Talk about enjoying the sunshine in winter (34 sentences)
Listen to the wind in the rain
2023-06-08 23:21:39
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Weekend at home for two days, happy and not too good. I still have to go out for a stroll and bask in the sun. It's a bit popular.

2. It's too cold. It's too cold. Why isn't it snowing so cold? Why is it so sunny and windy? It's impossible to bask in the sun.

3. Now the only thing that makes me happy is to open the air conditioner to bask in the sun in summer and the heater to bask in the sun in winter.

4. You are the sun, I am the sea, you give me light, I can start silver waves.

5. Sitting on the balcony, while basking in the sun, while reading, it is very comfortable.

6. I am reading, baby is listening to music, cat is basking in the sun and living in the present, which is the best state.

7. I am basking in the blue sky and warm sun on the roof.

8. Go to the roof and exercise in the sun. After the synthesis of chlorophyll, the whole person's waist will not be sore or painful.

9. The sun! You use your sunshine to warm our hearts! Bring us a little warmth! The sun! You shine on everything with your sunshine! Bring a happy life to nature!

10. I really want to go out to bask in the sun. Maybe if I get tanned, no one will call me an idiot.

11. The sun had just risen to the top of the mountain, and was set off by the bright red dawn. The sun shone down from the cracks in the clouds, like countless giant dragons spitting golden waterfalls.

12. The sun is being entwined by thin clouds, emitting a light dazzling white light.

13. Ma Ma said that sunbathing can supplement calcium. I told her that I could sunbathing on the moon at night had the same effect.

14. I still can't figure out how this man went to the roof, not to bask in the sun.

15. Life, sunflower, you face the sun, enjoy the sun; Without the sun, there is no light.

16. Sitting on the roof with a computer, I listened to the rumbling sound of planes flying by while basking in the sun at the office.

17. The sun flashed red smiling faces, making the hazy campus suddenly lift the curtain.

18. Afternoon is the most pleasant time of the day. It's good to bask in the sun and blow the breeze.

19. Don't cry, don't drink, don't blow the breeze and don't contact again. Laugh, sing, bask in the sun and be more independent.

20. Mood is like clothes. If it is dirty, you can take it to wash and bask in the sun, and then everything will become beautiful.

21. If there is an afterlife, I will be a quilt, either lying in bed or basking in the sun.

22. Did the old man sitting in the sun behind the sculpture steal my youth.

23. They call me the sun, and you yearn for freedom. If you think of me in the future, please go out to bask in the sun and let me embrace you.

24. The sun shows its red face in the morning glow. Suddenly, thousands of golden lights paint the water with a layer of rouge through the treetops.

25. Sometimes I want to be a cat, so that I can eat, drink and bask in the sun every day. By the way, I will pester you!

26. When the red sun shines on the mountain peak, the fog opens like a curtain, and the city gradually appears in the golden sun.

27. There is always a group of people in the space, enjoying the scenery and food. I can only enjoy the sunshine.

28. The sun that just got up is full of energy and red light, shining the whole world brightly.

29. It's very cold outside, but the sun is very good. I hold a kettle and sit by the window of the office to bask in the sun, drink hot water, watch the scenery and provide for the elderly.

30. It's really comfortable to open the curtains beside the bed and be warmed by the sun. I like to bask in the sun.

31. Life is a pile of trivial things, life is a chicken feather, life is also a bundle of sunshine, and the joy of a silly dog wearing diapers to bask in the sun.

32. I hope to have a bright French window to bask in the sun every day.

33. The sun is really warm in winter. I like to bask in the sun in winter.

34. It is better to find a person to accompany you in the sun than in the rain.