A very decadent sentence
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2023-06-28 05:22:57
Complete sentences

1. The beautiful love is the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, perfect and fragile. Just touch it, it will turn into smoke and dust all over the sky, without trace?

2. Yu Wen is just a kind of self comfort. Every samsara ended with the flower of tamarind flowers moving to the other side across the river.

3. Some people, deliberately to forget, but remember more clearly.

4. Life is a self directed and self acting movie. It's up to you to decide whether it's a tragedy or a comedy.

5. Time, always let the past story, become pale.

6. Life is a hard struggle, a helpless rush, a battle between life and death, just to live better.

7. Tears in pain, panic in tears, and hesitation in panic.

8. Forgive me for leaving, because only when I leave can I truly feel my existence.

9. Now that it is past, let it be the past.

10. Choose memories, rather than choose to give up the past.

11. Where are we going tomorrow? Maybe one second later, I don't have tomorrow anymore. I am not a non mainstream decadent has become my mainstream.

12. In the years without songs, how much sadness and desolation are hidden.

13. In the sad season, the tears ran across the cheeks, and the patchwork picture became an unforgettable pain.

14. Time flies like water, time is too fast, some feelings, some words, too late to speak from the heart, it has become yesterday.

15. At the end of the road is a bridge, a bridge full of vicissitudes of life, vaguely recognized the two huge ancient characters: How.

16. The heart is like falling leaves, leaving traces when the wind passes. The cold wind blows down the loneliness of the land. The passing years have mottled the memory, falling on the prosperity of the time, the fireworks falling on the other side, the trace of red falling in the wind, gently wandering in the dream full of flowers. The looming picture can not help but make people intoxicated.

17. Most of the time, they are lost in their own life and can't find a better reason to stop thinking about things that others think are insignificant.

18. It's light, it's loose, not much, just a little is enough, I'm asleep, I'm snoring, understand? yes.

19. Lonely night, let me break through, pull up the screen, hurt and leave fragrance. Fold the loneliness in the wandering night and collect it, and turn the remaining temperature into ink to flow freely. Whether there will be a faint fragrance floating in the sadness of Weiyang.

20. Forget a person, think of her bad, think of her shortcomings, for a long time, will forget her.

21. A gust of wind passed, and the silence changed the color of time.

22. Heart, wandering in memory, lingering in memory

23. Pull up your mouth and say with a smile that I am better off than you.

24. One person, slowly release the fatigue, release the messy memories that have been blown away by the wind.

25. Memory is my greatest enemy, because it hides your tenderness for me.

26. The withering of leaves and the curtain call of flowers seem to be the most tender farewell to this bleak season.

27. Our hearts are still young, but we have also learned to be sensitive and considerate. It is such a clumsy and confused youth, which has been free and easy, uninhibited and unrestrained, as well as vulnerable.

28. There is a love and a deep concern in my heart, but I have to leave my own world