeared. As I walked, a classmate fell down on a big stone at the roadside and asked me weakly, "Zhang Yongyi, don't you like learning medicine? I feel so hot, help me find a way!" I saw that his face was red like a cooked lobster, and looked at his still unopened water bottle. I guessed that he was busy on the road, didn't replenish water in time, and was a little dehydrated. So I immediately made out a prescription - a bottle of mineral water, and drank it up four to six times. The students laughed loudly. After he did so, he was much better. Look, this "miracle doctor"'s inspection technology is not bad.

In this way, we finally arrived at the destination with high morale, laughter and solidarity. This field exercise has tempered our will and deepened the friendship between our classmates. It is really meaningful!

Exercised Composition (11)

The destination of this training is Xiaoxiandu. We are ready to meet this challenge. In the morning, it began to rain intermittently, which brought inconvenience to our journey. At the beginning of our journey, we all walked lively and skilfully, talking to each other from time to time while enjoying the scenery along the way.

As we walked, our pace became less brisk, so some people asked: "How far is it?", "I'm tired...", "It's still far away, about 2/3 of the way", and everyone began to talk. Although fatigue accompanies us, the air is so fresh and life is so beautiful when we walk on the country road. After walking for a while, everyone was tired, from lively to half dead. They walked with heavy steps, gasped heavily, clenched their teeth, and tried to persevere.

The rain at this time is so annoying that I simply put away my umbrella and let the rain wet my clothes

Finally arrived at the destination! We all forgot about the tiredness of the journey for a while and rushed to our class's territory. We divided into several groups, spread the tablecloth, shared our food with our classmates, and enjoyed the beauty of nature together through talking and laughing. A shallow stream flows slowly. On both sides of the stream are green mountains, and mountains and water form a beautiful landscape painting. After we had a good rest, we began to play games. The laughter reflected the students' cohesion, combat effectiveness and competitiveness. Of course, the last program is the group photo. This is our first group exercise, which is also the right

Our junior high school life is a wonderful supplement, so group photos are very important.

On the way back, the sun also came out, the heat even more ignited our impatience, and our feet began to ache faintly. On the way, we dragged our nearly disabled legs and took every step with difficulty. We were sweating and our clothes were all wet. I feel so tired. I really want to give up, but there is a small voice in my heart telling me: it's OK, this little pain is nothing. Hold on, it will be here soon. In this way, I walked all the way, encouraged myself all the way, and finally ushered in our lovely alma mater.

After this exercise, I understand that without tempering, how can we become steel? How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? Our life needs to be tempered to be more beautiful.

It was an unforgettable practice, and I benefited a lot!

Exercised Composition (12)

The parade was full of people, colorful flags fluttering, thunderous applause resounding all over the sky, and a pink and red hat rain was falling in the sky. Students were all dancing. What was that? So I'm preparing to go for a practice! See how wonderful this is and how happy that is. At the order of the headmaster, the long-awaited hiking and training kicked off.

Ah! One sun and one light are so lovely, the spring breeze is so soft, the grass is so delicate, the flowers are so beautiful, the birds are singing, the flowers are dancing, and the brook is playing. We walked at a light pace, like a small magpie, chattering endlessly, singing and laughing all the way, we sometimes saw the beautiful scenery, sometimes singing loudly, and soon arrived at the destination.

When we arrived at the destination, we first laid the carpet, and then we couldn't wait to open the bag and pour it on the blanket. Wow! We really moved the supermarket here. We have all kinds of snacks, including crispy potato chips, delicious fruit, sweet chocolate. Watching him eat potato chips and a mouthful of chicken legs, gobbling them down, and dirty things all over his face, made me laugh.

Start playing games. The most creative action can be raffle once in Mr. Ding's place. Zhou Kejun and Rao Yuge acted like two eagles flying together. They went up to draw a big prize. "Send a kiss to a good friend." Some students shouted loudly and shrieked. Some students blew kisses nearby, and others were making fun. But Zhou Kejun ran away with shame. Later, some students took a small apple dance, and everyone around him asked him to choose himself to dance. Although we would dance small apples every week, we have never been so excited about it. They danced so crazily, like installing an electric motor. They were so crazy that we couldn't stand it and couldn't close our mouths.

Hiking and training can not only train my body and will, but also bring us a lot of happiness. I really look forward to the training next year.

Exercised Composition (13)

1. Long-distance training

Last week, we had military training in the military academy. In military training, we learned to fold quilts, stand in military posture and line up. We also carried out a lot of training, the most impressive thing is long-distance training.

At noon on Monday, the instructor told us that the training was about 12 kilometers long. We were shocked, "12 kilometers, we must be exhausted." I thought. The coach said that we would also play the game of sweeping paper mines and appreciate antiquities during the training. The instructor gave each of us an apple and told us that the apple was not for eating, but for testing you. Look who came back from the exercise and the apple disappeared.

When the practice began, we were all eager to try. We felt that the practice was very simple, but after a while, we were very tired. At this time, the delicious and juicy aroma of the apple came to my face. I took out the apple and saw its delicious appearance, as if to say, "I'm fresh and delicious, come and eat me quickly." I immediately got back to myself and said, "No, I must hold on, I can't eat the apple." Halfway up the mountain, the instructor arranged us to play the game of sweeping paper mines, and I immediately began to look for it, I found a piece of paper and put it in my pocket immediately. I didn't know whether it was a mine or a sweet potato. When the time came, I took out a small piece of paper. There were only three mines. I was disappointed. We continued to walk, and finally reached the top of the mountain. Looking down, there was a lake, white and beautiful. We began to walk back and returned to the military academy. The instructor asked us to take out the apples, but found that none of our apples were eaten. We were very happy. We took the apples as a reward and let us eat them. At this time, we found that the apples were really sweet.

Through the practice, I strengthened my perseverance and exercised my body.

2. Unforgettable military training

On the first day of military training, we heard that we were going to Xixi Wetland for a rally. Everyone was very excited, and I was no exception. But when I was excited, I was a little worried. What if it suddenly rained? What if Wan Yijiao sprains? In case... soon, we will gather to practice. I have to go with such a complicated mood.

When I arrived at Xixi Wetland, I soon forgot about those problems, because the charming scenery deeply attracted me: clear streams, green grasslands, and the distant low ground clouds, which made people intoxicated.

However, after a short walk, the beautiful scenery could not attract me. This is because I can't walk any more. My feet are very sore. It seems that I have been filled with lead, and I can't lift them. At this time, I realized that military training is not about playing and relaxing, but about suffering. I wanted to be angry again, but I didn't want to leave. On second thought, I thought of those two words: "I want to train, I want to bear hardships, and I want to become a talent!" "I want to shed blood and sweat without tears, and I don't fall behind after losing skin and meat!" Yes, the PLA uncles must have suffered more than us, but none of them gave up. They have persevered, and they are all men!

So I gritted my teeth and followed the team. Although my feet were still sore, I didn't feel it; Although I still can't lift my feet, I don't think so!

Finally, we walked back to the military academy, and everyone was too tired to talk. Although I am very tired, I am very happy. I think I am big enough to bear hardships, and I can already take some responsibilities!

The military training was unforgettable, but I was most impressed by the practice in Xixi Wetland.

3. Exhort

I finally survived the six days of military training. Even if I look back now, I think I'm pretty good. I thought I would be overwhelmed by the military training.

One of the things I am most proud of is the 15km training. We walked to Geely Auto City. At first, I talked and laughed with my classmates and didn't feel tired at all. However, the good times didn't last long. After a while, my steps became heavy and my body felt particularly weak.

At this time, many tall buildings appeared in front of us. We had climbed a small hill. Looking around, the neat streets and houses of different heights brightened my eyes and made me energetic. My pace became slightly lighter and increased a lot.

But after a while, I was tired of seeing the beautiful scenery. My feet were filled with lead again, and I could not lift them. I really wanted to lie down on the spot. However, the girls in our class seemed not tired at all, but I was a boy, and of course better than them. I rely on this "spiritual pillar" and continue to move forward.

When I finally arrived at the rest place, I felt like a dried up tree drawing spring water, and had a good rest to make final preparations for the next journey.

Finally I'm on my way. I followed the team closely for fear of losing it. After walking for a while, sweat began to seep out from my forehead, and my clothes were closer to my torso because of the sweat. Look at others. They are just like me. Everyone is tired and their pace is getting slower. Some just sit down. I also want to sit down and relax my feet. But we are going back to school soon. Maybe it is only a ten minute journey, but we must persist in everything, especially at the critical moment, which often determines success or failure. So I gritted my teeth, caught up with the team and walked back to school.

I'm proud of myself. I can't afford to be beaten down by the coach!

Exercised Composition (14)

The field training is that our new instructor leads us to run outside the school. We walk through the streets, wear uniform clothes, shout neat slogans, and walk in a neat pace. People on the street all looked at our team and felt that we always had face. It was very beautiful. We ran around our county and then came to the forest park to experience outdoor life. The school also prepared tents for us. Let me build a life circle like a primitive tribe.

This is a practice of survival in the wild. Everyone is very interested in it. Some students are picking up wood to make a fire. Some students are building tents orderly one by one. Some students took out a lot of delicious food materials from their schoolbags and arranged them for cooking.

This is an interesting life experience. Maybe only once or twice in my life. This is a military training worth remembering. Our classmates helped each other, and the new students gradually became familiar with each other and increased their friendship. Under the guidance of the teacher, we all worked out a clear division of labor and carried out in an orderly manner. Finally, we made a fire and cooked a meal. We had a sense of achievement when eating our own food. Singing and eating food cooked by myself. This experience is really memorable.

I love this summer's military training field training. I am very grateful to the school for providing us with such a good opportunity to learn a lot.

Exercised Composition (15)

Early in the morning, we were fully prepared and stepped out of the self-confidence of the Second Middle School. Along the way, our beautiful and charming "character" instructor led us to talk and laugh while introducing the landscape along the way, while leading us to sing loud military songs and shout enthusiastic slogans.

But what is the concept of ten kilometers? Many people do not have this budget. When they really feel the 10000 meters, their defense line will probably collapse, even beyond their physical limits. With the dust flying, we gradually felt the physical overdraft under the scorching sun. Sweat wetted our skirts and trouser legs, and our pace became heavier and heavier, even some students fell down due to exhaustion. However, difficulties can not defeat a team with determination, perseverance and effort to use one place. The male students took the initiative to help the female students carry water, demonstrating their due masculinity; The instructors and teachers accompanied us step by step, cheered us on and relaxed for us. Everyone helps each other, cheers each other, does not give up, does not abandon, ten kilometers journey, we did not fall behind!

After arriving at the destination forest park, each of us had a rest and entertainment in our own resting place, which added a bit of fun to the practice. In order to cheer up, the enthusiastic and lovely "Ant Man" instructor also helped us to present a passionate "Laser Rain". In fact, there is no lack of happiness on the way of being accompanied by others. We are tired and happy!

On the way back, we met the soldiers in the camp again. Watching their military drills with strict discipline and their heroic bearing in the scorching sun, I could not help but admire them for protecting their families and their country and fearing difficulties.

This training let me know what is sweat, what is persistence, and how to deal with life, face difficulties, and how to assume that glorious and arduous responsibility. It makes our Class 6 more united and more energetic. Thank you for our "sweet potato flower" (sweet potato flower base). Goodbye!