Comments on the inspirational film Call Me First
Jungle red maple
2023-10-31 05:04:07

Last night, I watched the movie "Call Me First" with my parents. Look, I have pondered for a long time.

The main character in the film, whose name is Brad, suffers from Tourette syndrome (the nervous system will send some information to the brain wrongly, resulting in the mouth and neck will often twitch uncontrollably and make various noises). At school, he was always pushed aside and laughed at. Finally, with the help of the headmaster, it was slowly accepted by the students. After growing up, he went through a lot of hardships. After 24 interviews, he failed. He still tried again with hope, and finally succeeded. Finally, he found a job as a primary school teacher. He was very successful in teaching and won the award of excellent teachers in the whole state.

From the film, we can see Brad's strong, persistent and brave. Although Brad hesitated when encountering difficulties, he did not give up, but chose to stick to it because he believed that his dream would come true one day. Many people around us, including me, are afraid to face, persist, and result when they encounter a little setback, and they often choose to give up. His strong perseverance is really worth learning.

He also had a great mother, who constantly supported him, helped him and encouraged him in the dark from childhood to adulthood. When my father thought Brad was hopeless and wanted to give him up, my mother firmly believed that my son could be cured. My mother has been looking through the medical materials, hoping that there is a way to save his son, but still can't find it. This is the greatness of maternal love! Dad also slowly understood him later, but he didn't know how to express love, which almost led to the aggravation of the relationship between father and son. Maybe the way my father expresses his love is different from my mother's! Later, the father went to his son's school to help repair the bookcase, which eased the relationship between them. Brad felt that his father loved him too.

The film uses flashback, interlude and narration to describe Brad's life. It is as inspiring as the film Forrest Gump I have seen before. Brad and Forrest have similar experiences. They both have a great mother.

My father said that there was an Indian film My Hiccup Teacher with the same plot. So I also want to see My Hiccup Teacher.

I found that there are only six reasons for their happiness in these films: "Persistence is victory". No matter you are normal or disabled, don't care about the eyes of others. Don't let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams.