Comments on the movie "Sniper"
The night wind comes
2023-06-20 00:00:56

I like "Sniper" very much, because it looks at the big picture from the small picture. There are fewer than 20 people scattered on the vast and extremely cold snowfield, and they can smell bloody. The plot's priorities are comparable to foreign war movies. The snipers set up their long guns as if they were swordsmen in the Jianghu. Two enemy soldiers fought against each other, set traps, and threw bait at each other. Looking at the past, it was very cold. At the sound of the shot, blood spilled into the snow and soil. The death of a shot was like a bright red plum on the body. The victory and defeat of life and death were announced. I caught a glimpse of the shadow of Wuxia shining sideways in the snow against the sun.

The martial arts are exciting, but one can never defeat the torrent of steel and the galloping of thousands of horses alone. Just in time, the historical background of the Cold Gun and Cold Gun Movement provided an image of the soil for the battle between the masters. The masters of both sides were equipped with unique skills and were not equal to each other. After several rounds of fighting, the "junior brother" who survived under the protection of all people realized the rapid growth of mental skills at the last moment, and then launched a Jedi counterattack. The story naturally took on the color of martial arts.

No matter how many swordsman colors, war movies are always war movies. Zhang Yimou's ability to shoot films is unquestionable. He knows how to mobilize the emotions of the audience, let romance grow with the heroic sacrifice of barbarism, and intersperse literary dramas between life and death. He also does not need to arrange too much gunpowder. As long as every shot of a sniper is gripping, every moment of death can become precious.

It's easy for both sides to feel tired when they fight each other across the air. It's really scary to let a dying soldier lie in the middle of the snowfield waiting for rescue. It's even more stressful to send a Korean boy to walk around in ignorance. The soldier on the verge of death has a secret, which is also a McGovern type existence. The US army mistakenly thought that he was an ordinary stretcher soldier and threw him as bait. But it was too late to discover that he had important information; The volunteer army knew that he was a scout and might be carrying important information, so it gave a dead order to get people back; When they came to the team where the protagonist was, they saw not only information, but a close comrade in arms, a specific living person. In order to save this person, they were willing to pay for all their lives. As for what the information itself was, it was not important for the audience. What was important was to focus on the dying scout, What amazing action will the two sides take to start a tug of war? The story naturally extends.

The Sniper is not perfect. Although Zhang Yimou tries his best to restrain emotional expression and avoid stereotyping, he is still suspected of abusing music to incite emotions. Every time he successfully kills the enemy, he will also persistently show poor bullet flying effects, not to mention the hard plot transition before the tank battle. As the saying goes, "Big sound, big elephant" is invisible. I would rather the whole movie be free of background music, special effect bullets and narration. Let's open our hands to make the story more cold, let the gun sound more cold, let the wind with ice and snow purely hit the hearts of the audience, and this' 90 minutes' will also be more refreshing.