About Falling into the Water (Collection of 4)
Happy my brother
2024-04-19 01:17:47
Junior 1

About falling into water (1)

Wuxi is a water town surrounded by Taihu Lake. She is like a demure woman who shows her beauty with light makeup under the beautiful scenery of southern Jiangsu. But I am here, but I fall into her "arms" under the Three Kingdoms City, leaving the memory of falling into the water.

Today, there was a slightly cold six o'clock in the air. We concentrated on the playground in the north campus. Time lingered in the sound of talking, and the bus finally started. It was still the same language and laughter when getting on the bus. I live alone in a corner at the end. I want to sleep, but I have no choice but to fake sleep. In the boring and empty time, I kept opening and closing my eyes, and waited and waited. Time seemed to be making fun of me. I arrived at the scenic spot more than two hours later.

After watching the Lion King fight for hegemony, I followed my partner to the Military Sports Park. The paradise is not big, but it is very interesting. Children climb on ropes and shuttle in rolling logs. The sun is quiet and the soil is soft. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, which broke the silence. I found a group of people playing rope pulling across the pond. The water in the pond was green, and there were dozens of fish in the pond. The bottom of the pond was covered with mud, which smelled slightly fishy. Gu Yangchen, who was walking in front, grabbed the rope, his feet contracted, his hands grasped the rope, and then swung hard to the other side of the pond, then swung back. Everyone cheered one after another, and then called me up together. I was a little hesitant. A familiar figure, Li Jiajun, flashed by. He also grabbed the rope and swung up. As a result, he fell into the water and wet half of his pants. I was even more frightened. Everyone still asked me to go and kept shouting for help. Gu Yangchen also urged me to go. I mustered up courage and dangled with the rope in my hands. Before I reached half the pond, half of my body went into the water, and a burst of jeering laughter came from everywhere. Wang Pinran pulled me ashore, laughing at all the classmates and ignorant tourists. I blushed instantly, ran to other places, pulled out the tissue from my bag, and wiped the whole pair of pants. The children in the class talked to each other about my falling into the water. Someone took a video and played it again and again, laughing loudly. My heart seemed to be cut by a knife. I always wondered if this was the attitude that students should have? This embarrassment left a deep impression on me.

After that, I struggled to participate in activities. In the sun, there was a foul smell on my body. Liu, who was beside me, always said to go away. I felt very embarrassed. Yin and Yao talked about it with "great interest". My heart seemed to be raining, and there was no sunshine to try to restrain it. Remembering that my father told me not to play in places with water in the morning, but I didn't listen to him, I was very upset to see this.

Although no other class saw it, I still couldn't calm down. Suddenly, the music of "Sailor" sounded somewhere, and the surging melody made me stay for a long time. It seemed that I really saw the sailor who braved the wind and rain, standing on the boat and sailing with oars. "This pain is nothing" still showed a man's attitude. I admire this song. A real man can only move forward, not yield to pain.

Let those who like to talk about it say it. This is just a challenge for me. Although I failed, I will not be defeated by this pain. Instead, I will take this pain as a lesson for everything I do in the future. If I do things after being clear about what is appropriate, I will not make a joke and can succeed.

No one is perfect, but as long as I take the memory of falling into the water as the driving force, and continue to improve, there will be unexpected miracles.

About falling into water (2)

When I was six years old, I was surrounded by a group of imaginative people. Sometimes, they want to build a stone bridge in a small pond; Sometimes, they will want to take two umbrellas and jump down from the balcony on the second floor; There are also times when I want to sail a small boat.

On that day, I followed them to build a ship, so we searched for materials for building a ship together. Just then, beside the trash can, I found a worn mattress. After looking, touching and stepping on it, they found that it could still be used. They raised it together and moved it to the open ground.

After finding the base plate, we started to build it. Each person took glue, scissors, cardboard and sponge blocks to repair, modify and fill in the hot space. Finally, the frame of the "boat" was built and moved to the pond for water testing.

There were four people who tried the water for the first time. They hid themselves in the boat when they were on the bank, and we pushed them into the water. Just entering the water, the boat slid into the water, splashing huge waves. The four men on board were frightened, and some even cried; However, the people on the shore were different. Three or two of them together, hugging their stomachs and laughing, unexpectedly sprayed the passers-by with their drinks. The four people who tested the water were still lying in the water, curling up and crying. It is estimated that we were so scared that we couldn't even open our bodies. We had to go down to the shore to save the four of them.

When they got up, the four men got angry and pulled us out of the boat. "Ah, come on, revise again, and you can go down and try." We actually believed it. We picked up tools again and changed them for 20 minutes. Then they sat up and were pushed by them. "Boom!" Several people fell into the water directly. The four people laughed on the bank and threw something on the water. The splashes made us soaked again. They disappeared after we climbed ashore with difficulty.

About falling into water (3)

When the spring breeze suddenly rose, the river was covered with green grass. Li Xiaodai sat quietly by the river and thought: How could the fish in the river die for no reason? Just then, Wang Er was carrying a fishing rod, carrying a bamboo basket and some bait, and singing, "Where is spring? Where is spring..." He thought: catch some fish home to make braised fish "offer" to his wife. When Wang Er came to the river, he saw Li Xiaodai sitting on the dock meditating. Wang Er thought to himself: Why is this man sitting here? It can't be too hard. Wang Er started fishing without caring.

While Wang Er was thinking about something, Li Xiaodai stretched his neck and saw that the wire on the board was broken. At this time, Li Xiaodai found that someone was fishing beside him! Li Xiaodai thought: If I leave, people around me will fall into the water because of the unstable center of gravity, and that will be a disaster. I will wait here until he leaves. When Wang Er was fishing, he would look at Li Xiaodai from time to time, but Li Xiaodai still sat there and did not move. After 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes, Li Xiaodai was still there and did not move. Wang Er thought to himself: That man is not here to steal money! That's not good. I don't have much money with me. Will he kill me? It's not said that "it's better to start first". Then I will drive him away first, so that he won't steal my money or kill me.

Wang Er said angrily to Li Xiaodai: "Hey, what are you doing here? You will distract me if you are here. Look, I haven't caught any fish!" "I... I..." Li Xiaodai said. "What I am, I will not let you succeed." Li Xiaodai replied: "What did you succeed?" "You still pretend you don't know anything, and you can't tell clearly if you want to steal money?" Wang Er continued, "What are you doing stealing money?" Li Xiaodai was not given a chance to talk. Li Xiaodai said, "Why should I steal money? Why should I pretend?" Wang Er said, "Go away quickly!" "I'm leaving."

Wang Er watched Li Xiaodai go away. A loud noise made Wang Er fall into the river. Li Xiaodai heard a loud noise and looked back. Wang Er was already in the water. Li Xiaodai had a hard time pulling Wang Er up.

Wang Er finally knew why he sat there motionless, too shy to say anything.

About falling into water (4)

A spring rain awakened my long memory, and made me feel again the incomparable terror and helplessness. The spring rain was still falling, and I was still remembering, my heart was still trembling, and my fist was still clenching; My heart was beating fast, and things happened before my eyes flashed quickly. Lying in bed, I recalled that time - Spring came quietly and gently, and she brought two gifts. The first is the lingering spring rain. Where the spring rain falls, it is the scene of spring, vitality, and recovery of everything; The second one is the gentle spring breeze, which sweeps through the branches and sends out green buds; Where the spring wind passes, there is a green sea, a green world. In a beautiful and warm spring, we plan to go to the seaside with some close relatives to relax and let the unhappy things go away! It's just a matter of my mind, because I wanted to go to the seaside for a long time, but I haven't had time. However, now I have time, so I can take this opportunity to go to the seaside. Because others say that the sea is blue, the same color as the sky, and the sea is also beautiful. Everything on the beach is so beautiful, and there are many shells and starfish, Pearl and so on. Maybe others like pearls or something, but I don't like pearls. I like shells, because shells can be hung as decorations, which is simple. When we got to the beach, we took off our shoes, walked on the soft beach, took a piece of clean cloth, and spread it on the beach. Mother and them sat there to play, while I went to play with my cousins. We stood on a big stone. The water here was deep, which should be quite deep for me. When I was careless, my feet slipped, and the whole person jumped into the water. The first reflection was nervousness. I was nervous and moved wildly. So I drank a few mouthfuls of sea water, and my cousin took me out with one hand. When I breathed the air, my nose became sour and I cried. Since then, my mother has kept me away from water.

This time I fell into the water, I knew that we should not do anything carelessly, let alone casually; Don't be nervous when you encounter something, because if you are nervous, you will mess up and do nothing successfully