Composition of tooth extraction (17 compilations)
The way of not being confused
2024-05-05 03:30:46

Composition of tooth extraction (1)

I clearly remember that when I was in the third grade, I had a "tooth monarch and minister" with strong vitality - tooth decay, which could make me very worried! So, I decided to use my "four strategies for tooth extraction".

Hand extraction of strong teeth

I can't eat because of the decay. I use the simplest method - hand extraction of strong teeth. I firmly grasp the decayed tooth with my hands and pull it out! Pull! It's killing me! It hurt so much that I had to cover my mouth! But the decayed teeth are still as stable as a mountain. I can only give up.

Long wire broach

I won't give up easily. I found a thin and long thread to put on the decayed tooth. Tie the other end to a nail on the corner of the table and pull it hard. oh It hurts! Spit out a mouthful of blood, alas! Its strong vitality really makes people laugh and cry.

Apple stickiness

I can only use the ultimate killing skill. I felt around and saw an apple in the refrigerator. I swallowed some water and thought I would let you go! I picked up the apple and bit it hard. Hmm It hurts. I quickly picked up the mirror and looked around. My tears ran down in pain.

Ask a doctor for help

When my parents came over and saw that I was worried, they asked me what was wrong. I told them everything. They all laughed at me and said, "Go straight to the hospital! Little fool." How could I forget the dentist? I immediately took my parents and rushed to the hospital. I saw that the doctor gave me an anesthetic, and it was solved.

This is my experience of tooth extraction!

Composition of Tooth Extraction (2)

This morning, it was sunny and sunny. People were excited about the good weather, but I was not excited because I wanted to have my tooth pulled out. Here's the thing: when I was having dinner this morning, the old strong tooth suddenly wanted to "strike". "If the teeth are not pulled out as soon as possible, it will affect the growth of permanent teeth." After listening to my father's words, my mother quickly took me to the dentist.

When I arrived at the dental department, I saw the doctor coming with a terrible tooth extraction tool, and I began to contradict myself. I had to pull it out, but it was very painful. It was obviously not good to not pull it out. My mother seemed to see through my mind, so she tried every way to encourage me. With her encouragement, I finally sat on the "scary" seat nervously. The doctor began to pull out my tooth. My heart was as nervous as a rabbit, waiting for the "end". I heard the sound of the crack and my tooth fell off, but I didn't feel the pain yet! The tooth extraction didn't hurt at all.

Although this tooth has been replaced, there will still be teeth to be replaced after a period of time. When can you replace the teeth? But I'm not afraid anymore.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (3)

"Sobbing, I won't pull it out, I won't pull it out!" My little hand tried to cover my little mouth, and my little hand struggled to get rid of my father's big hand.

"No, I must pull out your baby tooth today!" Dad finally can't stand it anymore. Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, and last week, I vowed to pull out that tooth in front of him. But a month later, a new tooth has been naughty squeezed out beside the baby tooth in front of the door. The baby tooth is still staring at it, I don't mean to cheat. I also want to pull out that disgusting baby tooth, but I'm afraid when I think about it, wuwu

"Let me have a look at my teeth first. I won't pull them out, OK?" Dad pressed his anger.

"No, I'm not!" I know Dad always "doesn't keep his word", so I'm not fooled.

"Open your mouth quickly!" My father didn't know how much water he had taken and how many cups of boiled water he had drunk didn't convince me. He finally lost his patience and now he has to be tough. I saw him open his feet and clamp my little body like a door plank, making me unable to move. Then a big hand reached out and angrily broke my mouth. I used my milk strength to swing my body like a small fish, and attacked my father with both hands. After three or seven or twenty one rounds, my father was "defeated" by me, ha, He called his grandparents to "support".

When my grandparents heard the sound, one hugged me to coax me, the other "seduced" me with snacks. Finally, when I was helpless, I "surrendered". Grandpa said that the traditional method of tooth extraction was to find a one meter long cotton thread, which tied my tooth at one end and pulled it off at the other. He said that as soon as I "sneezed", the tooth would fall off immediately. My heart is like a little white rabbit jumping "all the way". How can I cooperate with them? But they put on a fight to the teeth formation, which makes me so nervous, As a result, I sneezed a lot. The cotton thread either broke or could not pull off my teeth. The pain made me cry and sniffle. Half of my teeth were too deep in the flesh, so I would not let them pull them out

Finally, my father used the "killer weapon" to call my mother. My mother knew me best. She smiled and took me to another room. She told me a lot of truth in a soft voice, which made me exhausted at the moment. Slowly, I calmed down. Finally, my mother said, "Honey, do you see how hard my mother's teeth are?" When I saw my mother's front teeth, yes, there was a tooth growing next to the tooth. "When I was a child, my mother grew such ugly teeth because she didn't listen to my grandmother and grandfather. How ugly, isn't it?" I nodded my head with a "um" sound, and my mother said, "Well, let's go to the dentist's aunt last time to pull it out. That's the aunt you know! You can't run away like a coward this time! "

The next day, my mother took me to the dentist's aunt to pull out the tooth. It really didn't hurt at all. The dentist's aunt pulled out the baby tooth with forceps in just one second. I should have listened to my parents earlier if I had known this, either let them pull it out or go to the dentist's aunt, I don't have to suffer so much. This is my first experience of tooth extraction. If my baby tooth is going to fall out in the future, I will ask my parents to take me to the dentist's aunt to pull it out earlier. Otherwise, another tooth will grow next to me. How ugly it is. I hope our children in Class 17 of Longxia Experimental Primary School will do the same. We must be good obedient children, Take out your baby teeth early when they are about to fall out

Composition of Tooth Extraction (4)

There is an old saying in China that "toothache is not a disease, but it is deadly". The power of toothache is obvious only in this sentence, but I didn't expect that this sentence would come true in me.

Half a year ago, I found that the big tooth was loose, but before it fell out, the small tooth in it unexpectedly appeared disobediently. Although it doesn't hurt, I still can't get rid of the life of tooth extraction.

This matter has been put off again and again. The small tooth grows up day by day, but the big tooth refuses to fall down, forming a picture of "one country with two teeth". And because the teeth can't stand the pressure, they begin to fight back - pain. I can't help it. I have to leave it to my fate to have my teeth extracted.

As soon as I thought of taking anesthetics, I "pretended to die" in the past, but finally my father "dragged" me into dentistry. Although I was reluctant, I still had to go. At the beginning, "people's mouths were short, and people's hands were soft". I took a big bag of snacks from my father, and now I'm not good at it. Alas, I didn't expect to become like this now, otherwise I wouldn't be so "stupid".

Lying on the treatment bed, I couldn't open my eyes because of the strong light. The doctor shook the tooth with a "clamp", ah! It didn't hurt at all. Then the doctor said, "Oh, it seems that I don't need to take anesthetic injections." Hearing this sentence, I felt as if I had taken a reassuring pill. Hoo, finally relieved. Later, the doctor poured a large bottle of anesthetic into my mouth. After a while, I didn't feel (just my mouth). The doctor was lucky, ha! That hateful tooth has become a permanent "souvenir". Whew, I finally came down. Damn teeth, you've done me a disservice!

Perhaps, tooth extraction is not terrible, but your mind. You always think of pain, pain, it will really be that way, and if you think of happy things, then it will hurt? Calm down and be yourself.

Grade 6 of Linshu Experimental Primary School: all the way up to the north

Composition of Tooth Extraction (5)

On Sunday, I'm going to have my tooth extracted. Because the Hengzi in it is about to grow up, he will go to have his teeth extracted.

My mother and I came to the dental hospital. I walked to the hospital trembling. Mother smiled and said, "You should have courage. It doesn't hurt to pull out a tooth."

I sat down on the seat and opened my mouth wide. The dentist came to me with a tooth extraction tool. I cried to the dentist and said, "Can you be a little stronger?" The dentist smiled at me and said, "Yes, but a little stronger." I nodded and began to pull out the tooth. When the dentist pulled out my teeth, I cried loudly: Ah! There was a lot of blood. The dentist gave me cotton and stuck it in my mouth where the blood was bleeding. On my way home, I cried and wiped my tears. Do not drink water after tooth extraction.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (6)

I have a new tooth. The trouble is that the old tooth won't fall out. Mother said: "There is no way, but to pull it out."

My mother asked me if I was afraid. To tell her the truth, I was afraid. However, I was afraid that my mother would worry, so I said to her, "It's OK, just pull out a tooth. What's to be afraid of?" My mother took me to Xiaobaiyang Dental. Because there were so many people, I had to wait for a while, so I sat there and looked around. Suddenly, my mother called me, "Yuanyuan, come and see! There are many beautiful small fish here." I found there was a big fish tank, in which many small fish were swimming happily. Looking at these small fish, my heart is not so nervous.

Finally, it's my turn. My heart jumped to my throat again. The doctor uncle looked at it and said, "It's no big deal. First, put some anesthetic." When the anesthetic was put into his mouth, a strange smell came to his nose. It was really uncomfortable. Before I knew it, my uncle doctor took a sharp hook and scratched it in my mouth. The small tooth fell off. Then he took out two cotton balls and let me bite them in my mouth. The tooth extraction is over. Alas, it made me worry for nothing.

The doctor's uncle told my mother some precautions, and my mother and I went home. Through this tooth extraction, I understand that some things are not difficult until I do them myself.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (7)

Childhood time flows into my heart like flowing water; Childhood is like flowing water, gone forever

Recalling the innocence and childishness of my childhood, I couldn't help laughing.

It was a snowy morning. My mother accidentally found that I had a tooth "tottering" and tried to "pull" it off, but it was "motionless". When my mother got angry, she simply called me up and asked me to have my tooth extracted. Maybe I was too curious when I was a child. I thought it was a fun "game", so I quickly put on my clothes and stood there waiting for my mother to take me. After everything is sorted out, we will "go" (because what is waiting for me behind will be a poor fate, but not mother).

When I got to the hospital, I stepped into the hall of "Death". Hearing the "peep" sound of the electric drill, seeing a lot of "disgusting, slimy things" (actually water) coming out of the patient's mouth, and feeling the child's "sad" cry, I could not help but take a breath of cool air, and my good hope was dashed. Fortunately, there are many patients in it. It's not my turn for a while. As the time went by, I was "dumbfounded". Suddenly, a "thunder like" cry woke me up, "Pan Jiaying children come here!". My mother pulled me over, but I still held on to my mother's pants. My mother forced me to "move" to the doctor, who opened my mouth and looked at me carefully for a while. As soon as the "big pliers" touched my teeth, I cried loudly.

After the tooth extraction, my mother touched my head and said to me earnestly, "Foolish child, tooth extraction is not terrible, mainly because you are too nervous. Next time you just relax, you will not feel very painful."

But I didn't understand the truth. I cried out, "Oh, no, there is another time!"

Composition of Tooth Extraction (8)

I have changed eight teeth now. Every time I change my teeth, I always remember the scene of my first tooth change.

I remember when I was six years old, one of my teeth began to shake. I was so nervous that I ran to ask my parents, but they happily said: "You are going to change your teeth! It proves that you are going to grow up!" It is a good thing to change your teeth!

Since then, I have to look at the mirror every day and shake it, hoping that it will fall soon, so that I will grow up

However, after a long time, the loose teeth seem to be joking with me, and the iron heart won't fall off, maybe I don't want to leave its home! Finally one day, after looking at me for a while, my mother said, "It seems that it's not easy to let this tooth fall off by itself. Why don't you go to the hospital and ask the doctor to pull it out?" "Extract the tooth? I won't go!" "It's OK. If the tooth falls off, you will grow up!"

With the encouragement of my mother, I came to the hospital with fear. The doctor in the white coat asked me to open my mouth, apply yellow liquid medicine on my loose tooth, clamp the tooth with a clamp, and lift it up, and the tooth fell steadily into the doctor's hands. Although the time of tooth extraction was very short, I showed my teeth and tears came out involuntarily. In fact, it was not tears of pain, but tears of fear. After listening to the doctor's explanation, I learned that my lost tooth is a baby tooth, which has no root. The tooth extraction is very simple and won't hurt very much. In addition, I can eat ice cream to relieve the pain half an hour later. After seeing the ice cream of Haagen Dazs bought by my mother, I began to think that tooth extraction was a good thing!

When I got home, I found a big hole in my mouth. It turned out that it was a hole left after tooth extraction. It was so funny!

Although the tooth extraction is a bit painful, it also means that I have grown up! hey!

Composition of Tooth Extraction (9)

Today, I went to the hospital with my father. I went to pull out one of my teeth that was going to fall, and my father went to remove the stitches.

We arrived at the hospital at 9 o'clock. There were already a lot of people here. We had to wait in line in the hall to register. It was very hot, and it was even hotter when there were too many people. Dad brought his file bag to me to fan. We waited about half an hour before it was our turn to register. I was in the department of stomatology, and my father was in the department of orthopedics. After hanging up the number, my father said: Can you go to the stomatology department on the third floor alone? I'll go to the fourth floor. To be honest, I really don't want to go, but I still said: OK, so you want to come to me? Dad said: OK. He also said that I was brave today. So I went to the stomatology department on the third floor, and my father went to the orthopedics department on the fourth floor.

I gave the card to the nurse aunt on the third floor. She took the card, helped me swipe it on the card machine and told me that your number was 43. And told me to wait in the waiting area. I had to wait there. While waiting here, I was thinking: I don't know how Dad is doing. Do you want me to help?

I don't know how long it took, but it came out on the radio: Please go to Room 3 for treatment on No. 43 ####. I still thought that my father should come. I looked at the stairs down the fourth floor, but I didn't see my father. Alas! I had no choice but to go by myself. I came to Room 3 and saw a male doctor in a white coat sitting inside. He asked me to lie down on a couch and asked me: What's wrong? I said: tooth extraction. I pointed to the tooth that was going to fall out. He took a tooth extraction tool and asked me to open my mouth. Suddenly, I felt the pain of an ant bite in my mouth, and I saw my bloody tooth on the tool used by the doctor. He stuffed a cotton ball into the place where my tooth had just been extracted and asked me if I wanted that tooth. I shook my head. So the tooth was pulled out.

I ran upstairs to find my father. He was not well yet. When my father saw me, he asked, "Have you pulled out your tooth?"? I pointed to my mouth and nodded. I waited for my father to disconnect the cable and then we went home.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (10)

September 3, 20xx Saturday Weather: sunny

I remember when I was eight years old, my teeth were loose, like a small tree that had been hit by a typhoon. It was very awkward to eat, so I decided to have my teeth extracted.

My father took me to the hospital. The doctor was wearing a white coat, a mask, a spotlight on his head, and a pair of pliers waving in front of me. I was so frightened that I thought, "The pliers are used to pull out nails. Is it possible to use them to pull out my teeth?" I ran off the chair and hid behind my father. My father and the doctor were worried and came to persuade me, I was persuaded.

I had the courage and trembling to re sit on the chair, but I was still afraid of the big pliers, so I had to close my eyes and open my mouth, as if a disaster was imminent. However, before I could feel the pain, the doctor said, "OK." He took a handful of cotton balls and put them between his teeth.

The doctor touched my big head and said, "You are great!" Dad picked me up and said happily, "You are so brave!" I also gave a thumbs up and said, "Uncle doctor, you are really an expert in tooth extraction!"

Composition of Tooth Extraction (11)

I don't know when I started a war with my teeth. The baby teeth haven't lost yet, but new teeth have already grown. In order to completely eliminate the attack of teeth, after much consideration, I still summon the courage to pull out teeth.

Although it was just after nine o'clock, the hospital was already crowded. I followed my mother through the crowded crowd and squeezed into the dental clinic on the second floor. Walking into the door, I saw many patients. It seems that there are many people who suffer from the scourge of teeth! I slowly put down my medical record card and sat down on the chair to rest. As time went by, the number of people queuing did not decrease. I was bored and began to wander in place. There are still many people. Come and have a seat. Mother was quite at ease.

At last, I couldn't bear it and went forward to watch the battle. The prisoner was a little boy. Just now, he blinked innocently and lovingly, but when the devil waved his tweezers and approached, two lines of tears could not stop gushing out, and the sound of crying echoed in the consulting room. Dentists are not obsessed with war. The little boy has been taken away, but the crying voice has always reverberated in my mind, making me worried about myself.

Looking back, I'll be right there. I was surprised: How time flies! The whole heart was pounding, as if the end of the world was near. The time old man must have intended to joke with me, and moved the time ten times faster! Next! A clear voice woke me from the abyss of fear. I still stood stupidly at a loss, and finally hesitated for a long time and slowly stepped forward. This is a young doctor with short hair and a white coat, which is far from the evil mother in the fairy tale. What's wrong, little friend? Hello, doctor! His baby teeth haven't lost yet, and new ones have grown! Look at what's going on. Mom is rushing to answer. She opened my mouth with a tool and tentatively examined my teeth. It's not loose. It seems that I listen carefully.

Looks like an anesthetic! what! My mood at the moment should only be understood by the flies on the cobweb, but ah! In a twinkling of an eye, the anesthesia needle has reached into my mouth. I was powerless to resist, and let the sharp needle pierce four deep needles around my two teeth, and the pain was spreading rapidly. Before I had any chance to breathe, the huge tweezers began to demolish violently. I closed my eyes and frowned. Perhaps the anesthesia needle has not yet taken effect, and severe pain is full of the mouth. With a piercing pain, a tooth successfully fell off. I am like an old man who is old and seriously ill. I straighten up with difficulty and spit out a mouthful of blood. The dentist picked up a ball of cotton and put it into his mouth to stop bleeding, and immediately began to destroy another tooth. I tried to endure the pain without making a sound, and the doctor would not give me any chance to resist. In the pig like scream, the second tooth was successfully removed.

I lay limply on the chair, my mouth full of the disgusting smell of narcotics. I could not speak out, but secretly congratulated myself on getting through the danger.

I didn't wake up until I stepped out of the hospital and saw the sun. How soft the genial spring wind blows over the face shining in the sun! I even foolishly thought that I would never see the sun again, but I didn't know that everything outside was so beautiful. Sunshine always sings happy songs after the rain, and I set foot on the broad and flat road.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (12)

This afternoon, my soon to be "laid-off" tooth was torturing me again, and my mother decided to take me to have my tooth extracted.

When I talked about tooth extraction, I couldn't help thinking of the cold knife and pliers. I shivered, and then asked my mother timidly: "Mom, does tooth extraction hurt?" "After applying the anesthetic, it doesn't hurt at all." My mother said.

My mother took me to the dentist, and the one who pulled out my tooth was an aunt who was kind and purposeful. She gently opened her teeth with a pair of pliers and said to me, "The new teeth have grown so big that I need to pull out the baby teeth as soon as possible." Then the aunt brought some anesthetic and cotton balls and let me lie down on the chair.

She first applied a little anesthetic to me, and then tugged hard on my tooth to be pulled out. "Does it hurt?" "No," I replied. I closed my eyes and waited for the tooth extraction. The pliers and knife moved a few times in my mouth. After a while, my mother called me up. "What are you doing with your eyes closed after all the teeth are pulled out?" I got up and took a look at the mirror, and the tooth was indeed pulled out. But in my heart, I was a little confused: why doesn't it hurt at all. My mother said to me, "How can it hurt when you have anesthetic?"

With this experience, the tooth extraction was not as terrible as I thought. In life, there are many things that are not terrible, but the key is to see how you treat them. composition

Composition of Tooth Extraction (13)

One of my baby teeth is loose. Alas, it's time to have another tooth pulled out.

Count, this is the eighth tooth. My mother asked me to solve the problem on my own. She said, "You should have this tooth pulled out earlier because a new tooth will grow out." When I recalled the first tooth pulled out, my mother took me to the dentist to pull it out. Now I don't need to go to the dentist to have my tooth pulled out, because I can pull it out myself. Do you think I'm brave?

After lunch, my mother went to take a nap. I sat there, pressed and pulled up, left and right, and finally got it off. I rinsed my mouth with water to remove the blood. Then I put that tooth into the tooth storage jar, where all the teeth I pulled out were stored.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (14)

At the age of tooth replacement, other children's teeth naturally fall off. But for me, one of my teeth just can't fall down. According to the doctor, this is a sick tooth that needs to be pulled out.

It was a Sunday afternoon. I reluctantly followed my mother to the hospital. I followed my mother nervously and fearfully, and walked slowly towards the hospital with heavy legs. When I got to the hospital, I was even more afraid. How I wish we could come to the hospital later, and the distance would be longer!

When I came to the department of stomatology, I saw a lot of people inside. I calmed down a little and relaxed a little, but my palm still broke into a cold sweat. When the stomatologist called me, my heart started to jump up again and slowly walked to the recliner. As soon as I lay down, the doctor took a small syringe and sprayed liquid medicine around my mouth. I thought: Why did I spray medicine before I started to pull it out? I was so sad that I immediately sat up from the recliner and said wrongly, "Ouch! Why is it so sad that I haven't pulled it out? If I do pull it out, I don't know how it hurts!" The doctor listened to this, and quickly smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, little friend, pulling a tooth doesn't hurt at all. You are brave children." I listened to the doctor, I felt as if I had taken a "reassuring pill", and I felt more secure.

Finally, the tooth extraction began. When I saw the small clip, hammer and other tools, I trembled with fear and quickly closed my eyes. The doctor first tried to shake my tooth gently with a small clip, which made me scream with pain. Just heard the doctor say to me in a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, little friend, it will be all right at once." After saying that, he gently pulled up. Suddenly, I heard a "creak" in the plate. The tooth finally pulled out, and my suspended heart finally recovered its peace.

I walked out of the hospital and breathed a sigh of relief. Only when I tried it myself did I know that some things in life were not what we imagined. Difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong. If you are strong, they will be weak.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (15)

Dental extraction diary

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Sunny

Today is a bad day. When I thought that my mother would take me to have my teeth extracted, I felt miserable because what I wanted to pull out was molars growing inside. What's more, I had to pull out two molars at a time! I begged my mother with a sad face more than once: "Can you not pull it out? I will shake it loose and let it fall off by itself!......" "No!" My mother resolutely refused me and warned me severely: "If you don't pull it out now, your new teeth will grow crooked and will be painful in the future." No matter how soft and hard I am, my mother refused. I had no choice but to ask the teacher for leave and go to the hospital with my mother to have a tooth extracted.

When I got to the hospital, my mother was registering in the outpatient department, and I felt my legs were heavy like lead. Lying on the console, I heard the cry of my brothers and sisters next door. At this time, my palms were sweating cold, dried and popped out again. But I knew there was no way out now. "Children, open your mouth and let your aunt have a look." A voice broke my mind. I had to force myself to open my mouth. "The left tooth is a bit firm and needs to be drugged." Just as her voice fell, a nurse aunt quickly handed the prepared anesthetic. I watched nervously as my aunt sprayed a little on the ceiling, then put a needle into my left upper jaw and injected half of the anesthetic. Suddenly, I felt the pain in my mouth, and tears almost came out. My aunt pulled out the needle tube again, and put another needle in the place not far from the point where the needle was just inserted, and injected all the remaining anesthetic. Then, the doctor's aunt took out a pair of pliers, and first extended it to the loose tooth on the right. I was about to say "Be gentle", but before I could say the first word, the aunt had taken out the pliers from my mouth, and then extended the pliers to the left one, and in a blink of an eye, it was taken out again. At this time, I didn't even feel any pain, so I asked strangely, "Is this done?!" "Yes, come on, bite the cotton ball, don't talk, and spit it out in about twenty minutes". With that, my aunt had put a cotton ball in the place of my original two teeth, and then went to the next patient to extract his teeth.

This tooth extraction experience told me that I know the depth of the river personally, and I know the sweetness and sourness of pears personally. If you haven't tried, don't jump to conclusions.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (16)

Today, my tooth somehow began to shake slightly. I don't care about this tooth. But when I took a packet of soda biscuits to eat, I bit. Ouch, my. The toothache was terrible, and the shaking was even worse. I bit again. Ah, it hurt even more. I had to stop eating, but it was wasteful. I endured the pain and ate up the soda biscuits. I shook my teeth again with my hand. It hurt. After a while, I felt a smell of blood. I looked in the mirror, ah, my teeth were bleeding. I quickly wiped them with paper. I just wanted to do my homework, but a smell of blood came again. I was determined to pull out my teeth. When my mother came home from work, I told her that one of her teeth was going to fall out. She looked at it and asked me to bear it and go to the hospital tomorrow. It's time for dinner. I watch the dinner. I can't help but endure the pain. When I finished eating, I went back to my room to do my homework, and my tooth bled again. Alas, I hated this tooth, and it bullied me so much. I was so cruel that I had to pull it out. I pulled it hard, but it was pulled out by me. Looking at this bloody tooth, I felt proud.

I found that tooth extraction was not difficult, as long as we overcame fear.

Composition of Tooth Extraction (17)

Tooth extraction

One of my front teeth has been very loose, but it has not lost. My mother said that she would take me to the hospital to have a tooth extracted today.

My heart was a little afraid, and I walked into the dentistry with fear. I saw a lot of tooth extraction tools there. There was an old man lying on a chair. The doctor held a strange thing with a button on it. When he pressed the button, it turned. The old man's teeth were crooked, But it is very neat after grinding. It's amazing!

It was my turn. The doctor gave me a numbing injection first. After the injection, my mouth was like a big bag. After a while, the doctor pulled like a pair of scissors, and my tooth was pulled out!

Tooth extraction is not terrible, just a little courage!